Arthmoor Posted January 15, 2016 Posted January 15, 2016 Fallout 4 1.1.30 Fixes crash related to xaudio drivers Fallout 4 1.2.37 New Features Number pad keys can now be used for remapping (PC) Remapping Activate now works on Quick Container (PC) Fixes General memory and stability improvements Performance improvements inside the Corvega Assembly Plant Optimizations to skinned decal rendering Fixed issue with player becoming stuck in terminals Fixed issue where equipped weapons become locked after completing Reunions Fixed issue with "When Freedom Calls" where the quest would not complete During "Confidence Man" fixed issue where player's health would continuously regenerate Fixed crash related to jumping into water and reloading saved games Fixed issue where Launcher would not save God Rays Quality setting properly (PC) Fallout 4 1.3.47 New Features New ambient occlusion setting, HBAO+ New weapon debris effects (NVIDIA cards only) Added status menu for settlers in your settlements Added ability to rotate an object you are holding with left/right triggers and pressing down on left thumbstick lets you switch the rotating axis Improved "ESDF" keys remapping support while in Workshop mode Gameplay Fixes General memory and stability improvements Fixed texture threading issue causing unusually long load times Improved performance when looking through a scope Fixed issue where player could warp to a different location when aiming Companions can no longer get stuck with radiation poisoning Fixed an issue where Vault 81 residents would not dismember correctly Big Leagues perk now displays calculated damage correctly Fixed issue with third person camera not displaying properly after exiting certain crafting stations Fixed an issue where subtitles would occasionally not update properly Effects will properly be removed on companions when items are unequipped MacReady’s Killshot perk now calculates headshot percentages properly Fixed an issue with NPCs getting stuck in Power Armor Fixed a rare issue with companions getting stuck in down state Second rank of Aquaboy now calculates properly Fixed an issue with resistance not always lowering the damage correctly when added by mods Enabled number of characters available when renaming an item (XB1) Fixed issue with player becoming dismembered while still alive Robotics expert is now usable in combat Stimpaks can now be used on Curie after the transformation Playing a holotape found in wilderness while switching point of view no longer causes the screen to blur or controls to be locked Quest Fixes Fixed an issue with "Taking Independence" where the minutemen remaining from the battle against the Mirelurk Queen would not gather in the Castle Fixed an issue where invulnerable characters would get stuck in combat Fixed an issue where Preston would send player to a settlement instead of a dungeon as part of a Minutemen quest Fixed an issue where Synths could attack the Castle while the player was friends with the Institute Fixed an issue where killing a caravan would leave a quest open Fixed an issue where Dogmeat would stay at Fort Hagen after "Reunions" was completed Fixed an issue where the player couldn't talk to Desdemona to complete "Underground Undercover" Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck exiting the cryopod Fixed an issue where the player could no longer get Preston as a companion In "The End of the Line," fixed an issue that would prevent the player from killing the leaders of the Railroad Fixed an issue with Minutemen quests repeating improperly Fixed an issue where the player couldn't get back into the Railroad headquarters after being kicked out of the Brotherhood of Steel After finishing "The Big Dig," fixed an issue where Hancock would no longer offer to be a companion or help with the "Silver Shroud" quest Fixed an issue with obtaining the Dampening Coils from Saugus Ironworks before going to Yangtze During "Unlikely Valentine," fixed an issue where the player could be blocked from entering Vault 114 In "Confidence Man," Bull and Gouger can now be killed During "Taking Independence," fixed an issue that would prevent the radio transmitter from powering up In "Human Error," fixed an issue where killing Dan would cause the quest to not complete properly Fixed an issue with "Tactical Thinking" where leaving dialogue early with Captain Kells to reprogram P.A.M. could cause quest to not completely properly Workshop Fixes Fixed a bug that would cause settler counts to appear incorrectly Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from setting up a supply line in settlements with a high population Improvements to snapping pieces together while in Workshop mode Fixed an issue that caused powered items to stop functioning permanently if its power source was ever removed Player can now build workbenches in their Diamond City house Building wires no longer uses up copper Fixed issue with certain settlement attacks not generating