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32 Screenshots

About This File

This is the Skyrim Special Edition version, if you want the Normal Skyrim version then click here.

If you would like to leave me a donation I'd appreciate it.

!! Make sure you have gone through your character creation process on a new game before activating this mod or otherwise the displays in the Trophy room might not work. You can still fix this later-on by completely resetting the mod but that requires some more effort !!
Requires Skyrim Special Edition


  • This mod is not to be uploaded or used anywhere else, not even in mod lists, no monetary gains can ever be made from my mod, not even free donations/patreon/etc, no patches/replacers of/requiring my mod are allowed.
  • Permission is never granted to be used on websites that have a none-revocable/infinite distribution license, if a website does not grant you the ability to permanently delete your own files then don't even bother asking me.
  • I reserve the right to change/revoke these permissions at any point, you must agree to the changed permissions in the future regardless of any circumstances.
  • Any changes, use of content or translations of this mod will require my explicit permission, contact me. (you will have to agree to all the above and mention me as the original author)



  • This mod adds a growable Telvanni town in the middle of Lake Ilinalta on the exact same spot as the Lady Stone, North of Falkreath.
  • It consists of two mushroom towers and seven mushroom pods circling around the main tower (the player's home).
  • Upon arrival the island is deserted and it is up to the player to grow and build it up to its full potential.
  • New npcs can be hired to give it a small town feeling and are realistic regarding their appearance, clothing and use of weaponry/spells. They also keep themselves busy with chores during the day and sleep at night.


  • Courier Letter -- A courier in-game will give you a letter from Neloth, this letter is necessary to begin building the town, for the "immersion" version you will have to become a member of House Telvanni first, or you can use the "normal" version where the courier will come to you instantly without any requirements.
  • Grow and Build -- It is up to the player to construct everything and hire the NPCs, the first thing you need to do is grow certain buildings through the Saplings and then use the workbench to build the interiors, take a look at the video tutorial or the forum tutorial. There is a cheat version where all materials are included in a chest which is located on top of the construction bench on the island, use this version if you don't feel like gathering all the resources required to construct the town.
  • Player Tower -- Your personal home where you can store all your items and have your spouse and kids move in, you can build either 2, 4 or 6 beds for your adopted children. It includes displays where you can store your dragon masks/daedric artifacts/etc... There is also an enchanting table, alchemy table, staff enchanter, disenchantment font, bone grinder station where you can turn mammoth tusks into powder, a statue that will give you the "Divayth Fyr" blessing and a Soul Gem Altar where you can create/upgrade your own soul gems from normal gems and ore.
  • Consilium Tower -- Secondary tower for the NPCs that includes an Apothecary Shop, a Kitchen area, Library area and a Temple area where you and NPCs can pray to all the Divines.
  • General Stores -- Shop dealing in general goods, she sells Limeware/Ceramic/Glass clutter items and two new magical drinks.
  • Blacksmith -- Shop dealing in weapons and armor, it includes a smelter, anvil, workbench, grindstone, tanning rack. The blacksmith also sells custom armors like Morrowind Glass, Bonemold and Chitin.
  • Catacombs -- An underground area located on the North shore of the lake away from the actual town, here you can "reanimate" new creatures, buy new destruction spells and one new weapon enchantment. After you build the Catacomb through the workbench you can use the small fishing boat on the island to travel there quickly.
  • Bathing Area -- A small pool area in the exterior for NPCs to relax, NPCs will take off/on clothing when entering/exiting.
  • Greenhouse -- There are two gardens where you can grow your own plants, one is located in your Tower Cavern and one inside the Consilium Tower.
  • Fish Hatchery -- A pretty big hatchery where you can breed your own fish.
  • HD Telvanni Robes and Hood -- Six different colors for the robes, buy enchanted ones from the wizard and unenchanted ones from the servant.
  • New Conjuration Creatures and Pets -- 9 new conjuration spells that you buy from either the wizard or the catacomb merchants, 4 Dwarven automatons that you need to construct yourself through the Dwemer workbench inside the Cavern, a Chaurus spider and a small Elven girl.
  • NPCs and Followers -- A merchant, blacksmith, alchemist, farmer, bard, chef, wizard, servant, huntress and 4 guards.(all guards are followers)
  • Automated Storage -- Construct a small Dwarven spider through the Dwemer workbench, any items given to this spider will be placed automatically in different containers around your home. This system is completely optional and if you don't like it you can even deconstruct the Dwarven spider.
  • Spider Imbuing -- Build your own Spider Imbuing Chamber (or not, its optional) and throw your small spider minions at your enemies like a madman!
  • Recall Spell -- Once the Player Tower is grown you can buy the "Recall to Tel Nalta" spell from the wizard, costs 100 magicka to cast and can only be used every two hours (will show up in your "powers" list upon learning).
  • Improved Navmesh -- All added content has been provided with new navmeshes, NPCs follow wherever you go.
  • Optimized Exterior -- Most objects that are out of your view around the town will get disabled, this allows for less CPU to be used and a significant increase in FPS.
  • TES5EDIT Cleaned -- First cleaned automatically and then checked manually to make sure everything is in order.


