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  1. Arthmoor

    Bring Out Your Dead

    Version 4.0.9


    Bring Out Your Dead is a simple yet immersive mod which expands on the number of graves given to the unique NPCs in areas of the game that don't currently have them. Solitude, Windhelm, Whiterun, Riften, and Markarth all have a Hall of the Dead that contains coffins and urns for various unique NPCs who live there. Their items are transferred to their assigned coffin when they die. The smaller cities of Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar, and Winterhold do not have these facilities, and neither do the other smaller villages and towns. NPCs living on farms outside the major hold capitols don't get buried in their Hall of the Dead either. This mod aims to correct this and provide for more uniform handling of everyone's dead. Falkreath and Morthal both have graveyards already and have been expanded slightly to hold more. Dawnstar and Winterhold now have their own Halls of the Dead just outside of town. The smaller villages all have space set aside for new graveyards. NPCs living on farms immediately outside the 5 major hold capitols will be given appropriate burial space in the Hall of the Dead for their city if they don't already have it. NPCs marked as essential will not be given a grave since they cannot be killed normally unless the game removes that flag as the result of a completed quest. Requires the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch to be installed first!
  2. Arthmoor

    [RELz] Bring Out Your Dead

    Bring Out Your Dead is a simple yet immersive mod which expands on the number of graves given to the unique NPCs in areas of the game that don't currently have them. Solitude, Windhelm, Whiterun, Riften, and Markarth all have a Hall of the Dead that contains coffins and urns for various unique NPCs who live there. Their items are transferred to their assigned coffin when they die. The smaller cities of Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar, and Winterhold do not have these facilities, and neither do the other smaller villages and towns. NPCs living on farms outside the major hold capitols don't get buried in their Hall of the Dead either. This mod aims to correct this and provide for more uniform handling of everyone's dead. Falkreath and Morthal both have graveyards already and have been expanded slightly to hold more. Dawnstar and Winterhold now have their own Halls of the Dead just outside of town. The smaller villages all have space set aside for new graveyards. NPCs living on farms immediately outside the 5 major hold capitols will be given appropriate burial space in the Hall of the Dead for their city if they don't already have it. NPCs marked as essential will not be given a grave since they cannot be killed normally unless the game removes that flag as the result of a completed quest. Downloads AFK Mods Bethesda.net - PC + XB1 Installation Requirements Skyrim Special Edition 1.6.1130 or greater. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch 4.3.2 or greater. DO NOT extract the contents of the BSA file into your Data folder as loose files, or let your mod manager perform an equivalent function on the contents of the file. Doing so will cause things to load in the wrong order and break the game. Skyrim is intended to load a BSA alongside it's ESM/ESP file. Circumventing this causes issues which I will not provide support for. If you insist on going against this advice, you will receive no support for the problems you generate as a result of this. Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN Drop the archive into your Skyrim Special Edition Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. Installation - Manual Drop Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.esp and Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.bsa into your Data folder. Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Uninstalling Bring Out Your Dead Due to the nature of Skyrim mods, especially those adding scripts, it is strongly discouraged to attempt uninstalling a mod from your active game. Any mod that is more than pure mesh or texture replacements has the possibility to leave behind permanent changes to your save that you may not want. This is not something modders can correct for. It is how the game was designed by Bethesda. No support will be provided for anyone who uninstalls this mod from an active game and continues on with that save. To remove the mod: Delete the Bring Out Your Dead.esp and Bring Out Your Dead.bsa from your Data folder. Then reload your game as usual. Load Order This touches numerous NPCs, which can lead to conflicts. Since gravestones aren't in and of themselves terribly important, it's advised to load this mod early on and allow other mods which have other changes to make the ability to take effect. Compatibility Expanded Towns and Cities has been confirmed to be 100% compatible as of version 2.0. Potential conflict with any mod which is expanding the various cities and villages. If these conflicts are brought to my attention I can attempt to make adjustments for them within reason. Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    New quests, radio station, perks, crafting and resurrected Canterbury Commons. Now with English translation. This mod was originally created by Mogila (mogalkov_i). I have already translated his other quest mod "Grand Construction", so you can expect more mechanics and features from his previous project. Again I couldn't contact original creator for details because he didn't visit Nexus since 2009. WARNING! Some content of this mod may be rough and inappropriate for some players. I did not change or rewrite original jokes and dialogue lines, but only made a complete and the most accurate manual translation. Please write any complaints to the original author of the project. WHAT TO EXPECT .................................................................................. 1) New scripted and unmarked quests in Canterbury Commons (around 2 hours to finish all activities): Open new bar, help drug dealers, steal Enclave vertibird, find new genetic "clone" lab and much more; 2) Great improvements in Canterbury Commons landscape (new features and places will be available while completing different tasks in town); 3) New radio station "String Accordions"; 4) 30 crafting recipes in your new player house in Canterbury Commons; 5) 9 Special Implants which will work like optional perks; 6) Fully-functional Virtual Reality Simulator; 7) New weapons and outfits; 8) Unlockable option to buy slaves; 9) "Easter eggs" and references to pop-culture included... HOW TO INSTALL (YOU NEED ORIGINAL FILES FROM THIS PAGE) .................................................................................. 1) Download archive from original mod page; 2) Use my translated .esp file to replace original .esp; 3) Activate 1stKenterberyUpgrade.esp with any preferable mod manager; 4) Done! HOW TO START .................................................................................. You need to visit Canterbury Commons and find new "Restored House". Talk with "Spare Parts" bot, he will ask you to deal with new "bad neighbors" there. After that you have 2 options: You can immediately kill "neighbors" OR talk with their leader. If you choose to work for them, you will unlock main quests of this mod. By eliminating all "neighbors" you will only get new house, but other quests, features and "restoration" of Canterbury Commons will be locked for you. Choose wisely. BUGS AND CONFLICTS .................................................................................. This mod brings major changes to Canterbury Commons, so most of the other "Canterbury overhauls/quests/redesigns" and etc won't be compatible or will cause CtDs. I can't test all of them. As for technical issues, original mod has "4 deleted navmeshes which can not be undeleted", so you were warned. CREDITS .................................................................................. My deepest gratitude to mogalkov_i (MogIlA) for making this quest/player house mod. I'm only trying to revive this project for foregin audience by providing actual translation. All rights and praises to original creator
  4. Version 1.1

