Quests & Adventures
Quests and adventures.
14 files
By JunksMods
"And Jesus asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." - Mark 5:9
Ever want to leave Skyrim behind and travel to the ole wild west? Throw on your cowboy hat, grab a bottle of whiskey and some jerky, and discover LEGION, a true, fully open-world, western town with a violent history.
An outlaw, by the name of "Junk" was said to have robbed the town bank in Junction. He ain't been heard from since. Find out what happened to him, and what has become of the dusty, ole town of LEGION.
There ain't no naked chicks, fluffy bunny rabbits, or vendors that are so happy you're there. I'm not gonna give spoilers here. Download it, play it, and keep yer britches on!
You will receive a Wanted Poster upon first installing this mod. Read it and keep it.
Collectible cards now being added. I will add them as I create them. In the end, there may be a quest to find 'em all.
*Please do not post spoilers in the comments section. Thank you.*
*READ the ReadMe file in the Data/Music/LegionMusic folder or you won't have any songs when operating the jukebox.
Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire are NOT needed and never will be.
None known.
Ray2NJ for just being plain ole awesome brother!
Arthmoor for this awesome site!
Bethesda for the base game, Creation Kit, and crappy engine
Cathedral Assets Optimizer
Wave Editor
All of you out there that take a moment to come back and say "Hey!"
You may NOT use any part from this mod for any purpose without written consent from myself (Junk @ JunksMods).
I am sharing this mod here exclusively at AFK Mods.
Do not upload this mod (or any of my mods for that matter) in part or in full to any other site. (That includes the Nexus that already stole my work.)
Remember, Jesus is watchin'! And so am I.......
Junk's Black Death
By JunksMods
My Creation Kit continues to crash while trying to open this plugin and make new edits. I have been trying everything to fix it. I believe it is due to so many custom meshes and 4K textures. This issue will not effect YOUR game in any way, shape or form, but is pissing me off 'cause I would like to continue with the mod. But for now.......
Save a small village in Scotland during the Great Plague of 1350 A.D.
A terrible pestilence is plaguing the land of Scotland in the year of our Lord, 1350. The "Black Death" has cost nearly seventy percent of the village folk their lives. Those that remain have barricaded themselves within their homes, too fearful to allow anyone to enter, too spiteful to care. The rats carry death in their bite and have overcome the village, apparently outnumbering the fleas which feed upon them and take their lives in unholy numbers. The fate of this once beautiful and noble land lies on the shoulders of one hero. Will you be that hero???
The quest will begin upon game-load and a courier will deliver you a letter. Read the letter to update your map. Travel by ship to Scotland.
Enjoy custom followers, new armor, weapons and more as you progress through the quest.
All custom meshes and textures for architecture, armor, weapons, pretty much everything!
*NOTE* A lever exists which will reset the entire land and the pestilence if you'd like to start the quest all over when finished.
I will be updating with more images and description in the future. I would also like to update the mod itself if I can get this F~(@!*& Creation Kit to cooperate!
Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire are NOT needed and never will be.
None known
Ray2NJ for just being plain ole awesome brother!
Arthmoor for this awesome site!
Bethesda for the base game, Creation Kit, and crappy engine
Cathedral Assets Optimizer
Wave Editor
All of you out there that take a moment to come back and say "Hey!"
You may NOT use any part from this mod for any purpose without written consent from myself (Junk @ JunksMods).
Do not upload this mod (or any of my mods for that matter) in part or in full to any other site. (That includes the Nexus that already stole my work.)
Remember, Jesus is watchin'! And so am I.......
Middle Earth - Path of the Hobbit
By JunksMods
I have completed "Middle Earth - Path of the Hobbit". (Really Ray2NJ! lol)
Unless something glaring or completely Middle-Earth-shattering pops up, this will be the final release.
This has been a thirteen-plus year project of mine and I have put all of myself into it.......and enjoyed MOST of it.
* * * * * * *
It's a dangerous business, going out your front door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.......
