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  1. The main thread for all of my sound design mod projects for Skyrim! The aim of my collection is to target the creature sounds in the game, giving players a compact, easy upgrade to the creature sounds in the game. Since all of my mods only replace the original audio files as opposed to adding new audio files via the Creation Kit, they will work seamlessly both in the Legendary Edition and in the Special Edition of Skyrim, since the audio file paths are identical. Nevertheless, I will provide download links to both versions. Needless to say, I'm open to feedback and requests, and I'll gladly hear out what fellow gamers and modders have to say. Legendary Edition: Special Edition:
  2. Mrkelangelo96

    Dragon Sound Overhaul

    Version 1.0.0


    Dragon Sound Overhaul To be perfectly frank, I was never a fan of most of the vanilla dragon roars. They kept reusing the same old elephant sounds that you hear in every single film released after the 90s, and it felt neither imposing, nor unique. This was rather jarring, considering the dragons are a massive part of Skyrim and the largest and most menacing creatures in the game. Therefore, I resolved to use my sound design skills to rectify this issue. What does this mod entail? It's a complete redesign of all dragon vocalizations in the game. Foley and firebreathing sounds are not included, but depending on my interest, or more importantly, the community's, I might add my own takes on such sounds in a future version! Used various sounds from sound effects libraries to create a unique set of sounds: no copyrighted material here! Sourced from various animals (big cats, bears, pigs, alligators, non-generic elephants and even birds like geese and cockatoos) and a few known monster sounds. If you still need convincing, here's a small taste of what the mod has to offer! Hope you like it enough to use it in your game! Stay tuned for more creature sound overhauls!
  3. Mrkelangelo96

    Dragon Sound Overhaul (SSE)

    Version 1.0.0


    Dragon Sound Overhaul To be perfectly frank, I was never a fan of most of the vanilla dragon roars. They kept reusing the same old elephant sounds that you hear in every single film released after the 90s, and it felt neither imposing, nor unique. This was rather jarring, considering the dragons are a massive part of Skyrim and the largest and most menacing creatures in the game. Therefore, I resolved to use my sound design skills to rectify this issue. What does this mod entail? It's a complete redesign of all dragon vocalizations in the game. Foley and firebreathing sounds are not included, but depending on my interest, or more importantly, the community's, I might add my own takes on such sounds in a future version! Used various sounds from sound effects libraries to create a unique set of sounds: no copyrighted material here! Sourced from various animals (big cats, bears, pigs, alligators, non-generic elephants and even birds like geese and cockatoos) and a few known monster sounds. If you still need convincing, here's a small taste of what the mod has to offer! Hope you like it enough to use it in your game! Stay tuned for more creature sound overhauls!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    The desire to get rich can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Are you ready to be tested in Penumbra experiment? New quest with full English translation and many fixes from me. Created by Lonely Traveler Translated by TrickyTrack00 This mod was originally created and uploaded back in 2014 by Lonely Traveler. Don't expect references to The Penumbra series because this quest has little to no connections to this franchise. Penumbra games were more like an original inspirational idea for creator, so they have similarities only in "dark mood" and, well, "underground facility". Even though, this quest looked very promising and unique, it had dozens of bugs, one of which "softlocked" many users before even finishing first part of the quest. So now, after almost 9 years, I fixed many minor and big issues and translated this decent quest to English language. So, you know the deal, right? WHAT TO EXPECT .................................................................................. 1) New unmarked quest which consists of two "formal" parts: first - "key/notes" gameplay structure, second - maze type dungeon with big rewards and huge enemies; 2) Potential new player house in Canterbury Commons; 3) Around 1,5-2 hours to complete quest; 4) Custom ambient/horror soundtrack in the Penumbra facility; 5) In second part of this quest there are several optional "challenges" in the facility, so don't hesitate to explore and check all available doors and containers; 6) No PuceMoose's style of puzzles, trust me; 7) One new weapon type as a main reward for this challenge; HOW TO INSTALL .................................................................................. Original creator left full permissions to modify and re-upload his quest, so you'll only need files from this page. Also if you'll stuck in the first "key/notes" part or just really hate this kind of gameplay structure, in main archive you can find optional translated walkthrough. It contains step by step guide for the first part of the quest (before entering Penumbra facility). 1) Place the .esp and other folders in the Data directory of the game 2) Activate the dom ESP file and run the game. HOW TO START .................................................................................. You need to find first note near the Vault 101 door (interior location, not exterior!). You can find screenshot of this note in the "Images" section of this page. Also this mod is balanced for mid-game players, you will need at least 50 - Science and Lockpick skills. Minimum player character level for balanced experience in combat stages - 15. Don't bring companions in The Penumbra Facility after first part of the quest. BUGS AND CONFLICTS .................................................................................. WHY REMASTER?? I fixed all "game breaking" bugs and minor issues that I found in my 3 play-testing playthroughs (changes in values, weight adjustments, names, enemies placement, incorrect damage and HP configurations, put notes in more proper and accessible places and so on). So this quest is absolutely playable from start to finish, but you can expect some small bugs like floating notes and clutter sometimes. Also original creator forgot to put first note in separate Vault 101 entrance interior (which player will visit after "Trouble on the Homefront" quest, yes, in the game files there are 2 of them), so you could've only find it if this vanilla quest didn't already started. Now you can start this quest whenever you want. But the main point in this "Remaster" was to fix "softlock" bug which prevented many "original version" players from entering Tom's House location. So in my version I made a separate access hatch to finally get in this location without any problems. So, please, follow my translated walkthrough for more details. CREDITS .................................................................................. My deepest gratitude to Lonely Traveler for creating this quest mod. All rights and praises only to original modder. Original Mod Page
  5. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    "Bloody Safari" is ready for new hunters to test their skills! But there is a chance that you can become a prey yourself... Another Mod-Tec team quest with full English translation. Created by Mod-Tec Team Translated by TrickyTrack00 Another English translation of pretty decent mod from Russian Mod-Tec team, which was only published in original language on other mods websites. After 14 years from the initial release, you can experience this little hidden gem with translated and adapted version. German version by Blankenese can be found here WHAT TO EXPECT .................................................................................. 1) New dungeon type quest with large amount of Wasteland creatures; (prepare yourself, really) 2) At least 30-60 minutes to complete all objectives; 3) Little easter-eggs from original creators; 4) Different choices in the end of the quest; HOW TO INSTALL .................................................................................. You don't need any additional files, just use .esp file from this page. 1) Download file and place .esp file in Data folder; 2) Activate in any mod manager; HOW TO START .................................................................................. The quest starts automatically, you will receive pop-up message with information about new entertainment business in the "Bloody Safari Ranch" near Springfield. Don't bring any followers with you, they can break scripts. Don't forget your best weapons and stimpacks, you'll need them. BUGS AND CONFLICTS .................................................................................. I didn't touch any technical side of the mod and it wasn't my goal in the first place. This mod is absolutely playable from start to finish and shouldn't conflict with any mod that doesn't change worldspace near Springfield location. CREDITS .................................................................................. My deepest gratitude to Mod-Tec team (Sergey_Ros, Khashidius) for making this decent mod quest and all praises should go to them. I'm only trying to revive thier legacy and help foreign audience experience their projects.
  6. TrickyTrack00

