Houses and Dwellings
Houses, other dwellings, and general places for characters to live.
22 files
Touchstone Manor
By Furiant
Touchstone Manor
A medium-large home in its own worldspace, a secluded mountain aerie. Includes a limited fast travel system oriented toward Survival Mode with Fast Travel disabled, but is completely playable in normal mode. Supports two children, two followers, and a spouse. The exterior features a crafting shed, greenhouse, fishery, and more. The interior features an extensive vault for storage and display of weapons, armor, and artifacts.
Memento Displays
The home has many decorative displays that will automatically become enabled as you progress through the game, so the home evolves along with you. These can be toggled manually if you like; you can even enable them without completing the associated quests.
Family and Friends
Accommodates up to (4) children and (2) followers. Use Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions for kids, and something like My Home Is Your Home for companions if necessary.
Soul gem upgrade station in the crafting shed. Guardian Stone device that can grant one of the three guardian buffs (Mage/Thief/Warrior). It will also store any other standing stone buff you have prior to invoking a guardian buff; you can retrieve the stored buff whenever you like. This device is on the lower floor near the front door. Configuration device to tweak mod and quest behavior, such as home features, memento auto-display, quest markers, and the option to skip the quest entirely. This device is in the bedroom loft upstairs.
The Ancient Touchstones
*A limited fast travel system intended for those playing in Survival Mode with Fast Travel disabled. Completely playable in normal mode. At a minimum, the Touchstone Key is needed to access the home.
To start this quest, read the "Rumor of a Missing Scholar" note in your inventory.
Long ago the ancient races employed a network of artifacts to quickly traverse long distances across Tamriel. These "touchstones" require special keys that must be attuned to them.
To attune to a Touchstone, simply activate it. Thereafter you can use it to travel to any other attuned Touchstone. You can also use any Touchstone to return Home, or to an active Field Portal.
There are 12 Touchstones to find scattered across Skyrim. For hints on where to find them, check the desk upstairs. The quest markers for the touchstone locations are not enabled by default. If you want to see the markers, use the Curious Device near the desk. You can also skip the entire quest (unlocking all touchstones and perk ranks) using the Curious Device. This action is irreversible.
Your Touchstone Key
Use your Key (Inventory -> Keys) to travel directly to your Home Touchstone at the Manor. Doing so will deplete the Key and you'll need to wait for it to recharge. Recharging occurs naturally over time, and the duration is reduced as you advance the Touchstone Attunement perk. While your Key is recharging, you can check your Active Effects to see how much time remains until it is ready.
Your Key does not need to be charged to use a Touchstone.
Field Portals
When you use your Key to travel Home, a Field Portal will be created where you were standing. You can recall to your Field Portal using any Touchstone, but doing so will dissipate the portal. A new one will be created the next time you travel home via your Key.
Touchstone Attunement Perk
Progresses automatically as you attune to Touchstones. (Every 3 touchstones unlocks a perk rank.)
Rank 1: Your Key replenishes over 12 hours.
+ Boon of the Ancient Nords: 10% Stamina Rate while your key is charged.
Rank 2: Your Key replenishes over 9 hours.
+ Boon of the Ancient Falmer: 10% Magicka Rate while your key is charged.
Rank 3: Your Key replenishes over 6 hours.
+ Boon of the Ancient Giants: 10% Health Rate while your key is charged.
Rank 4: Your Key replenishes over 3 hours.
+ Boon of the Ancient Dwemer: 25 Carry Weight while your key is charged.
+ Your Field Portal no longer dissipates when you return to it.
Rank 5: The Lesser Power "Home Touchstone" replaces your Touchstone Key.
+ All Boons of the Ancients are now permanent.
Summary and Notes
The quest can be started in two ways: read the "Rumor of a Missing Scholar" note in your inventory, or The mod has many scripts but they are state- and event-based, and only run as needed (and most only ever run once). I've tried to make it as stable and performant as possible. In a minimal mod setup I have zero issues. All assets are vanilla and that's how I test. I've installed this mod into graphical overhaul lists with mixed success. Anything that blindly replaces geometry is probably going to have unexpected effects. That said, I haven't seen anything outright break the mod. I'm in the lock-down-your-clutter camp. Most stuff can be picked up if you don't like it. All storage should be safe unless marked otherwise. You can turn off the fountain on the lower floor. The button is on the stone column behind it. You can change the trophy display in the den. The button is on the trophy base.
Jokerine for the glass panels used in the greenhouse31 downloads
Stormstar Lighthouse
By Furiant
A Dwemer lighthouse on a forgotten island to the north. It accommodates two followers and two children, and has a small optional quest to unlock the home. Perfectly safe quarters for a responsible keeper.
Home Features
Main Floor with a large kitchen, living room, a room for two children, and a small master bedroom. Storage vault with displays for quest line associated items, as well as many mannequins and weapon/shield racks. Workshop with all major crafting facilities and a custom soul gem upgrade station. Guest quarters for two followers. Many quest-related custom displays. Stable, fishery, practice yard, and a pier for transport to the Skyrim mainland. Some other things for those who look.
To reach the island, take the small boat just north of Broken Oar Grotto (which is north of Solitude on the coast). The "anchor" waypoint (see screenshot) is already unlocked for fast travel. The quest to claim the home is fairly short. At the end, you'll be told to wait "awhile" for an update. If you don't want to do the quest Keep the lamp fueled There is no fast travel directly to and from the home at this point, but you can fast travel to the boat. I've been unable to get a horse to follow you to the island. The stable has a free horse in it for flavor; it's up to you whether to use it or not. All storage should be safe, unless it has "Not Safe" in the name. I've done my best to nail down clutter. Most of it is lootable, but some "core" decoration is static. I tried to balance making the home look
cozy and lived-in, while leaving some room for decorating as you please. Certain features must be turned on to use (forge, kitchen, alchemy lab...). If you see a valve nearby, activate it. The home should be compatible with adoption mechanics. If you run into issues, there's always Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions. The guest rooms accommodates two followers. You may need My Home Is Your Home, or something similar, to get your friends to move in. The only CC requirement is Fishing. Because island. Other than the Fishing CC content, I used entirely vanilla assets. I have no idea how the mod will look/play/behave with other mods. This is my first ever mod, and I'm sure I've made mistakes. Feel free to give civil feedback. I may or may not make changes, but I'll certainly listen.
Known Issues
The rotation script I use on the lamp (and many other objects) sometimes randomly flips direction due to a bug in a native function. If I can ever find a fix, I'll update it. For now, get used to the lamp spinning 'backwards' occasionally. The LODs are not great. I've done the best I can without going down the rabbit hole of complex third-party tooling, or custom assets. Maybe not an "issue", but I make extensive use of EnableParent to achieve a sort of "instancing" effect between the pre- and post-quest states. A lot of things will be disabled once the quest is completed. They're in separate cells and will never be loaded again, but they do persist in the save file. The number of these "orphaned" objects is far less than the normal enabled ones.
Darkfox127 for his many tutorials. The modding community for ideas, approaches, and scripting help. You. Seriously, thanks for giving my work a look. I really hope you enjoy it.24 downloads
Whiterun Stables Tower Home
By Thumbincubation
This is the Whiterun Stables Tower Home mod, with common furnishings and interior navmesh only. The exterior was placed where there was already no vanilla navmesh, and the vanilla exterior navmesh has not been edited.
There is no quest or key, just walk in, store your stuff, and sleep.
Nirn Treasures SE/AE
By pandrkin
Nirn Treasures.
A shop that doubles as a home. with 3 followers, Items from Vendor (Horns as Helms and more) Also Inc other shop items Including a home u can take with you in your Inventory sold at the shop called Lchuhahheh Ahowmzeh (cube home)
All Containers within the mod are player safe from barrels to creates and chests and so on. all safe
Nirn Treasures 02a - Addon
A Mod Addon To Nirn Treasures, Includes New Extra Clothing, Weapons, Mine & Others Work Listed Below. Will Add More In Time. (more in it than pictures on here)
Special thanks to these Author's and Items for sharing there and others Works freely
Uploaded by
Naughty Dragon Steel Ladies
Witchblade Armor
Uploaded by
Dragon Jade Dao
Bou Ging Wan Sword in Fung Wan
Epic Dark Swords
Chinese Han Sword
9 Rings Dao
Created by
Godfall Weapons Swords
Purchase Furnishings
By Altbert
Principally only Skyrim Special Edition is needed.
This mod, a port and remake of my Skyrim LE mod, will let you buy all furnishings for the vanilla houses in one buy, with a reasonable discount. Vanilla houses concerned are Breezehome (Whiterun), Hjerim (Windhelm), Honeyside (Riften), Proudspire Manor (Solitude) and Vlindrel Hall (Markarth). Buying the furnishings for Hjerim in Windhelm includes the cleanup of the mess the killer in the quest "Blood on the Ice" has made in the house, at no additional costs, if the quest has been completed but the killer mess has not been removed.
Buying all furnishings does not include the children's room added by the Hearthfire DLC. Furnishings for the children's room have to be bought at the expense of an existing room when the Hearthfile DLC is installed.
Extract the 7z file and drop the ESP in the Data folder.
You are not allowed to upload this mod to other sites under any circumstance or without my explicit permission.
All assets used in this mod belong to me.
To eslify this mod (creating an ESPFE) using SSEEdit, compact the FormIDs first and then add the ESL flag in the TES4 header.
Creation Kit 2.0 including CK Fixes
PackItUp! - BSA Packer PowerShell Script 1.0 (Recurse and Archive PowerShell Script)
Mystery Hatch 4_2_1.rar
By Benka
Just a simple hatch you can carry in your backpack; odd little thing...
Requirements: SKSE SkyUI 5.1 All Official DLC ( Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn ) Known Conflicts: - DO NOT install TARDIS STL Reborn for reasons that may become obvious; or maybe not.
