Pseron Wyrd Posted June 17, 2022 Posted June 17, 2022 5 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said: mods don't transform a subpar game into a good one. Although I mostly agree with you, I think there can be exceptions. For instance I think Oblivion is a sub-par game, but when I add a boatload of gameplay-changing mods it is transformed into one of my favorite games. That said, I agree that as long as Bethesda and Microsoft continue to support modding in Starfield as it has in the past I'll be very happy. The new Creation Kit is more robust than previous editors. It boasts some cool new features that are bound to stimulate creativity. I'm very excited to see what the modding community does with Starfield. I'm sure it will be mind-blowing. smr1957, Uncus and tigerseptim 3
Thane Baldur Posted June 17, 2022 Posted June 17, 2022 On 6/12/2022 at 5:22 PM, alt3rn1ty said: The video showed 2 life forms on the moon of Kreet at the start, there was like a beetle and a crab like critter, but the scans which came up on the HUD say there is 0/0 Fauna, so thats probably something not quite working yet. If they put half the dedication into this game as Hellogames has put into No Man's Sky, I might start looking at Bethesda as maybe turning into a decent company again. But then I see Todd Howard and just cant get past thinking bullshit artist Fingers crossed it turns into a very decent Space RPG with good longevity potential, but I still have my doubts Beth are the man for the trousers. I wonder what game engine they are using, FrankenBrio ? ....or, perhaps couple other theories from experience playing Elite Dangerous, NMS, X4, Empyrion Galactic Survival and Space Engineers 1. the NMS inspired scanner needed to be upgraded (the way it needs to be via SE/EGS/ED by the PC to detect said life forms? Or 2. planet surveying is more like Elite Dangerous and/or Empyrion Galactic? Where you can do different levels of scanning from space on your ship. Base level scanning upon entering a star system only picks up the most base features (i.e. number planets, stars and perhaps notable planetary features like gas giant cloud chemical types, ice/metallic cores etc.). So the PC must complete a ship scanner sensor mini game to completely scan the planet. However this requires upgrading the ship scanner system to highest level first. Latest update with Odyssey (and integration of space legs) now requires PC to collect biological flora specimen samples on foot. Or 3. complete planetary surveying needs to be completed on space legs as with NMS/ED/SE. So prior survey data of the planet had base and incorrect date. And required the PC to fully explore & survey the moon with space legs? After which the data might update itself (perhaps after taking out those pirates) Howard lost me as a devout fanboy after his 1-2 consecutive TKOs with FO4 and F76. It's going to take a long, long, LONG time before I ever personally trust Mr. Sixteen-times-the-detail ever again. Sadly by the time Shirly Curry gets her wish for TES 6 ---assuming if Starfield ends up doing well. But having said that, it seems he proactively opted to take this first step to redemption. When in the recent phone interview corrected his claim that "You can land anywhere on planets". I really appreciate him clarifying his earlier misinformation the PC could land their ships anywhere planet side. That we will only be landing/taking off via scripted cutscenes and the space and planet side elements being mutually exclusive. That makes for a more seamless performance in both game play segments IMO. I may still be wrong about this though. Perhaps you CAN land your ship anywhere planet side. But this is going to be a blind act of faith as you transition from the orbit to planet side via the scripted loading screen. So process is as simple as you arbitrarily picking a point on the surface. Then engaging controls/pressing the button/key to initiate the scripted landing sequence. Not going to lie, The prospect of having executed that landing sequence in my highly customized, $$$$ upgraded USS Enterprise designed capital flagship. Engaging that iconic ramp animation to give Vasco a well deserved walk. Only to find your entire $$$$ capital flagship is now sinking to the bottom of Davy Jones Locker because it's trapped in the quagmire of a liquid metal ocean. Which your ship scanners successfully trolled you on being a safe surface to land on from space. Now you're sinking faster than a chicken with the Titanic tied to it's drumstick.... That would make exploration a must do sandbox activity, because this would make for some very intriguing and unpredictable gameplay. As to the game engine, I pray Howard wasn't deluded enough to go Chris Roberts route with Lumberyard. While improbable, it certainly isn't implausible. Where single player space themed games are concerned, Murphy's Law and Lady Fortuna have an exotic appetite for Bacchanal fueled menagerie a trois with Bad Karma. Their oldest red head satyr stepchild to date is the official industry meme for what not to do in project software development. You could literally teach an entire semester of best software development practices based on Star Citizen alone. So just hoping this was a genuine delay to complete/polish the game. And not driven by overly ambitious dreams.txt movie cutscenes and shiny ship .jpgs that SC has become so infamously re-known for... lmstearn 1
Arthmoor Posted June 17, 2022 Author Posted June 17, 2022 12 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said: Agree. So long as they keep working with the modding community they created, I'll be satisfied. But both Beth and the community should remember that mods don't transform a subpar game into a good one. They customize and enhance something that was already pretty good- like Skyrim. Exactly. Bethesda games in general are already good games. We mod them to make our experiences with them even better. If they sucked, they wouldn't have had millions of loyal fans playing them on consoles without mods for decades. They'd be like every other game someone buys, plays once or twice, and then forgets about.