    Oasis - Lost World English Version

    Version 1.0.0


    Explore new big area within Oasis region. Very small English translation for very beautiful new location. Created by killer Translated by TrickyTrack00 This mod was created and uploaded by killer back in 2012. There isn't any new quest or dungeon content, so this time I made a very little translation of some names/objects/clutter. But my main goal was to highlight this beautifully well-crafted location on Nexus. So, as always: WHAT TO EXPECT .................................................................................. 1) Around 25-30 minutes to explore new big area within Oasis cell; 2) Dozens of enemies to eliminate; 3) Trully abandoned landscape (very similar in mood and style to Collapsed DC project); 4) Great opportunity for nice screenshots; HOW TO INSTALL .................................................................................. Since I couldn't reach original creator about translation permissions, I will delete this file by his request (if he will contact me). 1) Place the .esp in the Data directory of the game; 2) Activate 8622_____ ESP file and run the game. HOW TO START .................................................................................. You need to find new passage within Oasis "worldspace". Just turn right after entering vanilla cell. Also mod balanced for 10-15 level players. BUGS AND CONFLICTS .................................................................................. No bugs, conflicts or game breaking problems were encountered in my play-testing sessions. CREDITS .................................................................................. All rights and praises to original creator - killer. I just wanted to translate and share his creation with bigger audience. Again, I will immediately remove this file if killer will contact me about this issue. Original Mod Page
  7. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Different take on Eyebot as new companion for your playthrough. Now with English translation. Created by MaxwellDemon Translated by TrickyTrack00 This mod was created and uploaded by MaxwellDemon back in 2016. And since he left full permissions to upload and modify his project, I decided to share this mod with foreign community of Fallout 3. WHAT TO EXPECT ................................................................................. 1) New way of interacting with vanilla Enclave Eyebots by "recruiting" them as companions (work like vanilla Dogmeat, so they won't limit your slots for other companions); 2) By completing short quest you will get all necessary information on how to get Enhanced Eyebot versions; 3) Now they have different style of combat and following tactics which you can choose (for example, they can follow you in stealth mode, use plasma and laser attacks and etc.); 4) To successfully hack and unlock Enhanced Eyebots, you need at least Science skill - 50 to attempt hacking (also your Luck will be important in random chance calculations in script); 5) If you have low Science skill or it was low random chance, Eyebot will explode; HOW TO INSTALL .................................................................................. Again, as already stated, original author left full permissions for his project, so you won't need anything else. 1) Download archive and put all files in Data folder; 2) Activate ModRobot.esp with any mod manager. HOW TO START .................................................................................. This mod was actually intended for new playthrough, but you can use it even in mid-playthrough but BEFORE beating Enclave, so that you can find vanilla Enclave Eyebots. After activating mod you'll receive new message and quest which will introduce you to new mechanics. BUGS AND CONFLICTS .................................................................................. Should be compatible with pretty much any other mod list which didn't alter Enclave Eyebots scripts. Also I should mention that if you use famous Rebuild The Capital mod and finished new quests, you won't get a chance to find spawn of vanilla Enclave Eyebots. They will be replaced by new BoS Eyebots. CREDITS .................................................................................. My deepest gratitude to MaxwellDemon for mod. All rights and praises only to original creator. Original Mod Page
  8. Version 1.0.0


    New little player house near Primm with minimal amount of containers and stuff for very poor wastelander. Created by TrickyTrack00 Originally I created this mod in Russian version back in 2018. So, after many years I decided to make translated version because maybe someone, like me, prefer much more practical small player house location than other projects from modding community of Fallout: New Vegas. WHAT TO EXPECT ........................................................ You can find a small underground house near Primm (a new marker will appear on the map). Requires medium lockpick skill. One bed, safe, two ammo boxes, three closets and two boxes for your little things. Also there's a little backstory to uncover, nothing too special and just enough to make a small background story for location. HOW TO INSTALL .......................................... Just as usual, put .esp file in Data folder.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    New quests, radio station, perks, crafting and resurrected Canterbury Commons. Now with English translation. This mod was originally created by Mogila (mogalkov_i). I have already translated his other quest mod "Grand Construction", so you can expect more mechanics and features from his previous project. Again I couldn't contact original creator for details because he didn't visit Nexus since 2009. WARNING! Some content of this mod may be rough and inappropriate for some players. I did not change or rewrite original jokes and dialogue lines, but only made a complete and the most accurate manual translation. Please write any complaints to the original author of the project. WHAT TO EXPECT .................................................................................. 1) New scripted and unmarked quests in Canterbury Commons (around 2 hours to finish all activities): Open new bar, help drug dealers, steal Enclave vertibird, find new genetic "clone" lab and much more; 2) Great improvements in Canterbury Commons landscape (new features and places will be available while completing different tasks in town); 3) New radio station "String Accordions"; 4) 30 crafting recipes in your new player house in Canterbury Commons; 5) 9 Special Implants which will work like optional perks; 6) Fully-functional Virtual Reality Simulator; 7) New weapons and outfits; 8) Unlockable option to buy slaves; 9) "Easter eggs" and references to pop-culture included... HOW TO INSTALL (YOU NEED ORIGINAL FILES FROM THIS PAGE) .................................................................................. 1) Download archive from original mod page; 2) Use my translated .esp file to replace original .esp; 3) Activate 1stKenterberyUpgrade.esp with any preferable mod manager; 4) Done! HOW TO START .................................................................................. You need to visit Canterbury Commons and find new "Restored House". Talk with "Spare Parts" bot, he will ask you to deal with new "bad neighbors" there. After that you have 2 options: You can immediately kill "neighbors" OR talk with their leader. If you choose to work for them, you will unlock main quests of this mod. By eliminating all "neighbors" you will only get new house, but other quests, features and "restoration" of Canterbury Commons will be locked for you. Choose wisely. BUGS AND CONFLICTS .................................................................................. This mod brings major changes to Canterbury Commons, so most of the other "Canterbury overhauls/quests/redesigns" and etc won't be compatible or will cause CtDs. I can't test all of them. As for technical issues, original mod has "4 deleted navmeshes which can not be undeleted", so you were warned. CREDITS .................................................................................. My deepest gratitude to mogalkov_i (MogIlA) for making this quest/player house mod. I'm only trying to revive this project for foregin audience by providing actual translation. All rights and praises to original creator
  10. TrickyTrack00