- Mods that seriously alter the vanilla skill trees might disable SOME of this mod's features. Installation: Let LOOT decide if you don't want to bother, but the mod is very light, simple and doesn't really trouble anyone. Known Issues:
When clearing the derbies with your pick-axe, do not fast mine it by
attacking it with the axe. These are not mines but custom scripted
objects that require normal activation to work properly.
- Help, I didn't pickup my hatch when leaving, now I forgot where I placed it! Then do what I did until I learnt better, retrace your steps and don't be a dummy.
- Hey, I cleaned my mod with a game cleaner and when I went into my Hatch I saw that rubbish I cleaned up. True, it returns if you clean your game or other similar things, but rest assured it pops away within seconds. Sure, I could have fixed it by making all that garbage persistent objects, but that would eat up game resources and I don't like doing that; so, I scripted out a solution. Anyway, it's rare and you would only notice it if you're quick to look when you enter the hatch, otherwise it's gone.
- Hey, where are those secret rooms?? If I told you then it wouldn't be a secret now would it?
- Hey, the hatch says it's stuck and it won't let me out!! Go back in that secret room you found and undo what you did.
- Yo, this sucks, I see the hatch in my inventory and it doesn't do anything!! Check your power abilities; just make sure you keep the thing in your inventory.
- Say, the quest says to use the sonic on the pylons but how do I do that? You know when you press the left mouse button the sonic zaps things? Try that...
- Why don't you make the hatch a quest item so I will never accidentally loose it? Why, so you're awareness can go on a vacation?
- How do I XXXX X XXXXXXXX so that I can XXX XXX XXXXX? Sorry for the redaction but spoilers. It's a simple mod, just play with it for a bit and you'll get it.
- It say's Blacksmith's Hammer and my game only shows Hammers. They are interchangeable.
- Help, I accidentally incinerated the Mystery Hatch using the POET and cant enter the TARDIS. Only a dummy incinerates things without looking.
- I can't find the POET, where is it? If I told you what would be the fun of achievement? Read the tattered note found on the skeleton you sweep up.
See articles tab for detailed instructions on using this mod ( contains spoilers )
::: Contributors :::
- TheShatteredSteel For setting up the groundwork and bringing the TARDIS to Skyrim.
- Ian Smith (AKA Doctorhr2) For TARDIS 1963 - 96 Exterior Models, various meshes and future models and sets.
- TARDIS Builders For TARDIS plans, reference materials as well as a resource for TARDIS props and Doctor Who lore.
- SparrowPrince Providing Assets for custom interior models, glow effects and other model texture tweaks.
- Tony Farrell of TARDIS Builders for providing dims for assets.
- Brian Rocz (and WitchBoy for permissions) For using some control models optimized and re-textured.
- Misc Assets from Resources For Modder's, Modder's Resource and Modder's Resource Pack
- Arie Manor Furniture resource by Arion50
- Pillars modders resource by Incaendo and Yughues
- Upper Class Furniture Pack V2.0 by Monk_ide and Icecreamassassin
- Elianora's Extra Resources by Elianora
- Book binder mesh (Ported from Reborn v7.00) from Stroti's Printing Press Resource by Stroti and Tamira
- Eolhin (Creator of TARDIS by Eolhin for Oblivion) for assets, input and layout ideas.
- Project Modularity by DarkFox127 for scripts, meshes and his Youtube tutorial videos.
- SkyUI Team For making the TARDIS menu systems possible.
- Michael of GamerPoets for his educational videos on SKSE and other Skyrim essentials.
- BBC For creating Doctor Who.59 downloads
Free Coffee and Tea Expansion
By Altbert
This mod is an expansion to my mod “Free Coffee and Tea” and provides free coffee and tea in all the inns and taverns added by the mod “Inns and Taverns SE” by Mena.
for the free modder's resources:
Saaxon for the coffee and tea varieties, the bowl of roasted coffeebeans and the bowl of tealeaves (
Stroti/Tamira for the coffeepot, the teapot and the coffee grinder (
Skyrim Special Edition 1.6.x (may also work with SSE 1.5.x, not tested)
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (USSEP)
Free Coffee and Tea
Inns and Taverns SE (
You are not allowed to upload this mod to other sites under any circumstance or without the explicit author’s permission. All assets in this mod belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder’s resources.
Free Coffee and Tea
By Altbert
Waking up in the morning I like a good cup of black coffee and a self-rolled sigaret with heavy tobacco. In game I can get the coffee (or tea) for free in The Coffee House near Vulnotjaar's burial mound. But when I am far from The Coffee House I have to do without.
A free cup of black coffee and tea in all of Skyrim's inns and taverns, including The Ragged Flagon in Riften and The Retched Netch in Raven Rock on Solstheim. Near the fireplaces you will find a coffeepot (copper) and a teapot (iron) and upon activating you will receive a cup of coffee or tea free of charge. The innkeepers may sell you the more exquisite types of coffee and tea: coffee with milk, café latte, cappuchino, canis root tea, lavender tea and mugwort tea.
I thought about growable coffee- and teaplants, but Skyrim's climate is too cold for those plants. Instead, you can buy sacks of roasted coffee beans and tealeaves from the Khajiit caravans, each consisting of 10 portions of beans or leaves. Your inventory will only show 10 bowls of coffeebeans or tealeaves after buying a sack. Roasted coffee beans and tea leaves are considered food and can be sold to innkeepers and apothecaries (for a nice profit).
On the bar/counter you may find a coffee grinder, a bowl of coffee beans and a bowl of tea leaves. These objects are all statics.
for the free modder's resources:
Saaxon for the coffee and tea varieties, the bowl of roasted coffeebeans and the bowl of tealeaves ( Stroti/Tamira for the coffeepot, the teapot and the coffee grinder ( REQUIREMENTS
Skyrim Special Edition 1.6.x (may also work with SSE 1.5.x, not tested) Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (USSEP) PERMISSIONS
You are not allowed to upload this mod to other sites under any circumstance or without the explicit author’s permission. All assets in this mod belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder’s resources.
ThadDLCAdditionsLakeview SSE
By Burning_Dwarf
this is not mine, i just ported it,
the original is from the steam workshop for LE made by elizabethjacksonhall
Proudspire Manor - Dragonborn Edition SSE
By Mebantiza
Proudspire Manor Dragonborn Edition SSE
A home designed with crafters in mind
An updated and renovated Proudspire Manor-Dragonborn Edition for SSE.
Makes the most expensive player home in all of Skyrim worthy of a Dragonborn.
Based on the original concept by Shittakaburi, this version updates and modernizes Proudspire Manor-DBE for SSE.
Updated Auto-sorters for all current Skyrim(SSE 1.5x) content: Food, Alchemy, Ingots, Ores, Leathers, Misc and more.
Rebuilt Pantry\entrance\Armory\Forge areas
Some vanilla items not normally used in crafting, but used by mods also sort in the auto-sorters. Example: linen, charcoal sticks etc.
Storage (Non-sorting), for weapons, armors and other important items.
Remodeled basement for better navigation.
New Dwemer dining room table.
Requirements: Skyrim Special Edition\AE
Installation. *Important!*
Do NOT install this file if you already own Proundspire manor in your game.
If you have NOT (yet) purchased PSM in your current game, then PSM-DBE should be quite safe to install.
Installing PSM-DBE *after* you already own PSM will likely result in numerous graphical errors inside the home.
These are are result of the way the engine handles interior cell changes in existing saves, and there is no 'fix' for this.
Save game cleaners won't resolve corrupted interiors in these cases. This is an engine issue, and not a 'bug' in the mod.
Q: Why no mannequins?
A: PSM-DBE will be forever free of wandering buggy nightmare-fuel mannequins
Q: Does PSM DBE SSE fix the smithy purchase bug? (original mod)
A: Yes
Q: What happened to the housecarl room?
A: Gone, sorry, taken over by crafting area. Jordis is ok with it though.
Q: Does PSM DBE cost the same as vanilla PSM?
A: Yes
Q: Why weren't the main floor and top floor remodeled as well?
A: Besides adding a more appropriate dining table, the top 2 floors are fine as they are.
The focus of this mod was to improve the basement, crafting area and add a useful sorting system.
Q: Are the textures in the picture included with PSM-DBE?
A: No. PSM-DBE will utilize your current texture overhaul.
Q: Does this require cleaning with xedit?
A: No!
Q: There are two cooking pots in the Dining room fireplace
A. type the following command in console: ~
> prid 3900000 (its really hard to manually target this item)
> markfordelete 03900000 <enter>
Leave PSM, re-enter. Extra cooking pot will be gone
Q: Anniversary Edition?
A: The only issue (minor), is the auto-sorters wont handle any newly added craft items from AE, ie ores, food items etc. The next version will update the sorters to handle the new AE content.
Still pended as of 2023. On the to-do list.
Q: Vanilla\Lore friendly?
A: Totally
Q: Any exterior additions?
A: No
Load Order: Anywhere, should not make a difference in most load orders. YMMV of course.
- Any other mod that changes Proudspire Manor INTERIOR (possibly exterior-see below)
- City overhaul mods that change the location of PSM doorways will conflict.
Exterior overhauls should not create any issues providing they dont move the entrances around.
No conflict
City overhaul mods that leave the location of Proudspires entrances the same as vanilla,
Mods with known compatibility issues with PSM-DBE-2016
Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul (SFCO). Installing the Non-ESP Replacer Option.
Permissions: No reposting to other sites, or modifications
Gentesters White River Cottage SE
By Gentester
White River Cottage by Gentester
A house just outside Riverwood.
REQUIRES Hearthfire DLC.
No other DLC’s are required but if you have them the displays will work for the most important items from them.
Two versions in the download, one is for allowing your followers to undress both in the pool and to sleep, one is so they undress only for the pool. You only need 1 version, not both.
If you wish to get your children to move in you must use TMPhoenix's Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions Mod here This mod is not dependent on it – if you don’t use it the house will work perfectly well but the children’s bedroom will remain unused and they won’t move in.