Adds my rendition of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth during the time and journey of the hobbit "Bilbo Baggins" to Skyrim.
This is for "Oldrim". No, I will not begin to try and port it to SE, XBOX, or any other combination of letters you can think of putting together; but hey, thanks for askin'!
This has been a ten-plus year project of mine and I have put all of myself into it.
Leave Skyrim behind and discover the path of the famous little Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. Journey through a beautifully and meticulously created Middle Earth from the Hobbit Hole Bag End to the Lonely Mountain of Smaug. Play as a dwarf or hobbit, if you choose, with custom clothing and armor to suit. Visit The Shire Bywater, Hobbiton, South Farthing and the North. Stop to rest and have a pint at the Inn of the Prancing Pony in the Village of Bree. Face the 3 Cave Trolls in Trollshaws and loot their Troll Hole. Learn how you can help Lord Elrond in Rivendell. Face an army of goblins and their tyrannical king in Goblin Town. Find Gollum's Cave and take the One Ring. Battle against the spiders and other creatures of Mirkwood Forest. Make your way to Rhosgobel, a shack protruding from a growing tree. Take an automated boat-ride to the Long Marshes and face the 3 Bog Witches. Discover the Woodland Realm (Halls of Thranduil). Barter a boat ride to Lake-Town, with its many diverse people, homes, inns, and shops. Encounter Lonely Mountain to face Smaug the magnificent within. And finally, choose sides and take part in the great Battle of the Five Armies.
Inspired by J.R.R.Tolkien's "The Hobbit", this is created from my own imagination, my own interpretation, not Peter Jackson's.
Over 500 custom NPCs added. Quests, rings of power, weapons, armor, spells, and much more included. You will receive a new book, "Guide To Middle Earth" the first time you load this mod. There is also a copy in a chest on the Riverwood bridge (near the entrance to Middle Earth). Be sure to read it! Questions asked that are covered in that book or here on this site will be ignored.
I built this mod for my own game play, my own taste. At some point, I thought others may enjoy it as well. I'm not looking for "critiques". Never asked for any. You don't like it, move on.
- This mod includes my Middle Earth Mountains HD2K and 4K Parallax. It is optional in the installer. See my images for a preview.
- Be sure to "set the table" in Lord Elrond's courtyard before trying to enter his home. It more or less brings Rivendell to life.
- The main entrance to Lonely Mountain is blocked with rubble. If you side with Middle Earth against the goblins during the Battle of the Five Armies, the rubble will be removed.
- The 3 Cave Trolls in Trollshaws are from Witcher 3 which I heavily modified. I also set them up that if you kill them, they turn to stone for the rest of your game.
- I have kept the scripting to a minimum and tested my mod to great extent and worked out all the bugs. I cleaned it with Tes5Edit and TesVSnip, and also ran every .nif file through NifScan.
- You MUST equip the "Ring of Choice" BEFORE leaving Lonely Mountain interior. Removing the ring removes you from that army. Good luck on your own.
There is a lot more to this mod than meets the eye, or than I can write on this page. I built this mod for myself and I didn't want a bunch of plug-ins so I have created a ton of things that I would like to see in my game and tastefully added them into this mod. I have included a true, open-world, portable fort that can be placed anywhere in Skyrim or Middle Earth. You can be your own traveling bard with this mod. Want to cut loose and jam on a lute in the Middle of Solitude or near the peaceful river that flows through Riverwood, it's in there. Special rings of power, weapons, armor, not all Tolkien worthy, but things I created for my game and put into this mod. I could go on, but you'll find it all. Or you won't.
I put a lot of work into my Lighting, ImageSpaces, and Climates as lighting and atmosphere is probably thee most important thing in modding in my opinion.
Skyrim & an open mind.
Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire are NOT needed and never will be.
I run with my brightness at 10/20 (halfway) and uGridsToLoad=7 in my Skyrim.ini settings.
Of course every monitor as well as player's choice of settings and taste differs.
