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  1. Arron Dominion

    Skooma Bear

    Version 1.0.0


    Mod Trailer Description: What is a Skooma Bear? Why it is a bear addicted to moon sugar that keeps calling moon sugar Skooma. Why do they call it Skooma and where do they come from? Find out! In this mod, you will meet Sniffs in the Bannered Mare. He is all depressed that he was kicked out of his den, and that his den mates stole his 'Skooma'. You quickly discover that the bears are much more than what they appear, and even get to fight their alpha. But where did they come from? After helping Sniffs out, he will agree to be your follower. Also at this time, you can ask him about where he comes from. Naturally he becomes defensive, but will eventually relent. From there you will be sent on a quest and will meet new characters, one of which can become a follower. The best part about these followers? You can request their assistance without worrying about Vilja, Xanthys, M.H.A.R.P.H.I.N., Serana, or any of the other followers you currently use. Sniffs offers a lot more options than the vanilla Skyrim follower system, and will follow and wait most anywhere. You can even set your favorite house and favorite inn for Sniffs to remember and wait in. The other follower, Faidalf, is quite typical in the high elf tradition of arrogance, and is one of the few at the College of Winterhold versed in the art of Mysticism. He refuses to do most of what Sniffs can do, but will do the basics. Faidalf will treat you differently depending on whether you are a member of the College or not, and whether you are the Arch-Mage. He will give you the opportunity to become involved with his latest research when you become(or currently are) the Arch-Mage. The new texts and dialogue are rooted in the lore found in previous Elder Scrolls games, while adding worthwhile content. It might be a richer experience for you if you have played previous Elder Scrolls games. If you have not, I highly recommend using USEP wiki as a companion. What is Added: -Added 'Skooma' Bear -Sniffs is a 'Skooma' Bear that can be a companion (fully voice acted) -Companion quest to unlock Sniffs (non-killable companion) -Custom companion system with normal follower functions included in this new system. -Another companion quest to discover Sniffs' origin. -Faidalf, a fully voiced high elf follower. -Faidalf has a non-marked quest for the arch-mage. -Faidalf's dialogue evolves depending on if you are not affiliated with the College, a member of the College, or the Arch-Mage. -A spell to summon Skooma Bears. The spell takes advantage of Conjuration perks, so you can conjure two at once. -Allows for other companions in use in addition to the new companions -A spell to call sniffs to you Changelog: V1: -Initial release Original Mod's Credits - CaptSpiffy - Beta Tester - Debo - Voice Acting - FreeFrag Network - Audacity - for Sound Recording/Editing - Windows Move Maker - for the trailer - Creation Kit Wiki - http://www.creationkit.com/Main_Page - as a scripting resource - Nexus Wiki Voice Acting guide - http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Voice_Acting:_A_Complete_Guide - Since I was being dumb with how I added new dialogue - TESVEdit - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/? - for cleaning my mod - Open Broadcaster Software - https://obsproject.com/ - Recording the videos to showcase the mod, and record footage for the trailer. - Youtuber John Windsor-Cunningham - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDVOOo7R31c - Video to voice coach for the high elf character. - USEP Wiki - http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page - Used as a reference for the lore references used in new dialogue and text. Special Edition Credits -VaultF4 - Support during Definitive Edition -Mentha - Help and support during Special Edition Work -Skinnytecboy - Witty support during recent development -Pyro's Asylum - Continued Support -T&T Mod Team - Support during Special Edition development -VS -Trailer Music: Roger Plexico - Chateau de Noisy - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Roger_Plexico/Where_The_Sidewalk_Ends/Roger_Plexico_-_Where_The_Sidewalk_Ends_-_06_Chateau_de_Noisy https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
  2. ghastley

    Daggerfall mods

    I know this must be the hottest topic of all time, but where do I park a thread about Daggerfall mods? At one point I was the author of half the mods for the game on Nexus, but that is no longer true. I’m not even certain that my old Playable Orc race mod is usable, but with the DFU implementation looking viable, I might just try and adapt it for that. Does anyone have experience of modding for Daggerfall Unity?
  3. Rotzi

