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Quests & Adventures

Quests and adventures.

7 files

  1. Island - Northern Territory English Version

    New Worldspace (98 interior cells), 1500 lines of dialogues, main story with 2 faction-based series of quests and endings, 9 side quests, new armor, weapons, enemies and etc.
    Hidden gem of Fallout 3 modding community finally with English translation.
    I received official permission from Stalker992 to make and publish translation of this global quest mod in August 2023. And since then, I have started, paused and returned to this project many times, rewriting and redoing a huge number of dialogues and notes over and over again.
    After 1.5 years, I am finally ready to present this translation to the general public in the foreign segment of Fallout 3 modding community.
    Most likely, this will be my last work on the "revival" and translation of mods for Fallout 3, which could have been forever "lost" in the empty void of the Web. But I am happy with the small contribution that I was able to make for this game, Fallout 3 fans and the creators of these mods themselves (some of whom, unfortunately, are no longer with us in this world). 

    If anyone is interested at all, I am not leaving Fallout modding scene, but now I will completely switch to creating my own mods and projects, possibly for other games and series. And the chapter in the story of my experience with Fallout 3 is slowly coming to the end.

    The original mod "Island - Northern Territory" was created, written and voiced by a group of talented people and was first published in 2010 only with Russian language (original mod page). And after 14 years, despite the presence of certain bugs and rough edges of this project, I recommend everyone to try it out. 

    Translated description for the original mod: Rumors of a mysterious organization have long circulated in the Capital Wasteland. Dr. Zimmer came from that place in search of an escaped android. From there come strangers whose intentions are unknown to mere mortals. What are they looking for in the Wasteland? And could our hero from Vault 101 imagine that he would be at the center of mysterious events?


    1) New worldspace with around 5-10 hours of new content (depending on your playstyle);

    2) 9 side quests and main storyline with 2 different story arcs (To see and experience all available content, I highly recommend to make additional save file right before travelling to Northern Territory!);

    3) New creatures, armor, weapons, models, items, furniture, factions and music in Northern Territory;

    4) 310 NPCs and over 1500 lines of dialogues;

    5)  Also you may encounter familiar faces and uncover story connections from Summer Effect mod which was also created by stalker992
    I know that many of you will be concerned about this topic and I completely understand you. Unfortunately, without going into details and spoilers, I must say that this mod slightly breaks the lore and plot points of Fallout 3 itself and completely rewrites the future events of Fallout 4 and everything related to the Institute (It’s worth reminding ourselves that the mod was released long before any announcement or hint at the plot of the upcoming Fallout 4)
    But despite this, I honestly want to recommend you to try this mod for yourself, since the dialogues and the story were written by fans of the original Fallout titles.
    For the same reason, I want to warn you that the structure of quests most often won't "hand-hold" you with direct pointers and markers (which is similar to the original games of this series). Pay attention to the dialogues and what NPCs tell you. Any clue or location mentioned may be useful in future quests. If you prefer to just run through locations, shoot at everything that moves (although there is plenty of this joy in the mod too) and click through every dialogue as quickly as possible, then most likely you will get confused and lost in the chain of events of the plot. 

    IMPROTANT NOTE:  All screenshots in the Images section were made in my build with other weather and "flora"-related mods (grass, trees, etc.). So your "Northern Territory" may look a little different.

    This time I can only provide translation files for this mod. You will have to find original files (music, movies, sound and main .bsa files) somewhere else.
    (Believe me, it's not that hard, just use Google) 

    1) Download original archives and put all files in Data folder;
    2) Replace original .esps and .esm files with my translated version;

    In this archive you will find two optional .esps and translated document for this mod (I highly recommend to check it out!)

    1) AmNpshair.esp - optional plugin that changes the hairstyles of female NPCs; 
    2) AmNohealthFix - optional plugin to remove annoying effects (which original mod added) when your character has low health (also highly recommended!)


    To start the main quest you need to visit Uncle Roe's house in Canterbury Commons and read one entry in his terminal.
    A screenshot of the terminal can be found in the Images section.