    1 download

    Over 1300 lines of dialogue, new caravan system, several new quests, new settlements. Old forgotten mod finally with full English translation. This translation was done with the help by Yu_schwarz's previous Russian version of this mod (which I used as a "starting point" for my English translation). Technically speaking, this time I made "translation of translation" of original mod since my knowledge and skills are limited only to Russian, Spanish and English. WHAT TO EXPECT ................................................................................. 1) New upgraded caravan system (join and protect travelers for caps and loot); 2) Around 3-4 hours to complete main and side quests (6 quests in total); 3) Several new weapon types and outfits; 4) Improved NPCs traveling system with random events (very customizable with many options for your preferences); 5) New big settlements with unique stories and landscape; 6) New bank system; 7) Optional recruitable companions; 8) Different endings and choices in main questline; HOW TO INSTALL (YOU NEED ORIGINAL MAIN FILES!) .................................................................................. This time I can only provide translation files for this mod. I know that website which was included in Living Wasteland original description doesn't work anymore, so you will have to find original files somewhere else. (Believe me, it's not that hard, just use Google) 1) Download original archive and put all files in Data folder; 2) Replace original .esp and .esm files with my translated version; HOW TO START .................................................................................. After activating Living Wasteland you will receive configuration tool in your Pip-Boy. Try to adjust settings for your playstyle. Then just try to find caravans and visit big cities. You'll understand how to start different side quests after that. BUGS AND CONFLICTS .................................................................................. Even though it is a massive new update for vanilla game, it should be compatible with most other big mods which didn't alter caravans. And you can use this mod even in your mid-playthrough. All quests are fully playable from start to finish without any critical bugs. CREDITS .................................................................................. My deepest gratitude to Yu_schwarz for giving me permission to use Russian translation as a foundation for my English version. Special thanks to fabalpet (Nuclear Modding) for creating original Living Wasteland modification. All rights and praises only to original creator! And I will delete this file by his request (if he will contact me). Original Mod Page
  5. Arthmoor