  • Always make back-up saves before trying new mods.
  • Make sure you are far away from Lake Ilinalta before installing.
  • Nexus Mod Manager: download the .ESP and .BSA files and activate it to install.
  • Manual: open the 7zip file, then drag and drop the .ESP and .BSA files into Skyrim's Data folder.


  • Dismiss all potential followers from my mod, make sure none of them are actively following you.
  • Make sure you are far away from Tel Nalta (go to a small interior like Whiterun-Breezehome) and make a new save game.
  • Deactivate and uninstall from Nexus Mod Manager, or manually delete the mod.
  • Load your last save game, wait 40+ days (use the console command "set timescale to 300000" and wait a minute, then use the console command "set timescale to 20") and finally save your game again.


  • Compatible with every mod except those that modify the same exterior cells as Tel Nalta.
  • Not Compatible with Tel Avius SE , It is in fact the same mod, except moved to a different location and lots of extras were removed.
  • Compatible with Moon and Star, but only if you install the Compatibility Patch for it.

~~Recommended Mods~~

  • My Home Is Your Home : Set any follower on home/sleep/work/guard wherever you like.
  • Hearthfire multiple adoptions : Enables you to move your spouse and children to different homes. Once you have this mod installed, go inside the Upper Tower interior and cast the "bless home" spell, now go talk to your spouse and kids and tell them to move to the new home.

~~My Other Mods~~

Lakeview_Extended.png.664fc5d3c25f3c327e     Tel_Avius.png.a7b6b596c4484fdd68ee988403



  • Floating Grass Fix -- Also try waiting a few days far away from the town so it can reset and the grass doesn't float anymore.
  • Newly hired NPCs can appear in T-pose and have no dialogue at first, just leave and come back a bit later and they will be fine.
  • Elven Child Eriëlin forever following you, unable to ask her to leave, same thing for the creatures you summon from the Catacomb Summon Alter, unable to get rid of those creatures -> read the forum topic and leave detailed information!
  • Pet followers dialogues glitching out after combat (Dwarven automatons, Chaurus spider, Elven girl) -- This is something I can't seem to fix, but if you enter a new interior or fast travel then the dialogues will reset and work again. If that doesn't work and you use a mod like AFT then make them wait somewhere and leave them, they will return home automatically after a while.
  • With the "grow and build" system there could be activators and markers that don't fully activate unless you wait 40+ days far away from Tel Nalta which will make them reset and become fully active. It is recommended to do this once all buildings have been grown, all interiors have been build and all npcs are activated. Some of the things that might not work properly due to inactive markers are: -Consilium Tower elevator -Dwemer workbench -Bonegrinder station -Spouse and kids system - Artifact displays in the Trophy room(like Masks and Daedric artifacts).
  • If the Artifact displays inside the Trophy room are not working for you even after you waited 40+ days far away from Tel Nalta then I suggest the following steps to fix them:
   -take out ALL your items from the interiors because everything is about to reset, leave Tel Nalta, then save your game.
   -deactivated Tel Nalta from your mod list.
   -load game, save game, exit game.
   -activate Tel Nalta in your mod list, it is preferred you now use the cheat version so you can quickly rebuild the town.
   -load game, Tel Nalta is gone, regrow/rebuild it completely.
   -head over to a small interior far away from Tel Nalta, preferably an interior like Breezehome with minimal NPC activity.
   -open console and type "set timescale to 300000", close console, just wait and do nothing for like 30 seconds.(40+ days must pass)
   -open console and type "set timescale to 20".
   -press T and manually wait for 5 days.
   -go back to Tel Nalta and test the Artifact displays.