    Don't take your companions with you!
    Your character must have Very High Hacking and Lockpicking Skills!

    This mod has a lot of minor bugs and shortcomings, but during my test run, I completed the main quest and side quests without any problems.

    My deepest gratitude to Stalker992 for giving me permission to translate this enormous project.
    Also I want to mention everyone related to making original mod:  stalker992, AMD, Spalny Vagon, Gray95, divanov, A4081, Dr Hobbot, Darth Rewan, Murderdoll, Ivan, 1ancerN7, Arwen, бачай, Darth Rewan, Arwen, Murderdoll, Halfer
    All rights and praises only to these wondeful people!

    1 download



  2. In Search Of Vault 104 English Version

    Embark on a new journey in search of the mysterious Vault 104.
    Finally with English translation.
    Created by Jeka215
    Translated by TrickyTrack00
    This mod was originally created and uploaded by Jeka215 back in 2011. Original author left full permissions, so I decided it's high time to give this nice quest mod another chance to be noticed by a foreign audience. 

    1) 3 new interconnected quests that tell the story of Vault 104 (around 1-1,5 hours to complete all objectives);

    2) New vault for you to explore and uncover story behind another Vault-Tec experiment;

    3) Custom Vault 104 Jumpsuit;

    4) Optional system for preparing different dishes using more than 10 new recipes;

    5) Option to get new "creature" companion (don't want to spoil it);

    6) Intense combat sequences with dozens of feral ghouls;

    7) BONUS: I didn't cut original Russian voice lines of Katie. 

    Original creator left full permissions for this mod, so you'll only need files from this page.
    1) Place the .esm and other folders in the Data directory of the game 
    2) Activate Vault104 ESM file and run the game.

    Also you can find translated ReadMe file and OPTIONAL PLUGINS in the main archive:
    1) BobikHelp - This optional plugin adds the ability to give some of your equipment to Bobik's "storage" inventory;
    2) Hardcore -  This plugin will make the quest more difficult by replacing most of the ghouls in Vault 104 with a more dangerous type of ghoul; (Broken Steel DLC is required)
    3) KatyRebuild - This option radically changes Katie's appearance: she changes her face and hairstyle (included) and clothes (from The Pitt DLC). (The Pitt DLC is required)
    4) KatyReplace - In case you have already destroyed Megaton, this option will move Katie to Canterbury Commons.

    You need to find new NPC named Katie in Moriarty's Saloon in Megaton. She will ask you to help in finding any information about Vault 104. 
    Again, If you blew up Megaton, activate the optional plugin KatyReplace.
    The following 2nd and 3rd quests will activate automatically upon reaching a certain point in the story of this quest mod.

    No game breaking problems were encountered in my play-testing sessions.
    This mod has some "rough edges" in terms of editing some vanilla aspects. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to fix every small problem right now, but the quest itself is fully playable from start to finish.

    All rights and praises to original creator -  Jeka215.
    I just wanted to translate and share his creation with bigger audience.




  3. Penumbra English Version (Remastered)

    The desire to get rich can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Are you ready to be tested in Penumbra experiment?
    New quest with full English translation and many fixes from me.
    Created by Lonely Traveler
    Translated by TrickyTrack00
    This mod was originally created and uploaded back in 2014 by Lonely Traveler. Don't expect references to The Penumbra series because this quest has little to no connections to this franchise. Penumbra games were more like an original inspirational idea for creator, so they have similarities only in "dark mood" and, well, "underground facility".
    Even though, this quest looked very promising and unique, it had dozens of bugs, one of which "softlocked" many users before even finishing first part of the quest. So now, after almost 9 years, I fixed many minor and big issues and translated this decent quest to English language.
    So, you know the deal, right?