    Summer Effect English Version

    Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Decide the fate of a mysterious girl and uncover the secret of a familiar organization. Finally with full English translation. This mod was originally created and uploaded by stalker992 back in 2010. 13 years later I contacted him and received full permission to translate and upload this decent quest. EffectSummerEPPatch.7z - Optional Patch by Mojodajojo. If you have constant CtDs - try it out! (you will still need main files and put patch UNDERNEATH main plugin in your load order!) WHAT TO EXPECT .................................................................................. 1) 1 new side quest (around 1-1,5 hours to complete all objectives); 2) Different endings and at least 2 options in every dialogue for "good" and "evil" playthrough; 3) New armor and weapon types; 4) Option to get new unique companion with good amount of dialogue lines (one of the available endings); 5) By using speech checks you can skip some parts of the quest (it's your choice after all); 6) BONUS: I didn't cut original Russian voice lines. HOW TO INSTALL (Again, I got all permissions to upload main files, so you won't need anything else) .................................................................................. 1) Download archive and put all files in Data folder (select "Replace" if it's necessary); 2) Activate EffectSummer.esp with any mod manager: Also you can find translated ReadMe file in the main archive. If you will stuck in "one particular part" of the quest, you can find hints in ReadMeENG. HOW TO START .................................................................................. You need to visit Canterbury Commons and use "Wait" option (new NPC will find you). After that the quest will start automatically. Don't bring any followers in the "Maze" sequence, otherwise you may encounter problems. BUGS AND CONFLICTS .................................................................................. Should be compatible with pretty much any other mod list. This mod is absolutely playable from start to finish and shouldn't conflict with most popular quest mods. CREDITS .................................................................................. My deepest gratitude to stalker992 for giving me permission to revive this nice quest for foreign players. All rights and praises only to original modder. Original Mod Page
  11. Version 1.1

    1 download

    Over 1300 lines of dialogue, new caravan system, several new quests, new settlements. Old forgotten mod finally with full English translation. This translation was done with the help by Yu_schwarz's previous Russian version of this mod (which I used as a "starting point" for my English translation). Technically speaking, this time I made "translation of translation" of original mod since my knowledge and skills are limited only to Russian, Spanish and English. WHAT TO EXPECT ................................................................................. 1) New upgraded caravan system (join and protect travelers for caps and loot); 2) Around 3-4 hours to complete main and side quests (6 quests in total); 3) Several new weapon types and outfits; 4) Improved NPCs traveling system with random events (very customizable with many options for your preferences); 5) New big settlements with unique stories and landscape; 6) New bank system; 7) Optional recruitable companions; 8) Different endings and choices in main questline; HOW TO INSTALL (YOU NEED ORIGINAL MAIN FILES!) .................................................................................. This time I can only provide translation files for this mod. I know that website which was included in Living Wasteland original description doesn't work anymore, so you will have to find original files somewhere else. (Believe me, it's not that hard, just use Google) 1) Download original archive and put all files in Data folder; 2) Replace original .esp and .esm files with my translated version; HOW TO START .................................................................................. After activating Living Wasteland you will receive configuration tool in your Pip-Boy. Try to adjust settings for your playstyle. Then just try to find caravans and visit big cities. You'll understand how to start different side quests after that. BUGS AND CONFLICTS .................................................................................. Even though it is a massive new update for vanilla game, it should be compatible with most other big mods which didn't alter caravans. And you can use this mod even in your mid-playthrough. All quests are fully playable from start to finish without any critical bugs. CREDITS .................................................................................. My deepest gratitude to Yu_schwarz for giving me permission to use Russian translation as a foundation for my English version. Special thanks to fabalpet (Nuclear Modding) for creating original Living Wasteland modification. All rights and praises only to original creator! And I will delete this file by his request (if he will contact me). Original Mod Page
  12. Version 3.0.2


    WHAT THIS MOD DOES: This is my first attempt at changing world spaces in Fallout 4 for my survival play through. Since Drumlin Diner is one of the first merchant/vendor areas you come to (other than Trashcan Carla) This provides your character with a middle point between Corvega and Red Rocket to store your gear and get some rest. The workbenches are linked with a Power Armor, Weapons and Armor workbench all sharing storage. I have also added a second voiced Vendor "Rebecca" who will sell general goods (leveled to player) if Trudy gets killed or just as a second vendor at Drumlin Diner. I am constantly revising this mod for better performance and play ability, so send me those bugs and enjoy! SUGGESTED LOAD ORDER: RedRocketTV: For online tutorials on scripted light switches Seddon4494: Making me think through vague tutorials that I love to watch mcface and EbokianKnight: OC Decorator  dinozaurs: Do-It-Yourshelf CrayonKit - Collective Modding Family: CreativeClutter
  13. Arron Dominion

