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Nice. They're really pushing on improving things and I like it.

Had my first crash last night though and probably lost about 20 minutes of progress. So I really wish they'd add some kind of "save anywhere" feature if you happen to be a long way from your starship like I was.


You can build a save pod if you have the resources, could be a bit of a tight decision in Survival mode whether or not to use the resources for an extra save point that will be left behind .. But there's that. Press Z (followed by Q and E to select it among the other items, then F to place it if you have the resources) and it costs Platinum and Iron (I think 50 of one and 100 the other) ..




1.34 is now on the streets https://www.nomanssky.com/2017/08/atlas-rises-patch-1-34/

Thanks for continuing to share your feedback and reporting issues to us – we’ve been working hard on our next patch which is coming to both PS4 and PC today! Here’s a look at the fixes and changes you can expect:

  • Fixed an issue where large numbers of portal visits would be added to save files, greatly increasing the save size and impeding the ability to save the game. We’re aware there are still some players experiencing this issue, and we’re currently investigating any remaining reports.
  • Prevented the terrain editor draining in charge when editing empty voxels
  • Prevented players being able to edit terrain outside their base radius for free while standing inside their base
  • Fixed responses made to Artemis and Apollo at times being incorrectly tracked
  • Prevented players being blocked from progressing if they decline to enter glyphs into a particular story portal
  • Fixed instances where Atlas text was appearing as though it came from an NPC
  • Fixed FoV in photo mode showing degrees as a temperature
  • The discovery screen will now show images from a larger number of visited waypoints
  • Added a placeholder image in cases where a waypoint image is not available
  • Allowed scrolling of names on the discovery page which are too long to be displayed
  • Fixed a graphical issue where a blur effect would be applied while teleporting
  • Improved prioritisation of systems you have teleported from when listing your most recent teleport locations
  • Altered teleporters in space stations to allow players to teleport directly to other stations as well as to their base
  • Improved ordering of icons on the galactic map to more accurately indicate missions and system information
  • Increased maximum number of paths which can be rendered in the galactic map
  • Improved appearance of the message displayed when your starship is out of range
  • Fixed warning symbol on broken tech appearing too small
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused glyphs not to be awarded correctly
  • Fixed an issue in tutorial messaging when you repair your pulse drive but nothing else before entering your ship
  • Added the amount of units you will earn for a discovery to the Analysis Visor interface
  • Added correct emotion animations for various interactions with NPCs
  • Fixed an issue when claiming a new base location (which caused base NPCs to stop responding)

Keep reporting any issues you might find to us over on our help centre!


Sure wish they'd do something about the awful ship to ship combat. The system for that is so bad that it's almost impossible to take out even a single fugitive ship with a decked out class B fighter. It was sheer hell when I got stuck with the last mission the armorer gives you for your base and had to fight off 5 sentinels. The only way I was able to win was because they followed me into the planet's atmosphere which gave me the ground to block them from surrounding me. Even then, if I hadn't been loaded with a pile of iron and zinc, my shields would have been gone and I'd be dead. Again.


That mission was supposed to be made a bit easier in the 1.32 patch


  • Reduced difficulty of the final armourer mission


I havent got round to it yet, waiting for getting a good combination of weapon upgrades before I start something like that. An old trick with this game was just to concentrate on building one weapon, a maxed out Photon was supposed to be better than any beam weapons, and especially if you got the +1 +2 +3 upgrades boosting each other correctly in adjacent slots (you will notice that an upgrade has the same colour highlight if it is boosting an adjacent upgrade .. But also there is a mathematical ideal of positioning them next to each other to maximise the damage given - There are fan made charts I cant put my mouse on right now, but whether they are still 100% accurate for Atlas Rising idk, it might need all working out again)


Well they lied. That mission is suicide unless you run for the planet after taking off. 5 heavily armed sentinel fighters and one rather large sentinel capital ship all firing on you. Your shields don't stand a chance against it. Loads of people all over the net are complaining about this mission too. The only tactic that worked was something someone tried out of sheer desperation. He was actually trying to retreat but the fighters follow you down anyway. The atmosphere slows them down enough that you can actually engage them and stay alive.

