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Dear developers and community, I got an error on starting Wrye Bash.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bash\bash.py", line 524, in main
  File "bash\bash.py", line 688, in _main
  File "bash\basher\__init__.py", line 4248, in Init
  File "bash\bosh\__init__.py", line 3665, in init_stores
  File "bash\bosh\__init__.py", line 2132, in __init__
  File "bash\load_order.py", line 80, in initialize_load_order_handle
  File "bash\_games_lo.py", line 822, in __init__
  File "bash\_games_lo.py", line 257, in __init__
  File "bash\_games_lo.py", line 270, in _print_lo_paths
  File "bash\_games_lo.py", line 816, in get_lo_files
  File "bash\_games_lo.py", line 844, in get_lo_file
AttributeError: '_LoSkyrim' object has no attribute '_loadorder_txt'

I strongly guess this is connected to an unintentional, automatic background update of my Skyrim Launcher, which seemed to take place a week ago or so, when I downloaded some other's game's stuff. Thing is, I never start my Oldrim from the vanilla game launcher, I always use Wrye Bash, but sometimes I forget to start up steam before I do so. When I want to start a game, Wrye Bash then opens up steam and steam opens up the vanilla game launcher. Today was the first time this happened again after a long time (long before the unintentional update of the vanilla launcher) and guess what, since today's vanilla launcher start up via Wrye Bash, Wrye Bash won't start anymore (only for my Oldrim) and gives me the above mentioned error.

Now I have an idea. Maybe the game just needs to be started one time from the vanilla launcher and then WB will work again. I just shy away from doing so, because I have it in my backhead, that the vanilla launchers of Bethesda games do 'something' to the inis, which may not be in my interest. But nevermind, I try it now.

Ok, this didn't fix the problem. I got the exact same error. (Compared both with this tool, so no repost of the error ist necessary.)

Any ideas, what I can do to fix the problem(s)?

I attached my Skyrim.ini just in case.

Forgot to mention that I updated my WB before I tried the above mentioned step. I use now the WIP-build from dropbox, v313... and before that I used a v311 nightly build. I played my Oldrim today, so the game should be fine and all.

I restarted my computer, tried to start up Oldrim again via WB, but nothing changed.
Now I tried to replace my Skyrim.ini, Skyrimprefs.ini and the vanilla Skyrim Launcher with some backups I created one month ago. Still same error message ... .


Edited by Player23
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Hi, apologies for the delay, the thread may not be monitored by the WB team at this time.

Just for the record, you only have Skyrim LE right? Any other TES games installed?

The game launcher updates reset the load order, does loadorder.txt exist in the Appdata folder?

Sounds like running LOOT or a manual re-ordering of the load order is a start at a least.

HTH. :)

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Thanks, but I couldn't fix the problem by now.

My (now only) other Bethesda Game is Fallout New Vegas. Runs without problems.

Mentioning other games now, could it have something to do with my previously deleted Oblivion? I deleted Oblivion some weeks ago by hand without deinstalling it.


Back to my Oldrim:

Not sure why, but I had some duplicated entries in the plugins.txt. I deleted them, but nothing changed. Same error as before, when starting up Wrye Bash.


Then I installed LOOT. On start up ot said something about an "ambiguous load order" and how I can fix it by clicking on Game/Fix Ambiguous Load Order, which I did, but when starting up Wrye Bash after closing LOOT, I got the exact same error as before. Starting up LOOT again shows no error and the before used option "Fix Ambiguous Load Order" is greyed out now. So this "problem", whatever it was, should be fixed, but as I said, I still can't launch my WB for Oldrim.

My text files seem fine now, but. I made some backups after and before some trials and thought running loot and start the game and then copy-pasting my old (non-looted) plugin order back into the txts would work, but it turned out that loot threw a weird error at me.

When trying to "Sort Plugins" LOOT says:


Cyclic interaction detected between "AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp" and "Immersive Weapons.esp"

[Master List Load After]
Immersive Weapons.esp

So I opened up my xEdit and checked. xEdit tells me that I have added Immersive Weapons as a master to AmazingFollowerTweaks in the past and I am fine with that. AmazingFollowerTweaks also loads after Immersive Weapons, so there should be no problem. But xEdit does NOT say, that Immersive Weapons has AmazingFollowerTweaks as a master, because that is simply not the case. IW just has vanilla stuff as masters (Skyrim, USLEEP, ... ).

Because of this weird LOOT-error I checked my txts (loadorder and plugins) again and searchd for double records of Immersive Weapons and Amazing, but there are no double records. The files seem fine. No idea, what is going on here.

Ok, thanks to this I found, what LOOT doesn't like here. It seems that LOOT wants to load Immersive Weapons after AFT. But I don't like that and I seem to be unable to remove this "masterlist"-LOOT-setting from IW ... I know why I solve conflicts by hand in xEdit and NEVER use LOOT.

Edited by Player23
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