    Skooma Bear

    Version 1.0.0


    Mod Trailer Description: What is a Skooma Bear? Why it is a bear addicted to moon sugar that keeps calling moon sugar Skooma. Why do they call it Skooma and where do they come from? Find out! In this mod, you will meet Sniffs in the Bannered Mare. He is all depressed that he was kicked out of his den, and that his den mates stole his 'Skooma'. You quickly discover that the bears are much more than what they appear, and even get to fight their alpha. But where did they come from? After helping Sniffs out, he will agree to be your follower. Also at this time, you can ask him about where he comes from. Naturally he becomes defensive, but will eventually relent. From there you will be sent on a quest and will meet new characters, one of which can become a follower. The best part about these followers? You can request their assistance without worrying about Vilja, Xanthys, M.H.A.R.P.H.I.N., Serana, or any of the other followers you currently use. Sniffs offers a lot more options than the vanilla Skyrim follower system, and will follow and wait most anywhere. You can even set your favorite house and favorite inn for Sniffs to remember and wait in. The other follower, Faidalf, is quite typical in the high elf tradition of arrogance, and is one of the few at the College of Winterhold versed in the art of Mysticism. He refuses to do most of what Sniffs can do, but will do the basics. Faidalf will treat you differently depending on whether you are a member of the College or not, and whether you are the Arch-Mage. He will give you the opportunity to become involved with his latest research when you become(or currently are) the Arch-Mage. The new texts and dialogue are rooted in the lore found in previous Elder Scrolls games, while adding worthwhile content. It might be a richer experience for you if you have played previous Elder Scrolls games. If you have not, I highly recommend using USEP wiki as a companion. What is Added: -Added 'Skooma' Bear -Sniffs is a 'Skooma' Bear that can be a companion (fully voice acted) -Companion quest to unlock Sniffs (non-killable companion) -Custom companion system with normal follower functions included in this new system. -Another companion quest to discover Sniffs' origin. -Faidalf, a fully voiced high elf follower. -Faidalf has a non-marked quest for the arch-mage. -Faidalf's dialogue evolves depending on if you are not affiliated with the College, a member of the College, or the Arch-Mage. -A spell to summon Skooma Bears. The spell takes advantage of Conjuration perks, so you can conjure two at once. -Allows for other companions in use in addition to the new companions -A spell to call sniffs to you Changelog: V1: -Initial release Original Mod's Credits - CaptSpiffy - Beta Tester - Debo - Voice Acting - FreeFrag Network - Audacity - for Sound Recording/Editing - Windows Move Maker - for the trailer - Creation Kit Wiki - http://www.creationkit.com/Main_Page - as a scripting resource - Nexus Wiki Voice Acting guide - http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Voice_Acting:_A_Complete_Guide - Since I was being dumb with how I added new dialogue - TESVEdit - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/? - for cleaning my mod - Open Broadcaster Software - https://obsproject.com/ - Recording the videos to showcase the mod, and record footage for the trailer. - Youtuber John Windsor-Cunningham - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDVOOo7R31c - Video to voice coach for the high elf character. - USEP Wiki - http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page - Used as a reference for the lore references used in new dialogue and text. Special Edition Credits -VaultF4 - Support during Definitive Edition -Mentha - Help and support during Special Edition Work -Skinnytecboy - Witty support during recent development -Pyro's Asylum - Continued Support -T&T Mod Team - Support during Special Edition development -VS -Trailer Music: Roger Plexico - Chateau de Noisy - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Roger_Plexico/Where_The_Sidewalk_Ends/Roger_Plexico_-_Where_The_Sidewalk_Ends_-_06_Chateau_de_Noisy https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
  14. Darkgondul

    Armor Variants Expansion

    Version 1.0.0


    Description: Armor Variants Expansion aim to adjust and increase variety of armors on Skyrim, by add new armors custom models to some vanilla and usual armor category trying to be closest to the lore friendly definition. This is not a repleacer models mod, but it add new variants in the same way as the vanilla Skyrim original sets. All variants are complete of models for both genders and races, enchantments, world locations, level lists so NPCs, crafting and upgrade recipes as the vanilla game. More in details, for the moment add a new variants, complete and integrated, for: -Iron (helmet, cuirass, an heavy tower shield and a wooden one in light category for the hide variant). -Steel (two horned helmets, one simple, two armors with one new Padded variant and a Rounded shield). -Dwemer (helmet and cuirass). -Leather (helmet and cuirass). Plus it add two new almost endgame sets for alternate the unusual use by common high level hostile NPCs, such as bandits, of the Nordic Carved set and the Glass set; in particular: -Improved Steel Plate set (one helmet, one cuirass and gauntlets). This set is equiparable/similar to the Ebony set, so it will be craftable and upgradable with the Ebony Smithing perk. -Improved Scaled set (helmet and cuirass). This set is equiparable/similar to the Glass set, so it will be craftable and upgradable with the Glass Smithing perk. Future plans: Make more variants for other sets. Installation/Uninstallation: Use the Mod Manager. Credits: Niftools community with their NifSkope. Ousnius and Calientefor BodySlide and Outfit Studio. Bethesda for the game.
  15. Version 1.1.2


    Far Harbor Exploration Expanded Welcome back to Far Harbor! Far harbor has plenty of places to explore but I felt it was missing a few extras in some of the more sparcely populated areas and places to rest were even more scarce so I fixed it. This adds a player home in the harbor and another stash house on the other side of the island as well as several lot spots and several suprises. IMPORTANT: This mod includes my Better Far Harbor Information Center as an All In One (AIO) the form number did not change so you should be able to add this in its place (unconfirmed) but I still recommend a fresh game if you have been to Far Harbor. This mod does NOT break precombines so it is safe to use with BostonFPSFix and PRP (Loade before PRP). Enjoy
  16. Version 0.2


