I was never happy with the Tundra around Whiterun and no grassmod I ever used is satisfying. So guess what! Started to create my own grassmod. Here comes Tundra Grassification WIP!
Grass is not so high and big like that in other grassmods, and it's very dense. I use mostly small filigran flowers and unique grass types. Pfffhh, I underestimated the huge area of the Tundra . This will take a while until it's finished.
Update: yeah, I made progress!
My intention is to create a mostly green tundra and to have the grass mainly short. The higher grass goes up to the bootleg, the short is like a carpet, covering just the feet.
And it is very dense!
I'm done with the whole area around Whiterun - Loreius Farm, Whitewatch Tower, Fort Greenwall, the area between Whiterun and Haltet Stream Camp, Silent Moons Camp, Sleeping Tree Camp, Swindlers Den. I guess I will not have enough time to cover the whole tundra up to the snowy regions of Skyrim, but I tried my mod together with SFO and it works nicely together.
I replaced also the TundraRocks01NoRocks.dds and the Fieldgrass01NoGrass.dds with my terrain textures, but every other grass is overwritten only by changing the landscape data inside every single cell.
Actual screenshots were taken in vanilla Skyrim with no other mods installed and no ENB. Enjoy!
- Album created by Tasheni
- Updated
- 86 images
- smr1957