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  4. smr1957

    Etienne in the Wasteland

    It is not just Skyrim that Etienne finds himself in, but in other planes of the multiverse as well. So here are some pics of Etienne in the FO4 plane - The Wasteland. And like in Skyrim, Etienne can be found travelling with a companion, most often in the Wasteland with Passion. Hope you enjoy these further adventures of Etienne!
  5. smr1957

    Helpful Links and References

    Thanks for updating the thread - I am back online now (at least until the next interruption when they dig up the lines again sometime during the next 2 or 3 weeks).
  6. songlife

    The Hesu Mod Collection

    The merged version would be nearly impossible to use, since it contains everything. For example, I've never been able to get Wolfsborough working; it conflicts with a mod or mods that isn't apparently addressed or is in a faulty way by the patches, most likely UL. I spent many days on that - load order changes, using or not using certain patches, etc, with no luck. Also Seaside Settlement can't be used with OOO & RST together; my comments on that are in here somewhere and MHahn confirmed. And Gnoll Mountain can't be used with Frostcrag Reborn; even w/o Reborn in the mix, I have trouble getting it to work with just Frostcrag Village, so I end up not using Gnoll at all. I think most people will find they can't use all the HESU mods together due to the many conflicts. A merge would be more useful if there was an automated installer to allow the ability to exclude any mods you can't use, and which checks your mods and uses the appropriate patches, like the UL compatibility patch installer does.
  7. Psymon

    Scenic Cyrodiil

    This will be an album of success as I map out various infrastructure I get taken by when things work out very well. Currently I'm trying to cram as much villages and infrastructure into a load order as I can, so it really changes the tamriel world space a lot. There may be mistakes in the background, but the focus of the picture may be what I'm trying to capture. At this point mostly seeing if I can get various town, villages, farms, UL, Hesu, and quests all jiving. Will add more details later.
  8. You can upload it here if you want (by PM even if you prefer) and I'll take care of passing it along as a test case. I don't know if it will be fixed or not but if it's never reported then it certainly won't.
  9. Vaguely, yes. That would explain why it seemed so familiar when I ran into this issue the other day. It's possible the same thing happened to me at some point with the Red Eagle quest, but this isn't the first time it has happened with Lost to the Ages. If you think there's a chance Bethesda might look at it, providing a save isn't a problem. I would need to know how to get it to them, though. You must have something in mind.
  10. tigerseptim

    Wrye Bash - All Games

    There's also this, in a separate window.
  11. I don't know if you remember or not, but a similar issue came up 12 years ago with another static note. It had somehow attached itself to the Red Eagle quest even though it had no scripts attached in the CK or anything and wasn't referenced at all. It was never entered into the tracker (probably because we didn't have a reliable one yet) so there's no information about it but in the end we could never figure out how it happened. I don't know if we'd have any better luck with this but it might be possible to get Bethesda's attention on this if you can provide the save game where this is happening. The UPP can't fix it but maybe they can if they can figure out how such a thing happened.
  12. Last week
  13. Terry McProblems

    Wyre Bash not letting me use custom mod

    Update to the update: I ws wrong. Appearntly, evben when I do it right, it doesn't save. I swear, just when I think I'm done, I get pulled back in. Very frustrating, I swear, if it weren't for your helpfulness, I would've just given up. I'm going to try and install Construction Kit extender and hope that does the trick
  14. sibir