I wasn't aware you were allowed to stack weapon upgrades. Not like it matters, my ship hasn't got enough tech slots for that AND a deflector upgrade. 4 tech slots just doesn't cut it and I haven't seen a ship design yet that has more. There's no sense in eating up your cargo bay on it because then you can't carry enough stuff with you.


Found it .. but these were worked out before the extra Tech and Cargo inventories came along, so how any bonuses from tech slots boost non-adjacent tech in the normal inventories, no clue yet ..


Notice the exosuit arrangement, the suit shields are arranged with all the Theta upgrades next to each other, the Tau's are then adjacent to them, and then the Sigma's - The whole arrangement is touching the initial Suit icon, and all of them because of being next to each other have an edge highlight in the same colour.

Until you get more capacity your ability to get the ideal arrangement is limited by how many slots you have. The ideal arrangements can only really be achieved when you have a full capacity 48 slot ship (and some ship types dont go up to that capacity now with more recent updates to the game)

Really though I think that mission has come along before you have had time to expand, at the moment it sounds like you are in a ship that needs to run away and go find drop pods to build your suit slots, which will then lead to more advanced technologies enabling farming, more credits, more nanites along the way, finding and unlocking bigger ships inventory slots and then having a decent fighter with Tau plus Theta plus Sigma shields, boosted drives etc.

The game is guilty of allowing you to bite off more than you can chew too soon though.

Early game no.1 priority is building your capacity to carry stuff, and expand. Buying new ships with more slots or if you are lucky finding an appropriate one with more slots than your current ship which will probably be mostly broken, you then repair the slots. Price of Suit slots from Drop Pods, or the price of repairing ship / multi-tool slots, can be overcome early game by just finding all creatures on a planet for the bonus credits, also boosting the Flora and Fauna scanner upgrades gets more money from chasing wild life.


I would agree if I were still flying around in the starter ship or something, but I'm in a Class B fighter with 23 cargo slots and 4 tech slots. The base I've been building is nearly done, all I've got left now is the farming quests and the need to gather stuff to build the landing pad. There's no way in hell I could afford one of those giant hauler things with 48 slots on it when the owners all want in excess of 50 million units for them.

Also, you can't flee from the sentinel ships. They will chase you no matter where you go and you will never escape them. They aren't like other space ships you can run from.


You can find crashed 48 slot ships, they just need a lot of slot repairs. If you find a building that has a really tall Antenna Configuration, those are usually pointers to Distress signals from crashed ships when you do the little console puzzle. You can get lucky with those quite often, and find a flying air conditioner with many juicy slots. Keeps you safe until you can afford something flash parked on your freighter later on. I think the Vykeen Weapons guy who asks if you are ready ought to give hints that the coming battle needs a LOT of prior preparation getting a decent ship together before you commit to it. In fact that whole new quest line seems a bit hurried to me, it ought to be paced better in some way.

Just found another example of Slot synergy, have a look at the Hyperdrive arrangements in these screenshot http://imgur.com/a/N8k5Q

But for each arrangement, notice the Hyperdrive Range on the right. So aswell as all upgrades being next to each other (causing the same colour edge highlighting), the pattern of bonus boosts is mathematically important.

Note there is only one weapon type here, maxing the Photons, they rip the hell out of Pirates and Sentinels quite quickly.

I think the Tech slots ought to be saved for unique Tech which doesnt add to any bonus matrix configurations .. I still havent got those sussed, I need lots more Tech to find out possibilities - Hopefully before I am pushing up the daisy's :)


Edit : PS I think thats it for updates this round (they have consistently followed each of the three major updates with four batches of patches for each of them now), I think they have now moved on to working on the next major update, which hopefully now will be concentrating on finishing of the long term content, and polishing every aspect of the quests etc.


lol, I'd be in heaven if I could afford one of those S type things. I've only seen an S class fighter but the pilot wanted 35 million credits for it :P


Whoops I may have been wrong about no further patches for this update, there is a new Internal update on the Depots, which usually precedes an experimental beta https://steamdb.info/app/275850/depots/

Edit : 31 minutes ago a Beta experimental patch went up http://steamcommunity.com/app/275850/discussions/0/1474221865183233621/