    Bring Out Your Dead

    Version 3.0.0


    Bring Out Your Dead is a simple yet immersive mod which expands on the number of graves given to the unique NPCs in areas of the game that don't currently have them. Solitude, Windhelm, Whiterun, Riften, and Markarth all have a Hall of the Dead that contains coffins and urns for various unique NPCs who live there. Their items are transferred to their assigned coffin when they die. The smaller cities of Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar, and Winterhold do not have these facilities, and neither do the other smaller villages and towns. NPCs living on farms outside the major hold capitols don't get buried in their Hall of the Dead either. This mod aims to correct this and provide for more uniform handling of everyone's dead. Falkreath and Morthal both have graveyards already and have been expanded slightly to hold more. Dawnstar and Winterhold now have their own Halls of the Dead just outside of town. The smaller villages all have space set aside for new graveyards. NPCs living on farms immediately outside the 5 major hold capitols will be given appropriate burial space in the Hall of the Dead for their city if they don't already have it. NPCs marked as essential will not be given a grave since they cannot be killed normally unless the game removes that flag as the result of a completed quest. Installation Requirements Official Skyrim patch or greater. Official Dawnguard DLC. Official Hearthfire DLC. Official Dragonborn DLC. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch 3.0.14 or greater. No exceptions!
  6. Hello, lately I've been having a bit more time to invest in Skyrim modding for myself. While at it, I also tried to check my work for minor errors, and noticed a hairstyle for an NPC I borrowed from a mod no langer available called "SG Hair Pack 350" was set up kind of ... weird? Not only was it, as someone pointed out to me in an earlier thread, that two of three tri files that were supposed to go each with a model file of the complete hairstyle were entirely empty. But as it seems, one of three model files reffered to as "hairline" is exactly the same as the main "hair" model, as far as I can tell? I previously removed both the two empty tri files and the supposedly "secound hairline" model file due to ugly clipping in the lower neck area of the head, leaving only the model files of "hair" and "hairline" for the implementation of the hairstyle. I'm not too well-versed in NifSkope that I'd dare throw overboard the "hairline" model file without a secound examiner's judgement, though. So if anyone would be willing to quickly take a look at my two model files, I'd greatly appreciate that. As I said, they appear identical to me. Thanks in advance for any answer to this. Hair.7z
  7. Enter_77

    Silent Voice Generator



    Silent Voice Generator is an audio file utility designed to process the quest dialogue text documents exported by the Creation Kit and generate silent voice and lip-synch files based on user-defined parameters. Features Support for all Gamebryo / Creation Engine based games in The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fallout 3 onwards Bulk processing of multiple dialogue text documents Generate silent audio files for dialogue with a length of up to 30 seconds Moving lip-synch files (.LIP) to match audio file length Optional game directory auto-detection for quick audio file installation Toggleable safety mechanic to prevent existing audio files from being overwritten Supports all valid audio codecs for dialogue in each respective game Output text logs in the same delimited format as the source documents containing all dialogue lines that had audio files generated Stats Mode: Run through the file generation process without creating any actual files on the disk. Useful for counting the number of files that would normally be generated and for finding dialogue lines missing an audio file regardless of the hardcoded "File Found" entry in the exported text documents. Required Java 8 Alternative Solutions If left uncompressed, using silent audio files for nonvoiced dialogue can rapidly consume disk space, especially for large mods with thousands of lines. For the end-user, there are alternative, runtime solutions that do away with the need for these silent audio files. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim + Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition + Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice Mirrors Silent Voice Generator is the same utility across all of AFK Mods and only needs to be downloaded once for its multi-game support. The Elder Scrolls The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition Fallout Fallout 4
  8. Enter_77