properly Fixed an issue with settlement happiness calculations Settlers assigned to weapons stand will now stand next to it Diamond City house now shows provided power Repairing items will now correctly consume resources Fixed an issue where companion would ignore commands at workshop locations Fixed an issue with crops appearing destroyed after saving and reloading Fallout 4 1.4.132 New Features Support for add-ons Additional art customization added to Workshop: Super Mutant clutter including meat totems, meat bags and meat cart Raider clutter including raider poles, cages and tents Abstract and portrait paintings Variety of new signs More metal and wood doors variants Fixes General stability and performance improvements During "Getting a Clue" quest, Kellogg's desk will remain a working container During "Rocket's Red Glare", resolved issue where companions could not be dismissed after completing the quest Fixed an issue with "Kremvh's Tooth" quest item not spawning properly Settlements under attack will now display an updated message with the results of the attack if player does not respond Fixed an issue with screen effects not clearing away properly after using a scope Fixed an issue with trying to sprint while in third person with a minigun equipped Rank 4 of Demolition Expert perk now properly increases the area effect of explosives The Scrounger perk now includes additional common ammo types Fixed an issue where Calvin Whitaker would disappear in Vault 81 Fixed an issue where Ninja and Sandman perks combined would apply the incorrect damage bonus Fixed an issue where Rank 3 of Grim Reaper's Sprint did not fill critical meter properly Fixed an issue with key cards not spawning correctly in Vault 75 Fixed an issue where enemies would stop spawning during "Airship Down" Being in first person while wearing power armor and quickly switching weapons will no longer cause the Pip-Boy to be stuck Fixed an issue with the autosave counter getting incorrectly reset Fixed issue that would cause the Pip-Boy menu to turn invisible while swimming Fixed an issue where scrapping larger quantities of a single item would inadvertently scrap a legendary item Fixed issue where exiting workbenches would cause third person to stop working properly The Scribe can now be assigned consecutive settlements properly Fixed issue with duplicating scraps shipments Fixed issue with vendors not properly exchanging caps after several consecutive transactions in a row Fixed issue with the quicksave and autosave message persisting through loading screens Fixed an issue where updating to the latest patch would cause Options settings to reset back to default (Xbox One) Fixed an issue with loading save with a placed object in water, not properly floating Fallout 4 1.5 Steam Update (1.5.157) New Features New Survival difficulty Survival adds additional challenges including no fast travel, saving only when you sleep, increased lethality, diseases, fatigue, danger and more. See the in-game Help menu for more details. Characters set to Survival difficulty appear under their own Character Selection filter Third person camera movement improvements when player is close up against walls and other objects Fixes General stability and performance improvements Fixed rare crash related to reloading a save that relies on Automatron Fixed issue with the robot workbench camera not moving properly immediately after canceling out of the menu Fixed issue with perks being repeatedly added when reloading a saved game while in robot workbench Fixed issue with Ada not properly traveling to an assigned settlement Robots can now be assigned as settlement vendors Fixed issue with "Appropriation" where blueprints would not appear properly if the container had already been looted prior to getting the quest In "The Nuclear Option," entering the Institute using the targeting helmet on Power Armor no longer inadvertently causes the player to go into combat, and become stuck in the Institute Fixed distance check with Robotics Expert perk While in Workshop mode, if the Jump button is remapped, the Y or Triangle button can still be used to jump Fixed issue with "Defend the Castle" where speaking to Ronnie Shaw would not properly complete the quest During "The Nuclear Option," fast traveling away from the Institute immediately after inserting the relay targeting sequence holotape will no longer block progression Fixed issue where Workshop placed light bulbs would occasionally not light properly Fixed occasional flashing issue with entering and exiting Power Armor Fixed issue where terminals would not work properly after downloading and initializing an Add-On from the Add-Ons menu Fallout 4 Update 1.5.205 New Mod Features General Improvements to the Mods menu, and support for Xbox Mods Added option to delete all mods Added option to disable all mods Added a search option to the mod browser Increased the amount of displayed mods per category Added bumper