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Version 1.0.2
I have completed "Middle Earth - Path of the Hobbit". (Really Ray2NJ! lol) Unless something glaring or completely Middle-Earth-shattering pops up, this will be the final release. This has been a thirteen-plus year project of mine and I have put all of myself into it.......and enjoyed MOST of it. * * * * * * * It's a dangerous business, going out your front door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to....... DESCRIPTION Adds my rendition of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth during the time and journey of the hobbit "Bilbo Baggins" to Skyrim. This is for "Oldrim". No, I will not begin to try and port it to SE, XBOX, or any other combination of letters you can think of putting together; but hey, thanks for askin'! This has been a ten-plus year project of mine and I have put all of myself into it. Leave Skyrim behind and discover the path of the famous little Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. Journey through a beautifully and meticulously created Middle Earth from the Hobbit Hole Bag End to the Lonely Mountain of Smaug. Play as a dwarf or hobbit, if you choose, with custom clothing and armor to suit. Visit The Shire Bywater, Hobbiton, South Farthing and the North. Stop to rest and have a pint at the Inn of the Prancing Pony in the Village of Bree. Face the 3 Cave Trolls in Trollshaws and loot their Troll Hole. Learn how you can help Lord Elrond in Rivendell. Face an army of goblins and their tyrannical king in Goblin Town. Find Gollum's Cave and take the One Ring. Battle against the spiders and other creatures of Mirkwood Forest. Make your way to Rhosgobel, a shack protruding from a growing tree. Take an automated boat-ride to the Long Marshes and face the 3 Bog Witches. Discover the Woodland Realm (Halls of Thranduil). Barter a boat ride to Lake-Town, with its many diverse people, homes, inns, and shops. Encounter Lonely Mountain to face Smaug the magnificent within. And finally, choose sides and take part in the great Battle of the Five Armies. Inspired by J.R.R.Tolkien's "The Hobbit", this is created from my own imagination, my own interpretation, not Peter Jackson's. Over 500 custom NPCs added. Quests, rings of power, weapons, armor, spells, and much more included. You will receive a new book, "Guide To Middle Earth" the first time you load this mod. There is also a copy in a chest on the Riverwood bridge (near the entrance to Middle Earth). Be sure to read it! Questions asked that are covered in that book or here on this site will be ignored. I built this mod for my own game play, my own taste. At some point, I thought others may enjoy it as well. I'm not looking for "critiques". Never asked for any. You don't like it, move on. - This mod includes my Middle Earth Mountains HD2K and 4K Parallax. It is optional in the installer. See my images for a preview. - Be sure to "set the table" in Lord Elrond's courtyard before trying to enter his home. It more or less brings Rivendell to life. - The main entrance to Lonely Mountain is blocked with rubble. If you side with Middle Earth against the goblins during the Battle of the Five Armies, the rubble will be removed. - The 3 Cave Trolls in Trollshaws are from Witcher 3 which I heavily modified. I also set them up that if you kill them, they turn to stone for the rest of your game. - I have kept the scripting to a minimum and tested my mod to great extent and worked out all the bugs. I cleaned it with Tes5Edit and TesVSnip, and also ran every .nif file through NifScan. - You MUST equip the "Ring of Choice" BEFORE leaving Lonely Mountain interior. Removing the ring removes you from that army. Good luck on your own. There is a lot more to this mod than meets the eye, or than I can write on this page. I built this mod for myself and I didn't want a bunch of plug-ins so I have created a ton of things that I would like to see in my game and tastefully added them into this mod. I have included a true, open-world, portable fort that can be placed anywhere in Skyrim or Middle Earth. You can be your own traveling bard with this mod. Want to cut loose and jam on a lute in the Middle of Solitude or near the peaceful river that flows through Riverwood, it's in there. Special rings of power, weapons, armor, not all Tolkien worthy, but things I created for my game and put into this mod. I could go on, but you'll find it all. Or you won't. I put a lot of work into my Lighting, ImageSpaces, and Climates as lighting and atmosphere is probably thee most important thing in modding in my opinion. REQUIREMENTS Skyrim & an open mind. Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire are NOT needed and never will be. RECOMMENDATIONS I run with my brightness at 10/20 (halfway) and uGridsToLoad=7 in my Skyrim.ini settings. Of course every monitor as well as player's choice of settings and taste differs. Rudy ENB v4.2 (with my own tweaks), using Boris's ENB V407 .dll CONFLICTS None known. EXTRA Although obviously not lore-correct, I have included a suite in Lake-Town for my own personal game. It is a "game" after all. The Suite will work as-is and contains no nudity. If you would like to experience the full Suite, you can download and install the following mods. UNP Female Bodies - Adds some nice detail to bodies in game in general. Brings the Suite to a "new level". Dimonized UNP Clothing Resources - Adds some nice clothing for the Suite. Summer Wear V2 - Adds some nice clothing for the Suite. Also adds follower Sukque. (She can be found in Honningbrew Meadery and will follow you to the Suite and stay there even after release. She has a bed there but will not interfere with my mod if she is not used. I navmeshed the Suite cell differently so ALL followers will stay there until you have them follow you out again.) THANKS & CREDITS Thank you "Ray2NJ" for just being plain ole awesome brother! Thank you "Arthmoor" for this site and for increasing your upload file size limit so that this mod could even be possible here! Thank you "mlsbrn" for the "nudge" to git-r-done! agerweb, VZRedemption, ray2nj, and TheBawb for ALL of your help! Wood stoves courtesy of Strotis Oven Resource Treasure textures courtesy of Assorted Resources (Thank you Tamira. Saved me a ton of work.) Hobbit Outfits courtesy of Halfling Clothes (Thank you TheBawb for the link.) Dwarven Beards courtesy of DwemerBeards Cave Troll and other meshes and textures courtesy of Witcher 3. Bethesda for the base game, the Creation Kit, and the crappy engine Gimp2 Blender NifSkope Cathedral Assets Optimizer TES5Edit TESVSnip All of you out there that take a moment to come back and say "Hey!" PERMISSIONS You may NOT use any part from this mod for any purpose without written consent from myself (Junk @ JunksMods). I am sharing this mod here exclusively at AFK Mods. Do not upload this mod (or any of my mods for that matter) in part or in full to any other site. (That includes the Nexus that already stole my work.) Remember, Jesus is watchin'! And so am I....... -
Version 1.0.2 is released and includes quite a bit of new material, tweaks, edits, etc.
Version 1.0.5
DESCRIPTION I put a lot of work (but had a ton of fun) into building this. This adds a small mansion just across the way from the Old Hroldan Inn. The mansion has been abandoned for good reason. Find out why. NOTE: Just be sure to do another walk through the house after you "cleanse" it. Many things change throughout while you advance. This mod is focused on being clean and free from errors and touching any Bethesda files. It has no mannequins, weapon plaques, added BS clutter, etc. All custom furniture and most parts. REQUIREMENTS Skyrim CONFLICTS None known THANKS & CREDITS Ray2NJ for testing and just being plain ole awesome brother! Arthmoor for this awesome site! Bethesda for the base game, Creation Kit, and crappy engine Gimp2 Blender NifSkope NifScan Cathedral Assets Optimizer TES5Edit TESVSnip Wave Editor All of you out there that take a moment to come back and say "Hey!" INSPIRATIONS Resident Evil (All of 'em!) Disney's Haunted Mansion The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (If you haven't seen the movie, or don't even know who the "F" Don Knotts is, look it up!) Clue PERMISSIONS You may NOT use any part from this mod for any purpose without written consent from myself (Junk @ JunksMods). Do not upload this mod (or any of my mods for that matter) in part or in full to any other site. (That includes the Nexus that already stole my work.) Remember, Jesus is watchin'! And so am I....... -
Hello whomever may read this. I have been extremely busy with work and life. I would like to tell it all to "F" right off and revisit a few of my Oldrim mods this winter (2024-2025) and will be releasing updates as I can/want. I may even be releasing an update I have been working on for my "Middle Earth - Path of the Hobbit". (Yes Broheim, you were right as always lol.) (: And to those who continue to ask "No SE version?" for any of my mods, the answer is quite simple... no.