    1) New unmarked quest which consists of two "formal" parts: first - "key/notes" gameplay structure, second - maze type dungeon with big rewards and huge enemies;

    2) Potential new player house in Canterbury Commons;

    3) Around 1,5-2 hours to complete quest;

    4) Custom ambient/horror soundtrack in the Penumbra facility;

    5) In second part of this quest there are several optional "challenges" in the facility, so don't hesitate to explore and check all available doors and containers;

    6) No PuceMoose's style of puzzles, trust me;

    7) One new weapon type as a main reward for this challenge;

    Original creator left full permissions to modify and re-upload his quest, so you'll only need files from this page.
    Also if you'll stuck in the first "key/notes" part or just really hate this kind of gameplay structure, in main archive you can find optional translated walkthrough. It contains step by step guide for the first part of the quest (before entering Penumbra facility).

    1) Place the .esp and other folders in the Data directory of the game
    2) Activate the dom ESP file and run the game.

    You need to find first note near the Vault 101 door (interior location, not exterior!). You can find screenshot of this note in the "Images" section of this page.

    Also this mod is balanced for mid-game players, you will need at least 50 - Science and Lockpick skills. Minimum player character level for balanced experience in combat stages - 15.
    Don't bring companions in The Penumbra Facility after first part of the quest.

    I fixed all "game breaking" bugs and minor issues that I found in my 3 play-testing playthroughs (changes in values, weight adjustments, names, enemies placement, incorrect damage and HP configurations, put notes in more proper and accessible places and so on).
    So this quest is absolutely playable from start to finish, but you can expect some small bugs like floating notes and clutter sometimes.

    Also original creator forgot to put first note in separate Vault 101 entrance interior (which player will visit after "Trouble on the Homefront" quest, yes, in the game files there are 2 of them), so you could've only find it if this vanilla quest didn't already started. Now you can start this quest whenever you want.

    But the main point in this "Remaster" was to fix "softlock" bug which prevented many "original version" players from entering Tom's House location. So in my version I made a separate access hatch to finally get in this location without any problems. So, please, follow my translated walkthrough for more details.

    My deepest gratitude to Lonely Traveler for creating this quest mod.
    All rights and praises only to original modder.
    Original Mod Page




  4. While You Were Sleeping English Version

    "Bloody Safari" is ready for new hunters to test their skills! But there is a chance that you can become a prey yourself...
    Another Mod-Tec team quest with full English translation.
    Created by Mod-Tec Team
    Translated by TrickyTrack00
    Another English translation of pretty decent mod from Russian Mod-Tec team, which was only published in original language on other mods websites. After 14 years from the initial release, you can experience this little hidden gem with translated and adapted version.
    German version by Blankenese can be found here
    1) New dungeon type quest with large amount of Wasteland creatures; (prepare yourself, really)
    2) At least 30-60 minutes to complete all objectives;
    3) Little easter-eggs from original creators;
    4) Different choices in the end of the quest;
    You don't need any additional files, just use .esp file from this page.
    1) Download file and place .esp file in Data folder;
    2) Activate in any mod manager;
    The quest starts automatically, you will receive pop-up message with information about new entertainment business in the "Bloody Safari Ranch" near Springfield.
    Don't bring any followers with you, they can break scripts.
    Don't forget your best weapons and stimpacks, you'll need them.
    I didn't touch any technical side of the mod and it wasn't my goal in the first place.
    This mod is absolutely playable from start to finish and shouldn't conflict with any mod that doesn't change worldspace near Springfield location.
    My deepest gratitude to Mod-Tec team (Sergey_Ros, Khashidius) for making this decent mod quest and all praises should go to them. I'm only trying to revive thier legacy and help foreign audience experience their projects.