navigation to jump forward while browsing Mods Added access to the “Load Order” menu on the login screen (offline Mod management) Fixed a few issues with how images display in the browser and Mod details screen. Fallout 4 Update 1.5.307 New Features Support for upcoming Add Ons Fixes General stability and performance improvements Ability to filter by Daily Most Popular mods Improved performance when browsing mods Fixed issue where plugins would occasionally not delete properly Fixed bug with mod file size calculation on Load Order menu Fixed issue with screenshots not loading properly on mod preview page Different music track for browsing mods Author name and Mod Size now appear on mod details page Fallout 4 1.5.416 Update New Features Increased space for Mod text on Mod details page for improved readability Load Order menu now displays text about each Mod when highlighted Most Popular filter now toggles between Daily, Weekly and All Time (defaults to Daily) Reporting categories added when reporting a mod Load Order menu displays options to Disable or Delete All Mods Count of ratings now appears on Mod details page Fixes General stability and performance improvements Fixed issue with weapons and armor losing mods and Legendary status when removed from armor and weapon racks (Contraptions) Improved stability when reinitializing with certain mods loaded Mod menu will check available space before starting mod downloads Fixed issue with certain mods not downloading properly Fixed issue with certain mods not appearing properly in the Load Order menu Fallout 4 Update New Features ExitSave - Exiting to the Main Menu will create an ExitSave. During next play session, the ExitSave will delete itself after you load it. The Existsave works in all difficulty levels including Survival. New Add On specific icons in Workshop mode More than 300 new player names added to Codsworth's vocabulary Support for upcoming Add Ons Fixes General stability and performance improvements Fixed a crash related to targeting an enemy weapon while in VATS Fixed an issue where a Companion would become stuck walking and unable to run Fixed issue in "Mankind Redefined" to prevent the player from getting stuck in elevators while in Mass Fusion Building In "Boston After Dark" quest now completes properly when waiting for Old Man Stockton Fixed occasional issue where player would become permanently invisible Dead settlers can no longer be commanded or assigned to supply lines Fixed issue where deleting saved games would cause other saves to disappear Fixed occasional issues with activating mods that did not come from Minor bug fixes and optimizations to Mods load order and browsing Fallout 4 1.6.9 Update New Features ExitSave - Exiting to the Desktop now works with ExitSaves. Fallout 4 Update New Features Support for Nuka-World New store art type for Workshop settlements Ability to delete Add Ons without doing a full uninstall (PS4) Fixes General optimization and stability improvements Jun and Marcy Long are no longer essential after completing "Sanctuary" Vendors can offer large shipments of Ceramic, Copper, Rubber, Steel and Wood Improvements to accuracy and control with picking up and placing objects (not Workshop mode) Grenades and molotov cocktails can now be used with the Junk Mortar (Contraptions) Fixed issue with companions unequipping clothing when fast traveling with player Fixed an issue with player animations not loading properly after reloading a saved game Fixed issue where certain dog armors would not equip properly on Dogmeat Fixed an issue where objects from Add Ons would not scrap correctly or would not be stored properly Fixed infinite load that would occasionally occur while logging off while downloading a mod Fixed a crash related to investing in a store while trading Fixed issue where "Quartermastery" would send player to erroneous locations Fixed performance issues related to dropping certain weapons Fixed issue where melee weapon would not properly after dying and reloading the save Fixed a rare issue where Sturges and Mama Murphy would stop moving Fixed snapping issue with Surgery Center in Workshop mode Mod Fixes Fixed issue where Mods images would stop displayed while scrolling through Mods menu Disable All Mods now works properly when offline NPCs that are changed in a Mod will update changes like hairstyles properly Fixed animation error related to NPCs changed in Mods who have died, and reloading the save without the Mod activated Fixed issue where sneaking would turn player invisible while running with Mods Localization strings moved to Interface archive Minor UI improvements to Mods menu and Mods Detail menus Vault-Tec Workshop Fixes Vault Exterior Door no longer has a missing texture if Wasteland Workshop is not installed NPCs will no longer incorrectly sit at the Vault Security Desk Vault-Tec Water Pump and starting generator now auto repair when entering workshop mode Player can no longer assign