Purchasable. Read the For Sale notice by the bridge
Fast travel is enabled after purchase, however the landing area is quite small and horses will not use it (followers on foot will). Its only a short way from the Riverwood marker so if on horseback use that and ride in. If on foot use the house marker.
Please note I use Skyrim URWL and my photos will reflect how I set up that lighting, your set up may look cooler.
This warm and comfortable cottage is set by the Riverwood Bridge opposite the road to Whiterun. it has a kitchen, lounge, master bedroom, followers bedroom, children’s bedroom, smithing facilities, crafting facilities, alchemy and enchanting areas and a large multi purpose relaxing room with plunge pool suitable for frostfall users. Additionally there are a large number of heathfire planting mounds both in and outside the house, a milkable cow, chickens and a bee hive. It is not totally lore friendly as it has sofa’s and plumbed in water – I will not be doing a lore friendly version as this house was designed by me – for me.
The kitchen has chilled storage, a butter churn which gives you butter daily (it doesn’t use the hearthfire system so you will get it every day), a tabletop wheat grinder which you can use to make flour from wheat you have grown (no animation as I haven’t found a suitable one yet) all cooking facilities including a hearthfire oven, all types of themed storage. Dining table that the children will use
The lounge, entered through an archway from the kitchen, has the adult dining table, many bookcases and storage and a warm and cozy fireplace with seating.
The stairs go up to the master bedroom and child's room.
The master bedroom has a bed which if you are using the Multi adoption mod will allow your spouse to sleep, although it’s a custom bed it should be usable by the Steam workshop's "Another Sleep Mod", by request it also has a 'lie on bed' marker separate from the usual sleep marker. It has a desk area for the player with storage for Deeds, Notes etc and several bookcases. It also has a large amount of wardrobe storage.
The child’s bedroom will sleep 6. They have a study area and a practise dummy, toys, a rocking horse and seating.
From the lounge take the steps down to the rest of the house. By the alchemy table there are buttons which enable all your ingredients to be stored in the jars on the shelves nearby, you can remove the items either from the jars themselves or by clicking the other button which will place everything back in your inventory. As the house isn’t slaved to the DLC’s, ingredients from the Hidden Valley and Solstheim have a small storage chest. Potions, salts and the DLC ingredients will have to be stored manually. There is also a storage chest for recipes. The enchanting area opposite has glass storage for soul gems on a sorting button, and themed storage for scrolls, rings, circlets and amulets/necklaces. There is a storage chest for recipes. The area has bookcases for your spell tomes.
The display area has 6 mannequins, labelled storage for heavy and light armor, weapons, enchanted weapons, staffs and arrows and 2 weapon display cases. There is a display which is set up for your Skyrim masks, skull keys and Claws. The masks are individually used, the skull keys and claws you use the button on the nearby pillar to place your items but they can be removed individually.
There are also displays for the Elder scrolls, the Paragons from Dawnguard DLC, the masks from Dragonborn DLC and the Black Books from Dragonborn DLC. These displays do not operate if you haven’t got Dawnguard or Dragonborn installed – other items will be in their place as statics. If you start the game and then install a DLC midway through simply leave the house and return and the displays will then operate.
From this area there is a door to a forge with everything you need to craft weapons and armor. It includes weapon racks, shield racks, a grinder, work bench, forge and smelter. Themed storage for ingots and ores. Storage chests for leather, pelts, linen and miscellaneous.
Door opposite leads to followers bedroom, also contains wardrobe storage.
Archway through to a general relaxation area which has a small plunge pool, a bar, more bookcases and a door off to a small toilet and sink area. The pool is heated for frostfall users. This area has a large indoor garden with a number of hearthfire planting mounds. The bookcase nearest the fire now displays the Black Books and has extra Dagger Display Cases.
If using the multi adoptions mod and your children are living there you can tell them to do their chores.
There is a covered stable for your horse, terraces and gardens with a small number of planting mounds. If you are using the multi adoption mod and your children move in they will play tag and hide and seek, both in the area and will also join the Riverwood children to play. The area has markers for your children to do many activities.
The cow Maggie is set to essential and friendly to all, she is milkable – just hover the cursor over her flank and click e, she gives 2 jugs of hearthfire milk daily.
The chickens are set to essential and friendly to all, their nests will enable you to collect eggs daily. These are not the vanilla game nests but are scripted to get round the intermittent harvesting bug that plagues Riverwood so although you can gather eggs the original egg in the nest won’t disappear – I could have had it swopping out but really it’s such a minor thing, and hardly noticeable, that I didn’t bother. The Beehive will give you honey and honeycomb daily – again using a script rather than the vanilla harvesting system.
Known Issues
The house should work with Riverwood mods PROVIDING that mod doesn’t affect the cell in which the house stands. The house sits in cell 6/-10, cells affected by it will be 6/-11, 5/-10, and 6/-9. If your Riverwood mod is unaffected by those cells they should work fine together.
Otherwise try the mod out, placing it both above and below your other Riverwood mods to see if it works or not. If it doesn't just remove the mod and revert to a save before you added it.
If you leave the house for 31 days or more it is possible that your claws may be stuck to the display or vanish altogether (in testing this hasn’t happened but it’s a known game bug) to reclaim any missing items – for the vanilla claws look to the small ship model on the top of the display case, hover cursor over it – make sure you are looking at the ship and not the wall - open the consol (the tilde key to the left of the 1) and type removeallitems player 1. The claws will return to your inventory. The Elder scrolls storage container is the unfurled scroll which is part of the display so again just hover the cursor over it and type removeallitems player 1. The Black Books storage container is the metal dragon statue on the top shelf of the bookcase just above where the Black Books are displayed. With the masks just click on the bust itself and follow the same procedure. The amethyst claw and paragons are unaffected.
General (mainly for meshes and textures)
Blary Various including his book sets
Bond123 Retexture of the tundra cotton from his Tundra Rose Chalet mod on the Nexus
Brendan62 Fireplace tools and help and advice
BrettM Various from his resource pack on TesAlliance
Clintster74 The retexture of the hearthfire oven and help and advice
InsanitySorrow Various from his resources on TesAlliance
Jet4571 for his meshes for paintings and frames (which I have adapted somewhat)
Lilith filled baskets from her resources on TesAlliance
MJY some statues and the large bookcase from his castle mod
Oaristys Modders Resource Pack
Pheo3309 Soul gem storage and extra glass ingredient storage from TesAlliance
Runspect Various resources from his pack on the Nexus
Stoverjim Book set from his resource on TesAlliance
Stroti Various from his resources on Nexus and TesAlliance
Tamira Various including the rocking horse, teddy bears and others from TesAlliance and the Nexus
Tueffelachtein Clutter staves from TesAlliance
WillieSea The Toilet and Chilled Storage (slightly adapted) from his Levelers Tower mod on the Nexus.
Berticus0001 Berts Bits and Bobs Resources for Modders Also many thanks to Bert for endless help in setting them up and in some cases writing them specifically for me.
IsharaMeridan IsharaMeradin’s Individual Item Sorter
Andragon Andragon's Underground Bathhouse
TMPhoenix TMPhoenix's Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions Mod - the elder scrolls display script
subtanker Loraine-AQuest driven Voiced Companion - Script for storing multiple items non dlc specific.
Many thanks to all modders who make their resources free to use. If I have missed anyone out please mail me and I will add you to the list.
Wolf Painting
from photos by (used with permission).
Others wallpapers public domain fairy tale paintings
You may use anything from this mod provided it was made by me although credit would be nice.
For all other resources please check with the modders concerned (unless it is a modders resource in the first place).
You may not upload this to any other site without my permission or do anything to change the esp and reupload it.
If you want to translate the mod that's fine, but please let me know first.
Gentesters Darkwater Lodge SE
By Gentester
Darkwater Lodge by Gentester
A home for children and family in the Darkwater Pass area of the Rift.
Head down the hill from Ivarstead, follow the road to the right and it’s on the right set back from the road.
Sleeps 4 followers and 4 children. To allow children to move here use TMPhoenixs Multiple Adoptions Mod here which will also allow your spouse to move and sandbox correctly. If not using this mod the childrens bedroom will remain unused.
The home is purchasable for 18,000 septims, read the notice on the gate.
Once purchased fast travel is enabled to within the garden, however the landing site is fairly small and only suitable for yourself and possibly 2 or 3 followers. If you are bringing more in by fast travel then use the road landing site (beware the road is the haunt of a sabre cat!).
Outside there is a stable area, gardens, terraces, a second stable area which houses chickens and milkable cows (and can also take a horse or two), a covered outdoor dining area and bbq, further seating, a well and hot tub. There are two cows in one of the stables. The cows are milkable, hover the cursor over their bodies on their left flank and click e, the milking animation will take over. The cows produce milk and cream daily. The property has 30 hearthfire planting mounds, some are inside in the indoor garden area and some are on the outdoor terraces.
Inside the lighting changes with the time of day and it gets darker at night
It is a comfortable small family home and although it has all the storage you could want it is not suitable for those who want all their weapons and Armor on display, it has just one mannequin, 2 weapon racks and one display case.
On the main floor the kitchen has a hearthfire oven, chilled storage and tailored storage for all catering needs.
The upstairs master bedroom has a large number of interactive bookcases to store your books alongside plenty of wardrobes. On the small landing is storage for documents.
The children's bedroom sleeps 4 kids with toys.
The enchanting and alchemy areas both have designated and labelled storage.
From the interior there is a door and windows leading out to a large cavern and garden. The indoor garden has the follower accommodation (4 beds) with their own catering facilities and all the crafting is here from a forge to a grain mill, from butter churns to a well.
Also in the garden is a natural swimming hole and plenty of occasional seating.
Both the outside hot tub and the indoor pool will act as heat sources for frost fall users and there are also braziers outdoors in the main relaxation areas. Your followers will undress to use either and redress when they leave the water.
Known issues
The house will conflict with any mod which alters the same area.
If you are using a mod which alters the children’s body or has their clothing in different slots from vanilla the children may remove their clothing in the hot tub or pool, I can't guarantee they will redress automatically when leaving it (hasn't happened to me but I need to mention it).