    This is an attempt at a re-compiled Legendary Edition version of wSkeever's mod, High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix. While I believe this has been compiled correctly, I make no promises that it will work the way it is supposed to, as it was built for Skyrim Special Edition. My modding experience with Skyrim is limited, so troubleshooting will likely not happen. This mod should be compatible with anything that doesn't modify the following file: highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle.pex For anyone wondering if my backport of wSkeever's mod is allowed, here is a screenshot of their mod permissions: All files provided in this mod have been ported over from their Skyrim Special Edition counterpart. To avoid any permissions issues with wSkeever's mod, all permissions will be restricted on this mod. Please defer to wSkeever's mod permissions if you would like to use any assets from that mod in your mod. Original (Slightly Modified) Description Background High Gate Ruins is a Nordic Ruin featuring a puzzle where the player pulls 4 levers in sequence to light 4 braziers. Once the 4 braziers are lit, a trap door opens, allowing you to proceed further into the dungeon. However, when the location resets, the door is reset and closes, but the puzzle will not reset and remains in a solved state, preventing you from opening the door again. This bug is detailed on UESP: This bug locks you out of the latter half of the dungeon, preventing you from accessing the boss container and completing radiant quests which use High Gate Ruins as the location. Description This mod fixes this bug by doing the following: OnReset is implemented to reset the puzzle when the dungeon resets If you don't want to wait that long. I've also set the puzzle to reset when you pull any of the levers after the puzzle is solved, allowing you to solve it again. No esp. Minor edits to existing USSEP script Installation/Uninstallation Install at any time Uninstall at any time Implementation Details Script edited is highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle "KillSwitch" function edited to allow puzzle reset even after it is solved: Added OnReset Event to reset the puzzle when the dungeon resets: FAQ Credits wSkeever for High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix I've also created a forum for this topic if you want to give any feedback.
  17. This is an attempt at a re-compiled Legendary Edition version of wSkeever's mod, High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix. While I believe this has been compiled correctly, I make no promises that it will work the way it is supposed to, as it was built for Skyrim Special Edition. My modding experience with Skyrim is limited, so troubleshooting will likely not happen. This mod should be compatible with anything that doesn't modify the following file: highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle.pex For anyone wondering if my backport of wSkeever's mod is allowed, here is a screenshot of their mod permissions: All files provided in this mod have been ported over from their Skyrim Special Edition counterpart. To avoid any permissions issues with wSkeever's mod, all permissions will be restricted on this mod. Please defer to wSkeever's mod permissions if you would like to use any assets from that mod in your mod. Original (Slightly Modified) Description Background High Gate Ruins is a Nordic Ruin featuring a puzzle where the player pulls 4 levers in sequence to light 4 braziers. Once the 4 braziers are lit, a trap door opens, allowing you to proceed further into the dungeon. However, when the location resets, the door is reset and closes, but the puzzle will not reset and remains in a solved state, preventing you from opening the door again. This bug is detailed on UESP: This bug locks you out of the latter half of the dungeon, preventing you from accessing the boss container and completing radiant quests which use High Gate Ruins as the location. Description This mod fixes this bug by doing the following: OnReset is implemented to reset the puzzle when the dungeon resets If you don't want to wait that long. I've also set the puzzle to reset when you pull any of the levers after the puzzle is solved, allowing you to solve it again. No esp. Minor edits to existing USSEP script Installation/Uninstallation Install at any time Uninstall at any time Implementation Details Script edited is highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle "KillSwitch" function edited to allow puzzle reset even after it is solved: FAQ Credits wSkeever for High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix Download Link
  18. Update: After reports of issues with Dragon Souls not being absorbed and personal testing of this mod, it appears recompiling the script in the original Creation Kit does not work. Please use Fixed Dragon Stalking Fix (Re-Upload) instead, it should work with the original Skyrim since it is only a script: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54625
  19. Arron Dominion

    Nessie - The Tale of 350

    Version 2.0.0


    Short Description: Need a little more adventure in your life? Do you want to know about the story of a Nord named Kenny, and how he was heckled by an Argonian named Nessie? Look no further! This mod offers a short quest in which an Argonian asks for 350 gold, and the player was warned by a Nord named Kenny. After the conclusion of your adventure, you can hear the tale from a traveling bard. And it all starts in Whiterun. Detailed Description: This mod is a lore-friendly parody mod based off of South Park's Lochness Monster joke. Playing the role of the Lochness Monster is an Argonian named Nessie. Nessie has been bugging a Nord named Kenny for 350 gold at every turn. It is now the player's turn to be harrassed. You start out near the well in Whiterun. You encounter Nessie for the first time in Whiterun. Where you see Nessie next depends on what cities you go to 24hrs+ after the first meeting. Eventually, depending on your decisions, you will fight Nessie. This fight can occur Features: -A quest -Some humor! -Your choices drive the quest's direction -Balanced boss fight for all levels -350 Gold -A traveling bard to tell your tale, with a random chance for where he will show up Bard's Schedule: Monday - Markarth Karthwasten Old Hroldan Rorikstead Tuesday - Dragon Bridge Solitude Inn Solitude Bard’s College Morthal Wednesday - Dawnstar Winterhold Thursday - Nightgate Inn Windhelm (one of two taverns) Kynesgrove Friday - Riften Ivarstead Shor’s Stone Saturday - Falkreath Sunday - Whiterun (one of two taverns) Riverwood Installation Instructions: -Find your Data folder -Place the files within the zip into your Data folder. Changelog: V1: -The initial release V2: -Updated NPC face textures Known Bugs: None at this time Known Quirks: -When you are near the Whiterun well for the first time, I highly recommend not having auto-run enabled. You will keep running without the ability to stop. -The cities will fight Nessie with you if you are their allies. There is a probable chance of some citizens being killed by Nessie depending on your time of day -You will have the blinking animation when you are outside in Tamriel or Solstheim. -Nessie can be large, so think about that when you are fighting Nessie Starring: Alex Cain - Nessie's Voice PyroToaster - Kenny's Voice Herr Yuri - Wolfgar's Voice DarkVirus - Mannril's Voice Crimson Phoenix - Crulek's Voice Credits: Audacity Windows Movie Maker Bethesda - Skyrim and Creation Kit jacobmathiassen - Male crying and weeping - https://www.freesound.org/people/jacobmathiassen/sounds/25 4869/ Bard Song Instrument Recording - http://www.jsayles.com/familypages/earlymusic.htm Trailer Music - http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/cinematic/2 Special Thanks: Skinnytecboy - Support Epoch Sanctum - Support, and Resources Armstrong Security Solutions - Support, Resources, and Voice Work Herr Yuri, Crimson Phoenix, DarkVirus, PyroToaster, and Alex Cain - For the Voice Work Phantastic Networks - Support on Re-Release Very Special Thanks - For the encouragement, and support during this mod's production: VS
  20. Arron Dominion