Changes currently live (31/08/2017)

Features and changes
  • Introduced ship handling variances between types/classes. Each individual ship now has procedural handling and speed characteristics, based on their type and class
  • Handling is now displayed as a value on the ship statistics screen
  • It's now possible to craft multiples of the same product at once
  • Added the ability to craft more of the same product on top of an existing stack
  • Improved transferring items between inventories
  • Added a toggle to switch from buy to sell screen on the trading menu
  • Added variance in handling between ship types
  • Improved the appearance of popup menus
  • Improved speed and smoothness of user interface page transitions
  • Reduced the amount of resource required to repair tech in Survival mode
  • Improved visuals for editing terrain
  • Improved display of critical warning messages
  • Added message to notify the player if they select a portal glyph they have not yet learned
  • Added additional information to the quick menu when the player attempts to charge something with insufficient resources
  • The quick menu will now automatically close after selecting an option
  • Alien words which have been translated are now highlighted in interactions
  • Improved messaging when portal glyphs are rewarded
  • Improved user interface navigation using Q, E, W, S and A and D keys
  • Added ability for player to enable torch while in caves
  • Improved galactic map saturation, colours and effects
  • Added an option in the galactic map to toggle user waypoints


Bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue preventing players with very long play times being able to save
  • Fixed an issue where black dots would occasionally appear while looking into the sun
  • Added audio when interacting with portals
  • Prevented hazard effects showing while teleporting or warping
  • Prevented mission log opening when you unpin recipes
  • Prevented players being able to scan creatures through the terrain
  • Fixed an issue causing extremely distant points of interest to show when scanning
  • Removed large white marker which would occasionally show up permanently over buildings
  • Fixed an issue where visited buildings would not correctly update their icon
  • Fixed an issue where visiting a building would not correctly mark nearby waypoints as visited
  • Fixed an issue where scanning buildings would not also scan nearby waypoints
  • It's no longer possible to lose the Atlas Path by using a black hole
  • Denying the Atlas Path will no longer show you the Atlas Path
  • Balanced the damage potential of the Scatter Blaster upgrade
  • Players will no longer be directed to the anomaly in systems where it can't spawn (e.g. when an Atlas Station is present)
  • Prevented portals from being incorrectly left enabled at times they shouldn't be
  • Removed grass from bases created prior to the Atlas Rises update
  • Completed freighter salvage missions will no longer be incorrectly re-added to the mission log
  • Fixed issue where your base teleporter can be duplicated and incorrectly labelled in teleporter location lists
  • Prevented incorrect distant paths being drawn in the galactic map
  • Fixed an issue where galactic map paths would draw incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where players could manipulate mission boards to get multiple of the same mission type
  • Fixed an issue where system race was being displayed incorrectly when talking to mission NPCs
  • Fixed an issue that caused general ship handling to overly effect ship boost handling
  • Spoiler warning:
  • Fixed some rare crashes

@Arthmoor According to the responses to this new patch ^ I think it looks like your wishes just came true, but might negatively impact the ship you have already started developing .. depending on what they did exactly to your ship type 





Sweet. Then my Class B fighter will actually be worth holding on to if I can develop it properly. Maybe I'll actually be able to do some of those missions to kill pirates now. Once this patch drops of course :P


Another Experimental version is up https://steamdb.info/app/275850/depots/

And the notes http://steamcommunity.com/app/275850/discussions/0/1474221865183233621/

I am sooo looking forward to this one, I have been badgering them for a hold key to enable look around in the cockpit for PC users since the game released


Changes currently live (08/09/2017)

In this patch, we've changed the way PC mouse and keyboard ship controls work in line with player feedback.

These changes move ship controls to be cursor based, meaning you'll be able to direct your ship easily using your mouse, rather than using the WASD keys. PC mouse and keyboard players will also be able to look around their cockpit using the mouse while holding the ALT key.

In testing, these changes improve space flight and combat, however it may take some adjustment time for existing mouse and keyboard players.

