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I shall revitalize this forum with discussion of pizza!All who refuse to comment simply to spite me will have unusual things done to their dogs! :evil:

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Given that I love pizza and have no dogs to have unusual things done to, I'm feeling pretty safe :P For the interested, Nehrim is pretty cool, although difficult to get off the ground in. Much like some of the older RPGs of yore. Having played with the experience point system makes me wish I had tried it sooner with an Oblivion character.

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I tell you what, I've had more pizza in the 6 months since moving back to OR than I did the whole time I was over in CT. Pizza as practiced in New Haven and NYC is a heretical thing, and I'm just as happy with my Woodstock's (and Papa Murphy's, and Papa's, and Pizza Pipeline - Corvallis rocks), thanks.Also, do all the bad things to dogs you like. Hate 'em. :P

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For the interested' date=' Nehrim is pretty cool, although difficult to get off the ground in. Much like some of the older RPGs of yore. Having played with the experience point system makes me wish I had tried it sooner with an Oblivion character.[/quote']Nehrim's objective in terms of gameplay was to to go back to the olden days of the cRPG. Fans of the Gothic series (specifically Gothic 3) will feel right at home, as the leveling system in Nehrim was directly inspired and recreated from there. So yes, there is a learning curve, but once you figure it out, you will get sucked in big time.Like Oblivion with TIE, Nehrim's encounters are completely unscaled. Instead, the game world is divided into "level regions" where the creatures you encounter will be within that specific level range.Also, Nehrim is the game I tend to cite when people bitch about the removal of spellmaking from Skyrim. You don't need spellmaking to have a fun magic system, Nehrim did a pretty good job. Although the earlier ranked spells are a bit in the worthless side, once you hit Rank 3, magic really starts to come into its own, and there are a lot of fun scripted spells for you to play with, too.And lastly, I'm now going to have to shamelessly plug one of my mods and recommend you download the English Supplemental, as it translates a large number of minor notes that got left out of the final translation. And enjoy the scenery, you don't get stuff like this from the AAA industry anymore, they're too busy with technical advances to realize what you can do with a good artistic touch.
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I'm not getting a Gothic series vibe from the leveling system. I am however liking what they've done, so it doesn't matter really. It feels like a better system all around. I am definitely getting the 90s to early 2000s cRPG feel though, which I think is great.I have noticed the unscaled nature of things. I got my ass handed to me by some battlemages on the other side of some bridge. I'm only level 6 so far and it's kind of hard to find much to do to gain experience. I've been roaming the countryside killing boars, bears, lynxs, and random bandits. Found a few ruins, and have discovered most have purpose rather than just being entirely random loot stops.Me, I was never that into spellmaking anyway so its loss means very little to me.I'm using your English Supplemental already. I don't mind the German voices in the background because these guys seem to have figured out how to get conversation subtitles to behave. I'm also very much loving the landscaping work and the general feel of a lot of it, though I don't like the fact that it seems many cells have 0,0,0 for ambient lighting. The engine doesn't really like that very well.

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Boy, forgetting where I was at in my modded Morrowind install was a really poor choice. WTF am I even doing?

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Apparently the answer was "Making an asston of BAIN packages."Some thoughts thus far:- Man, Oblivion controls are way better. Man, Morrowind interface is way better.- Texture and fog overhauls all by themselves make the game way better. Grass not so much, actually, since the one I used drops it in various shouldn't have grass locations, and it just looks like a jungle. Trees are pretty awesome though.- Fun issue indoors where I get random stutter for no apparent reason. I think this is related to the fact that Morrowind is trying to run at a couple hundred FPS inside, but who knows. MGE and ini settings don't seem to affect this at all.- Velothi tombs: Still creepy. Is this because of the claustrophobia or the wierd-ass ghostly whispers constantly in your ear? It might also be because I'm level 2 and ancestor ghosts can kill me, but really, Oblivion dungeons never creeped me out this much.- It's pretty sad when you walk into Addamasartus 5 minutes in and realize that this is better than every single cave in Oblivion.Oh, and is it bad that I basically have the start memorized even after not playing for 6-8 years? Like I walked straight over to the house of the guy who murdered the tax collector without even thinking about it. I haven't even thought about that quest in years.

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And somewhat relatedly to the above points:

Addamasartus, Exterior

Random Coastline

Addamasartus Entry

- Can you do this at all period in Oblivion? Oh wait, you can't. Is this more awesome than cave entries in Oblivion? Oh wait, it is.


Addamasartus Stairs

- Are you doing this in Oblivion either? An exit into a sloped tunnel? You sure ain't, at least not very easily.

Addamasartus Stairs 2

- Looking up now. And no, I lied. You're not even coming close in Oblivion.


Velothi Tomb

- Why is this very simple architecture that I could totally make with ease so damned awesome?