    Nessie - The Tale of 350

    Version 3.0.0


    Short Description: Need a little more adventure in your life? Do you want to know about the story of a Nord named Kenny, and how he was heckled by an Argonian named Nessie? Look no further! This mod offers a short quest in which an Argonian asks for 350 gold, and the player was warned by a Nord named Kenny. After the conclusion of your adventure, you can hear the tale from a traveling bard. And it all starts in Whiterun. Detailed Description: This mod is a lore-friendly parody mod based off of South Park's Lochness Monster joke. Playing the role of the Lochness Monster is an Argonian named Nessie. Nessie has been bugging a Nord named Kenny for 350 gold at every turn. It is now the player's turn to be harrassed. You start out near the well in Whiterun. You encounter Nessie for the first time in Whiterun. Where you see Nessie next depends on what cities you go to 24hrs+ after the first meeting. Eventually, depending on your decisions, you will fight Nessie. This fight can occur Features: -A quest -Some humor! -Your choices drive the quest's direction -Balanced boss fight for all levels -350 Gold -A traveling bard to tell your tale, with a random chance for where he will show up Bard's Schedule: Monday - Markarth Karthwasten Old Hroldan Rorikstead Tuesday - Dragon Bridge Solitude Inn Solitude Bard’s College Morthal Wednesday - Dawnstar Winterhold Thursday - Nightgate Inn Windhelm (one of two taverns) Kynesgrove Friday - Riften Ivarstead Shor’s Stone Saturday - Falkreath Sunday - Whiterun (one of two taverns) Riverwood Installation Instructions: -Find your Data folder -Place the files within the zip into your Data folder. Changelog: V1: -The initial release V2: -Updated NPC face textures Known Bugs: None at this time Known Quirks: -When you are near the Whiterun well for the first time, I highly recommend not having auto-run enabled. You will keep running without the ability to stop. -The cities will fight Nessie with you if you are their allies. There is a probable chance of some citizens being killed by Nessie depending on your time of day -You will have the blinking animation when you are outside in Tamriel or Solstheim. -Nessie can be large, so think about that when you are fighting Nessie Starring: Alex Cain - Nessie's Voice PyroToaster - Kenny's Voice Herr Yuri - Wolfgar's Voice DarkVirus - Mannril's Voice Crimson Phoenix - Crulek's Voice Credits: Audacity Windows Movie Maker Bethesda - Skyrim and Creation Kit jacobmathiassen - Male crying and weeping - https://www.freesound.org/people/jacobmathiassen/sounds/25 4869/ Bard Song Instrument Recording - http://www.jsayles.com/familypages/earlymusic.htm Trailer Music - http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/cinematic/2 Special Thanks: Skinnytecboy - Support Epoch Sanctum - Support, and Resources Armstrong Security Solutions - Support, Resources, and Voice Work Herr Yuri, Crimson Phoenix, DarkVirus, PyroToaster, and Alex Cain - For the Voice Work Phantastic Networks - Support on Re-Release Very Special Thanks - For the encouragement, and support during this mod's production: VS
  21. Downloads AFK Mods download page Skyrim SE Nexus Bethesda.net XBox One port Description: Armor Variants Expansion aim to adjust and increase variety of armors on Skyrim, by add new armors custom models to some vanilla and usual armor category trying to be closest to the lore friendly definition. This is not a repleacer models mod, but it add new variants in the same way as the vanilla Skyrim original sets. All variants are complete of models for both genders and races, enchantments, world locations, level lists so NPCs, crafting and upgrade recipes as the vanilla game. More in details, for the moment add a new variants, complete and integrated, for: -Iron (helmet, cuirass, an heavy tower shield and a wooden one in light category for the hide variant). -Steel (two horned helmets, one simple, two armors with one new Padded variant and a Rounded shield). -Dwemer (helmet and cuirass). -Leather (helmet and cuirass). Plus it add two new almost endgame sets for alternate the unusual use by common high level hostile NPCs, such as bandits, of the Nordic Carved set and the Glass set; in particular: -Improved Steel Plate set (one helmet, one cuirass and gauntlets). This set is equiparable/similar to the Ebony set, so it will be craftable and upgradable with the Ebony Smithing perk. -Improved Scaled set (helmet and cuirass). This set is equiparable/similar to the Glass set, so it will be craftable and upgradable with the Glass Smithing perk. Further suggestions are always welcome!
  22. Hello to everyone, I'm needing help for beta testing my mod before the release. Long story short, the mod inject some armor variants, but the Level Lists has drive me crazy for two days and so I need someone who could help me to find incoherences and maybe some decent screenshots as well. Nothing of out of context, nothing of skimpy or overpowerd items.
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Skyrim Pizza - Survival Mode Edition by Arron Dominion Non Survival Mode Mod Trailer Tasty Skyrim mod adds Riverwood Pizza shop with 80 different combos, Survival Mode compatible - PC Gamer Review Short Description: Pizza is not as modern as one might think. Chef Turtle has moved to Riverwood and opened up Riverwood Pizza. He has shared his secret with the Dragonborn through books, and there are 80 different combinations that can be baked. Requirements: Creation Club Survival Mode Long Description: Pizza does not exist anywhere. It is seen as modern, but Chef Turtle has moved to Riverwood and has opened up Riverwood Pizza. He bakes in the morning and opens up from Noon to 8 pm every day to sell Pizza. Who knows how Chef Turtle discovered pizza. While Chef Turtle only sells the variants that are popular in Riverwood, he has shared much more with the Dovahkiin with three texts that you can buy from Chef Turtle, the Soul Cairn, or a chef that has set up shop in The Retching Netch. There are a total of 80 different combinations that one can bake . All that is required is the knowledge, retrieving the proper ingredients, and find an Oven. And in this version each will help you in managing your hunger for the Creation Club Survival Mode content. Below are the types of Pizza that can be baked: Pizza - tomatos(x2), flour, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile Dragonborn Lovers Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Milk, Cheese Wedge (first type), Potato, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper meat Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Goat Meat Frontier Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Netch Jelly, 1 Boar Meat Ash Hopping Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Falmer Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Charrus Egg, 1 Nightshade, 1 Frost Salts Maormer Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Slaughterfish Egg, 1 River Betty, 1 Salmon, 1 Void Salts Garlic Bread Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Garlic, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Flin Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Flin, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Matze Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Matze, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Shein Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Shein, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Sujamma Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Sujamma, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Soul Husk Pizza - tomatos(x2), soul husk, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile Dragonborn Lovers Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Arcanely Resistance Soul Husk Pizza - tomatos(x2), soul husk, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile, chicken egg, nirnroot, bleeding crown Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Pizza - Butter, Flour, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Potato, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Potato Bread Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Potato Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Butter, Flour, Garlic, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Garlic Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Flin Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Flin, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Flin Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Flin Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Matze Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Matze, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Matze Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Matze Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Shein Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Shein, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Shein Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Shein Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Sujamma, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Sujamma Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Soul Husk Pizza - Butter, Soul Husk, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Soul Husk Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Soul Husk, Moon Sugar, Skooma Blood Pie Pizza - tomatos(x2), flour, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile, potion of blood Blood Pie Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Milk, Cheese Wedge (first type), Potato, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2), potion of blood This is for those that are wandering in the wilderness and require variety in their packed meals. Enjoy your pizza! Installation Instructions: -Find your Skyrim Special Edition folder -Find the Data folder -Place the contents of the zip within the Data folder -Launch Skyrim Special Editions and go to mods -Find ajd_pizzaandpizzeria_survival_sse_pc.esp -Enable the mod -Enjoy! Compatible With: -Immersive Citizens -Imps More Complex Needs -Wayshrines of Tamriel Known Compatibility Issues: -JK's Riverwood - Must be loaded before JK's Riverwood. Some of the assets from JK's Riverwood are in the same spot as Riverwood Pizza. It will be a little time before a JK's Riverwood version can be done. Changelog: v1 - Initial Release Credits: Bethesda - Creation Kit and Bethesda.net GJ Knutsen - Original mod concept Huntress - Assistance with GIMP and Pizza Sign Critique Meatstakk, FoxyC, Crimson Phoenix, DoomSgt, PyroToaster - Pizza Texture Critique Pizza Texture - https://pixabay.com/en/pizza-food-fast-tomato-dinner-1547254/ Sign Wood Texture - http://www.benkyoustudio.com/Textures/TexturesWood/ Special Thanks: Skinnytecboy Epoch Sanctum Armstrong Security Solutions Huntress VS
  24. Arron Dominion