Rudy ENB v4.2 (with my own tweaks), using Boris's ENB V407 .dll
None known.
Although obviously not lore-correct, I have included a suite in Lake-Town for my own personal game. It is a "game" after all. The Suite will work as-is and contains no nudity.
If you would like to experience the full Suite, you can download and install the following mods.
UNP Female Bodies - Adds some nice detail to bodies in game in general. Brings the Suite to a "new level".
Dimonized UNP Clothing Resources - Adds some nice clothing for the Suite.
Summer Wear V2 - Adds some nice clothing for the Suite. Also adds follower Sukque. (She can be found in Honningbrew Meadery and will follow you to the Suite and stay there even after release. She has a bed there but will not interfere with my mod if she is not used. I navmeshed the Suite cell differently so ALL followers will stay there until you have them follow you out again.)
Thank you "Ray2NJ" for just being plain ole awesome brother!
Thank you "Arthmoor" for this site and for increasing your upload file size limit so that this mod could even be possible here!
Thank you "mlsbrn" for the "nudge" to git-r-done!
agerweb, VZRedemption, ray2nj, and TheBawb for ALL of your help!
Wood stoves courtesy of Strotis Oven Resource
Treasure textures courtesy of Assorted Resources (Thank you Tamira. Saved me a ton of work.)
Hobbit Outfits courtesy of Halfling Clothes (Thank you TheBawb for the link.)
Dwarven Beards courtesy of DwemerBeards
Cave Troll and other meshes and textures courtesy of Witcher 3.
Bethesda for the base game, the Creation Kit, and the crappy engine
Cathedral Assets Optimizer
All of you out there that take a moment to come back and say "Hey!"
You may NOT use any part from this mod for any purpose without written consent from myself (Junk @ JunksMods).
I am sharing this mod here exclusively at AFK Mods.
Do not upload this mod (or any of my mods for that matter) in part or in full to any other site. (That includes the Nexus that already stole my work.)
Remember, Jesus is watchin'! And so am I.......
Dawnguard and Clan Volkihar Epilogues
By SkyLover
One thing that every artifact collector loathes about the Dawnguard addon is that both versions of the questline have mutually exclusive artifacts, meaning that you will always be locked out of acquiring some unique items no matter which path you choose. No longer. This mod adds an extra quest to each side of the questline which will lead you to the artifacts that would have been lost forever in the vanilla game.
The Dawnguard version begins after completing Kindred Judgement and the side quest Bolstering the Ranks; you'll receive a letter from Isran requesting that you track down a vampire who escaped the raid on Castle Volkihar with a number of vampire artifacts.
Artifacts unlocked by the Dawnguard epilogue:
-Ring of the Erudite
-Ring of the Beast
-Amulet of the Gargoyle
-Amulet of Bats
-Ancient Vampire Parts
-The Bloodstone Chalice
The Clan Volkihar version begins by reading a letter found on Isran during the side quest Destroying the Dawnguard.
Artifacts unlocked by the Clan Volkihar epilogue:
-Dawnguard Rune weapons
-Dwemer Crossbow Schematics and the ability to craft exploding bolts and enhanced crossbows.
-A number of undead-damaging spells that are exclusive to the Dawnguard merchants.
Better Start Timing for Dawnguard and Dragonborn
By SkyLover
As many of you may have noticed, the questlines for Dawnguard and Dragonborn begin very early in the game, a little too early for many people's taste. Plus, without other mods to moderate them, they tend to start at about the same time. This mod attempts to alleviate this somewhat.
What this mod does is space out the starts for Dawnguard and Dragonborn so that they don't feel thrown in your face when you start the game, by making them hinge on the progress of the main quest. Dawnguard will now not begin until you complete The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, and, like the vanilla game, reach level 10, while Dragonborn will not begin until you complete Alduin's Bane and have at least started Dawnguard (as in the quest Dawnguard is visible in the journal or completed). Keep in mind that these requirements can be circumvented by going to the respective questlines's starting locations of your own accord.