companions or Overseer Barstow using the population management system to prevent this from breaking them Vault-Tec population management system will no longer say jobs are available when is no one valid for job assignment available Vault Experiments can be scrapped in workshop mode Fixed issue with Overseer Barstow’s audio cutting out after Clem’s interview Interviewing the second settler candidate will not reset after the dialogue option take a break Fallout 4 1.7.15 Update Fixes Fixed issue with Nuka World monorail not starting properly Fallout 4 1.7.19 Update Fixes General updates to Mods Nuka-World Fixes Fixed issue where "The Grand Tour" could not be completed if Gage was your active companion when the quest started. Far Harbor and Contraptions Workshop Far Harbor and Contraptions were also updated on PC, Xbox One and PS4 with minor updates Far Harbor (JP) was updated to fix untranslated strings Fallout 4 1.7.22 Update Fixes Fixed issues with Mods not appearing properly Fallout 4 Update Fixes Fixed an issue in which some sound effects would not persist after reloading in an area Resolved an occasional crash when exiting to the Main Menu, and trying to start a New Game Fixed an issues with spaces in Mods search queries Cannot rate “WIP” Work in Progress Mods, and Mods can now only be rated after they have been downloaded Doubled the amount of browse-able tiles in the Mods menu Fixed a rare crash that would occur when a Mod had an unexpected data structure Fixed an issue in which Library and/or Favorite Mods categories would not display correctly in specific situations Fixed an issue in which some Mods images would not load when scrolling quickly A Sentry Bot firing dual Gatling Lasers will no longer cause the audio to cut out Fallout 4 Update New Features Enhanced PS4 Pro Support Support for High Resolution Texture Pack (PC only) Added Featured category for mods Added ability to sort Highest Rated and Most Favorited filters by today, week, month and all time Added number of ratings count to Mods Browsing Menu Added number of favorites count to Mod Details page Added required dependencies to Mod Details page Added latest version number and notes to Mod Details page Fixes General performance and stability improvements Improvements to Reporting mods categories Fixed occasional crashes while scrolling through Load Order menu Improved error messaging Fallout 4 1.10 Update New Features Creation Club Message of the Day Support for ESL file format Mods - patch version numbers and notes added to Mod Details page Bug Fixes General stability fixes related to enabling and disabling Mods Minor fixes to functionality Fallout 4 1.10.26 Update Bug Fixes Fix for Load Order resorting improperly after downloading a Creation Minor fixes to accounts functionality New Creations will no longer auto-download to your game. [Not listed in official changelog] Fallout 4 1.10.40 Update Bug Fixes Fixed crash related to changing profiles (Xbox One only) Fixed issues with screenshots displaying incorrectly in Creation Club/Mods Message of the Day heading revised Changed logic for how Creation Club content is initialized Minor bug fixes to Fallout 4 1.10.50 Update New Features Official support for Xbox One X Bug Fixes Fixed corrupted textures related to reflections Updated script functions to support new Creations Removed Report button from Mods (Users should report Mods on Fallout 4 1.10.64 Update Unknown, no changelog was provided. Fallout 4 1.10.75 Update New Features Support for Pets Bug Fixes Minor bug fixes for Bug Fixes for Creations including: Hellfire Power Armor Prototype Gauss Rifle Arcade Workshop Pack Fallout 4 Update Bug Fixes Fix issue with long initialization load time at game start up Fallout 4 Update 1.10.106 No official changelog was provided. Fallout 4 Update 1.10.111 No official changelog was provided. Fallout 4 Update 1.10.114 No official changelog was provided. A post on Reddit by Bethesda indicates that this patch resolved an issue with time passing too quickly with the Settlement Ambush Kit. New security fencing has also been added to the DLC. Fallout 4 Update 1.10.120 No official changelog was provided. Support for new CC content was provided. Fallout 4 Update 1.10.130 No official changelog was provided. Support for new CC content was provided. Note: Fallout 4 Creation Kit was also updated to 1.10.130 to provide script updates to match the current state of the game. Fallout 4 Update 1.10.138 No official changelog was provided. Support for new CC content was provided. Fallout 4 Update 1.10.162 No official changelog was provided. Support for new CC content was provided. Scripts were added to the base game for use in generating "VR Workshops". The number of form IDs allowed in ESL flagged files has been approximately doubled. An accompanying CK update has been issued as well which raises the plugin version number to 1.0 and is necessary in order to take advantage of the expanded ESL space.