    Skyrim Adventures

    So, since the screenshot threads on bethesda.net were my second home i thought i start one here. Show me what you have. Everything you have documented with screenshots. Quests, Adventuring, just Landscapes, Fighting, Characters, modded, unmodded. These were my last ones on beth.net. Edit: I think i extend the purpose of this thread a little more. Not only screenshots. Maybe just write what you did in Skyrim or which quest you on. Or share something you have experienced for the first time. In essence: Whatever is on your mind related to Skyrim.
  4. Version 0.2


    This is an attempt at a re-compiled Legendary Edition version of wSkeever's mod, High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix. While I believe this has been compiled correctly, I make no promises that it will work the way it is supposed to, as it was built for Skyrim Special Edition. My modding experience with Skyrim is limited, so troubleshooting will likely not happen. This mod should be compatible with anything that doesn't modify the following file: highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle.pex For anyone wondering if my backport of wSkeever's mod is allowed, here is a screenshot of their mod permissions: All files provided in this mod have been ported over from their Skyrim Special Edition counterpart. To avoid any permissions issues with wSkeever's mod, all permissions will be restricted on this mod. Please defer to wSkeever's mod permissions if you would like to use any assets from that mod in your mod. Original (Slightly Modified) Description Background High Gate Ruins is a Nordic Ruin featuring a puzzle where the player pulls 4 levers in sequence to light 4 braziers. Once the 4 braziers are lit, a trap door opens, allowing you to proceed further into the dungeon. However, when the location resets, the door is reset and closes, but the puzzle will not reset and remains in a solved state, preventing you from opening the door again. This bug is detailed on UESP: This bug locks you out of the latter half of the dungeon, preventing you from accessing the boss container and completing radiant quests which use High Gate Ruins as the location. Description This mod fixes this bug by doing the following: OnReset is implemented to reset the puzzle when the dungeon resets If you don't want to wait that long. I've also set the puzzle to reset when you pull any of the levers after the puzzle is solved, allowing you to solve it again. No esp. Minor edits to existing USSEP script Installation/Uninstallation Install at any time Uninstall at any time Implementation Details Script edited is highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle "KillSwitch" function edited to allow puzzle reset even after it is solved: Added OnReset Event to reset the puzzle when the dungeon resets: FAQ Credits wSkeever for High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix I've also created a forum for this topic if you want to give any feedback.
  5. This is an attempt at a re-compiled Legendary Edition version of wSkeever's mod, High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix. While I believe this has been compiled correctly, I make no promises that it will work the way it is supposed to, as it was built for Skyrim Special Edition. My modding experience with Skyrim is limited, so troubleshooting will likely not happen. This mod should be compatible with anything that doesn't modify the following file: highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle.pex For anyone wondering if my backport of wSkeever's mod is allowed, here is a screenshot of their mod permissions: All files provided in this mod have been ported over from their Skyrim Special Edition counterpart. To avoid any permissions issues with wSkeever's mod, all permissions will be restricted on this mod. Please defer to wSkeever's mod permissions if you would like to use any assets from that mod in your mod. Original (Slightly Modified) Description Background High Gate Ruins is a Nordic Ruin featuring a puzzle where the player pulls 4 levers in sequence to light 4 braziers. Once the 4 braziers are lit, a trap door opens, allowing you to proceed further into the dungeon. However, when the location resets, the door is reset and closes, but the puzzle