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About This File

Principally only Skyrim Special Edition is needed.

This mod, a port and remake of my Skyrim LE mod, will let you buy all furnishings for the vanilla houses in one buy, with a reasonable discount. Vanilla houses concerned are Breezehome (Whiterun), Hjerim (Windhelm), Honeyside (Riften), Proudspire Manor (Solitude) and Vlindrel Hall (Markarth). Buying the furnishings for Hjerim in Windhelm includes the cleanup of the mess the killer in the quest "Blood on the Ice" has made in the house, at no additional costs, if the quest has been completed but the killer mess has not been removed.

Buying all furnishings does not include the children's room added by the Hearthfire DLC. Furnishings for the children's room have to be bought at the expense of an existing room when the Hearthfile DLC is installed.

Extract the 7z file and drop the ESP in the Data folder.

You are not allowed to upload this mod to other sites under any circumstance or without my explicit permission. 
All assets used in this mod belong to me. 

To eslify this mod (creating an ESPFE) using SSEEdit, compact the FormIDs first and then add the ESL flag in the TES4 header.

Creation Kit 2.0 including CK Fixes
PackItUp! - BSA Packer PowerShell Script 1.0 (Recurse and Archive PowerShell Script)

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