Sigurð Stormhand Posted June 17, 2022 Posted June 17, 2022 6 hours ago, Pseron Wyrd said: Although I mostly agree with you, I think there can be exceptions. For instance I think Oblivion is a sub-par game, but when I add a boatload of gameplay-changing mods it is transformed into one of my favorite games. That said, I agree that as long as Bethesda and Microsoft continue to support modding in Starfield as it has in the past I'll be very happy. The new Creation Kit is more robust than previous editors. It boasts some cool new features that are bound to stimulate creativity. I'm very excited to see what the modding community does with Starfield. I'm sure it will be mind-blowing. I'd argue it's a fairly good, but flawed game. It's certainly flawed, but the overall experience is still good.
alt3rn1ty Posted June 17, 2022 Posted June 17, 2022 Oblivion was ace. The forests were my most memorable gaming experience, especially when you also incorporated Unique Landscapes, and had Duke patricks Combat Archery (plus a few more of his mods) installed. I could creep about the landscape for literally weeks on end without any particular goal or quest to follow, just loving the scenery and immersion. Here's hoping Bethesda do a really good job of the hand crafted lanscapes in Starfield.
Thane Baldur Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 God I love Gopher. His latest no BS, shoot from the hip is feedback Beth really needs to consider. As an immersion/realism gamer, seeing XP pop up anywhere on the screen is very distracting and immersion breaking. I've resignedly come to expect this dysfunction from Bethesda. But the fact they made a POINT to troll my visual cortex by putting the XP gain notification-- DIRECT FRONT AND CENTER OF THE HUD -- is already giving me eye cancer. ... I'm relieved I'm not the only fan boi being trolled by this. Like Gopher said, obliterating this feature will be the first mod in my deck. Kudos to him calling this apocrypha on Beth's part at 4:30 Adella 1
Arthmoor Posted June 19, 2022 Author Posted June 19, 2022 That seems like a really nitpicky thing to get so worked up over
Thane Baldur Posted June 21, 2022 Posted June 21, 2022 But he's right though. That XP text is utterly unnecessary and really FUBARs your central view. Really hope this is toggable option. Jeez Beth. Adella 1
Adella Posted June 30, 2022 Posted June 30, 2022 I am not convinced this is not essentially FO4 in space! Obviously you’d expect some development in char appearance over the (many) years. Char speech, the old guy was good and well modelled, but that woman, jeeze. Not even British Army Officers normally use such manicured received pronunciation. I do hope the CC screen offers more facial variation than just skin colour…to interest me, I need to be creatable (is that a word? is now) pretty close to my avatar here. Oh look!…it has new monsters. Yawn! That is not mind blowing since mod authors can (and will) be working faster than Frankenstein to cobble up new shapes and textures for the code to manipulate right! Although, I’m sure a few new Ani will get invented too. Ah….fantastic graphical reproduction and stunning views…sorry, but even irl, stunning views get old pretty fast when you keep seeing them. Low gravity combat..well yes…but frankly in a space game I’d EXPECT that…it is not a marvel! How about high g combat tho’ where you can’t run far and projectiles hit the ground much sooner….maybe it will feature somewhere? Talking of FO4…machine guns. REALLY? Is that the standard of weapon development over many decades into the future….machine guns! Where’s my phaser/disrupter/plasma cannon/gravity collapser? Crypto in “Destroy all Humans” had a more inventive arsenal…and that was made years ago!!!! Explosions in space…oh dear! Yes, there should be no sound…and no shockwave either. Irl all you get is a spherical burst of light and shrapnel. Not making it realistic proves once again, despite any ESRB rating…Beth are catering for the 13 YO market demographic requiring noise, coloured flashes and whizz bangs….again. Crafting…I was really hoping for something different…anything! But no…we have more of the same just tinkered around the edges. So, collect X amount of materials Y,Z etc improve your crafting skill to level N, and with quest item tool K, produce new super weapon which does the same as your last weapon with a +10% damage modifier. Does this sound jaded??? Kinda FallRim ‘ish…it sure does to me (I sound a bit Murican there Lol). Ok…planet landing…what? First warning bell…on Beth’s discord the hearsay indicates Godd Howard retracted the ‘Land Anywhere’ statement and you’ll get a cutscene plonking you down in a nice spaceport. By Talos I hope not! AND I don’t want any cutscenes on this…I want the full “Aliens Dropship” experience with an atmospheric plasma cone, buffeting, engine roar, storms/cloud and full player control all the way down to your crash site…er’ chosen landing spot! Sadly I suspect it ain’t happening. Edit in: Just to say, absolutely agree that screen clutter, and keep being reminded it is ‘just a game’ by irritating XP notifications grinds my gears immensely. Either be realistic and immersive Bethesda....or make Rachet & Clank do space! Well that’s enough optimism from me…I guess after it launches I’ll be in a position to be somewhat more cynical. chin chin Adella