(the reason these displays did not work for you is probably because you had Tel Nalta activated in the very beginning on a new game, I believe this makes the scripts for those displays bug out, so if you wish to avoid this in the future then you should only enable Tel Nalta after the beginning carriage scene has ended.)



  • Safe Storage -- The following containers are safe to store items: all containers in the Player Tower (Tower Lower & Tower Upper), the small strongbox in the Tower Cavern, the small chest on the carpenters workbench in the exterior and the "dragonborn's chest" in the Catacombs. The following interiors are safe to drop items on the floor: only your Player Tower (Tower Lower & Tower Upper). All the other containers and interiors are set to respawn so they are not safe to store or drop your items.
  • Black Book and Elder Scroll displays -- Can only be build from the workbench once you have completed all their related quests, this is done to avoid issues where players would store these quest items while the quests still needed them since this could potentially break the quests.
  • Train skills -- You can train your spell/archery/weapon skills by hitting the target dummies or other things that the npcs use to practice upon.
  • Trash Container -- The Barrel at the exterior pool area will reset every 7 days, so you can dump all your useless junk in there.
  • Apiaries -- Your bees will work hard and apiaries will respawn ingredients every 3 days.
  • Ilinalta's Deep fortress -- This is that sunken fortress just North of Tel Nalta. The walls have been removed and the towers/entrances moved more inland to make the lake larger. (see picture "Ilinalta's Deep Fortress entrances")
  • Lady Stone -- Has been moved to the main land, behind the farm in the exterior. (see picture "Lady Stone Location")
  • Bard NPC (Tidus) annoying you? -- If he is annoying you too much with hes singing you can talk to him to dismiss him, if you regret doing that you can always re-hire him from the Hire Boards again
  • Wait Time -- To make waiting go faster, open console and type "TFC", one day will pass in a second now instead of waiting for every single hour to pass, when done type "TFC" again.
  • Wait 40+ Days -- If you need to wait this long then I suggest you open the console and type "set timescale to 300000", close the console and then do nothing for like 30 seconds, when done type "set timescale to 20" and then just do nothing for a few minutes so the script engine can catch up.(its preferred you do this in an interior with no npcs, like Breezehome.)
  • Decorate your home -- If you want to place items perfectly inside your home then you need to dump the items on the ground, exit home, re-enter home, place them where you like. If you don't do this then the items will just bounce around the next time you re-enter the home. This trick applies to all the homes in the game.
  • Don't like certain items/plants/trees? -- You can always open the console in game, select the item, type "disable" or "markfordelete" to remove it. When using "markfordelete" you need to save and load again, but beware that the item will be gone forever, and make sure you have a backup save ready in case you deleted the wrong item. You can also use these commands to make your home interior better by removing clutter items you otherwise cannot pick up.


  • RussianRanger for personally helping with scripting (grow and build system)!
  • Mrpdean for Tel Mithryn modular meshes, extra containers and personally helping with mesh editing!
  • rockyourazz for the exterior optimization system!
  • fileosoft for fixing some textures.
  • ubuntufreakdragon for the summon altar script.
  • ps46183 for door animations on noble desk and cabinet.
  • sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE for the lights and dining table script.
  • Tarshana for converting the mod to Skyrim Special Edition.
  • ice_fan1436 for converting the MoonAndStar compatibility patch to Skyrim Special Edition.
  • dptheslothking for making a nice video.
  • Earrindo for telvanni assets.
  • Stoverjm & Blary for open books.
  • Blary for alchemy clutter, potionshelf, booksets, foodcontainer, openbooks, ingredients wall art.
  • Oaristys for resources, pack and jars.
  • Runspect, Stroti, Darkfox127, LilaMue, Garnet, Tlaffoon, CD Projekt for resources.
  • Elinen & Ztree for water plants.
  • Tueffelachtein for craftingtables and general displays.
  • Tamira, Birdy & Yughues aka Nobiax for new plants.
  • Rafuel for telvanni robes and hood.
  • Grace Darkling for telvanni robes.
  • Vicn, Dogtown1 for creature assets.
  • alanovichromanov for draugr assets.
  • JonesTheBond, ChampionofHircine, 1shoedpunk for telvanni assets.
  • InsanitySorrow for headstones, rugs, potions, soulgems, pillows, telescope, clock, chessboard.
  • Lilith for Ready Clutter.
  • The_Funktasm for silverware replacement and morrowind clutter.
  • THusky for morrowind armors.
  • B1gBadDaddy for improve skill script on target dummies.
  • Tumbajamba for armored death hound meshes.
  • Ragna_Rok for axe meshes.
  • XunAmarox for disenchantment script.
  • SrRamrod for stained glass lanterns.
  • neuroliquidity for bedroll mesh and texture.
  • Ranaline & tokkimoon for children assets.
  • gosthy for spider imbuing extended.