Arthmoor Posted January 16, 2016 Author Posted January 16, 2016 xEdit users should be aware that 1345 has changed some record formats, resulting in errors:
Nico coiN Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 I still haven't played FO4 more than 1 hour and half and I don't recall about the whole setup, but it looks like v1.3.45 brought some new files and features : environment debris, new AO, new exe, new cudart64_75.dll, new interface material and master esm modification. The last one may be a nightmare for future modding. I do really hope BGS will not replay the same little game as FNV (ref IDs modifications along updates). Anyway, we're still lacking the new GECK and I really have the impression that time passes slowly... Though, there's no illusion here : I'm pretty sure BGS delays it as much as possible. Giving official modding tools to the community is not their priority. Their priority is to allow mod support for consoles...
Arthmoor Posted January 17, 2016 Author Posted January 17, 2016 Someone said the only reason they did Update.esm and Update.bsa for Skyrim was because Valve didn't have delta patching in place yet when Skyrim was new. That came later, but you know Bethesda. We had to press the CK updates out of them during the paid mods thing. Merging patch content into the master files is how they've always updated the game in the past. Expect this to continue being the case in the future too. So long as it doesn't turn into the nightmares I've read about NV getting totally screwed up by it. If mod support on consoles is a priority to them, then the GECK is too since they've repeatedly said all mods will originate on PC.
Arthmoor Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 Beta Update 1.3.47 Fixed texture threading issue causing unusually long load times
Arthmoor Posted February 3, 2016 Author Posted February 3, 2016 Patch 1.3.47 went live, which was the combination of 1.3.45 and the bug fix for texture loading in 1.3.47.
Arthmoor Posted February 22, 2016 Author Posted February 22, 2016 Official beta notes for 1.4.124 added to the OP. And for 1.4.125 as well.
Arthmoor Posted February 26, 2016 Author Posted February 26, 2016 1.4.131 went up - more "General performance improvements" was all that was mentioned.
BlackPete Posted February 27, 2016 Posted February 27, 2016 1.4.131 went up - more "General performance improvements" was all that was mentioned. More highly detailed change log notes, just like Skyrim.
fireundubh Posted February 28, 2016 Posted February 28, 2016 A veteran game programmer tells me that "general performance improvements" and similar items are the hardest, most involved parts of any patch.
