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Leonardo, I just thought of something. You can compile the code, right? I keep setup.py working with the code. So if you have 2.7.8 or higher and wxPython Unicode, can you compile and make an exe from the main branch? I call the main branch dev-yacoby-wrye, it's the default branch.

I found a routine for a Journal Browser.  Have you ever used that? If so what does it do?


Like I said, I don't have Python installed atm, but sure I can install it if it helps.  Also, I will install the necessary software you mention in your post about Help to update Wrye Mash 3 years ago on BSF.

No, I haven't used a Journal Browser before and this is the first time I've heard of it.


Wait... I wonder if the Journal Browser has something to do with the Import >> Dialogue command in WMSA.

However, I know that Bethesda improved the journal in-game when they released the Tribunal expansion at the same time they also allowed the player to make a note on the game map in-game.  Perhaps the routines for the Journal Browser you found is meant for that.



EDIT:  I just want to ask.  If I install Python 2.7.8 and the required software I need to have.  Would that be an issue for WB307, I plan to install Wrye Bash 307.201709160706 later, and right now I use WB for both SLE and SSE without a single issue?


If you don't have Python installed, then don't bother doing that or trying to compile the code at all. I'm not trying to complicate things. I just thought you might have that set up already.


If you do ever set that up use 2.7.12 and the Unicode for wxPython exactly as I have stated in the docs. Not the earlier versions.  That would work with Wrye Bash 307 any version also.


Ah, I thought I needed to use Python 2.7.8, but perhaps it's time for me to actually upgrade Python from 2.7.8 to 2.7.12 which I haven't done yet.  I still have the wxPython Unicode file.


I'm glad you are supportive and excited I'm working on things. I'm still learning Python so I can't do much. This is all just a personal learning experience. It's best to talk about Wrye Mash here and leave it out of the Wrye bash thread.


Why I posted it in the WB thread is because like many others I also use WB for both SLE and SSE, plus from my own experience using a Python version that can be used regardless what mod manager I use, in my case Wrye Mash or Wrye Bash, makes a difference at least when it comes for reducing issues.

I know your knowledge, skill with Python is limited and Utumno might know a thing or two.  That's why I asked there and nothing else.


On the subject of the yellow boxes on the mods tab. I was right about it being related to the size of Morrowind.esm, or any master for that matter.  When the size of the master is not equal to the size at the time the plugin was made then you will see a yellow box. I for example have the Steam version and I don't know what it's really called, the Goty edition mabye?  The folder isn't GOTY so I don't really know. However, the point is the Morrowind.esm for my version is a different size then the mod had at the time it was made.  I tested saving the header by entering text in the description field. Once Wrye Mash updated the header with the proper size the yellow check box went away.

I'll check the docs because that Yellow box should not be resolved that way, im my opinion.  I don't know what versions of Morrowind there are, so say I have version 1.4 but at the time the mod was made the author had 1.1 and Morrowind.esm was different. Then you will get the Yellow checkbox. What if Bethesda never changed Morrowind.esm but there is some accepted cleaning I need to do with a command like tool like tes3cmd or the other one you mentioned.  Maybe I have not done that or maybe the author didn't do that.  So either way, you don't know the contents of Morrowind at the time the mod was made. So the box is just a notification that there was a difference. It's not an error or anything to correct, just a notification.  The way Morrowind seems to work I feel it's best not to alter a plugin with that kind of notification because the records depended on the exact contents of Morrowind.esm at the time it was made.


Yes, the Steam version of Morrowind is the GotY version since it's patched to the latest 1.6.1820 patch and also have all expansions (Tribunal, Bloodmoon) installed.

Regarding the yellow boxes on the Mods tab, you see the middle picture I posted here might explain to you why the yellow boxes has a different meaning to Morrowind player than to players for the newer games.

I think the Morrowind.esm is the 1.2 version and every newer version is assigned to the actual expansion e.g Tribunal is the 1.3 and later updated to 1.4, Bloodmoon are still 1.6 (has never been updated by Bethesda not I am aware of no).


The best and the most powerful mod tool that exist in the Morrowind modding community is the Enchanted Editor.

There are two more mod tools that can clean mods and they are TESAME, TESPCD.  A lot of modders are using these tools to clean their mods before releasing anything.


