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Nexus has released their Monthly Roundup - September 2024 by SlugGirl - https://www.nexusmods.com/news/15102

The September roundup contains news regarding the new Nexus Mods App that is currently being worked on, as well as information concerning the Nexus site itself. Anyone who uses Nexus Mods (or is just interested in keeping up with the doings of the modding community) should check it out and read it.

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More data obfuscation in the name of the almighty algorithm. So now there's even less information available to mod authors to make informed decisions about their mods in relation to Nexus. Who btw should be treated as a business relationship for EVERYONE rather than just some place to put mods.

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25 minutes ago, Arthmoor said:

More data obfuscation in the name of the almighty algorithm. So now there's even less information available to mod authors to make informed decisions about their mods in relation to Nexus. Who btw should be treated as a business relationship for EVERYONE rather than just some place to put mods.

Things have certainly moved beyond what they were years ago, when it was all just a hobby and there was no money directly involved.  Unfortunately, for better or worse that situation has change, and it is, as you say, now a business - and it needs to be treated as such by all involved.  Once, when we were children, we shared the things we had with our friends, and even people not our friends - just because, and no accounting was needed, or even thought of.  But once we become adults, and open a store, we can no longer treat things in the same matter, but must have bookkeeping, accounting, and all the other things that come with running a business, and any information concerning that business needs to be shared with those who directly contribute to allowing the business to maintain its successful position.  And one of the important parts of that, is the providing of clear information on how the business is run.

Well, this is all somewhat outside the intent of this particular discussion topic, but it is still a very important subject, and one that probably deserves a more in-depth discussion than just a few posts here and there.

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Now available:
Unofficial Shattered Space Patch 1.0.0 (unless otherwise indicated, all fixes are retroactive)




https://www.afkmods.com/Unofficial Shattered Space Patch Version History.html

Just a single fix so far, but a big one:
Fixes a bug that prevented Andreja's unique Dazra dialogue from playing properly.

Edited by smr1957
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Initial Load Order updated:

ShatteredSpace.esm [if you have this DLC]
Constellation.esm [If you have this DLC]
OldMars.esm [If you have this DLC]
[Other Official Files TBD]
unofficial starfield patch.esm OR StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm (use one of the other, NOT both)
unofficial shattered space patch.esm (if you have Shattered Space DLC)
[Everything else you have installed]

Edited by smr1957
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