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Fixes Recommended in Addition to the USSEP


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Assuming this thread isn't dead, I'm gonna leave this here:

There seems to be a clear issue with USSEP and Creation Club's Survival Mode.

I've verified the CC addon is functional without USSEP but when USSEP is installed, Hunger specifically becomes an issue.

I can devour several cheese wheels and see absolutely no changes in stamina, so I'm at a loss.

I've looked online for what scant forums that talk about this issue that I can find and nothing suggests a successful fix.

I've tried two mods: 

-     Unnofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patch, which has stated in their patch notes that any Survival Mode patches has been scratched and has stated "...removed since Survival Mode has already been integrated in USSEP". The mod was last updated June 18th, 2021.

-     Survival Mode USSEP Patch, which claims to fix the problem, among others, but still fails. This mod was last updated November 12th, 2021.

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You need to download USSEP 4.2.7, install that, and the problem will go away. Then make sure you've updated Garthand's patches as well since the changes he made for the 4 free DLCs in 1.6 have been integrated into USSEP.

The other mod by Steelfeathers is obsolete entirely and should be removed.

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  • 1 year later...

It's a bit of a misleading thing because that mod claims to be fixing a bug which isn't present in the script. It's more of an optimization overkill for something that's literally a one-off.

The script will no longer be operating once the quest is over so there's no need to "end it properly".

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I suggest adding Navigator - Navmesh Fixes to the list. There's a ton of dungeons where the navmeshes are "serviceable but bad" - not spewing error messages or being unusable, so not something USSEP would need to fix, but clearly auto-genned with lots of weirdness like clipping slightly under walls, going through furniture, sinking a tiny bit under the floor, or just being awkwardly shaped. Navigator fixes that for a ton of dungeons, and the difference in NPC navigation is definitely noticeable in game. 

Edited by DarthVitrial
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  • 4 months later...

Given it has been nearly seven years since the supplemental recommendations list was posted here, and given the big update to include a few of the CC in AE, and all the related changes to SKSE64 and such, might I request that the suggestions made since the posting be given a quick look-over to see if they are stable, mature, and up to date, and that things on the original list similarly be checked to see if they are still up to date, and the list in the first post be updated accordingly?  I think many people would greatly appreciate a fresh version of your useful list.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Eolhin said:

Given it has been nearly seven years since the supplemental recommendations list was posted here, and given the big update to include a few of the CC in AE, and all the related changes to SKSE64 and such, might I request that the suggestions made since the posting be given a quick look-over to see if they are stable, mature, and up to date, and that things on the original list similarly be checked to see if they are still up to date, and the list in the first post be updated accordingly?  I think many people would greatly appreciate a fresh version of your useful list.

I am not part of the UOP team, nor am I a representative of AFKMods.   I am just another dumb mod maker/user who happens to be sitting here going through the new posts to see if there is anything interesting going on.  Your post caught my attention.  My response follows:


You are more than welcome to wade through the lists of mods and provide feedback on any mod; recommended or otherwise, which have been proposed for inclusion in the category "Fixes Recommended in Addition to the USSEP".  Like other places and forums, the user community is relied on heavily to help maintain the list of "Fixes Recommended in Addition to the USSEP", including reviews of the contents of the list, efficacy of the items on the list, currency of the items on the list, etc.  Thank you in advance for any and all assistance you provide.  


Edited by Scythe Bearer
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OP has had a bit of a refresh to check validity and make some changes:

1. SLaWF has been replaced with Vanilla Landscape Corrections - VLC, VLC stays truer to purpose (despite it's requirements) and compliments USSEP better.
2. SSE Engine Fixes has replaced the standalone Achievements Enabler. Primarily because the standalone mod no longer works. This mod obviously has a number of other engine fixes associated with it as well which you should evaluate to see if you want to enable or not.
3. Scrambled Bugs has been added to replace Flora Respawn Fix as well as to bring in the suggestion for the Enchantment Reload Fix. It may be necessary to cross-check this with SSE Engine Fixes to make sure nothing overlaps.

For future recommendations to this thread, please make sure that what's being recommended is also being kept up to date with current game versions. Anything that does not support the current game version at the time it is recommended is automatically disqualified from being listed here.

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