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Probably because Morrowind's hand made dungeons kick the crap out of Oblivion's procedurally generated crap? One suspects this won't be a problem in Skyrim.Incidentally, Nehrim also has a leg up on Oblivion in a couple of ways - mainly that its cities actually look like cities, and its dungeons aren't 10 mile long useless treks.Also, stupid memory leak. Game crashed with 3.99GB memory usage twice. WTF? That stopped once I got Streamline ported to work with Nehrim's master file. Which means pcb is good for more than just VRAM.

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Our people demand the screenshot.And no, actually I think it has a lot more to do, at least in the case of the caves, with how they designed the statics. Oblivion caves are designed in 256x256 (or 512x512, I forget) modular chunks, but they're generally pretty square and don't play much with elevation. Morrowind cave statics are generally entire rooms, so far as I can tell, and they look like caves - lots of elevation changes, ledges, exits sticking out in odd directions, and what have you. Then they go in and fill in how they want with an entire cave rock set, not the pathetic 4 we got in Oblivion.Altogether superior way to do things, I think, and since I think Fallout 3 went to a hybrid of this sytem, I think they agree too. I expect Skyrim to be about as good.Velothi tombs I think is mostly just lighting and sound design. I'm not entirely sure, and haven't quite figured it out yet. There's not much going on in any given tomb, and they feel like Oblivion dungeons, but they're still pretty interesting. Dunno. Maybe it's the nostalgia talking.Reminds me I should look into a sound overhaul for my next Oblivion run though.

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Good news bad news time:Bad news is it turns out one of my GPUs has a fault in its cooling system, resulting it idling at 100% fan speed at 80*C, and when under load I was experiencing intermittent performance drops... which was due to overheat protection downclocking (It was spiking all the way up to 100*C and above under load).Good news is it just so happens I had a spare GPU of the exact same model lying around, so I swapped them out, and lo and behold... problem solved. This one idles at 70*C at 30% fan speed and goes up to about 85*C under load. Much better, and no more random FPS drops from the GPU downclocking itself to prevent overheat damage. All I need to do now is get used to the subtle differences in display between the two and recalibrate my monitor (this one is rendering slightly darker). :grinning:So yeah, that other card has now been written off for gaming.

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You may have two screenshots:





I had a 3rd, but a game crash caused it to get wiped out later when I forgot to preserve it. It was an epic shot of what you see coming out of the first dungeon for the first time.


Yes, Morrowind's cave tileset is vastly superior to the barely functional one for Oblivion. The Velothi tileset though is pretty mundane, but given that everything else about Morrowind has more flavor it can be forgiven. Yes, I do think they learned not to do procedural dungeons anymore. FO3 was only a hybrid because they didn't have 8 people dedicated to the task like they do now.


@Thomas: Sounds like a candidate for warranty replacement, not retirement.

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Well, those seem shiny enough, though hard to tell the scale, really.I see that some guy learned not to drink and drive wagons.And no, going back to my point about statics, Fallout uses a more or less Oblivion-style set of tiles instead of Morrowind's rooms, but they're much less linear and have more rocks and things available to use with them. So in that sense, they got better, although I have a certain but not high level of quibble with Fallout caves as well.Sure hope the Skyrim Santa brings us some really sweet new tilesets to play with.

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*thinks Dwip should make a new cave tileset*
*Thinks Dwip should make individual cavesets for each region/rock type.* :innocent:Actually, that reminds me... I have something to show you guys. Remember how this sight got started? well, I found my files and got back to work.
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Wait. It can't be. The ever elusive courtiers mod?!?Yeah, one of these days that should get the attention it deserves.

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We have a courtiers mod? :PI think we've discussed this before, but I sure hope Dark0ne didn't pay too much for that Nexus redesign. That thing is horrific.

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What a surprise, me among the minority. Who would have thought? :PI like the new design, it needs some more polish and still has some bugs apparently. The old site was functional but definitely showed its age. It does seem though that a huge number of people are quite upset with it.On that vein, if you're looking for any new file mirrors, Great House Fliggerty just updated their downloads area to be far more user and modder friendly.

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I don't *hate* the new design per se, but I detest the colour scheme. Halloween, anyone? Love The Witcher site though in red.On another out, I was out today at our local summer fair, and snagged a copy of Morrowind for $5. :)

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@Hanaisse - The old, old school copy, or GOTY with Tribunal/Bloodmoon? Either way, pro choice.As to Nexus, well, where does one even start. I mean, orange? Seriously? Even less garish than it was, the white text still doesn't work (though it does make me want to have one of those orange/vanilla ice cream cups they give you in grade school). That aside, that file display is a wreck. Download and endorsement buttons clear over on the side sandwiched between moving ads so you'll never see them? Dumb. The icons are flashy but useless and really, really unnecessary. Text wouldn't have been that hard. What's worse, they do it a lot, and not always with mouseover text, so you're constantly wondering what things are. The more from uploader thing is cool, but constantly shows all of my stuff EXCEPT AFK_Frostcrag, and anyway how hard would it have been to be able to click somewhere there and get a list of ALL my stuff. You've also got random functionality strewn all over the place and buried behind tiny icons.Flashy and all, but really awful.

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