What's New in Version 2.10   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



Ac3s, I hope you had a good break this summer. Sorry to hear how upsetting the Nexus modlist decision was for everyone. But, I'm so glad to have found your mods here! I finally moved from oldrim to SSE and your Tel Nalta mod was top priority for me to find.



Oh wow.. it's so good to see this , thank you very much for uploading it here! For a while, I've been wanting to do a Dunmer playthrough (probably starting off on Solstheim via LAL), and I was saddened to see this was unavailable. Bloody Nexus....

Currently, I'm busy with a wannabee Norse character, but I'm very much looking forward to trying this sometime later. Cheers!

By the way, looking at the images I'm getting just the strongest Uvirith's Legacy vibes. The siren call of Morrowind... *sigh* (because, of course, I don't have enough to keep me busy! )



On 8/27/2021 at 6:23 PM, thappysnek said:

Ac3s, I hope you had a good break this summer. Sorry to hear how upsetting the Nexus modlist decision was for everyone. But, I'm so glad to have found your mods here! I finally moved from oldrim to SSE and your Tel Nalta mod was top priority for me to find.

I'm glad you enjoy the mod, summer was pretty messed up with what Nexus did tbh, how they instantly banned me without so much as a single official warning on my account first, they could have just taken away my comment posting privileges for like a month or whatever, but instead they decided as in their own words "enough is enough, we don't want you nor your mods anymore, byebye" because I was opposing them too much on the forums and they just banned me completely for it, they just seem to make up whatever they want and label stuff they don't like as "misinformation" while rarely giving strait answers themselves, its all so messed up how they do things now with censorship, deleting comments, locking topics, banning people who speak out, which is truly sad because they became the biggest modding website by doing the exact opposite of how they are behaving now. But I guess this is what happens when you become the "biggest and most popular", greed sets in and ruins all.


On 8/28/2021 at 1:52 AM, Sonja said:

By the way, looking at the images I'm getting just the strongest Uvirith's Legacy vibes

Tel Nalta was indeed based on the Morrowind Uvirith Player Tower, I remember fondly how RussianRanger send me screenshots and videos on how the interior looked and then I even made sketches on paper for the Tel Nalta interior layout, granted we couldn't just fly to the top like in Morrowind with the elevation spell so thats where the stairs came in :)

  • Like 2


so glad this mod is available again! definitely one of my absolute favourite mods. just one question, why is the normal vers. called 'delete' on my mods list? 



On 8/29/2021 at 6:22 AM, Katsoa said:

why is the normal vers. called 'delete' on my mods list?

-Show me a screenshot.

-Are you still using a file that you once got from Nexus? On Nexus I renamed all my files to "delete" right before they got permanently deleted, but I don't understand how that can have anything to do with the files here on AFK mods, are you certain you have downloaded the files from AFK mods?

-Test out if Immersion and Cheat versions also say "delete" or not.

-Which mod program are you using? Have you tried a manual install?



8 hours ago, Ac3s said:

-Show me a screenshot.

-Are you still using a file that you once got from Nexus? On Nexus I renamed all my files to "delete" right before they got permanently deleted, but I don't understand how that can have anything to do with the files here on AFK mods, are you certain you have downloaded the files from AFK mods?

-Test out if Immersion and Cheat versions also say "delete" or not.

-Which mod program are you using? Have you tried a manual install?

-no this is not the file that I once got from nexus, I double checked and reinstalled each version just to check, each is named 'delete' once installed.

-like what I said above, all versions are saying 'delete.' 

-I am using vortex and from what I can see on the website here there is only a manual install option?

attached screenshots:

Vortex mods list after installing any version:378188858_deletevortex.thumb.PNG.bc39df46398340e0edcbbef498d40c73.PNG

Importing the file initially:cheatvers..PNG.d0259e6ba108ecb98bfa8089feb5c90f.PNG

What is shows in my downloads folder: normalvers..PNG.863309f947fe9430d9c26257fefddf13.PNG

What it shows on vortex after installing:326717466_delete.PNG.656c4cffbbbd101ddc88e43ba9966ade.PNG

thank u :)



10 hours ago, Katsoa said:

-I am using vortex

ty for the good feedback and pics, makes it easier to pinpoint what might cause it.