Tweaks & changes
  • Allowed economy Scanner to be used from the Quick Menu to locate an outpost
  • Improved prices trade outposts offer for trade goods
  • Added ability to hold backspace to delete text in text entry fields
  • Improved pagination of tech and product build windows
  • Improved pricing of freighters and freighter trade-in values
  • Added economy information to the galactic map for systems the player has already visited
  • Added a quick menu option to scan for outposts using an economy scanner
  • Increased tech fragment rewards for tech debris
  • Added a penalty to standing for killing civilian ships
  • Updated and improved terrain editing effects
  • Changed farmer missions to count plants grown anywhere towards requirements, including outside of player bases
  • Improved rewards given from factory and harvester buildings to avoid awarding known recipes
  • Improved fog and weather effects in low flight mode
  • Reduced FPS when the game is not in focus
  • Added categories to the item transfer window
  • Added a new send window to aid in transferring items
  • Improved planet temperature ranges
  • Improved storms on lush planets
  • Improved price comparison text on the ship purchase screen
  • Added "Upload All" button on the discovery page
  • Improved trade product pricing
  • Improved price modifiers for different economy types

    Bug Fixes
  • Restored missing Atlas Seed blueprints to affected players
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to skip certain Atlas Stations
  • Reduced chance of multiple missions sending you to the same destination
  • Fixed landing of S-class ships
  • Fixed an issue in displaying temperature modifiers on hot planets
  • Fixed an issue with a particular Factory Raid mission which would prevent completion
  • Prevented failed timed missions remaining on the mission board indefinitely
  • Fixed issue where certain missions would incorrectly show markers in the galactic map
  • Fixed issue where planets on a player's freighter would break whenever the freighter was moved
  • Fixed an exploit with teleporting between systems to trade
  • Prevented gas harvesters being constructed on planets with no atmosphere to harvest
  • Fixed number visibility when moving inventory items
  • Fixed an issue where player could not build item stacks in creative mode
  • Fixed issue where the economy description on the galactic map had untranslated text
  • Fixed issue where units would function incorrectly for players with more than the maximum amount
  • Fixed issues where maintenance components would require different repairs after rebooting the game
  • Fixed an issue where delivery missions were occasionally failing to register as complete
  • Prevented bounty missions failing if you choose not to attempt them immediately
  • Prevented terrain editing effects showing while you are in your vehicle

    The experimental version can be accessed using this access code: 3xperimental

I haven't subscribed to this beta, but by the sound of the feedback from the steam topic the new changes to flight controls sounds arse.

IMHO HG were just getting it about right in patch 1.35, I am still looking forward to having the new look around key, but not so much the new flight control changes. Maybe its a case of people resisiting change and once used to it maybe it will be fine, plus a bit of tweaking to Mouse Sensitivity + / - Smoothing might help, but there are a lot of experienced gamers in those comments talking in great detail about the changes .. And it doesn't sound good.

Hope they listen to the great unwashed and tweak it some more before release, or give us control options.

I think I can guess they left tweaking the controls until they had a good popular opinion of the game, because they knew this change would be controversial. To be continued ...


I certainly hope they don't gimp the spaceflight controls. The changes in the last big patch finally allowed me to engage in combat and I'm making a pile of money killing fugitives and pirates.


Yes, I'm usually optimistic about new patches from HG, but if you havent got them already .. grab the GOG 1.35 manual install files just in case, then you can lose galaxy for a while and its auto updates (although I think you can switch them off anyway), hopefully the world will moan about 1.36 enough to prompt a 1.37 and better refinements. Meanwhile if 1.36 turns out to be bad, having the manual install files you can roll back and skip this patch.

Your saves are in C:\users\username\appdata\roaming\hellogames\nms\defaultuser


I have Galaxy set to manual updates, which enables patch rollbacks. So I'm gonna check it when the next patch drops and make sure things work. If not I'll just roll back even though some of those other changes are pretty nice sounding.


Its not going to be a concern anymore ..

Originally posted by HG_Hohbes:

Hey all,

Just to update you all - we're currently working on an additional experimental patch to address some of the feedback you've had about the new mouse & keyboard flight controls. 

In addition, we're looking into adding a toggle to allow you to choose between the original control scheme and the new mouse & keyboard scheme. 

The patch will be coming to experimental soon, stay tuned. In the meantime, please do continue to share any bug reports/issues you're coming across while playing experimental. 