Arthmoor Posted March 29, 2016 Author Posted March 29, 2016 Fallout 4 1.5 BetaNew FeaturesNew Survival difficulty Survival adds additional challenges including no fast travel, saving only when you sleep, increased lethality, diseases, fatigue, danger and more. Get detailed information on Characters set to Survival difficulty appear under their own Character Selection filter. Survival difficulty characters are not backward compatible with the 1.4 version of Fallout 4. If you opt out of the Beta, do not use Survival character saved games. Fixes General stability and performance improvements. Fixed rare crash related to reloading a save that relies on Automatron. Fixed issue with the robot workbench camera not moving properly immediately after canceling out of the menu. Fixed issue with perks being repeatedly added when reloading a saved game while in robot workbench. Fixed issue with Ada not properly traveling to an assigned settlement. Robots can now be assigned as settlement vendors. Fixed issue with "Appropriation" where blueprints would not appear properly if the container had already been looted prior to getting the quest. In "Nuclear Option," entering the Institute using the targeting helmet on Power Armor no longer inadvertently causes the player to go into combat, and become stuck in the Institute. Fixed distance check with Robotics Expert perk.
Arthmoor Posted April 7, 2016 Author Posted April 7, 2016 Fallout 4 1.5.146 Survival Steam Beta UpdateNew Survival Features Thirst, hunger, sleep and disease icons will change color based on status Survival Fixes Less food and drink are required to maintain proper sustenance Carry capacity lowered Sleep cycle has been lowered from 24 hours to 14 hour days Reduced chances to getting a disease Fusion cores weigh more Nuka Cola Quantums no longer cancel out caffeine effect from Nuka Cola and Nuka Cola Cherry Fixed occasional issue with becoming parched or peckish when thirst or hunger are actually satisfied Fixed issue where Adrenaline effect would incorrectly persist after changing difficulty level When companion is down, a quest target will appear on them
Arthmoor Posted April 20, 2016 Author Posted April 20, 2016 Fallout 4 1.5.151 - Beta UpdateNew Features New Survival difficulty. Survival adds additional challenges including no fast travel, saving only when you sleep, increased lethality, diseases, fatigue, danger and more. See the in-game Help menu for more details. Characters set to Survival difficulty appear under their own Character Selection filter. Third person camera movement improvements when player is close up against walls and other objects. Please Note: Survival difficulty characters are not backward compatible with the 1.4 version of Fallout 4. If you opt out of the Beta, do not use Survival character saved games.Fixes General stability and performance improvements. Fixed rare crash related to reloading a save that relies on Automatron. Fixed issue with the robot workbench camera not moving properly immediately after canceling out of the menu. Fixed issue with perks being repeatedly added when reloading a saved game while in robot workbench. Fixed issue with Ada not properly traveling to an assigned settlement. Robots can now be assigned as settlement vendors. Fixed issue with "Appropriation" where blueprints would not appear properly if the container had already been looted prior to getting the quest. In "The Nuclear Option," entering the Institute using the targeting helmet on Power Armor no longer inadvertently causes the player to go into combat, and become stuck in the Institute. Fixed distance check with Robotics Expert perk. While in Workshop mode, if the Jump button is remapped, the Y or Triangle button can still be used to jump. Ability to delete downloadable content via the Add-Ons menu (PS4). Fixed issue with "Defend the Castle" where speaking to Ronnie Shaw would not properly complete the quest. During "The Nuclear Option," fast traveling away from the Institute immediately after inserting the relay targeting sequence holotape will no longer block progression. Fixed issue where Workshop placed light bulbs would occasionally not light properly. This public beta also has one other thing they haven't listed: The Wasteland Workshop DLC removed the edit to the WorkshopParent quest, resolving any potential conflicts due to an incomplete record.