This mod also fixes a minor annoyance that is introduced by the Unofficial Patch. The Patch tinkers with the Dawnguard start to fix a bug where Durak and the cultists would get locked in eternal combat if they spawned together, by preventing the Durak scene from triggering until the Dragonborn scene has triggered. This works, but it also causes some problems of its own. First off, the Guards are hard-coded to say the Dawnguard-starting rumor once the level requirement is reached, and since Dragonborn and Dawnguard tend to trigger in quick succession, this makes it highly unlikely that you'll ever see Durak's scene, especially since this mod pushes the Dragonborn start to a much later time. Secondly, Dragonborn chronologically occurs after Dawnguard, so it would make more sense to see the Dawnguard scene first (and since Dragonborn is dependent on Miraak learning of your status, while Dawnguard is largely unrelated to your status, coupled with the amount of time it would take for word of a Dragonborn to reach Solstheim in the first place). As such, I have blocked the Guard's rumor from playing until after Dawnguard starts to ensure the Durak scene occurs, and inverted Dawnguard's dependency so that Dragonborn requires Dawnguard to start first, thereby preserving the fix in a more logical fashion.
A patch for kryptopyr's Timing is Everything is also included, allowing both mods to work together.
Quest Conflict Fixes
By SkyLover
There are a number of quests in the game that, if completed in certain orders, will cause another quest or item to become permanently unavailable. This mod attempts to remove, or fix these lockouts. Fixes included:
Diplomatic Immunity and Find the Thalmor Assassin: upon learning about Esbern in the former, some Thalmor will come in having captured Malborn. It is highly likely that Malborn will die in the ensuing fight, which will permanently block the latter from starting. With this mod, Malborn, as well as Brelas and Etienne can only be killed by the player, so that the Thalmor Assassin quest can be started more easily.
Ill Met By Moonlight: Bloated Man's Grotto contains a shrine of Talos where a unique weapon can be found, Bolar's Oathblade. If you start Ill Met By Moonlight before entering the Grotto, the shrine and weapon will be removed for the duration of the quest, if you complete it in favor of Hircine, and permanently, if you complete it in favor of Sinding. With this mod, the Oathblade can be found on J'Kier, the hunter who dies shortly after you arrive; it's not unreasonable to assume he would grab it on the way in.
Delayed Burial and With Friends Like These...: Upon either entering the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary for the first time, either during the latter or during Destroy the Dark Brotherhood, the former quest will become unavailable if it hasn't been started, and will fail if it has but has not been completed. This mod makes the completion of Delayed Burial a requirement before the shack scene can begin (You'll receive an anonymous reminder to check out the road between Dawnstar and Whiterun if Delayed Burial has not been started by the time Innocence Lost has been completed).
Mourning Never Comes and Blood on the Ice: Blood on the Ice requires that Tova Shatter-Shield be alive for it to start. However, during the quest Mourning Never Comes, you are encouraged to kill Nilsine Shatter-Shield, which will cause Tova to commit suicide. Since Tova's role in Blood on the Ice is trivial, and completely optional, I've removed the requirement for her to be alive.
Mourning Never Comes and Lost to the Ages: Lost to the Ages requires you to trek through Raldbthar, where Alain Dufont resides, which means you will likely kill him if you go there before beginning Mourning Never Comes. If he dies, the optional objective to kill Nilsine becomes unavailable, locking you out of obtaining Muiri's ring and her as a marriage candidate. This mod makes it so Alain Dufont will not appear until you reach the appropriate stage of Mourning Never Comes.
Rare Gifts (Siddgeir) and Build Your Own Home (Falkreath): Siddgeir usually requires you to bring him a bottle of Black-Briar mead before he'll begin the Thane quest. However, if you progress far enough to receive the Build Your Own Home letter from him, this will be skipped. This mod removes the Build Your Own Home letters altogether so that this cannot happen. From what I could tell, they only existed to give people who installed HearthFires mid-game information on how to obtain the new homes, so they are unnecessary for future runs.