Edit : And another update :

Originally posted by HG_Hohbes:

Hi everyone,

We're rolling out a new patch now to Experimental to address the feedback we've seen so far. Here are the notes:



Control scheme tweaks
  • Added the option to switch between the new Tethered control scheme and the previous Locked control scheme
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Tethered control scheme to be less responsive than expected for some players
  • Restored previous keybindings for ship movement and landing, however players can still bind Turn Left and Turn Right to the keyboard in the settings menu
  • Added inverted mouse movement for the new Tethered control scheme
Other fixes

In addition to the above control tweaks, we've also fixed the following:


  • Fixed an issue that could cause excess items to disappear when transferring items from large to small inventory slots (for example, from Freighter to Exosuit) 
  • Fixed an issue that affected Freighter prices, all Freighters will now be appropriately priced
  • Updated conflict icons in the galactic map to represent difficulty level
  • Fixed hazard fullscreen effects
  • Fixed control issues which occur if you enter a portal with the quick menu open
  • Added Carite Sheets to list of known products in Creative Mode

Please do continue to leave your feedback, it's hugely appreciated.



So glad they listened on that one.


And another update to Experimental http://steamcommunity.com/app/275850/discussions/0/1474221865183233621/?ctp=59#c1485482132157024368


HG_Hohbes  [developer] 17 minutes ago 
Hi everyone,

Another small experimental patch is going out now - this includes the following:

- Players who find themselves a long way away from their mission destination can use the log to reset the mission and use appropriate local structures. The mission log will highlight missions with destinations over several thousand light years away with a red icon. Holding R3 or middle mouse over this icon will reset the mission at the most recent safe stage and allow progress to continue
- Fixed an issue where some players did not receive all of the portal glyphs. If you experienced this, the next time you find a portal glyph, any that were previously missed should be restored. 



Taking a guess here, but with the amount of updates to experimental being unprecedented, I reckon this may be the last update to Atlas Rising before they move on to another major update a few months down the road (if there is to be another .. It would not surprise me though HelloGames are quite dedicated to making this game as good as it can be) .. Although maybe take that with a pinch of salt, I thought something similar about the 1.34 update, and now we are waiting for 1.36 to come out of experimental :)


1.37 has gone public https://steamdb.info/app/275850/depots/

All fixes listed in this article https://www.nomanssky.com/2017/09/atlas-rises-patch-1-37/

(Could have sworn the next was 1.36)

September 15, 2017.


Today we’re releasing Patch 1.37, which introduces a number of improvements including a new ship control scheme for PC players, an upload all discoveries option and improved trade product prices. This patch will be available today on PC and PS4 – read on for full patch notes!

PC control scheme

In this patch, we’ve added a new tethered ship control scheme for PC mouse & keyboard players. This option can be toggled, and changes ship controls to be cursor based, meaning you’ll be able to direct your ship easily using your mouse. In addition, PC mouse and keyboard players can now look around the ship’s cockpit by holding the ALT key. This new option will be active by default, and can be toggled back to the original control scheme via the General Options menu.

Other changes and improvements

  • Allowed economy Scanner to be used from the Quick Menu to locate an outpost
  • Improved prices trade outposts offer for trade goods
  • Added ability to hold backspace to delete text in text entry fields
  • Improved pagination of tech and product build windows
  • Improved pricing of freighters and freighter trade-in values
  • Added economy information to the galactic map for systems the player has already visited
  • Added a quick menu option to scan for outposts using an economy scanner
  • Increased tech fragment rewards for tech debris
  • Added a penalty to standing for killing civilian ships
  • Updated and improved terrain editing effects
  • Changed farmer missions to count plants grown anywhere towards requirements, including outside of player bases
  • Improved rewards given from factory and harvester buildings to avoid awarding known recipes
  • Improved fog and weather effects in low flight mode
  • Reduced FPS when the game is not in focus
  • Added categories to the item transfer window
  • Added a new send window to aid in transferring items
  • Improved planet temperature ranges
  • Improved storms on lush planets
  • Improved price comparison text on the ship purchase screen
  • Added “Upload All” button on the discovery page
  • Improved trade product pricing
  • Improved price modifiers for different economy types