1 hour ago, Sharlikran said:

So the box is just a notification that there was a difference.  It's not an error or anything to correct, just a notification. 

Yes, I believe so.  The yellow box for mods in the Mods tab are considered to be a harmless error, but the Warnings.txt file will still add and contain those harmless errors until it is corrected by updating the master list in the Mods tab.


I just wanted to contiue playing my modded Morrowind (Steam version is vanilla) when I realized what a mess I needed to fix, so in the end I simple uninstalled Morrowind and start over with a fresh installation.

However, after I removed Morrowind in Windows I notice one thing that I wanted to ask you about.

Does WMSA 87/88 create a "Bash" subfolder of Morrowind and not a "Bash" subfolder of the Installers folder?  The reason I ask is because the "Bash" folder had the Installers.dat file, which is IIRC a .dat file that contains the data for BAIN in Wrye Mash.



This is my current mash.ini file.

sInstallersDir=G:\Games\steamapps\common\Morrowind Mods\Bash Installers

My install directory is:


With that these are where you can find files and back them up so that you can revert to version 84 if you have issues.

G:\Games\steamapps\common\Morrowind Mods\Bash Installers\Bash\Installers.dat <<-- Installer Information
G:\Games\steamapps\common\Morrowind\Data Files\Mash\Table.pkl <<-- Table?? Not sure what it's for actually
G:\Games\steamapps\common\Morrowind\Data Files\Mash\Backups <<-- Backups of all the files, such as files altered by tes3cmd
G:\Games\steamapps\common\Morrowind\Mopy\settings.pkl <<-- Wrye Mash Settings




Yeah I was able to add another field! There was also a bug in the routine where the Morrowind directory wasn't assigning the path to the global variable correctly.

6 hours ago, Sharlikran said:

This is my current mash.ini file.

sInstallersDir=G:\Games\steamapps\common\Morrowind Mods\Bash Installers

My install directory is:


With that these are where you can find files and back them up so that you can revert to version 84 if you have issues.

G:\Games\steamapps\common\Morrowind Mods\Bash Installers\Bash\Installers.dat <<-- Installer Information
G:\Games\steamapps\common\Morrowind\Data Files\Mash\Table.pkl <<-- Table?? Not sure what it's for actually
G:\Games\steamapps\common\Morrowind\Data Files\Mash\Backups <<-- Backups of all the files, such as files altered by tes3cmd
G:\Games\steamapps\common\Morrowind\Mopy\settings.pkl <<-- Wrye Mash Settings


It's the first path for Wrye Mash and only two .dat files exists, if you mean how to restore the data in BAIN of installed mods.



WB are using the same setup as you have in your mash.ini file, except for a different name, and using the same  <game> Mods (Oblivion, Skyrim) path.

Although, I can see that you use the Bash Installers name, is it only for making a distinction between Wrye Mash and Wrye Bash.  Correct?  Can that affect the BAIN Wizard feature in WB?

I extracted the tes3cmd archive into the Data Files and installed one mod then clean it plus I read the tes3cmd - readme, which can be found here.  The third path in your example are not the default path for tes3cmd but can be changed.


--backup-dir where backup files get stored. The default is: "Data Files/tes3cmd/backups"


2 hours ago, Sharlikran said:


Yeah I was able to add another field! There was also a bug in the routine where the Morrowind directory wasn't assigning the path to the global variable correctly.

Great work, Sharlikran! :horkercookie:

So, you also fixed a bug at the same time you added another field into Wrye Mash Settings.  Keep up the good work. :)


The other day I removed the Morrowind (retail) installation due for being completely messed up.  Today I continue installing mods, tools plus MCP and MGE-XE.

Later this evening I extracted your current_mlox archive then I launched mlox and I got this error.

mlox_base.txt:1: Parse Error(), expected start of rule [Buffer=;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*-]

Soon I realized that I forgot to extract the mlox_rulebase.txt, which mlox requires to have in the Morrowind\mlox folder.  What is more strange though, is that if I even extract the mlox_rulebase.txt I still get the same error as above when launching mlox.

If it's important for you know about is that I installed mlox into the Morrowind (retail) folder and regardless what I do I still get the same error.