    1 download



  5. Living Wasteland English Version

    Over 1300 lines of dialogue, new caravan system, several new quests, new settlements. Old forgotten mod finally with full English translation.
    This translation was done with the help by Yu_schwarz's previous Russian version of this mod (which I used as a "starting point" for my English translation).
    Technically speaking, this time I made "translation of translation" of original mod since my knowledge and skills are limited only to Russian, Spanish and English. 
    1) New upgraded caravan system (join and protect travelers for caps and loot); 
    2) Around 3-4 hours to complete main and side quests (6 quests in total);
    3) Several new weapon types and outfits;
    4) Improved NPCs traveling system with random events (very customizable with many options for your preferences); 
    5) New big settlements with unique stories and landscape;
    6) New bank system;
    7) Optional recruitable companions;
    8) Different endings and choices in main questline;

    This time I can only provide translation files for this mod.
    I know that website which was included in Living Wasteland original description doesn't work anymore, so you will have to find original files somewhere else.
    (Believe me, it's not that hard, just use Google) 
    1) Download original archive and put all files in Data folder;
    2) Replace original .esp and .esm files with my translated version;
    After activating Living Wasteland you will receive configuration tool in your Pip-Boy. Try to adjust settings for your playstyle.
    Then just try to find caravans and visit big cities. You'll understand how to start different side quests after that.
    Even though it is a massive new update for vanilla game, it should be compatible with most other big mods which didn't alter caravans.
    And you can use this mod even in your mid-playthrough.
    All quests are fully playable from start to finish without any critical bugs.
    My deepest gratitude to Yu_schwarz  for giving me permission to use Russian translation as a foundation for my English version.
    Special thanks to fabalpet (Nuclear Modding) for creating original Living Wasteland modification.
    All rights and praises only to original creator!
    And I will delete this file by his request (if he will contact me).
    Original Mod Page

    1 download



  6. Summer Effect English Version

    Decide the fate of a mysterious girl and uncover the secret of a familiar organization.
    Finally with full English translation.
    This mod was originally created and uploaded by stalker992 back in 2010. 13 years later I contacted him and received full permission to translate and upload this decent quest.
     EffectSummerEPPatch.7z - Optional Patch by Mojodajojo. If you have constant CtDs - try it out! (you will still need main files and put patch UNDERNEATH main plugin in your load order!)
    1) 1 new side quest (around 1-1,5 hours to complete all objectives);
    2) Different endings and at least 2 options in every dialogue for "good" and "evil" playthrough; 
    3) New armor and weapon types;
    4) Option to get new unique companion with good amount of dialogue lines (one of the available endings);
    5) By using speech checks you can skip some parts of the quest (it's your choice after all);
    6) BONUS: I didn't cut original Russian voice lines.
    HOW TO INSTALL (Again, I got all permissions to upload main files, so you won't need anything else)
    1) Download archive and put all files in Data folder (select "Replace" if it's necessary);
    2) Activate EffectSummer.esp with any mod manager:
    Also you can find translated ReadMe file in the main archive.
    If you will stuck in "one particular part" of the quest, you can find hints in ReadMeENG.
    You need to visit Canterbury Commons and use "Wait" option (new NPC will find you).
    After that the quest will start automatically.
    Don't bring any followers in the "Maze" sequence, otherwise you may encounter problems.
    Should be compatible with pretty much any other mod list.
    This mod is absolutely playable from start to finish and shouldn't conflict with most popular quest mods.
    My deepest gratitude to stalker992 for giving me permission to revive this nice quest for foreign players.
    All rights and praises only to original modder.
    Original Mod Page

    1 download



  7. Delay Alton IL (A Quest Delayer)

    Delays the start of the Alton, IL quest mod until you reach Fort Independence and hear the rumors. No more pop-up upon exiting Vault 101.
    I always wanted to play Alton, IL mod (let's call it an unofficial DLC), but it bothered me how it starts as soon as you leave the vault.
    Ten seconds into a new adventure and you're hearing rumors the Outcasts need a wastelander's help. WHO ARE THE OUTCASTS?? I know about Megaton and giant ants from the Overseer's computer, but how the hell did I hear a rumor about/from the BOS guys I haven't met yet?
    My mod aims to smooth the execution of Alton, IL by allowing the player to reach the Outcast BOS soldiers stationed at Fort Independence, where upon the pop-up message about a rumor will occur, and look much more believable than right outside 101.

    NOTE: Obviously this mod requires the Alton, IL expansion mod to function.




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