Umm quite a list, if I have missed anyone out my apologies, let me know and I will correct the list. Most of the modders listed below are for meshes and textures except where otherwise marked AARS Blary Berticus0001 (milking scripts, house purchase scripts, and endless help and advice) Bond Brendan62 Breti Clintster (for new housefire oven decals, some other bits and massive amounts of help, advice and tutoring with retextures) Daemonjax (lighting ball scripts) Dark Rider Elinen and Ztree Ga-Knomboe Boy Insanity Sorrow Langley Lilith Merilia MJY Oaristy Phaedra Runspect Stroti Tamira WillieSea
You may use anything from this mod provided it was made by me although credit would be nice.
For all other resources please check with the modders concerned (unless it is a modders resource in the first place).
You may not upload this to any other site without my permission or do anything to change the esp and reupload it.
If you want to translate the mod that's fine, but please let me know first.
Gentesters Candle Pond Ranch SE
By Gentester
Candle Pond Ranch by Gentester
A home for your children and followers in between Whiterun and Windhelm with a farm and hearthfire planting in beautiful scenery by Gentester
Requires Heathfire DLC
Comfortably sleeps 9 followers
Childs room which will sleep 6 children if you use TMPhoenixs Multiple Adoptions mod otherwise the room will be unused.
Located in rural Eastmarch just behind Cradlecrush rock and midway between Whiterun and Windhelm this free (with backstory in a journal in the library) house and farm is a small distance off the main road. Fast travel is either to the front door or to the farm area close to the stable block.
The house contains a total of fourteen rooms and an additional galleried balcony. It is reasonably lore friendly but does have plumbed water. Decorated throughout in noble style much of what looks like clutter or decoration is actually themed storage. It is fully navmeshed and follower friendly.
Exterior has a full smithing area with storage, heathfire planting mounds, a greenhouse, stabling for horses. The cows are milkable and produce a jug of milk and cream daily. Hover the cursor over their flank and press E, the animation will take over. There are chickens for eggs and bee hives for honey, a farm well and grain mill.
Interior has a large lounge and dining area, kitchen with hearthfire oven, armour display area, alchemy and enchanting room, and followers bedrooms. Small bathing room where your followers will undress and redress as they leave. Stairs go down to the staff quarters and children’s room.
Stairs go up to galleried area with planting pots, library and master bedroom.
3 staff. A steward and his wife and daughter. They were created before Heathfire came out, for the original version of this mod, so don't use the Steward functions from Hearthfire. The wife works in the kitchen and in the smithy. The daughter works in the kitchen alongside her mother and patrols outside. The Steward also patrols outside and can be found in the library sometimes working on the account books, there are entries in his ledger to explain why they are there. None of them are recruitable, I simply liked the idea of having people at the house looking after the kids when I'm not there (which tends to be a LOT) and all 3 have weapons which they will use to guard the property. The giant at Cradlecrush only ventures anywhere near the house if a dragon attacks him and heads in the direction of the house afterwards (I had it happen once in all the years I have had or worked on this mod, the stewards wife killed him immediately), otherwise he can't see the house through the trees and is peaceful and doesn't bother anyone.
Artisanix for paintings and frames
Berticus for the milking and undressing scripts
Blary for Booksets, food container meshes, open books and potion shelves
Brendan62 for the greenhouse
DarkRider & team CelticDecor for paintings and frames
Daemonjax for lighting ball scripts
Insanity Sorrow for a curtain and a watering can
Lilith for stew gathering and toy chest
Oaristys & Tony67 for various meshes in the Modders resource pack
Phaedra for the meshes and textures for cream
Runspect for a model ship
Tamira for the rocking horses and teddy bears
Tonynarko67 for Shelf Scrolls
yourenotsupposedtobeinhere for new rugs
You may use anything from this mod provided it was made by me although credit would be nice.
For all other resources please check with the modders concerned (unless it is a modders resource in the first place).
You may not upload this to any other site without my permission or do anything to change the esp and reupload it.
If you want to translate the mod that's fine, but please let me know first.
Gentesters Bridge Farm SE
By Gentester
Bridge Farm by Gentester
A small fortified enclosed smallholding near Dragonbridge on the Morthal Road, not far from Meeko's shack. Requires Hearthfire DLC
sleeps 2 children and 3 followers.
Purchasable - read the sign by the gate.
If you want to move your children to the house then you MUST use TMPhoenix's Multiple Adoptions mod which also takes care of the spouse moving in and ensures that the spouse sleeps in the master bed and sandboxes correctly both indoors and outside the rest of the time. If not using the the adoption mod then it’s just a spare bedroom with some toys
Small building in the exterior world space for your followers, your children will sleep inside the main house but will move freely between the interior and the garden.
Kitchen, dining and lounging area. 2 upper shelving units and an area of counter near the dining table are player operated bookcases and can store 126 books. There is a sink with running water and it has plenty of themed hidden storage for food items, there are also 3 weapon racks. Downstairs the house has a small office/storage area with 9 chests and two warm and cosy bedrooms, one of which has 2 weapon racks. There are no mannequins.
Stabling for horses, Milkable cows (just mouse over and click e – the cows won’t tell you they can be milked and it looks best if you don’t have a shield equiped), the animation sometimes has the cows kicking the bucket over but it generally works more often than not, I suspect cows kick buckets over all the time in real life. Our three Highland Cattle produce a Jug of Milk (the same one as produced in the Hearthfire houses and for sale at some stores) and Bridge Farm Cream daily.
Honey and honeycomb can be collected on an occasional basis using the same models as the Hearthfire homes. 50 hearthfire planting mounds to grow and harvest exactly what you want.
Greenhouse with more planting mounds and with enchanting and alchemy areas and bookcases for magical tomes. Harvestable apple trees
The grain mill can be used. Two butter churns, one in the dairy and one in the house, both of which will produce butter on an occasional basis.
The smithing area is adjacent to the house, with other crafting needs accommodated on the walkway and deck area including a large storage chest. From the end of the walkway Solitude can just be seen in the distance.
Underneath the walkway is an outside washroom with sink, shower and toilet.
Further along is the dairy and cold store area where the harvest is stored before going to market and there is chilled storage to keep the milk and cream fresh.
The entire farm is walled, with the cows and goats separate from the vegetable area, although the chickens are allowed to glean from the planting areas.
The gate marker is high enough to allow a rider to open the gate without dismounting
Known Issues
Incompatible with Arthmoors Cutting Room Floor which places a farm in the same spot , although works fine with Alternate Start
Blary for booksets, open books, food containers & potion shelves
Berticus0001 for milking scripts.
Dark Rider for Celtic Decor pictures and frames
Daemonjax (lighting ball scripts)
Insanity Sorrow for Chess Board, washing stuff, alchemy bits, watering can, butter churn, Ice cream churn and thread spools
Lilith for baskets of flowers and filled bowls
Merilia for Meshes and Textures for Snowberry Pie and Coq Au Vin
MJY for metal texture on chiller door
Nart2007 for glass panels
Oaristys & Tony67’s Modders Resource Pack for various meshes
Phaedra for Meshes and Textures for Cream
WillieSea for Apple Trees (from Levellers Tower mod)
Gentesters Aspen Manor SE
By Gentester
Aspen Manor. A home for children and followers by Gentester.
Your children will live here using TMPhoenix's mod Heathfire Multiple Adoptions
Requires Hearthfire DLC
Aspen Manor is next to Merryfair Farm outside Riften. Turn left at the stables as you leave Riften
Purchasable, read the notice on the gate, fast travel enabled once purchased.
The house sleeps 6 children and up to 12 followers
Using HeathfireMultiple Adoptions mod will allow your children to move here, your spouse will also move in and use the master bedroom correctly. Without the Multi Adoptions mod the children’s bedroom will remain unused.
Two versions. One which undresses your spouse and followers for sleeping and swimming, One which only undresses them to swim. Both are included in the download. Only use One.
The grounds have guards. They have patrol schedules and guard the grounds 24/7 with rotated breaks for rest and sleep in their own quarters. They are all essential, recruitable as followers and marriageable, however will obviously no longer guard if you take them away from their schedules. When you first arrive, there tends to be some beasties outside and may be some inside the garden, the guards will take care of the ones inside and you take care of the one outside, think of it as a quest to get the house lol, once killed the animals will not respawn.
Lounge, alchemy and enchanting areas, scroll storage, recipe storage, shelves for spell books, small armoury, kitchen with hearthfire oven, butter churns, customs storage, dining area, indoor pool. Bookcases everywhere for other books, small roof terrace with seating. 14 mannequins, weapon racks and armor storage, display cases and dagger racks and a place to practise archery.
Pool area will undress your followers and redress them as the leave the area (Warning - if you use a nude body mod then your followers will be nude). Children just remove their shoes and wooden swords but they tend to avoid the undressing area in any case.
Outside the main house is the forge, smelter, grain mill and wood chopping with the Guards quarters above the forge. Large outdoor conservatory with heathfire planting containers, Bee Hives, Stables for horses. Two milkable cows (hover your mouse over their flanks and click E and the milking animation will begin) they produce heathfire milk and cream daily. Chicken run with 4 hens, Well and Laundry Area. Outside seating and a picnic area by the lake.
Fish hatchery on the lake
Some of the lighting in the house is set to timers so that the interior will be darker at night
Known Issues
The Guards and Shadowmere
The reason they may sometimes attack is that Shadowmere is in Dark brotherhood faction. It’s a known issue with guards of any type and this horse which you may or may not get. You may also get it with NPC's set to guard anywhere using the old MyHomeIsYourHome. Workaround would be to remove Dark Brotherhood faction from Shadowmere.Do the following at a point when the guards are either not there or not hostile.
1) Open console while standing in front of Shadowmere
2) Click on Shadowmere.
3) Type: addfac 1bdb3 -1
4) Hit enter and exit the console.
Some modded versions of Shadowmere don't have the horse in that faction, those should be fine "out of the box".