Version 2.0.0
Hidden beneath The Throat of The World Is a long forgotten sanctuary, build for the Dragonborn. Find the key in Sky Haven Temple, and journey to The Cut Across the Throat to enter the sanctuary. There you will find a complete smithy, apothecary, kitchen, and crafting center; a library capable of holding every book in Skyrim; ancient Dragon Slayer armor and weapons; and clothing enchanted to make smithing and alchemy more effective. Plenty of store safe chests, manikins, and weapon racks. Enjoy the courtyard with it's Shrine to Talos. In short, a home away from the stress of dealing with the drama of Skyrim. Take the Cooks Tour. This Mod has been cleaned with Xedit 4.0.3. This mod was successfully tested on the Anniversary Edition version 1.6.1130. This mod is available for Xbox: This mod may be downloaded for use during gameplay only. Any other use is prohibited. This mod may NOT be shared, reuploaded or modified without my EXPRESS WRITTEN permission. This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates. REQUIREMENT This mod requires the mod Dawnguard floor tile dintrcenter01 fix 1.0.0, download from the link below. For those who have a problem, here is a video of what happens if you don't install the Dawnguard floor tile fix documented above: Finally, for those who are ... ah ... unable ... yeah ... unable ... to find the front door: Dragonborn Sanctuary Remedial Map- 18 comments
- player home
- weapons
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.0.0
A Marine Veteran from Operation Anchorage has decided that waiting for Armageddon is foolish. So he prepares a series of cashes which should get him and his family safely from Goodsprings to Southern Utah. Alas, Murphy was an optimist. After successfully breaking into the Old Marine's house in Goodsprings, a note on the dining room table will set you on a trail across the Mojave to collect the caches. Each cache will contain enhanced and specialized weapons and armor and a note directing you to the next cache. Think of this as a treasure hunt, and not a quest. The directions to each cache were written to his wife, who is familiar with the area and terrain, so the clues are sometimes cryptic. The upside, some of these weapons and armor will make it through the "security screen" for the Sierra Madre and will ease your visit to that death trap. Also, if you visit Big MT before going to the Sierra Madre, you can bring Christine her COS Armor and Weapon. This mod requires ALL Fallout New Vegas DLC, or the GOTY version of the game. This mod may be downloaded for use during gameplay only. Any other use is prohibited. This mod may NOT be shared, reuploaded or modified without my EXPRESS WRITTEN permission. This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.- 5 comments
Version 0.9.2
Touchstone Manor A medium-large home in its own worldspace, a secluded mountain aerie. Includes a limited fast travel system oriented toward Survival Mode with Fast Travel disabled, but is completely playable in normal mode. Supports two children, two followers, and a spouse. The exterior features a crafting shed, greenhouse, fishery, and more. The interior features an extensive vault for storage and display of weapons, armor, and artifacts. Memento Displays The home has many decorative displays that will automatically become enabled as you progress through the game, so the home evolves along with you. These can be toggled manually if you like; you can even enable them without completing the associated quests. Family and Friends Accommodates up to (4) children and (2) followers. Use Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions for kids, and something like My Home Is Your Home for companions if necessary. Special Soul gem upgrade station in the crafting shed. Guardian Stone device that can grant one of the three guardian buffs (Mage/Thief/Warrior). It will also store any other standing stone buff you have prior to invoking a guardian buff; you can retrieve the stored buff whenever you like. This device is on the lower floor near the front door. Configuration device to tweak mod and quest behavior, such as home features, memento auto-display, quest markers, and the option to skip the quest entirely. This device is in the bedroom loft upstairs. The Ancient Touchstones *A limited fast travel system intended for those playing in Survival Mode with Fast Travel disabled. Completely playable in normal mode. At a minimum, the Touchstone Key is needed to access the home. To start this quest, read the "Rumor of a Missing Scholar" note in your inventory. Long ago the ancient races employed a network of artifacts to quickly traverse long distances across Tamriel. These "touchstones" require special keys that must be attuned to them. To attune to a Touchstone, simply activate it. Thereafter you can use it to travel to any other attuned Touchstone. You