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Complete update notes on the latest Starfield Steam Beta Patch/Update may be found here:

A fairly long list, to be sure!

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  • 2 weeks later...

From Bethesda's X account:

"Bethesda Game Studios

The upcoming Steam Beta will also contain a change to FormIDs which should improve stability for saves that have visited many locations.
11:00 AM · Feb 2, 2024"


So official confirmation regarding the Form ID issue fix.

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Is that the issue where form IDs don't recycle properly without going NG+?

Also, damn, already another beta? They just got out of the last one. I guess they're serious about the update cadence.

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1 hour ago, Arthmoor said:

Is that the issue where form IDs don't recycle properly without going NG+?

Also, damn, already another beta? They just got out of the last one. I guess they're serious about the update cadence.

They don't state it exactly, but what else could it be?  At least, I hope it's that.  And it certainly would seem that they are serious about the schedule they indicated for updates.

Edited by smr1957
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Potential Consequences of Removing Mods Mid-Playthrough

Until the release of the Creation Kit for Starfield, there is much that we do not yet know, and what we do know is often based upon previous Bethesda games or is outright supposition and speculation.  However, with the advent of modding, even though - and despite - the proper tools for constructing mods being not yet available, it would be seriously remiss if the potential issues concerning the use of mods were not addressed in some form.  The below is based on large part of what we DO know of how Bethesda has handled save information in previous games, and uses educated assumptions as to how that information and data is stored and handled in Starfield's saves.  While it is currently in a very rudimentary form, this information will be continually updated as more information becomes available.  However, it should be viewed as a "best practices" approach to the topic being discussed.

NOTE - Where quotes are used, a link to the original source is provided.  
Many of these quotes were made in reference to prior Bethesda games (specifically, in most cases, Skyrim), but are currently presumed to hold true for Starfield as well, until verified information and official tools prove otherwise.  As stated, it is a "best practices" viewpoint.

First, a "short and sweet" generalization of the principle idea:

"Data gets added to the save and becomes persistent. When you remove a persistent reference you run the risk of crashing if you trigger it again. Until we know more, all mods that include a plugin should be considered suspect."
(Text contributed by Avrie - personal communication)

Below is a more detailed and in depth discussion of the potential issues involved.

Procedurally generated planets and saves NOTE: The information regarding this may be incorrect.  For a full discussion of this, see this post by Aurreth:


Once a location has been procedurally generated, that overall general information is stored in the save.  While specific details of Points of Interest may possibly be recreated and changed upon a later visit, the location of those previously placed, as well as the overall major terrain features (including discovered traits), will remain the same.

Thus, any mod that is used that changes features of that terrain (other than pure retextures/meshes) or adds hand placed Points of Interest, will have those changes baked into the save.  Removal of that mod will result in those features no longer being available to load when that location is next visited - thus resulting in errors - up to and including CTDs.  Because of this, should such a mod be removed, it would be necessary to roll back to a save prior to the installation of that mod, or start a new game.


Any mod that adds or changes things as regards ship construction and the modules that are used in constructing ships (other than purely texture replacers), should be considered NOT safe to remove, as removal would also remove the items already existing in any previously built ship utilizing those features, thus resulting in, at best, missing sections, and, at worst, a CTD.


What was written for Ships as regards mods which add or change things, should also be considered to apply to Outpost building.  Removing a mod that adds or changes things may result in either missing features or in outright CTDs.


Entering the Unity moves the game forward into NG+.  One result of this is that, for all practical purposes, the player is starting a new game, with only Player Character information and results due to certain player actions being carried forward.  All other things are effectively wiped from the save.  What effect this will have should a player remove a mod before entering Unity is not currently known.  Some things will be completely reset to their initial situations and thus removal of a mod affecting those reset data points may be possible with no adverse consequences; other things may still have data points tied into the the NG+ save and may create issues.  As of now, the more conservative approach of not removing a mod (other than purely texture/mesh replacers) is what is recommended, as there may be unforeseen consequences to an NG+ game should a mod be removed before entering Unity.