Clearly Nexus lied and did not delete all my mod data then, you are using vortex which is a Nexus mod program, you then install the Tel Nalta files from AFK mods but you enter them into Vortex, then Vortex still goes to look at the "meta"-data on Nexus, meta data is like a bit of file information (name, data, file size, stuff like that) but doesnt have to include the actual files.

So Nexus clearly did not remove that meta-data, I can only hope they did indeed delete the actual mod files or else they lied once again, and Vortex goes to compare the remaining meta-data on Nexus which is likely why you come up with the name "delete" for my mod now since the last thing I did on Nexus was to rename all my mod files to "delete" before filling in that deletion form(from their deadline) on Nexus and then Nexus telling me it was all permanently deleted.

I suggest you do the following:

1. unload the v2.10 mod from Vortex.

2. try to simply edit the .esp file in the creation kit really quick and all you need to do is increase the version number to anything above 2.10, like 2.11 (I don't think you need to even load the mod, just open the creation kit, select the file, and you'll see the version number right there, increase it and close the creation kit, then reopen the creation kit and check if version is still indeed increased), maybe just by doing this the meta-data on Nexus won't be used anymore since the higher version number never existed on Nexus to begin with. If you could do this and tell me how it went I'd appreciate it, cause if you can confirm it does indeed helped to prevent this "remove" issue then all I need to do is increase my version number to prevent other people from having the same issue like you.

3. load the v2.11 mod into Vortex, see if name goes back to "delete" or not.

4. if none of the above works, don't use Vortex for my mod and simply manually install it and drop it to he bottom of your skyrim mod list and hope it works out, I never used vortex so I don't know exactly how it functions, but clearly its comparing data still on Nexus and giving you this issue.

Rev Elevenclaw


I think if it has a Meta.ini, you could delete it to stop vortex from 'talking' to nexus. But it would need to be done prior to install. I use Wrye Bash, so I had no idea what a meta.ini was. I looked it up and found out they are unnecessary.



Hey so I had the issue where erielin is following me forever and unfortunately i can read the forum post about it since it was taken down. So how do it fix it?



20 hours ago, Chondro said:

Hey so I had the issue where erielin is following me forever and unfortunately i can't read the forum post about it since it was taken down. So how do it fix it?

copy paste from that topic:


WARNING:Two things have been reported to not work properly since converting the mod to Skyrim Special Edition, we suspect it has something to do with players using follower mods and then the player manually trying to change the creatures though dialogues given by these follower mods, if you experience an issue like this PLEASE let us know what follower mods you use and what actions you took ingame to get to this issue with the creatures, the more information you provide the better we can attempt to solve this, because as of right now we seriously lack information and all reports given by players so far were lacking in this.

-The first is the Elven child "Eriëlin" that will follow you and act as a pet follower (like dogs ingame) the moment you talk to her, her dialogues seem to get broken for some players and then she won't be able to be dismissed.
-The second thing is the summon alter in the Catacombs, some players won't be able to turn these creatures "back to dust" at the altar since again this dialogue option from the altar itself seems to malfunction.

If however you did talk to the Elven child "Eriëlin", you can get rid of her with console commands.
Her base ID: B68A7A
-depending on your own game and what mods you use, the base ID will be slightly different in the first 2 number or letters that get added, so open console and type "Tel_Nalta", you will see many things in the list, what are the first 2 numbers or letters of those ID's?(mine is 79) Remember that and add it to the front of Eriëlin's base ID.
-open console and type "show playeranimalcount", it should say "1" since shes following you.
-type "set playeranimalcount to 0"
-type "setessential 79B68A7A 0", kill her. (again, the 79 in front of the ID is from my game, yours will likely be different)
-type "setessential 79B68A7A 1"
-select her corpse with left mouse button in console, then type "recycleactor", also type "resurrect"
Now shes back alive, back on essential, no longer counting as a "pet follower" and she is also no longer following you, now please don't talk to her again.