The Forgemasters Fingers and Being Blood-Kin: If you complete a quest that leads to you befriending an orc, you will be unable to access The Forgemasters Fingers. They will now be sent to you after becoming blood-kin by any means, with a letter explaining why.
Kill the Bandit Leader (Annekke) and Kill the Bandit Leader (Brunwulf): These two instances of the quest draw from the same pool of targets, which means that they could choose the same target. If this happens, the second version you attempt to start will be permanently be unavailable. This is due to the fact that the quest cannot choose cleared dungeons for its target. This mod allows this quest to choose cleared locations and adds code to provide a new boss if this happens, although it will not reset the dungeon. (Note that this situation is very rare and can only occur by chance, so this fix is untested. The theory seems sound enough though).
Get Both Rewards
By SkyLover
This mod allows you to get both rewards for various quests with more than one reward in immersive ways
Get Both Rewards for Clavicus Vile's Quest...Sorta
Like my other similarly named mods, this mod lets you get both rewards for a quest, this time Clavicus Vile's quest. However, since you actively give one reward up for the other in this quest rather than unknowingly choosing, you won't outright get both rewards, you have to find the one you gave up. I won't say directly where they will appear, but I will tell you that one is surrounded by instruments, and the other is surrounded by werewolves.
Credit to soulracmgp for finding a way to implement this without directly editing the quest.
Get Both Rewards for Cidhna Mine
This mod enables you to get both rewards from the quest No One Escapes Cidhna Mine without cheating. It does so by:
-Placing the Silver-Blood Family Ring into Thonar Silver-Blood's inventory, so it can pickpocketed or taken from his corpse when siding with Madanach.
-Placing a dead foresworn in the escape route wearing the Armor of the Old Gods, presumably having tried and failed to break Madanach out, when siding with Thonar.
Get Both Rewards for Hircine's Quest
This mod makes it so that no matter which path you take in the quest, Ill Met By Moonlight, you will get both the Ring of Hircine and the Savior's Hide. No special action is needed, both will be given when speaking to Hircine at the end of the quest.
Miscellaneous Quests... as Miscellaneous Quests
By SkyLover
Inspired by a long dead mod that did the same thing, this mod aims to declutter the journal somewhat by re-categorizing most of Skyrim's minor quests that had proper journal entries into miscellaneous quests. With two exceptions, which were included because part of them relied heavily on pure chance, and thus, they could remain in the journal indefinitely, all of these quests are quests that can recur indefinitely, or that never actually stop. This mod does not affect major one-time quests which have a lot of story behind them, nor does it affect quests that recur a set number of times.
Compatibility and consistency patches for other mods can be found in the optional files section. Ensure that these patches load after both this mod and the mod they patch, or they may not work as expected.
-Animal Extermination
-Trouble In Skyrim
-Hired Muscle
-Escaped Criminal
-Rescue Mission
-Striking The Heart
-Stealing Plans
-Family Heirloom
-Dragon Seekers
-The Dark Brotherhood Forever
-The Shill Job
-The Fishing Job
-The Sweep Job
-The Burglary Job
-The Heist Job
-The Numbers Job
-The Bedlam Job
-Shalidor's Insights
-The Hunt
-Culling the Beast
-Deceiving the Heard
-Protecting the Bloodline
-Ancient Power
-Hide and Seek
-Cleansing Light
-Preemptive Strike
-Hunting the Monster
-A Jarl's Justice
-New Allegiances
-Azra's Staffs
-Heart Stones
-Filial Bonds
Cutting Room Floor:
-Animal Pelt Collection
Also includes patches for "Thieves Guild Alternate Routes - Taking Care of Business Mod", "Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul" and "Dawnguard - Tweaks and Enhancements".
Undeath - No Auto Quest Start
By SkyLover
I'm sure many of you have heard of the mod Undeath by Antioch08. It adds a questline involving stopping the emergence of a lich, and provides the opportunity to become one yourself. However, while the questline doesn't begin until level 30, it just shows up in the journal out of the blue without warning.