If you leave the house for 31 days or more it is possible that your claws may be stuck to the display or vanish altogether (in testing this hasn’t happened but it’s a known game bug) to reclaim any missing items – for the claws look to the dragon skull above the claw display shelf, hover cursor over it – make sure you are looking at the skull and not the wall or the flames - open the consol (the tilde key to the left of the 1) and type removeallitems player 1. The claws will return to your inventory. With the masks just click on the bust itself and follow the same procedure.
Reported conflict with one of the Dark Brotherhood quests. I can't recreate it myself although I have tried. This quest causes no problems for me. However in case you do get a problem - The quest is "Take the Hidden Treasure" and the reported conflict occurs with the variation called Cancelled Wedding which requires a treasure to be taken from the a tree stump within the grounds of Aspen Manor. If you play this questline and get this particular quest and then get a problem - it would be probably be better to complete it using the consol (its only getting treasure out of a tree stump so not really going to involve much in any case). After receiving the quest open the consol and type in SetStage DBTortureTreasureMiscObjective2 200.
It will conflict with any mod in the same area - this includes the cells it covers (39/-21; 39/-22; 39/-23) and also any cells with shared boundaries (where I have had to connect the navmesh). A mod on a shared boundary cell may run perfectly well but I can't guarantee it.
If you are using a mod which alters the children’s body or has their clothing in different slots from vanilla the children may remove their clothing in the pool area, I can't guarantee they will redress automatically when leaving it.
Umm quite a list, if I have missed anyone out my apologies, let me know and I will correct the list.
Most of the modders listed below are for meshes and textures except where otherwise marked
Berticus0001 (milking scripts, house purchase, and endless help and advice)
Clintster (for new housefire oven decals, some other bits and massive amounts of help, advice and tutoring with retextures)
Daemonjax (lighting ball scripts)
Dark Rider
RIP88 (pool furniture scripts)
You may use anything from this mod provided it was made by me although credit would be nice.
For all other resources please check with the modders concerned (unless it is a modders resource in the first place).
You may not upload this to any other site without my permission or do anything to change the esp and reupload it.
If you want to translate the mod that's fine, but please let me know first.
Manual installation
Place Aspen Manor.esp and Aspen Manor.bsa in your data folder at steam/steamapps/common/skyrim. Check that Aspen Manor is ticked in the launcher.
Manual Uninstallation
Move your spouse, followers and children out of the house and set another house as their home, remove all goods that you want to keep. Remove Aspen Manor.esp and Aspen Manor.bsa from your data folder.
skyrim special edition Dragonborn Sanctuary
By Scythe Bearer
Hidden beneath The Throat of The World Is a long forgotten sanctuary, build for the Dragonborn.
Find the key in Sky Haven Temple, and journey to The Cut Across the Throat to enter the sanctuary. There you will find a complete smithy, apothecary, kitchen, and crafting center; a library capable of holding every book in Skyrim; ancient Dragon Slayer armor and weapons; and clothing enchanted to make smithing and alchemy more effective. Plenty of store safe chests, manikins, and weapon racks. Enjoy the courtyard with it's Shrine to Talos.
In short, a home away from the stress of dealing with the drama of Skyrim. Take the Cooks Tour.
This Mod has been cleaned with Xedit 4.0.3.
This mod was successfully tested on the Anniversary Edition version 1.6.1130.
This mod is available for Xbox:
This mod may be downloaded for use during gameplay only. Any other use is prohibited. This mod may NOT be shared, reuploaded or modified without my EXPRESS WRITTEN permission. This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
REQUIREMENT This mod requires the mod Dawnguard floor tile dintrcenter01 fix 1.0.0, download from the link below.
For those who have a problem, here is a video of what happens if you don't install the Dawnguard floor tile fix documented above:
Finally, for those who are ... ah ... unable ... yeah ... unable ... to find the front door: Dragonborn Sanctuary Remedial Map191 downloads
- player home
- weapons
- (and 1 more)
Tel Avius SE
By Ac3s
This is the Skyrim Special Edition version, if you want the Normal Skyrim version then click here.
If you would like to leave me a donation I'd appreciate it.
!! Make sure you have gone through your character creation process on a new game before activating this mod or otherwise the displays in the Trophy room might not work. You can still fix this later-on by completely resetting the mod but that requires some more effort !!
Requires Skyrim Special Edition
This mod is not to be uploaded or used anywhere else, not even in mod lists, no monetary gains can ever be made from my mod, not even free donations/patreon/etc, no patches/replacers of/requiring my mod are allowed. Permission is never granted to be used on websites that have a none-revocable/infinite distribution license, if a website does not grant you the ability to permanently delete your own files then don't even bother asking me. I reserve the right to change/revoke these permissions at any point, you must agree to the changed permissions in the future regardless of any circumstances. Any changes, use of content or translations of this mod will require my explicit permission, contact me. (you will have to agree to all the above and mention me as the original author)
This mod adds a Telvanni tower on top of 'The Lone Mountain', West of Whiterun. It consists of one massive tower that has an upper, lower and cavern level. Two Dunmer npcs will already live there and are realistic regarding their appearance and clothing. They also keep themselves busy with chores during the day and sleep at night.
Player Tower -- Your personal home where you can store all your items. It includes displays where you can store your dragon masks/daedric artifacts/etc... There is also an enchanting table, alchemy table, staff enchanter, disenchantment font, bone grinder station where you can turn mammoth tusks into powder, a statue that will give you the "Divayth Fyr" blessing and a Soul Gem Altar where you can create/upgrade your own soul gems from normal gems and ore. Greenhouse -- Where you can grow your own plants, located in your Tower Cavern. HD Telvanni Robes and Hood -- Six different colors for these robes that you buy from the wizard. New Conjuration Creatures -- 9 new conjuration spells that you buy from the wizard. Spider Imbuing -- Build your own spider minions and throw them at your enemies like a madman! Recall Spell -- You can buy the "Recall to Tel Avius" spell from the wizard, costs 100 magicka to cast and can only be used every two hours (will show up in your "powers" list upon learning). Improved Navmesh -- All added content has been provided with new navmeshes, NPCs follow wherever you go. TES5EDIT Cleaned -- First cleaned automatically and then checked manually to make sure everything is in order. ~~Installation~~
Always make back-up saves before trying new mods. Make sure you are far away from The Lone Mountain before installing. Nexus Mod Manager: download the .ESP and .BSA files and activate it to install. Manual: open the 7zip file, then drag and drop the .ESP and .BSA files into Skyrim's Data folder. ~~Uninstallation~~
Make sure you are far away from Tel Nalta (go to a small interior like Whiterun-Breezehome) and make a new save game. Deactivate and uninstall from Nexus Mod Manager, or manually delete the mod. Load your last save game, wait 40+ days (use the console command "set timescale to 300000" and wait a minute, then use the console command "set timescale to 20") and finally save your game again. ~~Compatibility~~
Compatible with every mod except those that modify the same exterior cells as Tel Avius. Not Compatible with Tel Nalta SE, Tel Avius is in fact the same mod, except moved to a different location and lots of extras were removed. Compatibility Issues with Legendary Cities - Tes Arena - Skyrim Frontier Fortress, You can install all the cities from that mod except for Blackmoor. ~~Recommended Mods~~
My Home Is Your Home : Set any follower on home/sleep/work/guard wherever you like. ~~My Other Mods~~
Floating Grass Fix -- Also try waiting a few days far away from the tower so it can reset and the grass doesn't float anymore. If the Artifact displays inside the Trophy room are not working for you even after you waited 40+ days far away from Tel Avius then I suggest the following steps to fix them: -take out ALL your items from the interiors because everything is about to reset, leave Tel Avius, then save your game.
-deactivated Tel Avius from your mod list.
-load game, save game, exit game.
-activate Tel Avius in your mod list.
-head over to a small interior far away from Tel Avius, preferably an interior like Breezehome with minimal NPC activity.
-open console and type "set timescale to 300000", close console, just wait and do nothing for like 30 seconds.(40+ days must pass)
-open console and type "set timescale to 20".
-press T and manually wait for 5 days.
-go back to Tel Avius and test the Artifact displays.
(the reason these displays did not work for you is probably because you had Tel Avius activated in the very beginning on a new game, I believe this makes the scripts for those displays bug out, so if you wish to avoid this in the future then you should only enable Tel Avius after the beginning carriage scene has ended.)
Safe Storage -- The following containers are safe to store items: all containers in the Tower Lower & Tower Upper levels and the small strongbox in the Tower Cavern. The following interiors are safe to drop items on the floor: only the Tower Lower & Tower Upper levels. Black Book and Elder Scroll displays -- Be careful when placing your Elder Scrolls and Black Books in these because these are quest items and when you still need these for certain quests it could potentially break the quests. Only place your scrolls and books in those displays when you have finished doing all quests that require those items. Trash Container -- The Barrel in the exterior (hidden behind a mushroom, close to your tower entrance) will reset every 7 days, so you can dump all your useless junk in there. Wait Time -- To make waiting go faster, open console and type "TFC", one day will pass in a second now instead of waiting for every single hour to pass, when done type "TFC" again. Wait 40+ Days -- If you need to wait this long then I suggest you open the console and type "set timescale to 300000", close the console and then do nothing for like 30 seconds, when done type "set timescale to 20" and then just do nothing for a few minutes so the script engine can catch up.(its preferred you do this in an interior with no npcs, like Breezehome.) Decorate your home -- If you want to place items perfectly inside your home then you need to dump the items on the ground, exit home, re-enter home, place them where you like. If you don't do this then the items will just bounce around the next time you re-enter the home. This trick applies to all the homes in the game. Don't like certain items/plants/trees? -- You can always open the console in game, select the item, type "disable" or "markfordelete" to remove it. When using "markfordelete" you need to save and load again, but beware that the item will be gone forever, and make sure you have a backup save ready in case you deleted the wrong item. You can also use these commands to make your home interior better by removing clutter items you otherwise cannot pick up. ~~Credits~~
Mrpdean for Tel Mithryn modular meshes, extra containers and personally helping with mesh editing! fileosoft for fixing some textures. ps46183 for door animations on noble desk and cabinet. sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE for the lights and dining table script. Earrindo for telvanni assets. Stoverjm & Blary for open books. Blary for alchemy clutter, potionshelf, booksets, foodcontainer, openbooks, ingredients wall art. Oaristys for resources, pack and jars. Runspect, Stroti, Darkfox127, LilaMue, Garnet, Tlaffoon, CD Projekt for resources. Elinen & Ztree for water plants. Tueffelachtein for craftingtables and general displays. Tamira, Birdy & Yughues aka Nobiax for new plants. Rafuel for telvanni robes and hood. Grace Darkling for telvanni robes. Vicn, Dogtown1 for creature assets. JonesTheBond, ChampionofHircine, 1shoedpunk for telvanni assets. InsanitySorrow for headstones, rugs, potions, soulgems, pillows, telescope, clock, chessboard. Lilith for Ready Clutter. The_Funktasm for silverware replacement and morrowind clutter. THusky for morrowind armors. XunAmarox for disenchantment script. SrRamrod for stained glass lanterns. gosthy for spider imbuing extended.772 downloads
Tel Nalta SE
By Ac3s
This is the Skyrim Special Edition version, if you want the Normal Skyrim version then click here.