If however you did summon a creature from the altar in the Catacombs, you can get rid of it with console commands.
Summon Altar creatures base ID's:
Deathhound: B6819E ,Armored Deathhound: B681F9, Armored Deathhound: B681FC, Draugr Archer: B684EA, Draugr Berserker: B68501, Draugr Caster: B684DC, Draugr Warrior: B6850C, Feral Minion: B68517, Feral Minion: B68518, Burnt Spriggan: B68196, Frost Gargoyle: B68217, Lightning Gargoyle: B68216, Poisonous Gargoyle: B68215
An example, lets say you summoned the Armored Deathhound(B681F9):
-depending on your own game and what mods you use, the base ID will be slightly different in the first 2 number or letters that get added, so open console and type "Tel_Nalta", you will see many things in the list, what are the first 2 numbers or letters of those ID's?(mine is 79) Remember that and add it to the front of the base ID's.
-Now type "setessential 79B681F9 0", close console, kill creature. (again, the 79 in front of the ID is from my game, yours will likely be different).
-You can actually keep using the Summon Altar like this, however the script will remember your last 2 summoned creatures, so if you want to summon this Armored Deathhound again, you will need to summon and kill 2 more creatures with console commands in this manner.

You can leave comments here, remember to tell us what actions you took ingame with your followers and ESPECIALLY if you used any follower mods to somehow change them, without proper info we can't do much.

Also in version 2.10 there were more Altar Summon Creatures added and those base ID's arn't added in this topic because I havn't gotten around to it...and nobody asked or even replied about it in all this time so...



On 8/31/2021 at 7:40 AM, Ac3s said:

ty for the good feedback and pics, makes it easier to pinpoint what might cause it.

Clearly Nexus lied and did not delete all my mod data then, you are using vortex which is a Nexus mod program, you then install the Tel Nalta files from AFK mods but you enter them into Vortex, then Vortex still goes to look at the "meta"-data on Nexus, meta data is like a bit of file information (name, data, file size, stuff like that) but doesnt have to include the actual files.

So Nexus clearly did not remove that meta-data, I can only hope they did indeed delete the actual mod files or else they lied once again, and Vortex goes to compare the remaining meta-data on Nexus which is likely why you come up with the name "delete" for my mod now since the last thing I did on Nexus was to rename all my mod files to "delete" before filling in that deletion form(from their deadline) on Nexus and then Nexus telling me it was all permanently deleted.

I suggest you do the following:

1. unload the v2.10 mod from Vortex.

2. try to simply edit the .esp file in the creation kit really quick and all you need to do is increase the version number to anything above 2.10, like 2.11 (I don't think you need to even load the mod, just open the creation kit, select the file, and you'll see the version number right there, increase it and close the creation kit, then reopen the creation kit and check if version is still indeed increased), maybe just by doing this the meta-data on Nexus won't be used anymore since the higher version number never existed on Nexus to begin with. If you could do this and tell me how it went I'd appreciate it, cause if you can confirm it does indeed helped to prevent this "remove" issue then all I need to do is increase my version number to prevent other people from having the same issue like you.

3. load the v2.11 mod into Vortex, see if name goes back to "delete" or not.

4. if none of the above works, don't use Vortex for my mod and simply manually install it and drop it to he bottom of your skyrim mod list and hope it works out, I never used vortex so I don't know exactly how it functions, but clearly its comparing data still on Nexus and giving you this issue.

sorry I forgot to answer/follow up on this. unfortunately I tried to use creation club and even though this was a very simple fix it just was not working with me, tried to fix the error I was getting by editing the config but it didn't help :(

therefore I just installed it manually by dropping right into my data folder for skyrim. so far I haven't had any issues with the mod though and it's almost fully built and furnished. absolutely beautiful btw! 

(if u still want me to try and fix this for other people's sake, I'll attempt it again and let u know) 



On 9/25/2021 at 6:55 PM, Katsoa said:

(if u still want me to try and fix this for other people's sake, I'll attempt it again and let u know) 

Not sure if Creation Club is the same as Creation Kit, either way its up to you if you want to continue to test or not, but since my mod is no longer on Nexus people should really just manually install it because Vortex is a Nexus program, the issue your having with Vortex renaming a mod from another website to "Deleted" really is a Nexus issue and should be talked about with them, its their causing, not mine. Though I do try to help where I can but its Nexus' responsibility to begin with.



On 9/27/2021 at 5:31 AM, Ac3s said:

Not sure if Creation Club is the same as Creation Kit

I meant creation kit :) I see it's a nexus issue, and if it's not causing in game problems, doesn't really bother me (or others I assume). Thanks for the help. 