KoolHndLuke Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 On 6/12/2022 at 5:22 PM, Arthmoor said: Bethesda of old Mark Jones and Julian Lefay..... *sigh*
Pseron Wyrd Posted October 12, 2022 Posted October 12, 2022 Todd Howard talks about traits, speech checks and more:
Pseron Wyrd Posted December 15, 2022 Posted December 15, 2022 Starfield Q&A #2, this time with lead quest designer Will Shen:
Pseron Wyrd Posted March 8, 2023 Posted March 8, 2023 Starfield and Starfield Direct presentation release dates: smr1957 1
smr1957 Posted March 8, 2023 Posted March 8, 2023 That's one date I am looking forward to! Thanks for posting that, Pseron! Pseron Wyrd 1
Uncus Posted June 11, 2023 Posted June 11, 2023 this game will be taking up a lot of my time for the for see able future, about the only thing I was a little disappointed at was that, as far as I understand we cant manufacture ship parts and build ships from scratch. It should be possible if we have a solid industrial and research capability in our bases. smr1957 1
smr1957 Posted June 12, 2023 Posted June 12, 2023 (edited) Looks good - at least from what the vid shows. I've been waiting over 20 years for a good space game - ever since Freelancer - and this looks like it is finally it. While I love Skyrim, my first love has always been space - there just wasn't anything that really met my standards of what I expected in a space game. But, if Starfield plays as good as it looks in the vid, I will be moving over to it from Skyrim. I'm sure there will be a lot of things that people will want that is not in the game (one thing being what Uncus mentioned), but hey, that's what modding is for - and Starfield looks as if it will be an eminently moddable game. And thanks for the vid, Pseron - much appreciated! Edited June 12, 2023 by smr1957 Uncus 1
Uncus Posted June 12, 2023 Posted June 12, 2023 17 minutes ago, smr1957 said: Looks good - at least from what the vid shows. I've been waiting over 20 years for a good space game - ever since Freelancer - and this looks like it is finally it. While I love Skyrim, my first love has always been space - there just wasn't anything that really met my standards of what I expected in a space game. But, if Starfield plays as good as it looks in the vid, I will be moving over to it from Skyrim. I'm sure there will be a lot of things that people will want that is not in the game (one thing being what Uncus mentioned), but hey, that's what modding is for - and Starfield looks as if it will be an eminently moddable game. And thanks for the vid, Pseron - much appreciated! You are right, modders will get me my space docks in the asteroid belt, or some other handy resource farm. I dont know if you already know of this you tuber (3) Isaac Arthur - YouTube but I think his stuff would be a very good place to find ideas for modders. smr1957 1
smr1957 Posted June 12, 2023 Posted June 12, 2023 Already thinking of some good potential mods - and the game isn't even released yet! One is an Alternate Start that works similarly to Arthmoor's Skyrim ASLAL. - because you just know, that after the first few times playing, people will want to start the game without going through the standard beginning. Uncus 1
Scythe Bearer Posted June 12, 2023 Posted June 12, 2023 I haven't given much thought to mods for this game, beyond my own "planet with base". I have been keeping notes on the kinds things which I want in such a base, but haven't seen enough of the game to know what I really will need is such a base. smr1957 1
lmstearn Posted June 13, 2023 Posted June 13, 2023 Will Starfield ever be designed as moddable as the previous games were? Moving on from those offerings, one that has divergent plot lines constructed in such a way they invite thematic interpretations and multiple denouements? As for the CK, we all wait with baited breath, the Havok will be overhauled/replaced, there will be a suite of new functions, and an engine powering a new-look modifiable UI. And kosher in-game save/reload (with optional validation), please. smr1957 1
Uncus Posted June 13, 2023 Posted June 13, 2023 Any one know how dog fight flight will be controlled, will flight sticks be supported or will it be freelancer style mouse an keyboard. smr1957 1
Pseron Wyrd Posted June 13, 2023 Posted June 13, 2023 2 hours ago, lmstearn said: Will Starfield ever be designed as moddable as the previous games were? In his November 2021 Reddit AMA Howard confirmed that Starfield mods will be supported by Bethesda: “Our plan is to have full mod support like our previous games. Our modding community has been with us for 20 years. We love what they do and hope to see more make a career out of it.” smr1957 and lmstearn 1 1
smr1957 Posted June 14, 2023 Posted June 14, 2023 (edited) One thing I hope for, is that the walking speed is somewhat faster than it was in Skyrim and FO4 - which is as slow as someone wading through a pool of molasses (except, of course, where it is appropriate for it to be slower, such as in lower gravity conditions). Edited June 14, 2023 by smr1957 lmstearn 1
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