About This File
Just a simple hatch you can carry in your backpack; odd little thing...
All Official DLC ( Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn )
Known Conflicts:
- DO NOT install TARDIS STL Reborn for reasons that may become obvious; or maybe not.
- Mods that seriously alter the vanilla skill trees might disable SOME of this mod's features.
- Mods that seriously alter the vanilla skill trees might disable SOME of this mod's features.
Let LOOT decide if you don't want to bother, but the mod is very light, simple and doesn't really trouble anyone.
Known Issues:
When clearing the derbies with your pick-axe, do not fast mine it by
attacking it with the axe. These are not mines but custom scripted
objects that require normal activation to work properly.
When clearing the derbies with your pick-axe, do not fast mine it by
attacking it with the axe. These are not mines but custom scripted
objects that require normal activation to work properly.
- Help, I didn't pickup my hatch when leaving, now I forgot where I placed it! Then do what I did until I learnt better, retrace your steps and don't be a dummy.
- Hey, I cleaned my mod with a game cleaner and when I went into my Hatch I saw that rubbish I cleaned up. True, it returns if you clean your game or other similar things, but rest assured it pops away within seconds. Sure, I could have fixed it by making all that garbage persistent objects, but that would eat up game resources and I don't like doing that; so, I scripted out a solution. Anyway, it's rare and you would only notice it if you're quick to look when you enter the hatch, otherwise it's gone.
- Hey, where are those secret rooms?? If I told you then it wouldn't be a secret now would it?
- Hey, the hatch says it's stuck and it won't let me out!! Go back in that secret room you found and undo what you did.
- Yo, this sucks, I see the hatch in my inventory and it doesn't do anything!! Check your power abilities; just make sure you keep the thing in your inventory.
- Say, the quest says to use the sonic on the pylons but how do I do that? You know when you press the left mouse button the sonic zaps things? Try that...
- Why don't you make the hatch a quest item so I will never accidentally loose it? Why, so you're awareness can go on a vacation?
- How do I XXXX X XXXXXXXX so that I can XXX XXX XXXXX? Sorry for the redaction but spoilers. It's a simple mod, just play with it for a bit and you'll get it.
- It say's Blacksmith's Hammer and my game only shows Hammers. They are interchangeable.
- Help, I accidentally incinerated the Mystery Hatch using the POET and cant enter the TARDIS. Only a dummy incinerates things without looking.
- I can't find the POET, where is it? If I told you what would be the fun of achievement? Read the tattered note found on the skeleton you sweep up.
See articles tab for detailed instructions on using this mod ( contains spoilers )
::: Contributors :::
- TheShatteredSteel For setting up the groundwork and bringing the TARDIS to Skyrim.
- Ian Smith (AKA Doctorhr2) For TARDIS 1963 - 96 Exterior Models, various meshes and future models and sets.
- TARDIS Builders For TARDIS plans, reference materials as well as a resource for TARDIS props and Doctor Who lore.
- SparrowPrince Providing Assets for custom interior models, glow effects and other model texture tweaks.
- Tony Farrell of TARDIS Builders for providing dims for assets.
- Brian Rocz (and WitchBoy for permissions) For using some control models optimized and re-textured.
- Misc Assets from Resources For Modder's, Modder's Resource and Modder's Resource Pack
- Arie Manor Furniture resource by Arion50
- Pillars modders resource by Incaendo and Yughues
- Upper Class Furniture Pack V2.0 by Monk_ide and Icecreamassassin
- Elianora's Extra Resources by Elianora
- Book binder mesh (Ported from Reborn v7.00) from Stroti's Printing Press Resource by Stroti and Tamira
- Eolhin (Creator of TARDIS by Eolhin for Oblivion) for assets, input and layout ideas.
- Project Modularity by DarkFox127 for scripts, meshes and his Youtube tutorial videos.
- SkyUI Team For making the TARDIS menu systems possible.
- Michael of GamerPoets for his educational videos on SKSE and other Skyrim essentials.
- BBC For creating Doctor Who.
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