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We will see.

I uploaded what i hope to be my last version 87.  Try it. It should have the same bugs, the same somewhat stable nature, and still delete a plugin in the Data Files folder. This will be my last tweak for 87 until I make the changes to try and attempt to update it for unicode support.


Hmm... Interesting.  I downloaded your last WMSA 87 and now I wanted to test it with more advanced mods, so I extracted into the Morrowind folder (retail) and now I can't launch it no matter what I do.

I even reverted this and still no change, but if I extract it into the Morrowind (Steam) and now it launches.  Why cannnot I launch WMSA 87, if extracted into Morrowind (retail), but can launch it if extracted into Morrowind (Steam)? :blink:

If it matters I don't have Python installed, but that should not be a factor.  Or is it?


Python doesn't matter remember, I know that appears to be a factor when you test things but it just doesn't matter.  That's disappointing that it won't start. That version is it's exactly what Yacoby had intended. Since a commit reverted changes the old version 87 does run some routines in a different order. I'd have to look into it some more. I guess I can't call that the final version 87 after all. I think both Yacoby and Melchor struggled with getting Mash to detect Morrowind right off the bat.

So back to the drawing board.To start with, with that new version, is the log file always empty still?


I know, but when it comes to Yacoby's WMSA I am not sure what's accurate or not.  Hope this make sense to you.

Anyway, I just checked the Wrye Mash.log file and in WMSA 87 (Morrowind, Steam) the log is empty aside for this "Wrye Mash Log!" line.  However, that's not the case for WMSA 87 in Morrowind (retail) and this is what the log has.

Wrye Mash Log!
Traceback (most recent call last):

So I think you actually broke something, but what would I know about programming in Python.


Yeah I am sorta frustrated with the whole log file thing. I had taken out his redirection once before. It just doesn't work, even when his changes are being overwritten and reverted by someone who had given him some code changes and they didn't clean up the changes as not to overwrite things. Let me make a change and I'll upload a new version, now.


I hope this helps and now I got an error when launching Yacoby's WMSA (2011.12.21-Dev) in Morrowind (retail).

Wrye Mash Log!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mash.py", line 1, in <module>
  File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 82, in load_module
  File "mash\mash.pyo", line 56, in <module>
  File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 82, in load_module
  File "mash\masher.pyo", line 59, in <module>
  File "mash\mlox\loader.pyo", line 47, in importMlox
  File "G:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\mlox\mlox.py", line 21, in <module>
    import urllib
ImportError: No module named urllib

But this is really strange I mean Yacoby's latest WMSA build is dated to 2012.01.05-Dev) and has an older timestamp than WMSA (2011.12.21-Dev) plus the 2011.12.21-Dev archive is larger than the 2012.01.05 arcive.

Which probably means that Yacoby removed something, but the question is what exactly was removed from the code or changed.


Okay try that one and what is the traceback say. You might have two windows pop up like I mentioned once before.


No the old version from Yacoby won't work to tell me what is going on because it may not be the same. If it is that's fine, it just may not be.


I downloaded the EXE Test version and got this error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mash.py", line 21, in <module>
  File "mash.py", line 21, in <module>
  File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 82, in load_module
  File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 82, in load_module
  File "mash\mash.pyo", line 54, in <module>
  File "mash\mash.pyo", line 54, in <module>
  File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 82, in load_module
  File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 82, in load_module
  File "mash\masher.pyo", line 74, in <module>
  File "mash\masher.pyo", line 74, in <module>
  File "mash\mlox\loader.pyo", line 71, in importMlox
  File "mash\mlox\loader.pyo", line 71, in importMlox
  File "G:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\mlox\mlox.py", line 21, in <module>
  File "G:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\mlox\mlox.py", line 21, in <module>
    import urllib
: No module named urllib
ImportError: No module named urllib



Well it is the same let me look hang on.


Don't forget to use the proper Python files. The file you have to use with Wrye Mash from the author of Mlox doesn't have a line 21 with that in it.  I don't know about Wrye's Mash and Melchor's however, for Yacoby's and mine, they all detect Mlox the same way and need the same exact files.  I uploaded a zip file I would like you to use.  Backup your old folders or make a zip file, but otherwise copy the Mlox folder from the file I put on GitHub to both retail and steam copies of Wrye Mash.  Please only use that Mlox folder, otherwise I'll be looking for errors that don't exist because we are using different files. That just won't be helpful.


Holy moses!  What a mess! :blink:


I decided to launch Melchor's WMSA, which are currently installed outside of the Morrowind\Mopy folder and I got this mess.