can also use any Touchstone to return Home, or to an active Field Portal. There are 12 Touchstones to find scattered across Skyrim. For hints on where to find them, check the desk upstairs. The quest markers for the touchstone locations are not enabled by default. If you want to see the markers, use the Curious Device near the desk. You can also skip the entire quest (unlocking all touchstones and perk ranks) using the Curious Device. This action is irreversible. Your Touchstone Key Use your Key (Inventory -> Keys) to travel directly to your Home Touchstone at the Manor. Doing so will deplete the Key and you'll need to wait for it to recharge. Recharging occurs naturally over time, and the duration is reduced as you advance the Touchstone Attunement perk. While your Key is recharging, you can check your Active Effects to see how much time remains until it is ready. Your Key does not need to be charged to use a Touchstone. Field Portals When you use your Key to travel Home, a Field Portal will be created where you were standing. You can recall to your Field Portal using any Touchstone, but doing so will dissipate the portal. A new one will be created the next time you travel home via your Key. Touchstone Attunement Perk Progresses automatically as you attune to Touchstones. (Every 3 touchstones unlocks a perk rank.) Rank 1: Your Key replenishes over 12 hours. + Boon of the Ancient Nords: 10% Stamina Rate while your key is charged. Rank 2: Your Key replenishes over 9 hours. + Boon of the Ancient Falmer: 10% Magicka Rate while your key is charged. Rank 3: Your Key replenishes over 6 hours. + Boon of the Ancient Giants: 10% Health Rate while your key is charged. Rank 4: Your Key replenishes over 3 hours. + Boon of the Ancient Dwemer: 25 Carry Weight while your key is charged. + Your Field Portal no longer dissipates when you return to it. Rank 5: The Lesser Power "Home Touchstone" replaces your Touchstone Key. + All Boons of the Ancients are now permanent. Summary and Notes The quest can be started in two ways: read the "Rumor of a Missing Scholar" note in your inventory, or The mod has many scripts but they are state- and event-based, and only run as needed (and most only ever run once). I've tried to make it as stable and performant as possible. In a minimal mod setup I have zero issues. All assets are vanilla and that's how I test. I've installed this mod into graphical overhaul lists with mixed success. Anything that blindly replaces geometry is probably going to have unexpected effects. That said, I haven't seen anything outright break the mod. I'm in the lock-down-your-clutter camp. Most stuff can be picked up if you don't like it. All storage should be safe unless marked otherwise. You can turn off the fountain on the lower floor. The button is on the stone column behind it. You can change the trophy display in the den. The button is on the trophy base. Credits Jokerine for the glass panels used in the greenhouse -
Version 1.0.0
A Dwemer lighthouse on a forgotten island to the north. It accommodates two followers and two children, and has a small optional quest to unlock the home. Perfectly safe quarters for a responsible keeper. Home Features Main Floor with a large kitchen, living room, a room for two children, and a small master bedroom. Storage vault with displays for quest line associated items, as well as many mannequins and weapon/shield racks. Workshop with all major crafting facilities and a custom soul gem upgrade station. Guest quarters for two followers. Many quest-related custom displays. Stable, fishery, practice yard, and a pier for transport to the Skyrim mainland. Some other things for those who look. Notes To reach the island, take the small boat just north of Broken Oar Grotto (which is north of Solitude on the coast). The "anchor" waypoint (see screenshot) is already unlocked for fast travel. The quest to claim the home is fairly short. At the end, you'll be told to wait "awhile" for an update. If you don't want to do the quest Keep the lamp fueled There is no fast travel directly to and from the home at this point, but you can fast travel to the boat. I've been unable to get a horse to follow you to the island. The stable has a free horse in it for flavor; it's up to you whether to use it or not. All storage should be safe, unless it has "Not Safe" in the name. I've done my best to nail down clutter. Most of it is lootable, but some "core" decoration is static. I tried to balance making the home look cozy and lived-in, while leaving some room for decorating as you please. Certain features must be turned on to use (forge, kitchen, alchemy lab...). If you see a valve nearby, activate it. The home should be compatible with adoption mechanics. If you run into issues, there's always Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions. The guest rooms accommodates two