I might be literally the only person in the world who cares about this, but does the new location of the Lady Stone get a new map marker? And would it still work properly if I'm using Atlas Map Markers?



On 11/8/2021 at 12:09 PM, TheRealGinsekai said:

I might be literally the only person in the world who cares about this, but does the new location of the Lady Stone get a new map marker? And would it still work properly if I'm using Atlas Map Markers?

No, Tel Nalta marker IS the original Lady Stone marker, so no new marker for the stone is added, if you fast travel to Tel Nalta its literally a 10 second walk...

As for it working with Atlas Map Markers, I don't know, I don't use that mod, so maybe you can give it a try and see for yourself.

  • Like 1


4 hours ago, Ac3s said:

No, Tel Nalta marker IS the original Lady Stone marker, so no new marker for the stone is added, if you fast travel to Tel Nalta its literally a 10 second walk...

As for it working with Atlas Map Markers, I don't know, I don't use that mod, so maybe you can give it a try and see for yourself.

Thanks for the reply! A quick playtest is exactly what I did. The Tel Nalta map marker works fine, and the Lady Stone's functionality works fine, so I'll take it. The only (minor) issue is with the shipwreck south of the island Tel Nalta sits on. I'm guessing this mod removes it, which is no big deal because it doesn't contain anything unique. But Atlas Map Markers DOES add a marker for it, which effectively points to a clam in my game. >_> All in all, nothing major. I haven't tried building the mushroom tower itself yet, but it looks like a fantastic player home.

Rev Elevenclaw


I just found out that "The People of Skyrim 2" has a conflict with this mod. There is an NPC named Rustlius Salt-Torn that has a small camp smack in the middle of the island Tel Nalta grows on.


I tried to post a comment on TPOS2's page as well, but the author has locked the comments. Also, my web searches found no patch.



23 hours ago, Rev Elevenclaw said:

I just found out that "The People of Skyrim 2" has a conflict with this mod...

-Choose one mod or the other.

-or make a little patch yourself, I suggest you use TES5EDIT (SE version, whatever they call that) and search for the location where that specific NPC is at, and then just delete all records of everything that got changed in that area on "the people of skyrim" so that NPC and hes little camp is just gone.

-Or even easier, use console commands (disable or markfordelete) ingame to remove all items of hes camp while keeping the NPC, I'm sure he will wander around, I just hope the other mod did not change navmeshes or landscape, if it did you need to put my mod below the other mod in the mod load order.

Rev Elevenclaw


TPOS2 is right below my ESM's, so Tel Nalta is has far more priority, being near the middle of my LO. I think making a patch would be elementary in this case. The camp is small, as I said, and the NPC has nothing but basic AI. I will try to make a patch that moves him and his camp.

I really just wanted to let it be known for posterity.

Rev Elevenclaw


Alrighty then, the patch is released for The People of Skyrim 2.

Get it here or here (NSFW).



is tel nalta compatible with skyrim anniversary edition ??, since skyrim AE is basically skyrim SE with additional creation club content, i think tel nalta will compatible with skyrim AE

i can install this mod with vortex (of course it's called "delete" on vortex but it's ok), i can see tel nalta marker on the map and even teleport there

but when i arrive on tel nalta location, there is nothing there, that's just a field, there is no sapling or fertile soil to start growing, or even workbench (cheat version), all version just like that (i already try all)




I don't know if Tel Nalta will be compatible with Skyrim AE, I have not tested that but if what you say its true that its just like Skyrim SE with some creation club content then it "should" be compatible.

As for you not seeing any saplings to grow...read the first line under ~Features~, it says you first need to get a letter from a courier, this got changed in the last version of Tel Nalta to streamline the entire process and make things easier "behind the scenes", so now no matter what version you have, you NEED to get that letter from the courier first.

-Cheat version: courier will find you instantly, can take a while though since you keep moving around and fast traveling, but usually going to Whiterun and just waiting there for like a day or two will make him show up quickly.

-Normal version: same as Cheat.

-Immersion version: Courier will only find you after you become a member of House Telvanni.


If you test the mod more on Skyrim AE, then plz let me know if it works.