I'll give it a try and see what happens.


For me though, please only talk about my version going foreword. I'm trying to add the Unicode support, update the routines, and all that stuff. Which install do you use my version with currently?


Retail Morrowind.


Okay then, what I would like to ask that you only report errors, issue launching, unicode errors, tracebacks, and gui issues from my version. No more comparisons or to Wrye's, Melchor's, and Yacoby's versions, please. 

Well unless I ask did it happen in Yacoby's version. Which would apply to Issue #11 on Yacoby's GitHub which is that Unicode error you reported.  Those kinds of comparisons might be nice because then I know I didn't break it.


That "current.mlox" archive allowed me to launch WMSA 87 in Morrowind (retail), but the Mods tab are still in the same mess shown in the picture in my previous post.


Download Wrye.Mash.EXE.Test.002.zip and use Current Mlox with it please so that it runs properly. Is the sorting still a mess?


Okay use Wrye Mash EXE Test 003.zip, does the sorting still look weird?  Also after you open Wrye Mash (retail) and it looks weird, redate a plugin, or all the plugins, uncheck lock times, and sort with Mlox and tell me what happens.


Sorting seems okay, altough the mods doesn't match my gamesave, but the Mods tab are still messed up.

Almost every mod (esm/esp) are yellow and only a few esp are green plus the Author for the official master aren't Bethesda instead it's Yacoby for Morrowind.esm while the expansions has Bethesda as Author.


It will take some time to add and play around with but I'm going to have to add something to settings. The settings icon where you can specify the Morrowind Directory and the Installers folder, I'm going to add the data folder. I can't really test Mlox and sort the mods from Pycharm directly. With the version I'm working on I can't reproduce your issue where the author is Yacoby.  So I'm happy that I didn't break anything. However, Yacoby's version tried to start adding information to the data files in Unicode. Since I have made changes, (although just cut and paste) I'll bet those data files don't match. I'm working with brand new files so I see the author as Bethesda for all three official files.  So it's something I'll have to remember that once I have ten or 20 mods installed and things are working how I want them to, I'll have to remember to mention that with version 88 you won't be able to use the old data files. I don't think I would have any idea how to convert the old and new formats or how to even go about comparing them. I'll try but no promises.

Just for kicks, what happens if you do a Full refresh from the installers Tab?

5 minutes ago, Sharlikran said:

It will take some time to add and play around with but I'm going to have to add something to settings. The settings icon where you can specify the Morrowind Directory and the Installers folder, I'm going to add the data folder. I can't really test Mlox and sort the mods from Pycharm directly. With the version I'm working on I can't reproduce your issue where the author is Yacoby.  So I'm happy that I didn't break anything. However, Yacoby's version tried to start adding information to the data files in Unicode. Since I have made changes, (although just cut and paste) I'll bet those data files don't match. I'm working with brand new files so I see the author as Bethesda for all three official files.  So it's something I'll have to remember that once I have ten or 20 mods installed and things are working how I want them to, I'll have to remember to mention that with version 88 you won't be able to use the old data files. I don't think I would have any idea how to convert the old and new formats or how to even go about comparing them. I'll try but no promises.

Just for kicks, what happens if you do a Full refresh?

Do you mean a full refresh in BAIN?

If so then I cannot due to this error (scratch that)....  I got this error when clicking on the Installers tab after extracting the EXE-Test003 archive and launched WMSA 87.  Now BAIN is empty and have done a full refresh.

G:\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\Mopy\mash.exe\mash\bolt.py:503: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mash\masher.pyo", line 2559, in OnShowPage
  File "mash\masher.pyo", line 2159, in OnShow
  File "mash\mosh.pyo", line 4575, in refresh
  File "mash\mosh.pyo", line 3905, in refreshSizeCrcDate
  File "mash\bolt.pyo", line 503, in __cmp__
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf2 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

This is my observation only, but I think this error might be what's causing the Mods tab to be a complete mess.


No that's not it. It's that darn Unicode stuff again.  Let me look thanks for that I appreciate it.


I also know where to look now for that error. Thanks. I'll take a look at it, that was helpful.


I finally got one of those Unicode errors, and after some updates I don't see it anymore. So I am hoping that this will work. I also did some comparisons, and the last version before any big changes was version 304.  Which is interesting to me that most of what Wrye wrote stays basically unchanged. New columns were added, the settings files became more complex, changes where made to import and export settings, saves window, column, and sizes for the panels and things like that.  While I can't use that code because it changes too much, I have been using it as a guideline for what to change for unicode at least. Still it's interesting what did and didn't change.

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