Edited by smr1957
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Just to clarify a bit as regards my post about removing mods: how the game handles certain features (such as procedural generation, for example), is beyond the scope of the post I made, which is only intended to make people aware of the potential for issues which may occur when modding if a mod is removed, not to explain definitively how the game works - which no one other than the developers, at this point in time, can do. And certainly not without the CK (and other properly constructed tools) being available.

So, the main purpose at this point in time is to make people aware that removing mods may have a detrimental effect on their save - not to state definitively how saves operate or how the game generates features. That will all come later as we find out more.

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Posted (edited)

How to set your game for Beta Participation

Good day, all!  As has been posted in the Starfield topic in the General Discussions section, the latest Beta update is scheduled for March 6, so for those using it or wishing to, remember to set the game to Beta in Steam, so that the update will download.  See below for how to opt-in. (And, of course, this is only for the Steam version of the game, not console or Game Pass, and is only available through Steam.)

NOTE - Until Steam gets the official information from Bethesda, you may not see an option shown for Beta participation.
1. Go to your library and right click on Starfield
2.From the drop down menu, click on properties.
3. In the popup box that appears, on the left hand side, select Betas
4. On the Betas screen, where it says Beta Participation, in the small option box on the right, select Beta
5. Close the popup, and you are all set.

Edited by smr1957
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To view the current Update notes on AFK, go here:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a friendly reminder to those who may be experiencing a bug or an issue with the game:


Good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Just reposting this for SMR while his internet is getting sorted...

"A reminder, the latest update goes iive today - I presume Vlad will post the notice in Helpful links when it does if I am still off line, but if he cannot, I would appreciate if some one else would. Thanks!"


As an aside, it's already live, and available for download. Have a great day


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On 5/15/2024 at 12:51 PM, avrie05 said:

Just reposting this for SMR while his internet is getting sorted...

"A reminder, the latest update goes iive today - I presume Vlad will post the notice in Helpful links when it does if I am still off line, but if he cannot, I would appreciate if some one else would. Thanks!"


As an aside, it's already live, and available for download. Have a great day


Thanks for updating the thread - I am back online now (at least until the next interruption when they dig up the lines again sometime during the next 2 or 3 weeks).

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Posted (edited)

ADDED to Section 3 - TOOLS:
TUTORIAL: Starfield CREATION KIT Quick Tips by Elianora

Expect to see more additions (by reliable and knowledgeable individuals) now that the CK has been released and we start seeing guides and tutorials being published.

Edited by smr1957
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From https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14993

Below is information concerning mods and plugins, from the Nexus article by Pickysaurus, linked above, regarding the release of the Creation Kit.

"The latest update for the Starfield game (version enables mod loading by default. This means that Plugins.txt Enabler and Starfield Script Extender (or an ASI loader) are no longer required to play with mods. Simply install the mods with your favourite mod manager (or manually drop them into the Data folder) and start the game. 

We're working on an update to Vortex to bring our support for Starfield up to date with the latest version of the game. 

New plugin types

The latest version of Starfield includes a major shift in how plugins are shared which has some important implications for how load ordering works in the game. The Creation Kit provides options to export your completed plugin in three different formats:

Full Master - This is what all mods containing ESMs have been using up to now. A full master takes up one of the 253 slots in the plugin load order (excluding the base game and DLCs). 
Medium Master - This is a new plugin type for Starfield. Medium masters are ESM plugins combined into the 254th (FD) load order slot and can consist of ~65,535 new records each. You can load 256 medium masters at once. These are suitable for mods that add new locations, planets, etc.
Small Master - This is the same as the "Light" masters in Skyrim and Fallout 4, these plugins are combined into the 255th (FE) load order slot. These ESM files can hold 4,095 new records and you can load 4,096 small masters at once. These are suitable for mods that add new items, ships, weapons, or small interiors."

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Starfield updated to version 1.12.32

Starfield Creation Kit updated to version 1.12.32

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