will not reset and remains in a solved state, preventing you from opening the door again. This bug is detailed on UESP: This bug locks you out of the latter half of the dungeon, preventing you from accessing the boss container and completing radiant quests which use High Gate Ruins as the location. Description This mod fixes this bug by doing the following: OnReset is implemented to reset the puzzle when the dungeon resets If you don't want to wait that long. I've also set the puzzle to reset when you pull any of the levers after the puzzle is solved, allowing you to solve it again. No esp. Minor edits to existing USSEP script Installation/Uninstallation Install at any time Uninstall at any time Implementation Details Script edited is highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle "KillSwitch" function edited to allow puzzle reset even after it is solved: FAQ Credits wSkeever for High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix Download Link
  6. Hi All, I posted this elsewhere on the forums but this area makes the most sense now for visitors to read. I like to do as many quests in one run as possible so I was curious to any quests you can easily miss or are conflicting. This is all I know so far and I would like to make one nice list: Resolve With Friends Like These... and Destroy the Dark Brotherhood! Why: You either pick to join the Dark Brotherhood or choose to Destroy it. Solution: None. Requires Two Games. Joining the Legion and Joining the Stormcloaks Why: Picking a faction locks out unique quests on the other side. Solution: None. Requires Two Games. The Bloodstone Chalice and A New Order Why: Bloodline quest before it determines if you join the Dawnguard or the Vampires faction locking out quests on the other side. Solution: None. Requires Two Games. Retaking Thirsk & The Chief of Thirsk Hall Why: You have to side with one of the factions Solution: None, Requires Two Games. You can do some of the The Chief of Thirsk Hall quests before picking a side though. Joining the Legion or Joining the Stormcloaks and Lots of Quests (Just Don't!) Why: A lot of game quests are locked out by joining one side or taking cities from the other faction. Solution: Do the Civil War quests after all city quests are complete. Resolve The Battle for Fort Amol or The Battle for Fort Hraggstad and Season Unending Why: When one side has no extra holds to trade it becomes impossible obviously for the quest Season Unending to take place. Solution: Complete Main Quest First Season Unending and many quests in cities and towns after changes in ownership: Why: Changing Jarls can make some quests no longer possible. Example: Dengeir of Stuhn doesn't offer to kill his ancestor while Jarl. Solution: Complete the quests in cities and towns you want to change ownership of first. Diplomatic Immunity and Find the Thalmor Assassin Why: The second follow up quest doesn't happen if Malborn dies during the Main Quest. This can be difficult because he gets in a lot of fights and can die easily. Also, the quest has a timer of 24 hours after the other quest completes before it gets much harder to complete as Khajiit caravans are altered for the follow up quest to be possible. Solution: Keep him alive. Run ahead as much as possible while escorting him to keep him out of fights. Then do his follow up quest as soon as possible. Dungeon Delving (Helm of Winterhold) and Purity of Revenge (Fixed with Unofficial Skyrim Patch) Why: If Driftshade Refuge is picked for the Helm's location and you cleared it out looking for the Helm of Winterhold Purity of Revenge won't start until the dungeon is reset. Solution: Complete Purity of Revenge first or Download the Patch. Delayed Burial and Beginning Innocence Lost or With Friends Like These... Why: Can cause this quest to disappear, fail, or restrict your options. Solution: Complete Delayed Burial First. Kill Helvard and Thane of Falkreath (Fixed with Unofficial Skyrim Patch) Why: Siddgeir won't let you complete the mission as long as he is Jarl. Solution: Download Patch or Complete Thane of Falkreath first. Kill Narfi and The Straw that Broke Why: As soon as you start Kill Narfi, you will be unable to start or complete The Straw that Broke. Solution: Complete The Straw that Broke first. Bound Until Death and The Spiced