I personally found this immersion-breaking, so I made this plug-in to "fix" it. With this plug-in, the Undeath questline will begin through a letter from Illia, delivered after completing the quest "Repentence" and the usual level 30, as opposed to being thrown at you.
This obviously requires Undeath, and from what I can tell, should work with lich overhauls just fine. So long as the first quest in Undeath isn't touched, it will play fine with this plug-in.
Kill Velehk Sain and Get His Treasure
By SkyLover
If you've been to the Midden under the College of Winterhold, then you've likely encountered the dremora pirate Velehk Sain sooner or later. On encountering him, he demands that you release him and offers the treasure he's hoarded should you agree to do so. However, many a good natured characters would opt to make him pay for his crimes instead, which locks you out of getting the treasure.
Fear not, for this mod lets you have your sweetroll and eat it too, as after killing him, you will now find the map to the treasure on his...umm, do deadra even have corpses?...remains, and subsequently find the treasure.
The Wolf Queen Awakened - Shorter USLEEP Start Delay
By SkyLover
The unofficial patch imposes a delay of seven days to the start of The Wolf Queen Awakened, which begins counting down after the prereq quest is completed and does not account for the courier tracking you down. Considering how attentive Styrr is to Solitude's darkness and the fact that Potema, who clearly lacks any skill in subtlety, appears to make a beeline to the catacombs, it should not take that long to realize something is amiss. This mod shortens the delay to at most 3 days, the same as for Rebuilding the Phial, which I feel makes a lot more sense.
Nessie - The Tale of 350
By Arron Dominion
Short Description:
Need a little more adventure in your life? Do you want to know about the story of a Nord named Kenny, and how he was heckled by an Argonian named Nessie? Look no further! This mod offers a short quest in which an Argonian asks for 350 gold, and the player was warned by a Nord named Kenny. After the conclusion of your adventure, you can hear the tale from a traveling bard. And it all starts in Whiterun.
Detailed Description:
This mod is a lore-friendly parody mod based off of South Park's Lochness Monster joke. Playing the role of the Lochness Monster is an Argonian named Nessie. Nessie has been bugging a Nord named Kenny for 350 gold at every turn. It is now the player's turn to be harrassed. You start out near the well in Whiterun. You encounter Nessie for the first time in Whiterun. Where you see Nessie next depends on what cities you go to 24hrs+ after the first meeting.
Eventually, depending on your decisions, you will fight Nessie. This fight can occur
-A quest
-Some humor!
-Your choices drive the quest's direction
-Balanced boss fight for all levels
-350 Gold
-A traveling bard to tell your tale, with a random chance for where he will show up
Bard's Schedule:
Monday -
Old Hroldan
Tuesday -
Dragon Bridge
Solitude Inn
Solitude Bard’s College
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Nightgate Inn
Windhelm (one of two taverns)
Friday -
Shor’s Stone
Saturday -
Sunday -
Whiterun (one of two taverns)
Installation Instructions:
-Find your Data folder
-Place the files within the zip into your Data folder.
-The initial release
-Updated NPC face textures
Known Bugs:
None at this time
Known Quirks:
-When you are near the Whiterun well for the first time, I highly recommend not having auto-run enabled. You will keep running without the ability to stop.
-The cities will fight Nessie with you if you are their allies. There is a probable chance of some citizens being killed by Nessie depending on your time of day
-You will have the blinking animation when you are outside in Tamriel or Solstheim.