Arthmoor Posted April 26, 2016 Author Posted April 26, 2016 Fallout 4 1.5 Steam Update (1.5.157) Fixes Fixed issue with plugins.txt file being written to wrong directory Fallout 4 1.5 Steam Beta Update (1.5.154) Fixes General performance and stability improvements Fixed occasional flashing issue with entering and exiting Power Armor Fixed issue where terminals would not work properly after downloading and initializing an Add-On from the Add-Ons menu Mod Fixes Fixed issue where deleting a Mod would not properly remove associated archives Minor bug fixes and optimizations related to
Arthmoor Posted April 29, 2016 Author Posted April 29, 2016 1.5 is now out of beta, the finalized log for this version: Fallout 4 1.5 Steam Update (1.5.157)New Features New Survival difficulty Survival adds additional challenges including no fast travel, saving only when you sleep, increased lethality, diseases, fatigue, danger and more. See the in-game Help menu for more details. Characters set to Survival difficulty appear under their own Character Selection filter Third person camera movement improvements when player is close up against walls and other objects Fixes General stability and performance improvements Fixed rare crash related to reloading a save that relies on Automatron Fixed issue with the robot workbench camera not moving properly immediately after canceling out of the menu Fixed issue with perks being repeatedly added when reloading a saved game while in robot workbench Fixed issue with Ada not properly traveling to an assigned settlement Robots can now be assigned as settlement vendors Fixed issue with "Appropriation" where blueprints would not appear properly if the container had already been looted prior to getting the quest In "The Nuclear Option," entering the Institute using the targeting helmet on Power Armor no longer inadvertently causes the player to go into combat, and become stuck in the Institute Fixed distance check with Robotics Expert perk While in Workshop mode, if the Jump button is remapped, the Y or Triangle button can still be used to jump Fixed issue with "Defend the Castle" where speaking to Ronnie Shaw would not properly complete the quest During "The Nuclear Option," fast traveling away from the Institute immediately after inserting the relay targeting sequence holotape will no longer block progression Fixed issue where Workshop placed light bulbs would occasionally not light properly Fixed occasional flashing issue with entering and exiting Power Armor Fixed issue where terminals would not work properly after downloading and initializing an Add-On from the Add-Ons menu
Arthmoor Posted May 17, 2016 Author Posted May 17, 2016 Fallout 4 1.5 Steam Beta Update (1.5.205)New Mod Features General Improvements to the Mods menu, and support for Xbox Mods Added option to delete all mods Added option to disable all mods Added a search option to the mod browser Increased the amount of displayed mods per category Added bumper navigation to jump forward while browsing Mods Added access to the “Load Order” menu on the login screen (offline Mod management) Fixed a few issues with how images display in the browser and Mod details screen.
Arthmoor Posted June 2, 2016 Author Posted June 2, 2016 Fallout 4 Update 1.5.211 General stability and optimization improvements Ability to filter by Daily Most Popular mods Improved performance when browsing mods Fixed issue where plugins would occasionally not delete properly Fixed bug with mod file size calculation on Load Order menu Fixed issue with screenshots occasionally not loading properly on mod preview page Different music track for browsing mods
NightStar Posted June 12, 2016 Posted June 12, 2016 Bethesda has released an update for the Far Harbor DLC for the PS4. The change log simply states "addresses performance issues". One has to re-download the entire DLC manually, but apparently it's performing better than it was before. This is a first as far as I know for Bethesda updating their DLC after launch.
Arthmoor Posted June 12, 2016 Author Posted June 12, 2016 They updated Wasteland Workshop on all platforms after we found a record bug in it awhile back. That was indeed a first, but it's good to see they're continuing that. I just hope this doesn't also signal spending too much time trying to keep consoles from choking themselves like what happened with Skyrim.
Sclerocephalus Posted June 13, 2016 Posted June 13, 2016 A new beta is out. My game was updated this afternoon to version 1.5.307.0.
alt3rn1ty Posted June 13, 2016 Posted June 13, 2016 A new beta is out. My game was updated this afternoon to version 1.5.307.0. Yeah I cant find any release info - There is a Steam Beta section on but its restricted access
Arthmoor Posted June 13, 2016 Author Posted June 13, 2016 Beta forum on their site is coming up restricted though. Can't get at the changelog.
VaultDuke Posted June 13, 2016 Posted June 13, 2016 It downloaded something for me moments ago. i'm not in the beta.
fireundubh Posted June 14, 2016 Posted June 14, 2016 I did post a thread with a link to Bethesda's official DevNotes, which is a central repository for all update notes going forward. Here's the change log:
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