Wine Why: As soon as you start Bound Until Death, The Spiced Wine becomes unavailable. Solution: Complete The Spiced Wine first. Flight or Fight & Clearing Broken Helm Hollow: (Fixed with Unofficial Skyrim Patch) If you get sent to Broken Helm Hollow on a radiant quest or clear it before you get the quest to find Leifnar from Grosta at Heartwood Mill (both locations in the Rift), Leifnar's body will be labeled simply "Nord." You will get an objective to report his death to his family but will be unable to do so. Solution: Get the quest from Grosta before clearing Broken Helm Hollow for any other reason or avoid the secret room with his body before you get the quest. Lights Out! and Kill the Bandit Leader (Ahtar) Why: During Lights Out!, you are required to trek through Broken Oar Grotto, where Captain Hargar lives. If you kill him before starting Kill the Bandit Leader, you will never be able to start that quest. Solution: Complete Kill the Bandit Leader (Ahtar) first Blood on the Ice and Mourning Never Comes Why: During Mourning never comes, you are given the option to kill Nilsine Shatter Shield as a bonus. Doing this will cause Tova Shatter-Shield, distraught over the loss of her second daughter, to kill herself. This can cause a fair amount of problems with quest progression, especially if you have not yet started Blood on the Ice, so it's best to complete that quest first. Solution: Complete Blood on Ice First Rare Gifts (Torbjorn Shatter-Shield) and Mourning Never Comes Why: During Mourning never comes, you are given the option to kill Nilsine Shatter Shield as a bonus. Doing this will cause Tova Shatter-Shield, distraught over the loss of her second daughter, to kill herself. This obviously means Torbjorn offer his quest as he no longer needs to find a gift for his wife. Solution: Complete Rare Gifts first or don't kill Nilsine. Lost to the Ages and Mourning Never Comes Why: During Lost to the Ages, you are required to trek through Raldbthar, where Alain Dufont lives. If you kill him before starting Mourning Never Comes, you cannot kill Nilsine Shatter-Shield for the bonus reward in that quest. Why Not: Alain only becomes hostile if you attack him, he won't defend the other bandits in the area. You can kill all the bandits but Alain, and complete Lost to the Ages without affecting Mourning Never Comes. Also, Mourning Never Comes is only available if you choose to join the Dark Brotherhood; if you choose to destroy them, you will never be given it. Solution: Don't kill Alain or do Mourning Never Comes first. The Forgemaster's Fingers and Coated in Blood or The Cursed Tribe or Fetch me that Book! or Kolskeggr Mine or Sanuarach Mine or Skilled Apprenticeship or Mine Ore (Iron) - Shor's Stone or Kindred Judgment (Dawnguard side) or Being an Orc Why: Becoming Blood-Kin with Orcs cancels the need for this quest. Solution: Start Forgemaster's Fingers before starting other quests Rare Gifts (Siddgeir) and Letter from Jarl Siddgeir of Falkreath given at level 9 Why: Rare Gifts is skipped over to it's subsequent quest if the letter is read. Solution: Catch Rare Gifts early in the game. It's easy and you even get the Mead in Helgen. Totems of Hircine and Purify yourself of Lycanthropy Why: If you are no longer a Werewolf you can't find the rest of the totems. Solution: Find all three totems first before you purify yourself of Lycanthropy. Visit the hunters at Frostmoon Crag and Purify yourself of Lycanthropy Why: The Werewolf Pack will not interact with you kindly here keeping you from buying four unique rings that enhance a Werewolf player. Solution: Do this quest before you purify yourself of Lycanthropy. Elmus Favor Quest (mead) and Retaking Thirsk or The Chief of Thirsk Hall Why: If you retake Thirsk Hall or Kill him during the Chief of Thirsk Hall this quest can no longer be completed. Solution: Do his favor quest first before picking a side Non-quest Unique Weapon Conflict: Ill Met By Moonlight and Recovering Bolar's Oathblade in Bloated Man's Grotto Why: If Ill Met By Moonlight is done first and Sinding lives and makes this his home the Blade can never spawn. If killed you must wait for the dungeon to respawn. Solution: Clear Bloaded Man's Grotto first before starting Ill Met By Moonlight if you want to save Sinding.
  7. Arron Dominion