    Silent Voice Generator



    Silent Voice Generator is an audio file utility designed to process the quest dialogue text documents exported by the Creation Kit and generate silent voice and lip-synch files based on user-defined parameters. Features Support for all Gamebryo / Creation Engine based games in The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fallout 3 onwards Bulk processing of multiple dialogue text documents Generate silent audio files for dialogue with a length of up to 30 seconds Moving lip-synch files (.LIP) to match audio file length Optional game directory auto-detection for quick audio file installation Toggleable safety mechanic to prevent existing audio files from being overwritten Supports all valid audio codecs for dialogue in each respective game Output text logs in the same delimited format as the source documents containing all dialogue lines that had audio files generated Stats Mode: Run through the file generation process without creating any actual files on the disk. Useful for counting the number of files that would normally be generated and for finding dialogue lines missing an audio file regardless of the hardcoded "File Found" entry in the exported text documents. Required Java 8 Alternative Solutions If left uncompressed, using silent audio files for nonvoiced dialogue can rapidly consume disk space, especially for large mods with thousands of lines. For the end-user, there are alternative, runtime solutions that do away with the need for these silent audio files. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim + Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition + Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice Mirrors Silent Voice Generator is the same utility across all of AFK Mods and only needs to be downloaded once for its multi-game support. The Elder Scrolls The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition Fallout Fallout 4
  9. Enter_77

    Silent Voice Generator



    Silent Voice Generator is an audio file utility designed to process the quest dialogue text documents exported by the Creation Kit and generate silent voice and lip-synch files based on user-defined parameters. Features Support for all Gamebryo / Creation Engine based games in The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fallout 3 onwards Bulk processing of multiple dialogue text documents Generate silent audio files for dialogue with a length of up to 30 seconds Moving lip-synch files (.LIP) to match audio file length Optional game directory auto-detection for quick audio file installation Toggleable safety mechanic to prevent existing audio files from being overwritten Supports all valid audio codecs for dialogue in each respective game Output text logs in the same delimited format as the source documents containing all dialogue lines that had audio files generated Stats Mode: Run through the file generation process without creating any actual files on the disk. Useful for counting the number of files that would normally be generated and for finding dialogue lines missing an audio file regardless of the hardcoded "File Found" entry in the exported text documents. Required Java 8 Alternative Solutions If left uncompressed, using silent audio files for nonvoiced dialogue can rapidly consume disk space, especially for large mods with thousands of lines. For the end-user, there are alternative, runtime solutions that do away with the need for these silent audio files. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim + Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition + Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice Mirrors Silent Voice Generator is the same utility across all of AFK Mods and only needs to be downloaded once for its multi-game support. The Elder Scrolls The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition Fallout Fallout 4
  10. In which cases files 'meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\xxxx' and 'textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\xxxx' are not needs or needs? Which subrecords ('Head Parts', 'QNAM - Texture lighting', 'NAM9 - Face morph', 'NAMA - Face parts', 'Tint Layers' ...) must be not empty if npc needs for facegen-data files? In Skyrim, Skyrim SE and Oblivion.
  11. Arthmoor