If you would like to leave me a donation I'd appreciate it.
!! Make sure you have gone through your character creation process on a new game before activating this mod or otherwise the displays in the Trophy room might not work. You can still fix this later-on by completely resetting the mod but that requires some more effort !!
Requires Skyrim Special Edition
This mod is not to be uploaded or used anywhere else, not even in mod lists, no monetary gains can ever be made from my mod, not even free donations/patreon/etc, no patches/replacers of/requiring my mod are allowed. Permission is never granted to be used on websites that have a none-revocable/infinite distribution license, if a website does not grant you the ability to permanently delete your own files then don't even bother asking me. I reserve the right to change/revoke these permissions at any point, you must agree to the changed permissions in the future regardless of any circumstances. Any changes, use of content or translations of this mod will require my explicit permission, contact me. (you will have to agree to all the above and mention me as the original author)
This mod adds a growable Telvanni town in the middle of Lake Ilinalta on the exact same spot as the Lady Stone, North of Falkreath. It consists of two mushroom towers and seven mushroom pods circling around the main tower (the player's home). Upon arrival the island is deserted and it is up to the player to grow and build it up to its full potential. New npcs can be hired to give it a small town feeling and are realistic regarding their appearance, clothing and use of weaponry/spells. They also keep themselves busy with chores during the day and sleep at night.
Courier Letter -- A courier in-game will give you a letter from Neloth, this letter is necessary to begin building the town, for the "immersion" version you will have to become a member of House Telvanni first, or you can use the "normal" version where the courier will come to you instantly without any requirements. Grow and Build -- It is up to the player to construct everything and hire the NPCs, the first thing you need to do is grow certain buildings through the Saplings and then use the workbench to build the interiors, take a look at the video tutorial or the forum tutorial. There is a cheat version where all materials are included in a chest which is located on top of the construction bench on the island, use this version if you don't feel like gathering all the resources required to construct the town. Player Tower -- Your personal home where you can store all your items and have your spouse and kids move in, you can build either 2, 4 or 6 beds for your adopted children. It includes displays where you can store your dragon masks/daedric artifacts/etc... There is also an enchanting table, alchemy table, staff enchanter, disenchantment font, bone grinder station where you can turn mammoth tusks into powder, a statue that will give you the "Divayth Fyr" blessing and a Soul Gem Altar where you can create/upgrade your own soul gems from normal gems and ore. Consilium Tower -- Secondary tower for the NPCs that includes an Apothecary Shop, a Kitchen area, Library area and a Temple area where you and NPCs can pray to all the Divines. General Stores -- Shop dealing in general goods, she sells Limeware/Ceramic/Glass clutter items and two new magical drinks. Blacksmith -- Shop dealing in weapons and armor, it includes a smelter, anvil, workbench, grindstone, tanning rack. The blacksmith also sells custom armors like Morrowind Glass, Bonemold and Chitin. Catacombs -- An underground area located on the North shore of the lake away from the actual town, here you can "reanimate" new creatures, buy new destruction spells and one new weapon enchantment. After you build the Catacomb through the workbench you can use the small fishing boat on the island to travel there quickly. Bathing Area -- A small pool area in the exterior for NPCs to relax, NPCs will take off/on clothing when entering/exiting. Greenhouse -- There are two gardens where you can grow your own plants, one is located in your Tower Cavern and one inside the Consilium Tower. Fish Hatchery -- A pretty big hatchery where you can breed your own fish. HD Telvanni Robes and Hood -- Six different colors for the robes, buy enchanted ones from the wizard and unenchanted ones from the servant. New Conjuration Creatures and Pets -- 9 new conjuration spells that you buy from either the wizard or the catacomb merchants, 4 Dwarven automatons that you need to construct yourself through the Dwemer workbench inside the Cavern, a Chaurus spider and a small Elven girl. NPCs and Followers -- A merchant, blacksmith, alchemist, farmer, bard, chef, wizard, servant, huntress and 4 guards.(all guards are followers) Automated Storage -- Construct a small Dwarven spider through the Dwemer workbench, any items given to this spider will be placed automatically in different containers around your home. This system is completely optional and if you don't like it you can even deconstruct the Dwarven spider. Spider Imbuing -- Build your own Spider Imbuing Chamber (or not, its optional) and throw your small spider minions at your enemies like a madman! Recall Spell -- Once the Player Tower is grown you can buy the "Recall to Tel Nalta" spell from the wizard, costs 100 magicka to cast and can only be used every two hours (will show up in your "powers" list upon learning). Improved Navmesh -- All added content has been provided with new navmeshes, NPCs follow wherever you go. Optimized Exterior -- Most objects that are out of your view around the town will get disabled, this allows for less CPU to be used and a significant increase in FPS. TES5EDIT Cleaned -- First cleaned automatically and then checked manually to make sure everything is in order. ~~Installation~~
Always make back-up saves before trying new mods. Make sure you are far away from Lake Ilinalta before installing. Nexus Mod Manager: download the .ESP and .BSA files and activate it to install. Manual: open the 7zip file, then drag and drop the .ESP and .BSA files into Skyrim's Data folder. ~~Uninstallation~~
Dismiss all potential followers from my mod, make sure none of them are actively following you. Make sure you are far away from Tel Nalta (go to a small interior like Whiterun-Breezehome) and make a new save game. Deactivate and uninstall from Nexus Mod Manager, or manually delete the mod. Load your last save game, wait 40+ days (use the console command "set timescale to 300000" and wait a minute, then use the console command "set timescale to 20") and finally save your game again. ~~Compatibility~~
Compatible with every mod except those that modify the same exterior cells as Tel Nalta. Not Compatible with Tel Avius SE , It is in fact the same mod, except moved to a different location and lots of extras were removed. Compatible with Moon and Star, but only if you install the Compatibility Patch for it. ~~Recommended Mods~~
My Home Is Your Home : Set any follower on home/sleep/work/guard wherever you like. Hearthfire multiple adoptions : Enables you to move your spouse and children to different homes. Once you have this mod installed, go inside the Upper Tower interior and cast the "bless home" spell, now go talk to your spouse and kids and tell them to move to the new home. ~~My Other Mods~~
Floating Grass Fix -- Also try waiting a few days far away from the town so it can reset and the grass doesn't float anymore. Newly hired NPCs can appear in T-pose and have no dialogue at first, just leave and come back a bit later and they will be fine. Elven Child Eriëlin forever following you, unable to ask her to leave, same thing for the creatures you summon from the Catacomb Summon Alter, unable to get rid of those creatures -> read the forum topic and leave detailed information! Pet followers dialogues glitching out after combat (Dwarven automatons, Chaurus spider, Elven girl) -- This is something I can't seem to fix, but if you enter a new interior or fast travel then the dialogues will reset and work again. If that doesn't work and you use a mod like AFT then make them wait somewhere and leave them, they will return home automatically after a while. With the "grow and build" system there could be activators and markers that don't fully activate unless you wait 40+ days far away from Tel Nalta which will make them reset and become fully active. It is recommended to do this once all buildings have been grown, all interiors have been build and all npcs are activated. Some of the things that might not work properly due to inactive markers are: -Consilium Tower elevator -Dwemer workbench -Bonegrinder station -Spouse and kids system - Artifact displays in the Trophy room(like Masks and Daedric artifacts). If the Artifact displays inside the Trophy room are not working for you even after you waited 40+ days far away from Tel Nalta then I suggest the following steps to fix them: -take out ALL your items from the interiors because everything is about to reset, leave Tel Nalta, then save your game.
-deactivated Tel Nalta from your mod list.
-load game, save game, exit game.
-activate Tel Nalta in your mod list, it is preferred you now use the cheat version so you can quickly rebuild the town.
-load game, Tel Nalta is gone, regrow/rebuild it completely.
-head over to a small interior far away from Tel Nalta, preferably an interior like Breezehome with minimal NPC activity.
-open console and type "set timescale to 300000", close console, just wait and do nothing for like 30 seconds.(40+ days must pass)
-open console and type "set timescale to 20".
-press T and manually wait for 5 days.
-go back to Tel Nalta and test the Artifact displays.
(the reason these displays did not work for you is probably because you had Tel Nalta activated in the very beginning on a new game, I believe this makes the scripts for those displays bug out, so if you wish to avoid this in the future then you should only enable Tel Nalta after the beginning carriage scene has ended.)