Also, I doubt I'll be able to launch mlox for the Morrowind (Steam) installation without getting the same error.


Then I would need exact steps to reproduce, the rule file you have, and at least one mod that requires the rule file.  Although that has a shebang type of characteristic to it, the same as "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" which is a way to specify how the python script does certain things. I don't fully understand all of that yet.


Okay, here you go.  Just extract the archive into the Morrowind\mlox folder and run mlox.


6 hours ago, Leonardo said:

Okay, here you go.  Just extract the archive into the Morrowind\mlox folder and run mlox.


Okay I looked at that, and it's probably not a bug. It's just unicode stuff again. The file clearly shows up as ";; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*-" in notepad. Hopefully when all the unicode stuff is done that will go away.


Can you see if Wrye Bash Test 004.zip works. I don't expect it to solve the new error, the yellow boxes, or all the unicode errors but I'm wondering if it at least runs and can you uninstall a file and it still removes it from Data Files. That's about all I care about for now. It is a different EXE name so delete the old folder, but you would still copy the current.mlox files, that hasn't changed.

27 minutes ago, Sharlikran said:

Okay I looked at that, and it's probably not a bug. It's just unicode stuff again. The file clearly shows up as ";; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*-" in notepad. Hopefully when all the unicode stuff is done that will go away.

Agreed.  However, the Unicode stuff will probably not generate more errors in WMSA once the code has Unicode support, but mlox is a different matter since it's written with wxPython ANSI and to be absolutely sure then mlox also needs to have Unicode support too.

22 minutes ago, Sharlikran said:

Can you see if Wrye Bash Test 004.zip works. I don't expect it to solve the new error, the yellow boxes, or all the unicode errors but I'm wondering if it at least runs and can you uninstall a file and it still removes it from Data Files. That's about all I care about for now. It is a different EXE name so delete the old folder, but you would still copy the current.mlox files, that hasn't changed.

Sure.  Anything specific you want me to look for?

Just downloaded Wrye Bash Test004.zip.  But I wonder is the Wrye Bash Tes004.zip a duplicate?


I goofed and didn't click apply. I just renamed it. It really doesn't matter what the name is the zip contents is the same. And no, not looking for any tests in particular. I do run the EXE myself and it works but I don't don't do much else. All I want it to do is run, and uninstall and reinstall a file for now. Well manually order mods too but that's it.


Well then I need to disappoint you, because I can't launch WMSA when having mlox (current-mlox) installed or without having mlox (current-mlox) installed.

Although, the Wrye Mash.exe name is nice to see and I think most people in the Morrowind modding community would appreciate that.


That's weird.  Because after you said that I tried it.  I could run it, uninstall, reinstall, anneal, sorted with Mlox, and manually sort mods.  My .dat and .pkl files are all new though.  I'll keep working on it and refining the Unicode. But once I'm done, it will require all settings files, table.pkl, and everything reset. Because when I am really, really, finished all the unicode support will be there. So the data files will be different because their data is in Unicode not Ansi. This is why their early attempts to add Unicode or resolve the errors didn't work. You either have no Unicode support and use and compile with the ANSI version of WxPython, or you have the Unicode and change 10,000 or however many lines of code to use Unicode. There are even places I still have to add and test to open files in Unicode, which it's not doing.  So I guess I just need to keep working on it.

Thanks though.


So you mean I need to install wxPython Unicode before I try the latest or should I say the Wrye Bash Test004.zip archive.

If so and I install wxPython Unicode, doesn't that mean I need to install Python 2.7.12 too?


Nope, the version of Python and the Version of wxPython doesn't matter for the standalone EXE. You don't need any Python installed to use the EXE. You could uninstall all your Python stuff and the EXE would still function without it.  I'm saying that once Unicode stuff is added how the data files are written to the disk should change. Which might be why it's not working for you.

Posted (edited)

I was too tired last night and didn't read the Wrye Mash.log file, so if it does help you I get the same error I had a few days ago.

Wrye Mash Log!
Traceback (most recent call last):

This time around I tried everything I could come up with and absolutely nothing helped.


EDIT:  I even switched keyboard from Swedish to American without luck.

Edited by Leonardo

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