    [RELz] Run For Your Lives

    A small mod that makes citizens in a village or city run indoors during a dragon or vampire attack. This was born out of frustration at seeing the citizens all trying to be a hero and rushing headlong to their doom attacking dragons. Instead, the citizens will run to safety like smart people should when faced with the horrors of giant flying fire breathing lizards. NPCs who live in the attack location who own a home there will retreat to it. If the attack location has an inn, NPCs who don't live there will flee to the inn, along with any NPCs who live outdoors. If no inn is present the game picks a random interior from the surrounding area and those NPCs will flee there instead. This should work for any NPCs added by mods as well, up to a limit of 150 in the area. After that, they're on their own. The NPCs chosen are first come, first serve by the game engine. Guards, members of The Companions, Vigilants of Stendarr, and the player's followers/teammates will not run, they will stand and fight. Farm animals will not run either, because they're stupid. That includes your horse. Spawned dragons are detected via animation events, which should allow for completely reliable detection even if the dragon never lands on something. Hand placed dragons are detected when their combat state changes* as well as when they land on any available perch objects in the area. * [Only after they land on the ground] Downloads AFK Mods TES Alliance Installation Requirements Official Skyrim patch or greater. Debug & Status MCM requires SKSE 1.7.1 (or higher) and SkyUI 4.1 (or higher) in order to use them. These menus are not necessary for the mod to run if you don't have SKSE and SkyUI. Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN Drop the archive into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. Installation - Manual Drop the Run For Your Lives.esp and Run For Your Lives.bsa files into your Data folder. Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Uninstall Remove the two files from the Data folder. This mod has no continually updating scripts so the contamination of your save game will be minimal. Known Issues Detection of combat start events is inherently unreliable with dragons. Every effort has been made to ensure that when a dragon lands on the ground (yes, that has to happen before a combat detection can occur) that the quest to protect NPCs from dragons will run. The new system can only manage up to 5 dragons in a single area through alias tracking. They should cycle out as dragons are killed and the survivors trigger new registrations, but this cannot be guaranteed. Some NPCs may insist on entering combat with a dragon. Unfortunately Skyrim's AI system may not be entirely up to the task of making them follow the orders the mod is giving them. Efforts have been made to force NPCs to stop combat when the AI packs are running. Further efforts have been put in place to prevent bleedout NPCs who insist on being stupid from dying as a result. Please do not complain about NPCs who won't cooperate. I've done all I can here. A bad navmesh in an attack location can severely impact the ability of NPCs to clear the area. If you see any getting stuck and acting like they can't move, this is probably why. If the area is modified, you'll need to take this up with the author(s) of the mod(s) affecting the area. If the area is NOT modified (ie: totally vanilla) then please report such events so that I can pass them along to the USKP tracker to investigate. If an attack location has more than 150 NPCs to protect, only the first 150 will fill the quest aliases. After that, any leftovers are on their own and can still be killed! 150 NPC slots is enough to protect all of Solitude running Open Cities Skyrim with 60 slots left open. That ought to be more than enough. If it's not, there's nothing more I can do. Too many aliases in a quest leads to severe degradation in performance. I had to strike a balance somewhere. The alias fill casts a very wide net, do not be surprised if you see Khajiit from the caravans come in to seek shelter from an attack, the carriage drivers, or other NPCs who commonly live outside of a major city and have no assigned interior homes. Compatibility Tested and confirmed to work in all vanilla cities, towns, villages, and smaller settlements. Tested and confirmed to work with Raven Rock and the other smaller settlements on Solstheim. Tested and confirmed to work with all DLC added dragon types. Tested and confirmed to work with Open Cities Skyrim. Tested and confirmed to work with Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul. Should be fully compatible with all user made dragon related mods, so long as the attacking dragon has MGRitual05DragonScript attached. Mods which alter the following scripts will not be compatible without a patch: MGRitual05DragonScript DragonPerchScript Dragons Diversified requires a patch due to replacing MGRitual05DragonScript with its own. The patch can be acquired here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50844 A Note About Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Several people have asked over the last few months if this mod is still needed if they are using ICAO. The answer to that question is YES. ICAO sets up its aliases at the moment it is installed into your game. If you later install more mods that add NPCs to population areas, like Interesting NPC, Inconsequential NPCs, Cutting Room Floor, or other similar mods, then ICAO will not protect those NPCs. The only way it's at all possible to account for doing so