Safe Storage -- The following containers are safe to store items: all containers in the Player Tower (Tower Lower & Tower Upper), the small strongbox in the Tower Cavern, the small chest on the carpenters workbench in the exterior and the "dragonborn's chest" in the Catacombs. The following interiors are safe to drop items on the floor: only your Player Tower (Tower Lower & Tower Upper). All the other containers and interiors are set to respawn so they are not safe to store or drop your items. Black Book and Elder Scroll displays -- Can only be build from the workbench once you have completed all their related quests, this is done to avoid issues where players would store these quest items while the quests still needed them since this could potentially break the quests. Train skills -- You can train your spell/archery/weapon skills by hitting the target dummies or other things that the npcs use to practice upon. Trash Container -- The Barrel at the exterior pool area will reset every 7 days, so you can dump all your useless junk in there. Apiaries -- Your bees will work hard and apiaries will respawn ingredients every 3 days. Ilinalta's Deep fortress -- This is that sunken fortress just North of Tel Nalta. The walls have been removed and the towers/entrances moved more inland to make the lake larger. (see picture "Ilinalta's Deep Fortress entrances") Lady Stone -- Has been moved to the main land, behind the farm in the exterior. (see picture "Lady Stone Location") Bard NPC (Tidus) annoying you? -- If he is annoying you too much with hes singing you can talk to him to dismiss him, if you regret doing that you can always re-hire him from the Hire Boards again Wait Time -- To make waiting go faster, open console and type "TFC", one day will pass in a second now instead of waiting for every single hour to pass, when done type "TFC" again. Wait 40+ Days -- If you need to wait this long then I suggest you open the console and type "set timescale to 300000", close the console and then do nothing for like 30 seconds, when done type "set timescale to 20" and then just do nothing for a few minutes so the script engine can catch up.(its preferred you do this in an interior with no npcs, like Breezehome.) Decorate your home -- If you want to place items perfectly inside your home then you need to dump the items on the ground, exit home, re-enter home, place them where you like. If you don't do this then the items will just bounce around the next time you re-enter the home. This trick applies to all the homes in the game. Don't like certain items/plants/trees? -- You can always open the console in game, select the item, type "disable" or "markfordelete" to remove it. When using "markfordelete" you need to save and load again, but beware that the item will be gone forever, and make sure you have a backup save ready in case you deleted the wrong item. You can also use these commands to make your home interior better by removing clutter items you otherwise cannot pick up. ~~Credits~~
RussianRanger for personally helping with scripting (grow and build system)! Mrpdean for Tel Mithryn modular meshes, extra containers and personally helping with mesh editing! rockyourazz for the exterior optimization system! fileosoft for fixing some textures. ubuntufreakdragon for the summon altar script. ps46183 for door animations on noble desk and cabinet. sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE for the lights and dining table script. Tarshana for converting the mod to Skyrim Special Edition. ice_fan1436 for converting the MoonAndStar compatibility patch to Skyrim Special Edition. dptheslothking for making a nice video. Earrindo for telvanni assets. Stoverjm & Blary for open books. Blary for alchemy clutter, potionshelf, booksets, foodcontainer, openbooks, ingredients wall art. Oaristys for resources, pack and jars. Runspect, Stroti, Darkfox127, LilaMue, Garnet, Tlaffoon, CD Projekt for resources. Elinen & Ztree for water plants. Tueffelachtein for craftingtables and general displays. Tamira, Birdy & Yughues aka Nobiax for new plants. Rafuel for telvanni robes and hood. Grace Darkling for telvanni robes. Vicn, Dogtown1 for creature assets. alanovichromanov for draugr assets. JonesTheBond, ChampionofHircine, 1shoedpunk for telvanni assets. InsanitySorrow for headstones, rugs, potions, soulgems, pillows, telescope, clock, chessboard. Lilith for Ready Clutter. The_Funktasm for silverware replacement and morrowind clutter. THusky for morrowind armors. B1gBadDaddy for improve skill script on target dummies. Tumbajamba for armored death hound meshes. Ragna_Rok for axe meshes. XunAmarox for disenchantment script. SrRamrod for stained glass lanterns. neuroliquidity for bedroll mesh and texture. Ranaline & tokkimoon for children assets. gosthy for spider imbuing extended.8822 downloads
Lakeview Extended SE
By Ac3s
This is the Skyrim Special Edition version, if you want the Normal Skyrim version then click here.
If you would like to leave me a donation I'd appreciate it.
!! Make sure the original Lakeview Manor is completely build with the upgrades you want to have (through workbenches and steward) before activating this mod or any optional files !!
!! If you start a new game or switch character you need to deactivate the mod and optional files until the Lakeview Manor is build !!
Requires Skyrim Special Edition
This mod is not to be uploaded or used anywhere else, not even in mod lists, no monetary gains can ever be made from my mod, not even free donations/patreon/etc, no patches/replacers of/requiring my mod are allowed. Permission is never granted to be used on websites that have a none-revocable/infinite distribution license, if a website does not grant you the ability to permanently delete your own files then don't even bother asking me. I reserve the right to change/revoke these permissions at any point, you must agree to the changed permissions in the future regardless of any circumstances. Any changes, use of content or translations of this mod will require my explicit permission, contact me. (you will have to agree to all the above and mention me as the original author)
This mod is all about beauty and lore friendliness, I tried to keep the exterior as simple as possible without making it feel like a castle while taking away the shortcomings of the original. It changes nothing regarding interaction of the original vanilla content, all this mod does is expand the exterior. I also made the mod modular so you can choose to disable/enable certain upgrades if you want to and even install some optional files for other changes. New npcs are added to give it a small town feeling and are realistic regarding their appearance, clothing and use of weaponry/spells, they also keep themselves busy with chores during the day and sleep at night.
(most upgrades, except for the pool/villa/walls/watchtower, can be enabled/disabled by talking to the little dragon in the villa.)
Pool -- for those that fancy taking a swim, npcs will take off/on clothing when entering/exiting. Wall & Gates -- north fence and a south wall with 2 gates.(gate keys in the villa chest, see picture "21 Key Location") Villa -- providing beds for 5 people, info book and a small dragon on the wardrobe to disable/enable certain upgrades. Watchtower -- defensible position to protect the fence.(you can train your spell/archery/weapon skills by hitting the target dummies) Extra Flora -- for those that love trees/plants/farm plots, not to mention statues. Fish Hatchery -- for an easy fishing time, same as the Windstad Manor's hatchery. Fungal Cave -- an underground mushroom garden including little chaurus gardeners, entrance at old necromancer's altar. Road -- connecting your manor to both main roads. Hortus Sanctum -- greenhouse cavern including ores, insects and spriggans. Apothecary -- a cave where your alchemist shop is located, including 4 beds, entrance under watchtower. Prison -- tower on top of the mountain, entrance is next to your manor at the bottom of the mountain. NPCs -- a merchant, blacksmith, alchemist, gardener, huntress, housemaid, necromancer, fisherman and 4 guards. Vanilla Necromancer's Altar -- all items of this horrible looking altar right next to your home are disabled and replaced with a garden. Improved Navmesh -- all added content has been provided with new navmeshes, npc's should follow wherever you go. Optimized Exterior -- most objects that are out of your view around the manor will get disabled, this allows for less CPU to be used and a significant increase in FPS. TES5EDIT Cleaned -- first cleaned automatically and then checked everything manually to make sure everything is in order.
~~Optional Files~~
(any of these optionals can be used without my main Lakeview_Extended.esp, they are in fact separate mods.)
Lakeview_Extended_BackRoom -- this replaces the backroom of the main hall with mannequins and some weapon racks.(see picture "26 Optional BackRoom_Mannequins") Lakeview_Extended_Basement -- an extra bedroom in the basement with beds for 8 people.(see picture "24 Optional Basement_Bedroom") Lakeview_Extended_CM -- these esp's remove unnecessary collision markers so your npcs can walk past your house, install only one .esp per wing. example: I build the kitchen yet the armory collision marker is there thus my npcs will not walk past it.(see picture "25 Optional Collision_Markers_Fix") Lakeview_Extended_Grindstone_Workbench -- If you wish to remove that useless drafting table, chest, carpenters workbench - Open the console in game, select those items, type "markfordelete", save and load game - This esp will move the normal grindstone/workbench there instead.(see picture "23 Optional Grindstone_Workbench") Lakeview_Extended_Interior -- stops your manor interior from resetting, I made this because I got sick of old items respawning and bumping away my own placed items.
(I will repeat that first yellow warning in more words here: You need to build EVERYTHING on the Lakeview Manor before activating my mod, that includes the house, wings, interiors and all the upgrades the steward provides such as cow, horse, carriage driver, chickens,...
You can choose to skip certain upgrades like interiors in case you want to use other mods for that, or cows/chickens/horse if you simply don't like those, just DON'T try to build anything anymore once my mod is enabled.
Basically you need to construct the entire manor through the bench in the exterior, then all the benches in the interiors and then the upgrades from the steward.
All of this begins if you start doing quests for the Jarl of Falkreath.
Only after this is done you should activate the mod and start upgrading through Nagra the little dragon in the villa, you can still activate/de-activate any of my upgrades through the dragon, but you should NEVER use those original benches or steward anymore.
Failing to heed my advice and activating my mod before you have that lakeview manor finished can result in the following bugs, such as not being able to buy lumber, not being able to hire a steward, not being able to advance through the "build lakeview" quests, certain original upgrades never becoming visible and the lakeview map marker not showing up.
So again, if you start a new game, DE-ACTIVATE my mod and build the original lakeview manor first!)
Always make back-up saves before trying new mods. Make sure you are far away from Lakeview manor before installing. Nexus Mod Manager: download the .ESP and .BSA files and activate it to install. Manual: open the 7zip file, then drag and drop the .ESP and .BSA files into Skyrim's Data folder.
Dismiss all potential followers from my mod, make sure none of them are actively following you. Make sure you are far away from Lakeview manor before uninstalling, wait 40+ days. You can deactivate and uninstall from Nexus Mod Manager, or manually delete the mod.