followers. You may need My Home Is Your Home, or something similar, to get your friends to move in. The only CC requirement is Fishing. Because island. Other than the Fishing CC content, I used entirely vanilla assets. I have no idea how the mod will look/play/behave with other mods. This is my first ever mod, and I'm sure I've made mistakes. Feel free to give civil feedback. I may or may not make changes, but I'll certainly listen. Known Issues The rotation script I use on the lamp (and many other objects) sometimes randomly flips direction due to a bug in a native function. If I can ever find a fix, I'll update it. For now, get used to the lamp spinning 'backwards' occasionally. The LODs are not great. I've done the best I can without going down the rabbit hole of complex third-party tooling, or custom assets. Maybe not an "issue", but I make extensive use of EnableParent to achieve a sort of "instancing" effect between the pre- and post-quest states. A lot of things will be disabled once the quest is completed. They're in separate cells and will never be loaded again, but they do persist in the save file. The number of these "orphaned" objects is far less than the normal enabled ones. Thanks Darkfox127 for his many tutorials. The modding community for ideas, approaches, and scripting help. You. Seriously, thanks for giving my work a look. I really hope you enjoy it. -
Version 2.0.13
Feeding the empire, one roast chicken... or pork chop... or rabbit steak at a time! Cyrodiil demands MEAT! Ever notice how there's no real farming presence in Cyrodiil? Except for some really small isolated places, there's perhaps one major operation going on outside of Skingrad. And they make wine. Wine is great and all, but where do folks get the meat? I mean the good meat. Chicken, pork, rabbit. We have plenty of mutton, but, well, mutton can only go so far before it gets old. There's also a noticeable lack of traditional crops being grown anywhere on any kind of meaningful level. So I got bored while thinking about this and decided it was time to do something about it! I searched high and low and found only a small number of farming mods. The usual. Sheep, sheep, sheep, and oh, more sheep. Wonderful. Got the mutton sources covered now. So I'm attempting to fill in some of the gaps. There were a number of other good farming mods but they all landed in locations that were less than ideal, at least for my game. The UL team has someone working on a grand implementation out by Anvil, so I figured on letting them take care of that. So why Faregyl? What's so special about this place? Nothing really. When I scouted for locations it wasn't used by anything I could find. So I figured it was as good a place as any to stick some small farming operations. This mod adds a pig farm, chicken farm, rabbit farm, some traditional crops, and a local smithy to the Faregyl area. Instead of an isolated sleepy old inn, now there's a useful farming village to help sustain the population. Each farm is owned by an NPC who has a work schedule and a normal eat/sleep schedule. Don't try and mooch off the stuff though. Killing the livestock or stealing the crops is going to make someone angry if they catch you! There's also a local smithy who will repair gear and sell mundane supplies and equipment. He's got an ox to pull his cart, but the ox is mean. Don't mess with him. There's also two local legionaries who patrol the area to help keep the peace. And of course, the abandoned gold mine. Something the locals are reluctant to talk about.... Addendum for 2.x: If all you're looking for is a nice little village mod, you can ignore the quest and things will continue on their merry way. This mod was originally intended to be just that. A village with some nice atmosphere and a bit of a twist on the buildings. The mine quest as it was in version 1.x was an afterthought thrown together without much planning or direction. It is of course fun, and has some nice story elements and is worth the trip down there just to see it. Of course, as with all things of this nature, I couldn't resist tweaking and fiddling and have ended up creating something much more. So if you're into questing, the surest way to trigger things is to head for the mine. You may also get it as a rumor from elsewhere. If you've played through 1.x already, then you'll already have a pretty good idea of what's going to transpire. Things have been adjusted some and the quest is now tracked via the journal with actual logs. The story has been fleshed out more and is a lot more interesting. There's also a bit of cross-mod story telling going on. A mod called Pemberly Manor had some mention of one of the NPCs having holdings around Cyrodiil. One of which was the farms at Faregyl. I've incorporated this into things and not only are the farms owned by the NPC, but so was the mine. To say more would