-Nessie can be large, so think about that when you are fighting Nessie
Alex Cain - Nessie's Voice
PyroToaster - Kenny's Voice
Herr Yuri - Wolfgar's Voice
DarkVirus - Mannril's Voice
Crimson Phoenix - Crulek's Voice
Windows Movie Maker
Bethesda - Skyrim and Creation Kit
jacobmathiassen - Male crying and weeping -
Bard Song Instrument Recording -
Trailer Music -
Special Thanks:
Skinnytecboy - Support
Epoch Sanctum - Support, and Resources
Armstrong Security Solutions - Support, Resources, and Voice
Herr Yuri, Crimson Phoenix, DarkVirus, PyroToaster, and
Alex Cain - For the Voice Work
Phantastic Networks - Support on Re-Release
Very Special Thanks -
For the encouragement, and support during this
mod's production:
- humour
- lore-friendly
- (and 5 more)
Hunting in Skyrim - A Hunting Guild
By B1gBadDaddy
For more details on this mod, and for all the latest features I'm working on, check out my new Hunting in Skyrim Website.
Before commenting please study my website carefully, as most of the time the information you need is right there. My website also has an F.A.Q. Page which can be helpful to.
If you think you've found a bug, read this page before commenting.
Thank you for checking out my mod, I hope you enjoy it!
AFK Mods Forum Page
Hunting in Skyrim aims to bring to the game a better hunting experience. New gameplay mechanics have been introduced changing the way players hunt, survive, and obtain animal parts and skins from their kills, taking the experience to a whole new level. At it's base level, this mod is working to make living and earning off of the land more exciting, challenging, and much more rewarding. However these new features and gameplay mechanics are fused together by the core idea of the mod; bringing a new Hunting Guild into Skyrim.
Visit The Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun, or talk to the Hunters wandering the wilds of Skyrim to learn more.
Inside the Drunken Huntsman Basement (temporary Guild Hall) you'll find a journal on a table. Read it, take it, and you'll begin your journey to become the greatest hunter Tamriel has ever known.
Current Mod Version - 1.3.5
Everything you need to know can be found on the new Hunting in Skyrim Website.
Quick Breakdown of Features
Quick Breakdown Of Features In Version 1.3.5:
Hunting Guild With 2 Locations
1 New NPC
10 Main Quests
6 Side Quests (5 radiant and repeatable)
New Animal Skinning System
Hunting Stat Tracking
2 New Skills (tracked in your Hunting Guild Log Book)
10 New Perks (no perks version available)
Increased Pelt/Hide Prices
3 new animal breeds
In it's current state this mod adds a Hunting Guild to Skyrim. The player can complete quests and challenges, rising through the ranks and gaining renown for completing tasks. The initial Guild hub is based in the basement of the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun. Once the main Guild Hall is complete outside, the initial hub will become a Guild outpost.
Visit the new Hunting in Skyrim Website for more details on the Quests, Perks, Price changes, Skinning and Carcass systems, Stat Tracking, new Skills and more.
If you like this mod please rate and comment
- Also Available On -
Skyrim Nexus
Steam Workshop
TES Alliance
- Website -
Visit the new Hunting in Skyrim Website for more info.
- Current Development -
Check out what's in store for the next update here!
As a compliment to this mod, I recommend using my Hunter player home, Woodsman's Shack.
The Paarthurnax Dilemma
By Arthmoor
Disappointed with how ruthless and unforgiving the Blades were at the end of the main quest? Felt like you should have been able to put your foot down and make them see reason? Well now you can!
This mod is a simple, yet badly needed modification to the post-MQ quest the Blades give you to kill Paarthurnax.
Approach the quest as usual. Listen to the Greybeards and Paarthurnax.
Should you decide to spare his life, return to Delphine or Esbern and explain it to them. You may have to be a bit forceful in the process. They may not like what you're telling them, but they're supposed to be there to serve the Dragonborn, right?
Should you choose to go through with slaying him, he will not be alone. Paarthurnax told you he was going to try and teach others the Way of the Voice, and he'll have his first group of students listening intently. Or, well, whatever dragons do when they're perched on rocks looking at each other.
Are you a ruthless savage like your Blade companions, or will you show compassion and forgiveness the Blades don't appear to be capable of anymore? Make your choice, Dragonborn!
- paarthurnax
- blades
- (and 1 more)