    Wrye Bash - All Games

    Because most bug reports are for bugs that have already been fixed in WIP builds. For bugs that haven't, it's easier to troubleshoot when your on the WIP build since it's closer to the latest source code. Also, it doesn't look like you attached your BashBugDump.log.
  15. Sometimes random books/notes, other than The Aetherium Wars, have a script attached (see below) to start DLC1LD_Misc. When read the "Investigate the ruins of Arkngthamz" entry is added to the quest journal. In my latest game this happened when reading the note named "Notice" (0008ACCC). The odd thing is that I read the note towards the start of my game (at level 10 or so) and it didn't trigger the quest, then read it again later (at level 47) and it did trigger the quest. SV console output for attached script: DefaultOnReadSetQuestStageNotAlias: Script state = "" ::myQuest_var = DLC1LD (02005817) ::myStage_var = 10 The reason for bringing this up here is that I seem to remember it being reported in the past, but I haven't been able to locate the bug ticket in the tracker and have also tried searching for a report here on the forums. Maybe someone remembers whether there was a discussion somewhere about the issue or if there still is an open ticket.
  16. tigerseptim

    Wrye Bash - All Games

    Alright, I found it. Why is the answer to every question "Use the WIP version"?
  17. Infernio

    Wrye Bash - All Games

    @tigerseptim In the Mopy folder. If you installed WB via the installer, then that folder is in your game folder. If you installed it via the standalone download, then wherever you extracted that download is where that folder sits.
  18. Hana

    How to?

    I highly suggest you play the game at least once without mods so you can get a better idea of what type of mods you might want to use. Otherwise, more information about modding can be found in the STEP guide.
  19. avrie05

    Helpful Links and References

    Just reposting this for SMR while his internet is getting sorted... "A reminder, the latest update goes iive today - I presume Vlad will post the notice in Helpful links when it does if I am still off line, but if he cannot, I would appreciate if some one else would. Thanks!" As an aside, it's already live, and available for download. Have a great day
  20. tigerseptim

    Wrye Bash - All Games

    Where do I find the log file?
  21. Sigurð Stormhand

    How to?

    Moved to SSE General, where hopefully someone can point you in the right direction.
  22. Arthmoor

    Whistling Mine

    You can do that but you'll need to activate the mod as well. It's usually best to install mods with a mod manager of some sort.
  23. beky4021

    How to?

    Hey everyone, Newbie here. IDK if I'm completely missing it, but I can't find a "how to" on installing mods. FWIW I'm playing Skyrim (Special Edition) on Steam (Admin, if I'm in the wrong place, I apologize!)
  24. Infernio

    Wrye Bash - All Games

    @tigerseptim Please try the latest WIP build if you haven't already (second post in this thread) and upload your BashBugDump.log if you can still reproduce it on that build.
  25. I am not part of the UOP team, nor am I a representative of AFKMods. I am just another dumb mod maker/user who happens to be sitting here going through the new posts to see if there is anything interesting going on. Your post caught my attention. My response follows:
  26. thelderop

    Whistling Mine

    I've downloaded the file for this. Do I extract all the file contents into Skyrim/Data?
  27. Given it has been nearly seven years since the supplemental recommendations list was posted here, and given the big update to include a few of the CC in AE, and all the related changes to SKSE64 and such, might I request that the suggestions made since the posting be given a quick look-over to see if they are stable, mature, and up to date, and that things on the original list similarly be checked to see if they are still up to date, and the list in the first post be updated accordingly? I think many people would greatly appreciate a fresh version of your useful list.
  28. tigerseptim

    Wrye Bash - All Games

    I'm getting an error while installing the unofficial patch for SSE. When I look in the folder, there are two archives for the mod; dunno why it would complain about not finding anything. balt.py 1215 OpenSelected: Failed to open C:\GOG Galaxy\Games\Skyrim Special Edition Mods\Bash Installers\Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch-266-4-2-9a-1685216241.7z Traceback (most recent call last): File "bash\balt.py", line 1213, in OpenSelected File "bash\bolt.py", line 1207, in start OSError: [WinError -2147221003] Application not found: 'C:\\GOG Galaxy\\Games\\Skyrim Special Edition Mods\\Bash Installers\\Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch-266-4-2-9a-1685216241.7z'
  29. smr1957

    Helpful Links and References

    New Features & Improvements in Starfield’s Latest Major Update (bethesda.net) Contains videos illustrating some of the new changes that have been made in the latest update.
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