spoil. A word of warning - the quest now has some real consequences based on what you do and the decisions you make. The mine is no longer the end of the story. The state of the village itself can be affected. As you progress this should become somewhat obvious. It is also possible that you will not get to experience everything that's possible. Yes, some decisions can have dire consequences. Yes, you can be evil, and yes, you can screw things up even if you weren't planning to. This is an aspect of many games that Oblivion is lacking in. Most of your actions have no real impact on Cyrodiil. They will in Faregyl though. Of course, that means you can play through again with a different character and have a different outcome. Something else to keep in mind. Certain mods may influence the outcome of events depending on what their NPCs may do while in the village. Play your cards right and some of those extra NPCs may help you turn a bad situation around. Travelers from TIE come to mind as the most common examples. A few of them make regular stops in Faregyl and are generally friendly to the player. Influence from mods can also go bad if they place enemies near the area. You've been warned. Also a general caution. This has been the case since first release, but none of the villagers are marked essential. If they die, they die. I've made every effort to keep nasties away from the village by removing spawn generators but I can't cover everything. -
Updated Better Lootable Vehicles and Far Better Far Harbor Mods
InstantHero posted a topic in Mod Releases
Updated my 2 mods for the most current versions, safe to update in current playthrough.-
- fallout 4
- player home
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.2.0
A random thought came up, why not have a house within the Soul Cairn. This mod will add Pneuma Manor, currently the only player home within the Soul Cairn. Good friend Morven will sell you this home for a sizeable bounty of Soul Husks. There are three levels of this home, the main level, the cellar, and the upper level. Upon entering the upper level, you notice that you are not the only ones living in the house. Meet the Necronn family, consisting of a mother, a daughter, a son, and a dog. To find out why they are in the house and resemble most of the current Cairn residents, explore this upper level for any clues. The father, he left behind quite the legacy. Various books found near his desk will reveal the legacy he has left, and some for the worse. In the process of discovering the past, you will wake up the past. This past will eventually lead to new recipes, a new spell, a new enchantment, and several other followers or residents of Pneuma Manor. This house will serve you and your adventures in the Soul Cairn well, being the only calm place within the bleak landscape. What is Added: -Three story home in the Soul Cairn, purchased via Soul Husks -4 Mannequins, 2 Weapon Racks, 3 Weapon Display Plaques, 1 Weapon Display Case, 2 Bookshelves with 90 book capacity. -Alchemy table, Enchanter table, Forge, Tanning Rack, Workbench, Sharpening Wheel, Smelter -Storage in the cellar, Dresser, Safe, several Barrels near Mage Station. -Thane, Bard, Soul family (step-daughter, step-son, dog, wife?), Assassin follower -Soul Husk Extract recipe, Absorb health/soul trap spell, Absorb health/soul trap weapon enchantment, Absorb health/soul trap poison -5 Books, 5 journals for backstory -3 Quests for backstory and acquiring thane/bard/assassin, without direct quest markers. -Spells to transport to Pneuma Manor and to College of Winterhold Requires: DAWNGUARD Revision History: v1.2: -Added new quest to clear up lore conflicts -Added a new book and several supporting items for the new quest. -Corrected dog's voice. v1.1: -Added new book -Added two new spells, one for transport to Pneuma Manor, one for transport to College of Winterhold Known Quirks: -If you have dialogue issues, try saving-reloading in order to fix. This issue should not prop up, but might since there is (technically) custom dialogue included. -Ushugob does not have a voice for the Thane dialogue. Guess this is due to no Orcs as Thanes in Skyrim. Credits: -Tamriel Rebuilt – name generator -Artisanix – Paintings and Frames - Special thanks to Artisanix for making awesome paintings/frames resource. -Balok’s Tutorials – Creating Skyrim Oil Paintings - These were very helpful in teaching techniques for creating the paintings. Note: I am making a massive update for this mod, but it won't be released for some time. It will be including the other expansions, and I will be leaving this upload at version 1.2. The regular Skyrim version of the new update will be called Definitive Edition, and it will just be Pneuma Manor when I port it over to Special Edition.-
- dawnguard
- soul cairn
(and 11 more)
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