Bug fixes

  • Players who find themselves a long way away from their mission destination can now use the log to reset the mission. The mission log will highlight missions and destinations over several thousand light years away with a red icon. Holding R3 or the middle mouse button over this icon will reset the mission to the most recent safe stage, allowing progress to continue.
  • Fixed an issue where some players did not receive all of the portal glyphs. If you experienced this issue, the next time you find a portal glyph, those that were previously missed should be restored.
  • Restored missing Atlas Seed blueprints to affected players
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to skip certain Atlas Stations
  • Reduced chance of multiple missions sending you to the same destination
  • Fixed landing of S-class ships
  • Fixed an issue in displaying temperature modifiers on hot planets
  • Fixed an issue with a particular Factory Raid mission which would prevent completion
  • Prevented failed timed missions remaining on the mission board indefinitely
  • Fixed issue where certain missions would incorrectly show markers in the galactic map
  • Fixed issue where planters on a player’s freighter would break whenever the freighter was moved
  • Fixed an exploit with teleporting between systems to trade
  • Prevented gas harvesters being constructed on planets with no atmosphere to harvest
  • Fixed number visibility when moving inventory items
  • Fixed an issue where player could not build item stacks in creative mode
  • Fixed issue where the economy description on the galactic map had untranslated text
  • Fixed issue where units would function incorrectly for players with more than the maximum amount
  • Fixed issues where maintenance components would require different repairs after rebooting the game
  • Fixed an issue where delivery missions were occasionally failing to register as complete
  • Prevented bounty missions failing if you choose not to attempt them immediately
  • Prevented terrain editing effects showing while you are in your vehicle


On 9/13/2017 at 5:08 PM, alt3rn1ty said:

Taking a guess here, but with the amount of updates to experimental being unprecedented, I reckon this may be the last update to Atlas Rising before they move on to another major update a few months down the road (if there is to be another .. It would not surprise me though HelloGames are quite dedicated to making this game as good as it can be) .. Although maybe take that with a pinch of salt, I thought something similar about the 1.34 update, and now we are waiting for 1.36 to come out of experimental :)


.. Yeah, I better stop making predictions .. http://steamcommunity.com/app/275850/discussions/0/2765630416830016499/

[Please read if you're on Experimental] Save file upgrade in next patch
Hi everyone!

The following information is for people who are either already synced to Experimental, or plan on syncing to Experimental before our next patch

Later this week, we'll be updating Experimental with patch 1.38. The main focus of this patch will be the introduction of a new save system, which should make managing your saves between modes much easier. As part of this update, save file formats will change -1.37 is forward compatible with 1.38, but 1.38 is not backwards compatiable with 1.37. In other words, you won't be able to use your experimental saves with the current live version of the game. 

If you are currently synced to Experimental, when this patch is downloaded and run, it will automatically upgrade your save files to 1.38 while also taking an automatic backup of your 1.37 saves. At this point, if you want to sync back to live you'll need to use your backup saves. Just to be extra safe, you may also wish to take a manual backup of your saves now. 

We'll be creating a new Experimental thread as soon as this update goes live, which will detail these and other changes coming in the patch.

Many thanks,


.. Another patch this week sometime, taking it to 1.38

I'm liking the new Tethered mode flight controls, have left mouse smoothing at 10, move / look sensitivity at 40, and flight sensitivity at 90 .. Feels pretty good for just about all circumstances with a MadCatz R.A.T 3 mouse, and dont need to click up the mouse DPI anymore (using that actually makes the controls of the ship in flight a bit too sensitive now). Planetary flight is particularly good with tethered, dog fighting has taken a little getting used to but now I like it better than the original controls.