    Skyrim Pizza

    Version 2.0.0


    Mod Trailer Short Description: Pizza is not as modern as one might think. Chef Turtle has moved to Riverwood and opened up Riverwood Pizza. He has shared his secret with the Dragonborn through books, and there are 80 different combinations that can be baked. Long Description: Pizza does not exist anywhere. It is seen as modern, but Chef Turtle has moved to Riverwood and has opened up Riverwood Pizza. He bakes in the morning, and opens up from Noon to 8 pm every day to sell Pizza. Who knows how Chef Turtle discovered pizza. While Chef Turtle only sells the variants that are popular in Riverwood, he has shared much more with the Dovahkiin with three texts that you can buy from Chef Turtle, the Soul Cairn, or a chef that has setup shop in The Retching Netch. There are a total of 80 different combinations that one can bake. All that is required is the knowledge, retrieving the proper ingredients, and find an Oven. Below are the types of Pizza that can be baked: Pizza - tomatos(x2), flour, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile Dragonborn Lovers Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Milk, Cheese Wedge (first type), Potato, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper meat Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Goat Meat Frontier Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Netch Jelly, 1 Boar Meat Ash Hopping Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Falmer Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Charrus Egg, 1 Nightshade, 1 Frost Salts Maormer Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Slaughterfish Egg, 1 River Betty, 1 Salmon, 1 Void Salts Garlic Bread Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Garlic, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Flin Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Flin, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Matze Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Matze, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Shein Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Shein, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Sujamma Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Sujamma, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Soul Husk Pizza - tomatos(x2), soul husk, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile Dragonborn Lovers Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Arcanely Resistance Soul Husk Pizza - tomatos(x2), soul husk, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile, chicken egg, nirnroot, bleeding crown Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Pizza - Butter, Flour, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Potato, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Potato Bread Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Potato Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Butter, Flour, Garlic, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Garlic Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Flin Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Flin, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Flin Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Flin Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Matze Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Matze, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Matze Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Matze Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Shein Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Shein, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Shein Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Shein Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Sujamma, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Sujamma Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Soul Husk Pizza - Butter, Soul Husk, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Soul Husk Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Soul Husk, Moon Sugar, Skooma Blood Pie Pizza - tomatos(x2), flour, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile, potion of blood Blood Pie Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Milk, Cheese Wedge (first type), Potato, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2), potion of blood This is for those that are wandering in the wilderness and require variety in their packed meals. Enjoy your pizza! Installation Instructions: -Find your Skyrim Special Edition folder -Find the Data folder -Place the contents of the zip within the Data folder -Launch Skyrim Special Editions and go to mods -Find ajd_pizzaandpizzeria_sse_pc.esp -Enable the mod -Enjoy! Compatible With: -Immersive Citizens -Imps More Complex Needs -Wayshrines of Tamriel Known Compatibility Issues: -JK's Riverwood - Must be loaded before JK's Riverwood. Some of the assets from JK's Riverwood are in the same spot as Riverwood Pizza. It will be a little time before a JK's Riverwood version can be done. Changelog: v1 - Initial Release v2 - Fixed Riverwood Navmesh. Wayshrines of Tamriel is now compatible. Credits: Bethesda - Creation Kit and Bethesda.net GJ Knutsen - Original mod concept Huntress - Assistance with GIMP and Pizza Sign Critique Meatstakk, FoxyC, Crimson Phoenix, DoomSgt, PyroToaster - Pizza Texture Critique Pizza Texture - https://pixabay.com/en/pizza-food-fast-tomato-dinner-1547254/ Sign Wood Texture - http://www.benkyoustudio.com/Textures/TexturesWood/ Trailer Credits: PowerPoint Windows Movie Maker Microsoft - For their logo and trademarks "Double Violin Concerto 1st Movement – J.S. Bach" (freemusicpublicdomain.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Special Thanks: Skinnytecboy Epoch Sanctum Armstrong Security Solutions Huntress VS
  25. Arron Dominion

