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Well, if you don't consider it a bug, that's your call. Whenever I decide to dive into the hell that is the CK, I'll figure out how to fix it for myself.

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Having played some Red Dead Redemption, I have to say Bethesda could learn a thing or two from Rockstar on how to make a proper open-world game engine. And proper horses. The Creation Engine is a right mess compared to what Red Dead Redemption is using.

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Well as I understand it, RDR doesn't have the same level of detail as something like Skyrim does. So it might not be quite fair to compare that.Horses are a whole other thing though. Even the shitty horses in Two Worlds II are better than Bethesda's pathetic implementation in Skyrim even after Patch 1.6 and mounted combat.

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The detail level is similar to New Vegas, where the locations are distinct but the scenery can get repetitive after a while. The game is story-driven, not exploration-driven like Bethesda's titles. New Vegas did the same thing.But I'm not talking about the level of detail, I'm talking about the core technology, of which Bethesda's engine has aged extremely poorly. If they could just bring over the lighting tech from RDR, it would be a massive improvement (but then, seeing as they are still using the same lighting tech as in Oblivion, improving the lighting would not be a very hard task at all).Anyways, I have just finished playing through L.A. Noire, so time to write up my summary.Superior version: PS3, largely due to the three-disc insanity of the Xbox 360 version. Get the PS3 version if you can if you do not enjoy swapping discs.The Good: Very unique style, the facial animation tech completely lived up to the hype and then some, it nails the post-WWII feel dead-on, the story is interesting, the detective work feels authentic, and you can feel the "Film Noir" inspiration oozing out of every seam.The Bad: Can get repetitive towards the end as the core mechanics do not evolve much as the game progresses, the shooting and cover system is kinda clunky, the game is extremely linear with very little replay value once you've completed it, and despite the great story, the ending is very abrupt and you get the feeling that the devs wanted to continue things, but they ran out of time on the calendar.

The backstory to the game: Cole Phelps, the main character, was a Lieutenant during WWII who served on Okinawa. Unfortunately, he did not hold a very good command, constantly falling behind trying to follow his orders and, by complete accident, winning a Silver Star for nothing more than being in the right place at the right time. Eventually, his war culminated in his ordering a Flame unit to burn a cave as per orders, which turned out to be a makeshift hospital full of civilians and children. This cost one of his men his sanity and gave Phelps some immense emotional baggage he ended up taking home with him (and a bullet in the gut from a Marine Private who had enough of him).Upon returning home, Phelps joined the LAPD fueled with a cold ambition to do there what he failed to accomplish in the war. At the same time, members of his old unit began contemplating their own futures, and decided to try getting rich by "borrowing" about $100,000 worth (in 1940s value Dollars) of Army Surplus Morphine. And so the game begins

The backstory is told to you through flashbacks in between cases, and the side stories for the rest of the characters are told via collectible newspapers you find during the main game. All plot threads converge quite neatly at the end, and it really makes you feel the weight on your shoulders, just how badly corrupted this city has become in the post-war boom.You work on five "desks" over the course of the game: Patrol (the tutorial), Traffic, Homicide, Vice, and finally Arson. Over the course of things, you will be investigating a series of murders linked to the infamous Black Dahlia case (which was never solved, and the game provides an interesting theory as to why), looking into a stolen shipment of Army Surplus Morphine, and finally cracking an enormous insurance scam that shakes the Los Angeles community to the core.Finish all the cases on a desk, and you unlock that desk's Free Roam mode. You take the car and partner from that desk around the city and you can perform the various side tasks, like Street Crimes (small one-off cases involving crimes in progress, typically involving a chase or shootout), finding collectibles like badges and film reels, locating landmarks, and finding hidden vehicles. There really isn't all that much to do outside of the main story, though, and there are no rewards for the side tasks outside of Achievements.All in all, I enjoyed the game, and recommend it to anyone who is willing to put action aside in favor of slow, methodical detective work taking center stage. It's well worth the ride.

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Seems as though everyone's favorite troll has gone clear off the deep end and thinks he's going to get me thrown in jail. I am amused.

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Some crazy ass thing with the Pennsylvania cyberstalking law, which deals rather specifically with making threats of bodily harm against another person over the internet. Something which has obviously never happened, and certainly not on the Steam forums.It's beyond delusional, if such a thing is even possible. Aside from the silliness with the Steam forums, he seems to think I can be charged with hate crimes for posting words on the internet. It appears he's forgotten that the First Amendment exists here in the US, and that nothing that was said in my blog post about him is untrue.Hence, my amusement. Especially considering he's only giving me ammo to report him to the moderators with.

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The moderators deleted the one thread he tried it in, so he moved to PMs. He changed his tune immediately when I told him I was reporting the PMs for harassment.

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Looks like they've now deleted two other threads where he's pulled this with other people. Assuming they also act on my PMs he might well be on his way to getting banned there. Then again, knowing him, that's probably exactly what he wants so he can have an excuse for a new rant post about how awful the Steam forums are for allowing trolls and how he's no longer going to support them.

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Personally, based on my last comment, I'm guessing Samson decided to revamp Graecia. I mean, it's worked before.Or maybe the flashbacks are just getting worse.

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He posted bullshit in a Wrye Bash thread I was helping someone with. I countered his bullshit. So in his mind I'm cyberstalking him even though I was there first.

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Yes, well, if someone says something you don't agree with the logical Giskardian response is to accuse them of cyberstalking.

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Huh. The Workshop now shows file owners what their thumbs up & down rating percentages are. The USKP unsurprisingly has a 99% up rating.

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Interesting. Those of you avoiding cloud syncing, that feature has a disturbing tendency to turn itself back on. As disturbing to me as the autoupdate turning itself back on.

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So far the cloud option hasn't re-enabled it since I killed it for Skyrim. The CK is a different story though, no choice but to leave that on because the CK insists on it. Always has, and it was something I complained about way back in January during the beta. Fell of deaf ears.@Dwip: Guess who's icon is being credited with the "United Kingdom" mod on the Civ 5 game details screen? :P

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Holy shit, what the hell is wrong with Nexus lately? Everything I download is corrupt!

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