As for the mod being renamed to "DELETED", thats something you can thank Nexus for, my mod is no longer on Nexus yet they still keep the meta-data of my mod after they said they had deleted everything from my mod and let Vortex screw up the mod name like that, I suggest you don't use Vortex for my mod and just manually install it, or use Vortex for my mod and accept the fact its called "deleted", I just hope nothing else gets broken on my mod because of this, you should go check in your actual data folder and see if the .esp and .bsa files are in fact still the same name or not, if the .esp gets renamed to "deleted" and then .bsa is still called "tel_nalta" then obviously the mod won't work, if both these files got renamed to "deleted" and then you install another mod that also gets renamed to "deleted" then you will get major issues as well because then my deleted.esp file can start using the deleted.bsa file of another mod.

So please go check and let me know, does Vortex only rename the mod to "deleted" ONLY in the Vortex list, or does it ALSO rename the actual mod files located under your skyrim/data folder to "deleted" too?

If Vortex renames the actual mod files in your data folder, then you cannot use Vortex for my mod since it will then obviously break the entire mod as explained above, which I would consider sabotage to get revenge towards mod authors who decided to leave Nexus. So please go check and let me know what Vortex is actually doing.

Rev Elevenclaw


Has anyone tried deleting the Meta.ini before installing with Vortex? It should prevent the issue. I would test it myself, but I use Wrye Bash.



11 hours ago, Ac3s said:


I don't know if Tel Nalta will be compatible with Skyrim AE, I have not tested that but if what you say its true that its just like Skyrim SE with some creation club content then it "should" be compatible.

As for you not seeing any saplings to grow...read the first line under ~Features~, it says you first need to get a letter from a courier, this got changed in the last version of Tel Nalta to streamline the entire process and make things easier "behind the scenes", so now no matter what version you have, you NEED to get that letter from the courier first.

-Cheat version: courier will find you instantly, can take a while though since you keep moving around and fast traveling, but usually going to Whiterun and just waiting there for like a day or two will make him show up quickly.

-Normal version: same as Cheat.

-Immersion version: Courier will only find you after you become a member of House Telvanni.


If you test the mod more on Skyrim AE, then plz let me know if it works.

As for the mod being renamed to "DELETED", thats something you can thank Nexus for, my mod is no longer on Nexus yet they still keep the meta-data of my mod after they said they had deleted everything from my mod and let Vortex screw up the mod name like that, I suggest you don't use Vortex for my mod and just manually install it, or use Vortex for my mod and accept the fact its called "deleted", I just hope nothing else gets broken on my mod because of this, you should go check in your actual data folder and see if the .esp and .bsa files are in fact still the same name or not, if the .esp gets renamed to "deleted" and then .bsa is still called "tel_nalta" then obviously the mod won't work, if both these files got renamed to "deleted" and then you install another mod that also gets renamed to "deleted" then you will get major issues as well because then my deleted.esp file can start using the deleted.bsa file of another mod.

So please go check and let me know, does Vortex only rename the mod to "deleted" ONLY in the Vortex list, or does it ALSO rename the actual mod files located under your skyrim/data folder to "deleted" too?

If Vortex renames the actual mod files in your data folder, then you cannot use Vortex for my mod since it will then obviously break the entire mod as explained above, which I would consider sabotage to get revenge towards mod authors who decided to leave Nexus. So please go check and let me know what Vortex is actually doing.

wow, it's actually WORK!, this version of tel nalta also work on skyrim AE

all i need just wating the courier, actually i try load this mod when my character on solstheim, then i go to harbor and meet the courier (but that courier doesn't give me anything, he just talk), i think that's a courier you mean but nothing happened, i still can't find sapling and workbench after i travel to tel nalta location (using fast travel),

BUT i do you suggestion to waiting on whiterun until i meet courier again, then the message "you're invited to house telvanni" (or something like that) appeared, and finally i see the sapling, i CAN grow the town!, wow i'm so happy

for the name issues, this mod still named "Delete" on vortex but i think it's just the vortex interface (Vortex also has feature to change the mod's name, version, and even author name, so i can change it freely without affecting the file name), the file in folder still named "Tel Nalta", and of course no gameplay issues regarding naming problem by vortex, this mod is working NORMALLY with vortex

thank you so much, i really love this mod, i think no other house mod that batter than tel nalta



  • Like 1



Thank you for the feedback, so luckily the files are not changed, so its just a Vortex user interface issue which in the end should not cause any real issues. Glad you got the letter, I just hope the rest of the mod will work fine as well on Skyrim AE, and who knows maybe in a year we will get Skyrim Ultimate Edition... And a year later Skyrim Reborn Edition... :bunnytroll:

  • Haha 1

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