on a consistent basis is if the protection for the NPCs is triggered on demand at the time of the event. That is what Run For Your Lives does. If someone advises you to uninstall RFYL because you're using ICAO - don't listen to them. The advice is uninformed at best. Troubleshooting Problems In order to debug any problems that may occur with the mod, some information is REQUIRED - without it, there's nothing I can do. Comments reporting problems with the mod will be ignored unless this information is supplied. In order to make this slightly easier to gather, I've updated the package with a global debug toggle that will turn on the log messages on demand. You will obviously need to make sure your ini file has the following section: [Papyrus] bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation=1 bWarnOnFillAliasFailure=1 bShowEventHandlingOutput=1 Enable the mod's debug log: In MCM Open the menu for the mod, select options, enable the "Script Debugging" option, and then close the menu. This menu will also tell you if the quest is running too. Without MCM Open the console with the ~ key and type: Set ARTHRFYLDebugGlobal to 1 The Log Files Your Payrus logs will begin tracking any and all activity generated by the system. While playing, if you run into a problem (folks running inside for no apparent reason etc) then I will need the following from that play session: 1. A copy of "C:/Users/<USERNAME>/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/Script/Papyrus.0.log" 2. A copy of "C:/Users/<USERNAME>/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/Script/Script/AliasDump/AliasDump.0.log" Archive these files and put them on something like DropBox, or paste the contents to Pastebin.com, then provide a link to where I can get these. One thing - don't bother if you're one of those people who has altered your Papyrus memory settings. Any logs I see in which this has taken place will be dismissed. Altering those settings is bad for the game and leads to malfunctions in scripting that can cause all sorts of unwanted behavior. If you're not using default vanilla Papyrus memory settings, I don't want to hear from you. How to Make it Work With Your Mod For Town/Village/City Mods In order for the system in place to work with a mod added location, a few things need to be set up. 1. A location record (LCTN in TES5Edit) should be established with the keyword LocTypeHabitation. 2. This location requires a marker with its location reference type set to LocationCenterMarker. This only works outdoors, and is best placed as close to the geographic center of your area as possible. 3a. If your settlement has an inn, you can have that become usable by flagging the inn's location as LocTypeInn. It must be set as a child location of the location in step 1. 3b. If you do not have an inn, then you need at least one interior location with the LocTypeDwelling keyword set. It must be a child location of the location from step 1. 4. In the interior from step 3, a marker with its location reference type set to LocationCenterMarker must be placed. This is the target the AI packs will look for. 5. Place some dragon perches around on the tops of your buildings. These give them places to land which will increase the chances of a good detection. When all 4 steps are complete, nothing further needs to be done. When a dragon attacks your village, settlement, city, or whatever, the citizens will flee. Where they go depends on a few things: A. If they are already indoors, they will be made to stay there for the duration of the attack. B. If they are outside, have a home in the city that is marked as LocTypeDwelling, and their editor location is inside the home, they will go there. C. If the city has an inn, any non-residents and local NPCs whose editor locations are outdoors will go there. D. If none of the above are true, the game will select a random interior from your area matching the LocTypeDwelling keyword and the NPCs will flee there. For example, in Falkreath, the city has an inn. Any NPCs in the area who don't have a home flee there consistently. In a place like Darkwater Crossing, where there is no inn, the NPCs have two choices. Either the mine or the one house. More often than not, the game would choose the mine. An easy way to test the system is to use the console and type: set winextdragon to 0 This tells the dragon spawning system you're ready for one, and it should spawn shortly and move toward the area. Alternatively, you can hand spawn one with the console and test the results wherever you happen to be standing. Such a test may be skewed by the fact that the dragon will become immediately hostile and will be on the ground already, so detection would be automatic. This method cannot simulate an approach from outside the area unless you yourself spawn the dragon far enough away from a town. For Dragon Mods In order for your dragons to be recognized by the combat detection, it will be required that they have the script MGRitual05DragonScript attached. This is considered normal for all dragons in the official content so that they can be used to harvest heart scales from them for the College of Winterhold. There are no properties to set. The modified script uses GetFormFromFile() to populate the needed data. Even if your dragon is not appropriate to skin for the College quest, this script needs to be attached (ie: mechanical dragons) or they will be able to reek havoc on a population center without restriction. Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Nicrosoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
  12. Enter_77