    Skooma Bear - Definitive Edition

    Version 2.0.0


    Requirements: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn Recommended Level and Equipment: Level 15+ Be sure to keep healing potions or spells with you. Description: What is a Skooma Bear? Why it is a bear addicted to moon sugar that keeps calling moon sugar Skooma. Why do they call it Skooma and where do they come from? Find out! In this mod, you will meet Sniffs in the Bannered Mare. He is all depressed that he was kicked out of his den, and that his den mates stole his 'Skooma'. You quickly discover that the bears are much more than what they appear, and even get to fight their alpha. But where did they come from? After helping Sniffs out, he will agree to be your follower. Also at this time, you can ask him about where he comes from. Naturally, he becomes defensive, but will eventually relent. From there you will be sent on a quest and will meet new characters, one of which can become a follower. The best part about these followers? You can request their assistance without worrying about Vilja, Serana, or any of the other followers you currently use. Sniffs offers a lot more options than the vanilla Skyrim follower system and will follow and wait most anywhere. You can even set your favorite house and favorite inn for Sniffs to remember and wait in. The other follower, Faidalf, is quite typical in the high elf tradition of arrogance and is one of the few at the College of Winterhold versed in the art of Mysticism. He refuses to do most of what Sniffs can do, but will do the basics. Faidalf will treat you differently depending on whether you are a member of the College or not, and whether you are the Arch-Mage. He will give you the opportunity to become involved with his latest research when you become(or currently are) the Arch-Mage. The new texts and dialogue are rooted in the lore found in previous Elder Scrolls games while adding worthwhile content. It might be a richer experience for you if you have played previous Elder Scrolls games. If you have not, I highly recommend using USEP wiki as a companion. What is added: -Added 'Skooma' Bear -Sniffs is a 'Skooma' Bear that can be a companion (fully voice acted) -Companion quest to unlock Sniffs (non-killable companion) -Custom companion system with normal follower functions included in this new system. -Another companion quest to discover Sniffs' origin. -Faidalf, a fully voiced high elf follower. -Faidalf has a non-marked quest for the arch-mage. -Faidalf's dialogue evolves depending on if you are not affiliated with the College, a member of the College, or the Arch-Mage. -A spell to summon Skooma Bears. The spell takes advantage of Conjuration perks, so you can conjure two at once. -Allows for other companions in use in addition to the new companions Changes from the old version: -Old content cleaned with TESVEdit -Old scripts recompiled to help with mod compatibility -Overhaul of the current Sniffs follower system -Overhauled the initial quest with Sniffs. -The Skooma Bears in the Den now drop Moon Sugar. -The Skooma Bear Lord now drops Moon SUgar and Potent Skooma -Added a quest to find insight in why Sniffs exists, and attempt to make the mod lore-friendly in the process -Adds a new character and follower to the College of Winterhold. His name is Faidalf, and has custom voice-over and immersion. -Add another character that is a Khajiit with custom voice-over. -Adds a Conjure Skooma Bear spell Original description: Ever wonder what a bear addicted to moon sugar would look like? Well, a group of bears that are addicted to it thinks it is skooma. One, in particular, made its way to Whiterun in The Bannered Mare and is wishing for assistance in retrieving his 'skooma'. This mod introduces the 'skooma' bear as a creature into the Skyrim universe. Also, a special one named Sniffs is your companion. This companion uses a custom system outside of the vanilla system, derived from the vanilla marriage mechanics. In other words, you can send him to one of your houses, to follow you, to go back to The Bannered Mare, or to stay put, without sacrificing your other favorite companion. Enjoy Known Issues: -Skooma Bears might become temporarily bugged in the dungeon. Make sure you keep some way to heal yourself handy if this happens. -Sniffs might not allow you to immediately hand over the Skooma Supply. Leaving the dungeon will fix this issue. Known Quirks: -The Khajiit voice-over might be a little silent and sound like whispering. I apologize, I am not a voice actor. -Some of the new Skooma bear dialogue is either repetitive or seems slightly out of place. This is due to the original voice actor not being available for this project. Additional Credits in the new edition: - Audacity - for Sound Recording/Editing - Windows Move Maker - for the trailer - Creation Kit Wiki - http://www.creationkit.com/Main_Page - as a scripting resource - Nexus Wiki Voice Acting guide - http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Voice_Acting:_A_Complete_Guide - Since I was being dumb with how I added new dialogue - TESVEdit - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/? - for cleaning my mod - Open Broadcaster Software - https://obsproject.com/ - Recording the videos to showcase the mod and record footage for the trailer. - Youtuber John Windsor-Cunningham - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDVOOo7R31c - Video to voice coach for the high elf character. - USEP Wiki - http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page - Used as a reference for the lore references used in new dialogue and text. Additional Credits from the Original Version: - CaptSpiffy - Beta Tester - Debo - Voice Acting - FreeFrag Network (www.freefrag.com) Collaboration Revision changes: VDefinitive v2: -Fixed spelling errors -Reduced Sniffs Volume -Properly setup the dialogue for sniffs -Reduced filesize by compressing voices -Fixed a rare issue with Jo'Uki triggering before Sniff's quest started VDefinitive: -Refer to the description above -Story Manager Event will work 100% of the time now. -Requires the DLCS now v1.5: -Added missing SEQ file for proper quest/dialogue actions. -Added missing script files. -Fixed any issues from 1.4. v1.4: -Fixed follower logic not working for all users. v1.3: -Increased follower distance to reduce bumping/pushing of player. Will still do so if too far away. v1.2: -Added missing voice file v1.1: -Removed the beta test spell which breaks all the things.
  8. Arron Dominion

