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17 Screenshots

About This File

A Dwemer lighthouse on a forgotten island to the north. It accommodates two followers and two children, and has a small optional quest to unlock the home. Perfectly safe quarters for a responsible keeper.

Home Features

  • Main Floor with a large kitchen, living room, a room for two children, and a small master bedroom.
  • Storage vault with displays for quest line associated items, as well as many mannequins and weapon/shield racks.
  • Workshop with all major crafting facilities and a custom soul gem upgrade station.
  • Guest quarters for two followers.
  • Many quest-related custom displays.
  • Stable, fishery, practice yard, and a pier for transport to the Skyrim mainland.
  • Some other things for those who look.


  • To reach the island, take the small boat just north of Broken Oar Grotto (which is north of Solitude on the coast). The "anchor" waypoint (see screenshot) is already unlocked for fast travel.
  • The quest to claim the home is fairly short. At the end, you'll be told to wait "awhile" for an update.
    This period is 24 hours.
  • If you don't want to do the quest
    there's a button under the Skyrim coast pier that will allow you to skip it. This is irreversible.
  • Keep the lamp fueled
    or you'll occasionally be attacked by ghosts. Fuel is easy to make and lasts a week per pod.
  • There is no fast travel directly to and from the home at this point, but you can fast travel to the boat.
  • I've been unable to get a horse to follow you to the island. The stable has a free horse in it for flavor; it's up to you whether to use it or not.
  • All storage should be safe, unless it has "Not Safe" in the name.
  • I've done my best to nail down clutter. Most of it is lootable, but some "core" decoration is static. I tried to balance making the home look
    cozy and lived-in, while leaving some room for decorating as you please.
  • Certain features must be turned on to use (forge, kitchen, alchemy lab...). If you see a valve nearby, activate it.
  • The home should be compatible with adoption mechanics. If you run into issues, there's always Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions. The guest rooms accommodates two followers. You may need My Home Is Your Home, or something similar, to get your friends to move in.
  • The only CC requirement is Fishing. Because island.
  • Other than the Fishing CC content, I used entirely vanilla assets. I have no idea how the mod will look/play/behave with other mods.
  • This is my first ever mod, and I'm sure I've made mistakes. Feel free to give civil feedback. I may or may not make changes, but I'll certainly listen.

Known Issues

  • The rotation script I use on the lamp (and many other objects) sometimes randomly flips direction due to a bug in a native function. If I can ever find a fix, I'll update it. For now, get used to the lamp spinning 'backwards' occasionally.
  • The LODs are not great. I've done the best I can without going down the rabbit hole of complex third-party tooling, or custom assets.
  • Maybe not an "issue", but I make extensive use of EnableParent to achieve a sort of "instancing" effect between the pre- and post-quest states. A lot of things will be disabled once the quest is completed. They're in separate cells and will never be loaded again, but they do persist in the save file. The number of these "orphaned" objects is far less than the normal enabled ones.


  • Darkfox127 for his many tutorials.
  • The modding community for ideas, approaches, and scripting help.
  • You. Seriously, thanks for giving my work a look. I really hope you enjoy it.

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