    Expanded Greetings

    Version 1.1


    This mod will allow NPCs to recognize all of the player character's talents and make the skill-based dialogue greetings (such as "you're a sneaky looking sort" and "look at the muscles on you!") less redundant once the player has reached high levels. The reason these dialogue lines may have never been spoken depends on what order the playable character's skills increased throughout the game. Eventually, once most/all skills have been maxed, the dialogue gets "stuck" at the top of the dialogue tree. The only modifications are the conditions that regulate how an NPC greets the playable character. Not only does this expand talent-based greetings, but also recover the generic "hello" greetings that are lost as the character becomes more powerful and famous/infamous. Testing the Mod Make sure the playable character has at least two attributes that are 70+ or two skills that are 70+. Otherwise, effects will not be experienced until later. Go up to NPCs (Imperial City Market will have the most during the day). They will usually greet the player with a generic "hello" dialogue line but other times they will comment on the player's skills. Mirrors Assimilation Lab Dark Creations Mod DB Nexus Mods TES Alliance
  13. longpinkytoes

    Houdini - how movies have npcs

    Here are some common learning paths for learning Houdini...
  14. Here are the lists of Persuadable NPCs according to the UESP wiki, and a few of my own entries. The first number is what speech level you should need to persuade them without the persuade perk, the second is what level with it. Many of these NPCs also have intimidate and bribe options. I will denote them as I find them, with for bribe and for intimate. [!] Denotes NPCs which are confirmed to have bugged dialogue. Very Easy (10) [Can't be failed] Persuading a shakedown bandit to leave you alone for 50 gold. During The Forsworn Conspiracy, getting Margret to reveal information. Getting a free sample from the attendant at Redwater Den.DG Persuading the Riften gate guard to let you through [!] Persuading the Whiterun gate guard to let you through Easy (25/18) The Black Star, convincing Nelacar that a priestess of Azura sent you. Caught Red Handed, getting the Mark of Dibella from Hofgrir Horse-Crusher. Compelling Tribute, getting gold from Anuriel. Compelling Tribute, getting gold from Raerek. A Cornered Rat, convincing Esbern to open his door. Diplomatic Immunity, Getting the Thalmor guard to leave his post. The Forsworn Conspiracy, getting information on Weylin from Mulush gro-Shugurz. The Forsworn Conspiracy, getting Weylin's Key from Garvey. Good Intentions, getting the Augur of Dunlain's location from Mirabelle Ervine. The Mind of Madness, getting the key to the Pelagius Wing from Erdi. No One Escapes Cidhna Mine, getting skooma from Duach. Promises to Keep, getting Sibbi's key. The Raid, getting Wujeeta to reveal where she gets skooma. Season Unending, convincing Ulfric to join the peace talks. The Taste of Death, getting Brother Verulus to follow you. Tending the Flames, the first persuasion option when rewriting King Olaf's Verse. Average (50/35) Buy Dwarven artifact, getting Calcelmo to pay you more. Caught Red Handed, convincing Indaryn to give you the Mark of Dibella. Caught Red Handed, convincing Bolli to give you the Mark of Dibella. Diplomatic Immunity, convincing Elisif the Fair to create a distraction. Diplomatic Immunity, convincing Igmund to create a distraction. Diplomatic Immunity, convincing Ondolemar to create a distraction. Diplomatic Immunity, convincing Siddgeir to create a distraction. Diplomatic Immunity, convincing Vittoria Vici to create a distraction. The Fallen, convincing the Jarl of Whiterun to let you use Dragonsreach to capture a dragon. A False Front, getting the innkeeper to tell you where the Imperial Courier is. A False Front, getting the innkeeper to tell you where the Stormcloak Courier is. The Forsworn Conspiracy, getting the key to Margret's room from Kleppr or Frabbi. The Forsworn Conspiracy, getting Borkul the Beast to let you in to see Madanach. The Forsworn Conspiracy, getting Rhiada to let you in to see Thonar Silver-Blood. Hitting the Books, convincing The Caller to let you take the books and leave. The House of Horrors, convincing Logrolf that Boethiah sent you. The Lover's Requital, getting Lynly to admit her true identity. [!] A Night To Remember, getting Senna to reveal your next destination without cleaning the temple. A Night To Remember, getting Ysolda to reveal your next destination without getting her ring back. Sanuarach Mine, convincing Atar to leave Karthwasten. Sanuarach Mine, convincing Ainethach to sell the mine. Season Unending, convincing General Tullius to join the peace talks. Tending the Flames, the second persuasion option when rewriting King Olaf's Verse. Hunting the Monster, convincing a friend to help you find a vampire. Lost to the Ages, convincing Katria you are strong enough to handle Arkngthamz. A New Order, convincing Sorine Jurard to join Dawnguard without getting her a gyro. Prophet, getting a carriage driver or innkeeper to give you information on the priest for free. Convincing Borgakh the Steel Heart to join you as a follower. Convincing Drahff and Hewnon to leave you alone in the entrance of the Ratway [with CRF] [!] Convincing a random thief to leave you alone. During a random encounter with a would-be mage, convincing him to give you his staff. During a random encounter with a mercenary, convincing them to give you the location they were heading to. Hard (75/53) During A Cornered Rat, getting Dirge to tell you the location of Esbern. During A Cornered Rat, getting Vekel the Man to tell you the location of Esbern. During A Cornered Rat, getting Brynjolf to tell you the location of Esbern. During A Night To Remember, convincing Ennis to reveal your next destination without finding his goat. During Dampened Spirits, getting Sabjorn to pay you half before the job. During Hard Answers, tricking Calcelmo into giving you the key to the museum. During Loud and Clear, getting the key from Aringoth. During Missing In Action, getting information on Thorald Gray-Mane's location from Idolaf Battle-Born. During Onmund's Request, convincing Enthir to give you the amulet for free. During Pieces of the Past, getting the hilt from Jorgen. During The Pursuit, convincing Vald to leave his guard post. During Season Unending, convincing your favored side to accept a minor hold. During Scoundrel's Folly, getting information from Gulum-Ei. During Summerset Shadows, getting Niranye to tell the truth. Convincing a guard to ignore minor crimes. Convincing Markarth guards to leave you alone, but even then you will still be taken to Cidhna Mine; it is one of the few speech checks in the game that always fails regardless of skill. During a random encounter with an adventurer who calls you a milk drinker, backing away from the fight. Very Hard (100/70) Convincing Faralda to let you join the College of Winterhold without taking a test. Unknown Reddguard bandit at Valtheim Towers
  15. xannon98