    Pneuma Manor

    Version 1.2.0


    A random thought came up, why not have a house within the Soul Cairn. This mod will add Pneuma Manor, currently the only player home within the Soul Cairn. Good friend Morven will sell you this home for a sizeable bounty of Soul Husks. There are three levels of this home, the main level, the cellar, and the upper level. Upon entering the upper level, you notice that you are not the only ones living in the house. Meet the Necronn family, consisting of a mother, a daughter, a son, and a dog. To find out why they are in the house and resemble most of the current Cairn residents, explore this upper level for any clues. The father, he left behind quite the legacy. Various books found near his desk will reveal the legacy he has left, and some for the worse. In the process of discovering the past, you will wake up the past. This past will eventually lead to new recipes, a new spell, a new enchantment, and several other followers or residents of Pneuma Manor. This house will serve you and your adventures in the Soul Cairn well, being the only calm place within the bleak landscape. What is Added: -Three story home in the Soul Cairn, purchased via Soul Husks -4 Mannequins, 2 Weapon Racks, 3 Weapon Display Plaques, 1 Weapon Display Case, 2 Bookshelves with 90 book capacity. -Alchemy table, Enchanter table, Forge, Tanning Rack, Workbench, Sharpening Wheel, Smelter -Storage in the cellar, Dresser, Safe, several Barrels near Mage Station. -Thane, Bard, Soul family (step-daughter, step-son, dog, wife?), Assassin follower -Soul Husk Extract recipe, Absorb health/soul trap spell, Absorb health/soul trap weapon enchantment, Absorb health/soul trap poison -5 Books, 5 journals for backstory -3 Quests for backstory and acquiring thane/bard/assassin, without direct quest markers. -Spells to transport to Pneuma Manor and to College of Winterhold Requires: DAWNGUARD Revision History: v1.2: -Added new quest to clear up lore conflicts -Added a new book and several supporting items for the new quest. -Corrected dog's voice. v1.1: -Added new book -Added two new spells, one for transport to Pneuma Manor, one for transport to College of Winterhold Known Quirks: -If you have dialogue issues, try saving-reloading in order to fix. This issue should not prop up, but might since there is (technically) custom dialogue included. -Ushugob does not have a voice for the Thane dialogue. Guess this is due to no Orcs as Thanes in Skyrim. Credits: -Tamriel Rebuilt – name generator -Artisanix – Paintings and Frames - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17423 Special thanks to Artisanix for making awesome paintings/frames resource. -Balok’s Tutorials – Creating Skyrim Oil Paintings - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k28k_6ChNks These were very helpful in teaching techniques for creating the paintings. Note: I am making a massive update for this mod, but it won't be released for some time. It will be including the other expansions, and I will be leaving this upload at version 1.2. The regular Skyrim version of the new update will be called Definitive Edition, and it will just be Pneuma Manor when I port it over to Special Edition.
  9. Version 1.5.8a