    Skooma Bear - Definitive Edition

    Version 2.0.0


    Requirements: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn Recommended Level and Equipment: Level 15+ Be sure to keep healing potions or spells with you. Description: What is a Skooma Bear? Why it is a bear addicted to moon sugar that keeps calling moon sugar Skooma. Why do they call it Skooma and where do they come from? Find out! In this mod, you will meet Sniffs in the Bannered Mare. He is all depressed that he was kicked out of his den, and that his den mates stole his 'Skooma'. You quickly discover that the bears are much more than what they appear, and even get to fight their alpha. But where did they come from? After helping Sniffs out, he will agree to be your follower. Also at this time, you can ask him about where he comes from. Naturally, he becomes defensive, but will eventually relent. From there you will be sent on a quest and will meet new characters, one of which can become a follower. The best part about these followers? You can request their assistance without worrying about Vilja, Serana, or any of the other followers you currently use. Sniffs offers a lot more options than the vanilla Skyrim follower system and will follow and wait most anywhere. You can even set your favorite house and favorite inn for Sniffs to remember and wait in. The other follower, Faidalf, is quite typical in the high elf tradition of arrogance and is one of the few at the College of Winterhold versed in the art of Mysticism. He refuses to do most of what Sniffs can do, but will do the basics. Faidalf will treat you differently depending on whether you are a member of the College or not, and whether you are the Arch-Mage. He will give you the opportunity to become involved with his latest research when you become(or currently are) the Arch-Mage. The new texts and dialogue are rooted in the lore found in previous Elder Scrolls games while adding worthwhile content. It might be a richer experience for you if you have played previous Elder Scrolls games. If you have not, I highly recommend using USEP wiki as a companion. What is added: -Added 'Skooma' Bear -Sniffs is a 'Skooma' Bear that can be a companion (fully voice acted) -Companion quest to unlock Sniffs (non-killable companion) -Custom companion system with normal follower functions included in this new system. -Another companion quest to discover Sniffs' origin. -Faidalf, a fully voiced high elf follower. -Faidalf has a non-marked quest for the arch-mage. -Faidalf's dialogue evolves depending on if you are not affiliated with the College, a member of the College, or the Arch-Mage. -A spell to summon Skooma Bears. The spell takes advantage of Conjuration perks, so you can conjure two at once. -Allows for other companions in use in addition to the new companions Changes from the old version: -Old content cleaned with TESVEdit -Old scripts recompiled to help with mod compatibility -Overhaul of the current Sniffs follower system -Overhauled the initial quest with Sniffs. -The Skooma Bears in the Den now drop Moon Sugar. -The Skooma Bear Lord now drops Moon SUgar and Potent Skooma -Added a quest to find insight in why Sniffs exists, and attempt to make the mod lore-friendly in the process -Adds a new character and follower to the College of Winterhold. His name is Faidalf, and has custom voice-over and immersion. -Add another character that is a Khajiit with custom voice-over. -Adds a Conjure Skooma Bear spell Original description: Ever wonder what a bear addicted to moon sugar would look like? Well, a group of bears that are addicted to it thinks it is skooma. One, in particular, made its way to Whiterun in The Bannered Mare and is wishing for assistance in retrieving his 'skooma'. This mod introduces the 'skooma' bear as a creature into the Skyrim universe. Also, a special one named Sniffs is your companion. This companion uses a custom system outside of the vanilla system, derived from the vanilla marriage mechanics. In other words, you can send him to one of your houses, to follow you, to go back to The Bannered Mare, or to stay put, without sacrificing your other favorite companion. Enjoy Known Issues: -Skooma Bears might become temporarily bugged in the dungeon. Make sure you keep some way to heal yourself handy if this happens. -Sniffs might not allow you to immediately hand over the Skooma Supply. Leaving the dungeon will fix this issue. Known Quirks: -The Khajiit voice-over might be a little silent and sound like whispering. I apologize, I am not a voice actor. -Some of the new Skooma bear dialogue is either repetitive or seems slightly out of place. This is due to the original voice actor not being available for this project. Additional Credits in the new edition: - Audacity - for Sound Recording/Editing - Windows Move Maker - for the trailer - Creation Kit Wiki - http://www.creationkit.com/Main_Page - as a scripting resource - Nexus Wiki Voice Acting guide - http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Voice_Acting:_A_Complete_Guide - Since I was being dumb with how I added new dialogue - TESVEdit - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/? - for cleaning my mod - Open Broadcaster Software - https://obsproject.com/ - Recording the videos to showcase the mod and record footage for the trailer. - Youtuber John Windsor-Cunningham - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDVOOo7R31c - Video to voice coach for the high elf character. - USEP Wiki - http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page - Used as a reference for the lore references used in new dialogue and text. Additional Credits from the Original Version: - CaptSpiffy - Beta Tester - Debo - Voice Acting - FreeFrag Network (www.freefrag.com) Collaboration Revision changes: VDefinitive v2: -Fixed spelling errors -Reduced Sniffs Volume -Properly setup the dialogue for sniffs -Reduced filesize by compressing voices -Fixed a rare issue with Jo'Uki triggering before Sniff's quest started VDefinitive: -Refer to the description above -Story Manager Event will work 100% of the time now. -Requires the DLCS now v1.5: -Added missing SEQ file for proper quest/dialogue actions. -Added missing script files. -Fixed any issues from 1.4. v1.4: -Fixed follower logic not working for all users. v1.3: -Increased follower distance to reduce bumping/pushing of player. Will still do so if too far away. v1.2: -Added missing voice file v1.1: -Removed the beta test spell which breaks all the things.
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