    Endgame NPC Overhaul

    Version 1.2f


    This mod will add perks to vanilla and DLC's followers accordingly with their original fight style and class - they will now level along with the player and will be able to heal themselves in combat (some more than others depending on their class and mana pool). I added some corrections on some inventories and default outfits, as well as some unique weapons and fighting styles (in the case of Serana). The mod have been tested by two different machines and with different gameplays. This mod is intended to bring up the glory and usefulness of the original Skyrim followers, thus removing the urgent necessity of installing new followers for the Endgame play. This mod also correct the gender animation for the edited npc's if starting a new savegame. I used the following list to make this mod. If you like any other npc altered or have any suggestion please leave your comment. AFK mods Release: This is version 1.2f Legendary - Install only if you have all DLC's active. Aditionally, if you don't have all DLCs, but only one or two of them, you can install the Skyrim-only file, then choose from the optional files the ones corresponding to the DLCs you have from Nexus. Requirements: - Official Skyrim or higher. Mod Management and loading order: Endgame NPC Overhaul must always be placed after UFO (or similar multi-management follower mods files) and always before any follower cosmetic change mod. Example: - UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp - UFO - Dragonborn AddOn.esp - Endgame NPC Overhaul.esp - ENPCO Dawnguard.esp - ENPCO Hearthfire.esp - ENPCO Dragonborn.esp - My Home Is Your Home.esp - Aela.esp - Bijin Warmaidens.esp - Serana.esp - Marriable Serana.esp - Marriable Serana HF.esp - ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp - and so on.esp I recommend you use LOOT to sort out your loading order. ---------------------------------------------------------------- About Saadia: If you manage to "bat follower" Saadia you can gain a beautiful and powerful Ally; it was quite a surprise when I saw her engaging enemies for the first time. If you choose to make her a follower, please complete her quest line first to avoid any possible quest line breaking. About Mirri Severin: If you manage to "bat follower" Mirri, please complete her quest line first to avoid any possible quest line breaking. About Serana: Serana is now the ultimate Vampire Killing machine. She has her original powers tweaked into some superior versions and she will dual wield with her unique swords. A must have in my opinion if you like Serana. I included a patch for Bijin customization users (version info in the file). The correct place for "Serana.esp" patch included in this release must follow the above loading order example. About Quests: As I said earlier "Endgame NPC Overhaul" have been tested by two different machines and with different gameplays, from the beginning, and all quests have been done without quest line breaking. Compatibilities: UFO; - Other similar multi-management follower mods haven't been tested so I cannot guarantee their compatibility; - Follower or NPC cosmetic changer mods might require patch on request; - Works better in a new Gameplay; - Compatible with current savegames but followers still have their default level cap unless you "prid" them and type "setlevel 1000 0 1 100"; - Other than that must be compatible with almost everything. Incompatibilities: - Mods that change, or allows you to change, vanilla followers' skills, perks, gear, inventory or combat-styles. If you try to use said mods with Endgame NPC Overhaul, you may not see the changes this mod applies to followers and I cannot guarantee their compatibility. Recommended mods: Unofficial Skyrim Patches UFO Credits and Thanks: Gweneal for her reliant betatesting. Bethesda for the amazing Game.
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