They are at it again http://steamcommunity.com/app/275850/discussions/0/1496741765127199235/


Changes currently on Experimental - 21/09/2017

New save system

In this patch we’re introducing a new save system, which should make managing your save files between game modes much easier. Here’s what to expect: 

  • You will now be presented with 5 save-game slots (each of which can be used for any game mode) - your existing saves will be mapped into these slots
  • Selecting an empty slot will start a new game, allowing you to pick which game mode to play from the mode select menu
  • There are now 2 sub-slots for each save-game (instead of 3) - one for auto saves, and one for manual saves
  • Starting a brand new game with no existing saves will take you directly to mode select
  • Note for experimental: while 1.37 saves are forwards compatible with 1.38, 1.38 save files are not backwards compatible with 1.37. For this reason, when you first run 1.38, an automatic backup of your 1.37 save file will be stored in your save folder, in case you wish to return to 1.37. See this thread for more info: http://steamcommunity.com/app/275850/discussions/0/2765630416830016499/

Other changes and fixes

  • Improved the accuracy of text describing planetary weather
  • Storms on humid/lush planets are no longer toxic; humid/lush planets now have a chance of their rain being very hot.
  • Made the temperature range of dead planets more varied
  • In-flight weather effects now vary in strength based on height
  • The Analysis Visor can now be used to scan farm plants and see the remaining growth time
  • Analysis Visor can scan ships to determine their class, type and value at a distance
  • The Analysis Visor can be used to see the approximate distance of resources discovered with the Scanner
  • Added error message when no outpost is found by the economy scanner
  • Added the ability to skip black bars when discovering a planet or solar system
  • Fixed an issue where some delivery missions would continuously tell players to visit other systems
  • Fixed an issue where the requirements to complete some missions could change as you spoke to NPCs
  • Prevented the cursor being reset to the center of the page as you switch between pause menus
  • Fixed scaling issues with creature feeding icons
  • Fixed an issue where mining units would occasionally incorrectly produce Heridium
  • Prevented mining units being placed inside each other
  • Fixed an issue where base parts, including storage containers, built outside the base building radius in unlimited building mode would not be transferred when the player moved to a new base
  • Trade outposts now provide hazard protection
  • Added a chance for pirates to spawn earlier than usual when a player warps into a certain systems, to add more variety to exploration and trading
  • Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator audio would occasionally continue after terrain editing completed
  • Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator hologram would remain in one location after subtracting from the terrain
  • Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator would occasionally create longer lines than intended
  • Fixed an issue where the ship crosshair would appear at incorrect times
  • Fixed the Upload All button on the discovery page not deactivating after being used
  • Corrected button prompts in the ship combat wiki
  • Restored Spectral Class to the galaxy map text
  • Galactic map now respects user mouse sensitivity settings
  • Galactic map now respects user control inversion settings
  • Prevented trade terminals having a negative quantity of stock
  • Made trading terminal stock values replenish over time
  • Separated stock levels for trading posts and space stations in the same system
  • Lush biomes in survival mode occasionally exist without an aggressive sentinel presence
  • Reduced cursor UI slowdown when using a pad
  • Prevented users occasionally falling outside the trading post platform when exiting their ship
  • Prevented traders from attacking pirates which are far out of their range
  • Fixed an issue where NPC ships would stop outside the entrance of freighters and space stations in systems with no trade routes
  • Improved NPC ship target selection in space battles, prevented them reacting to accidental player fire
  • Fixed an issue where smaller freighters and containers could not be destroyed
  • Added exotic ship audio for AI and NPC ships
  • Added ability to transfer items to and from containers in your base or freighter
  • Corrected Roamer and Rover inventories appearing incorrectly in the transfer window
  • Added protection to allow the Mind Arc step of the Artemis story to be completed even if a player deletes their base
  • Fixed issue where a blue eye icon would occasionally appear over the crosshair
  • Added tooltip text to explain the planet icons on the discovery page
  • Fixed an issue where the Space Anomaly could remain in the player's home system indefinitely
  • Added ability to sell items from ship cargo slots at terminals
  • Fixed an issue with dismantling tech on ship compare screens not correctly destroying the tech
  • Added ability to transfer items from cargo slots during maintenance interactions
  • Fixed an issue where unbinding a key would exit the control menu
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a new key binding could accidentally result in it being set to a mouse button
  • Improved trading by giving NPCs independent stock levels
  • Fixed an issue where the Space Anomaly mission had no objective text in the log.
  • Made NPCs who give directions refer to a wider spread of locations
  • Added ability to rebind the discard key
  • Fixed an issue where some players who should have been able to restart distant missions were unable to do so


  • 2 weeks later...

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