Since this mod stretches over the whole area around the manor, moving items everywhere, even altering terrain, its safe to guess that other mods in the exterior area are NOT compatible. My mod does not change anything in the interior(unless you use the optional files), so you are free to use other mods for the interior as you please. Compatible with DynDOLOD: obviously you cannot enable my mod until the vanilla Lakeview Manor is completely build, once you enable my mod you need to run DynDOLOD once again and make sure it includes my mod or else objects will pop in and out of existence, however DynDOLOD will not actually create LODs for the Lakeview area so you cannot see the manor (or anything else from my mod) from a large distance, for more details go look under my mod forums tab. Compatible with Lakeview. Manor - As It Should Be, mod load order should be: Lakeview_Extended.esp, LKVM-Part I.esp, LKVM-Part II.esp. Read that mod's description carefully as you need to install that mod BEFORE you build the manor, as opposed to my Lakeview_Extended mod that needs to be installed AFTER you build the manor. Make sure you do not install any of my optional files that change the interior, also do not install the LKVM NoGrass optional file since that will cause landscape incompatibility in my mod
~~Recommended Mods~~
My Home Is Your Home : Set any follower on home/sleep/work/guard wherever you like.
~~My Other Mods~~
Dragon in the villa voice/options not appearing -- quicksave and quickload the game, then speak to him again. Dragon in the villa not there -- he sometimes bugs out but you can press that tiny button on hes rock to put him back in position. Enemy spiders/wolfs/bandits/giants still spawning at manor entrance -- you need to wait 40+ days far away from Lakeview so that the exterior can reset. Carriage driver still sitting at old location and floating a bit in the air -- you need to wait 40+ days far away from Lakeview so that the exterior will reset. Floating Grass Fix -- also try waiting a few days far away from the Lakeview exterior cell so it can reset and the grass doesn't float anymore. Some people have game freezing/infinite loading screen when loading a save in the exterior or exiting the manor, removing certain upgrades like extra flora/farms/road/prison/fish hatchery helps with this.(talk to the dragon on the wardrobe in the villa.) If you are unable to get to the Villa to disable upgrades because your game freezes or CTD around the exterior, open the console and type "COC LakeviewVilla", this will directly transport you there.
skubblebubble for converting this mod to work on Skyrim Special Edition. sa547 for giving me permission to edit and use hes Lakeview Pool and Hot Bath for Hearthfire mod. jhdez for giving me permission to edit and use hes Lakeview Manor Fish Hatchery plus opt Mill mod. rockyourazz for optimizing the exterior, objects out of view will get disabled, thus lessening the CPU load and increasing FPS. subtanker for providing the pool scripts. hex0id for making the Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul Compatibility patch. dptheslothking for making a nice video. Xubarku, xxGODLIKExx, ps46183 and all commentators that share their idea's and give constructive criticism. B1gBadDaddy for improve skill script on target dummies.
Safe Storage -- Only use your own Manor to store your stuff, all the new interiors that I added are for the npcs. All these containers and interiors are set to respawn so they are not safe to store or drop your items. Even if you use the "no-npc version" you still can't use these new interiors to store your items. To let wait time go faster, open console and type "TFC", one day will pass in a second now instead of waiting for every single hour to pass, when done type "TFC" again. If you need to wait 40+ days then I suggest you open the console and type "set timescale to 300000", close the console and then do nothing for like 30 seconds, when done type "set timescale to 20".(its preferred you do this in an interior with no npcs, like Breezehome.) To decorate your home, dump items on the ground, exit manor, re-enter manor, place them where you like. To make your bard Llewellyn essential, type "setessential 03018DE0 1" in the console. He has a bad habit of playing the hero in every fight while dying one second later. If you don't like certain items/plants/trees, you can always open the console in game, select the item, type "disable" or "markfordelete" to remove it. When using "markfordelete" you need to save and load again, but beware that the item will be gone forever, and make sure you have a backup save ready in case you deleted the wrong item. You can also use these commands to make your manor interior better by removing clutter items you otherwise cannot pick up. Since my mod adds guards there is a high probability that when your spouse gets kidnapped(quest) the bandits will be in combat and die before you can open dialogue with them, this can cause a bug to occur that when after you save your spouse he/she will walk backwards all the time and generally does not follow you anymore, as if stuck in place while moon-walking. To fix this open console, select your spouse and type "recycleactor".19905 downloads
Daedric Museum of Artifacts
By Enter_77
Adds a museum east of Falkreath near the Skyrim-Cyrodiil border gate dedicated to the Daedra. Inside, you'll find a safe place to store and display your accumulated Daedric artifacts. There are also other Daedric-related displays and Daedric items to purchase.
NOTE - NPCs are unvoiced. All subtitles will need to be enabled.
Museum Rooms
Serves as a gateway to the rest of the museum
Museum of Artifacts
Display/storage area for all unique Daedric artifacts
Daedric shrines that can be activated to give you unique blessings
NPC that gives you hints as to where Daedric quests may be started
Museum of Lords
Mannequin displays of the live Daedric Lords featured throughout the game
Museum of Daedra
Mannequin displays of the live Daedra featured throughout the game
Atronach Forge with already available Sigil Stone.
NPC trainer/vendor that specializes in Conjuration and sells Daedria conjuration spell tomes, scrolls, and staves. Also sells special Atronach Forge Recipe book containing all 34 recipes in the game.
Museum of Relics
Preset displays of miscellaneous Daedric items seen and acquired throughout the game
NPC vendor that sells Daedric clothing
NPC smith trainer/vendor that sells Daedric weapons & armor
Crafting & enchanting center
Contains all of Skyrim's Daedra-related books
Book shelves are safe for storage and an ideal place for players to place their own books in an organized manner
AFK Mods
Bethesda NET (PC)
Bethesda NET (Xbox One)
Mod DB
Nexus Mods
Versions for Other The Elder Scrolls Games
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Dragon Claw Stands
By Arthmoor
A simple mod to provide display stands for your dragon claws.
People like to display their collectibles in their homes. I am no different, but I've always wanted a way to do the same with the dragon claw keys used on the Nord ruin puzzle doors one they're of no use anymore. It always seemed silly to just toss them in a chest and forget about them since they're among the more unique things about the game. So the idea came up to make a display stand for the claws, but not just any display stand. One that was somewhat unique and fitting with their style and purpose. Thanks to some help from the folks at AFK Mods, this is now a reality
Each vanilla player home, as well as the 3 Hearthfire homes, and Severin Manor in Raven Rock, now have display stands in various numbers. Simply have one or more of the claws in your inventory and activate the stand. If you have only one, it will be automatically displayed. If you have more than one, it will ask you which one you want to display, in much the same way the Paragon Gem platform in Falmer Valley does with Paragon Gems. If you should want it back for some reason, simply activate the stand a second time and it will be returned to your inventory.
Under the hood, the mod takes the claw from your inventory, puts it into a hidden chest, and then places a clone of it in the visible world. When the claw is removed from the stand, the original copy in the chest is placed into your inventory and the clone is deleted to ensure there is no save bloating from creating multiple claws repeatedly. This is done in case the claw is marked in a quest alias somewhere so that the alias is not disrupted.
Not all houses can display every claw due to limited space. Severin Manor is the only one with enough space to hold all 10 in the same cell. The Hearthfire houses split them up between the Main Hall and the basement, and all of the vanilla houses can only hold some. For example, Breezehome only has room for 4, while Proudspire Manor can hold up to 7. The placement of the stands are also tied to certain room upgrades, except for Severin Manor where they all get enabled once the player owns the property.
As an added bonus, if other mods add more dragon claws, they can be added to the formlist used to track the vanilla game claws. All they would need is a script to access the formlist and add their base object to that list. The only condition is you would need to be sure the mod added claw is the only one in your inventory when you want to place it. This is due to limitations on how the menu works when asking for a claw.
Requires the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch to be installed first!
Castle Volkihar Rebuilt
By Arthmoor
A mod to allow the player to clean up the debris and rebuild Castle Volkihar to its former glory. The North Tower is also converted into a player home with safe storage.
After the Dawnguard quest line is over, have you ever wondered why nobody bothers to rebuild Castle Volkihar? Harkon may have been an obsessive lazy vampire, but that doesn't mean you need to be! Now you can rebuild the castle as you see fit, whether you're a vampire lord yourself and just want the stinking mess cleaned up, or a member of the Dawnguard seeking to expand into a new base and occupy some new territory.
At several locations throughout the Main Hall, Volkihar Ruins, Volkihar Courtyard, the Undercroft, and the docks behind the castle will be rubble piles or debris columns you can use to clean up the area around them. You'll need a pickaxe to do so, but that's it. After that all you need is the patience to see things through.
If you are playing as a vampire, your existing vampire minions will continue to provide their normal functions, just in a much cleaner environment. After all, what are we? Vampires or slovenly trolls? To clear the path to the Courtyard, speak to Garen Marethi as usual.
If you're playing as the Dawnguard, cleaning up rooms in the main guildhall area will bring in new Dawnguard members to man the stations that the vampires used to. The blacksmith, apothecary, and vendor will offer services appropriate to Dawnguard members. Ownership of the various castle cells will also be marked properly so you won't get accused of stealing the stuff you fought so hard to take. As a small added bonus, Fort Dawnguard will get cleaned up properly too. No more cobwebs lurking about!
If playing as the Dawnguard, Serana can now be directed to move into the castle and use her cleaned up room by lighting the candle on the corner of her nightstand (the one with the cloth mat). When the flames are lit, she will stay at the castle when dismissed. If they are out, she will stay at Fort Dawnguard. This candle will be lit permanently if playing for the vampires to indicate she stays there when dismissed. As an added bonus, she will make full use of the entire cell in either location, instead of just being narrowly restricted to the main hall areas.
Valerica's Study and the hallway outside that leads down to the secret fireplace passage will clean up when you go to the Soul Cairn to tell her Harkon is dead. Best to let the senior vampire handle her own affairs
Clearing the North Tower attached to the Courtyard provides a player home with safe storage, 3 mannequins, some weapon racks, 3 bookshelves, and a place to sleep too. Be aware though that the North Tower is the ONLY room you can clear out where storage is safe.