    Let's face it, vanilla quest objectives are terrible. Want to turn off the quest markers because you want to have a more Morrowind feel? Good luck! Whickus attempted to fix this before with Better Quest Objectives, but he abandoned the Nexus in early 2012. So, this mod is to pick up where Whickus left off, applying unofficial patch fixes, making compatibility patches for mods - I bring to you, Even Better Quest Objectives. Covering 250+ quests in the vanilla game, and more to come, it makes your life without quest markers a lot easier. And I mean by a lot. Comes with a installer for NMM and Bash, so if you are using Bash like I do, you aren't left in the cold. A few things to consider: Some quests with ambiguous descriptions are left alone because they are meant to be riddles. They will not be modified - it's as likely as me cutting myself on a sharply observed portrait. Also, quests with journals that give information about the locations have the journals themselves edited instead of the descriptions. Also, this mod does modify some of the vanilla scripts relating to some of the radiant quests. This is done so that the location would be properly displayed in the quest objectives. For now, only the scripts relating to DA09, DA10, MGR20, MGR20b, MGR21, MGRArniel04, and MGRitual05 are modified, as well as one Dawnguard quest. I hope you enjoy! AFK Mods will be my secondary site for uploading - so if the Nexus is being uncooperative, you can instead download my files here.
  10. Version 1.3.5


    For more details on this mod, and for all the latest features I'm working on, check out my new Hunting in Skyrim Website. Before commenting please study my website carefully, as most of the time the information you need is right there. My website also has an F.A.Q. Page which can be helpful to. If you think you've found a bug, read this page before commenting. Thank you for checking out my mod, I hope you enjoy it! AFK Mods Forum Page ****************** Hunting in Skyrim aims to bring to the game a better hunting experience. New gameplay mechanics have been introduced changing the way players hunt, survive, and obtain animal parts and skins from their kills, taking the experience to a whole new level. At it's base level, this mod is working to make living and earning off of the land more exciting, challenging, and much more rewarding. However these new features and gameplay mechanics are fused together by the core idea of the mod; bringing a new Hunting Guild into Skyrim. Visit The Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun, or talk to the Hunters wandering the wilds of Skyrim to learn more. Inside the Drunken Huntsman Basement (temporary Guild Hall) you'll find a journal on a table. Read it, take it, and you'll begin your journey to become the greatest hunter Tamriel has ever known. Current Mod Version - 1.3.5 Everything you need to know can be found on the new Hunting in Skyrim Website. ========================== Quick Breakdown of Features ========================== Quick Breakdown Of Features In Version 1.3.5: Hunting Guild With 2 Locations 1 New NPC 10 Main Quests 6 Side Quests (5 radiant and repeatable) New Animal Skinning System Hunting Stat Tracking 2 New Skills (tracked in your Hunting Guild Log Book) 10 New Perks (no perks version available) Increased Pelt/Hide Prices 3 new animal breeds In it's current state this mod adds a Hunting Guild to Skyrim. The player can complete quests and challenges, rising through the ranks and gaining renown for completing tasks. The initial Guild hub is based in the basement of the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun. Once the main Guild Hall is complete outside, the initial hub will become a Guild outpost. Visit the new Hunting in Skyrim Website for more details on the Quests, Perks, Price changes, Skinning and Carcass systems, Stat Tracking, new Skills and more. ======================================== If you like this mod please rate and comment ======================================== - Also Available On - Skyrim Nexus Steam Workshop TES Alliance - Website - Visit the new Hunting in Skyrim Website for more info. - Current Development - Check out what's in store for the next update here! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As a compliment to this mod, I recommend using my Hunter player home, Woodsman's Shack.
  11. This mod changes the quest "Where You Hang Your Enemy's Head" (DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair), so that instead of rebuilding the Dark Brotherhood torture room, you convert it into a workshop. Delvin's dialogue has been modified to accommodate this decision, and the resulting workshop includes a blacksmith's forge, an armor table, a grindstone, a weapon rack, an enchanting table, a tanning rack, a large chest and two bookshelves. It's best to install this mod before you begin the quest to repair the Dawnstar Sanctuary. It's a bit of a cramped space but followers should be able to follow you normally, though it may take them a few seconds to find a way around the sides of the blacksmith's forge. Let me know if you run into any issues! Download from AFK Mods Download from Skyrim Nexus Subscribe on Steam
  12. B1gBadDaddy

    [RELz/WIPz] Hunting in Skyrim

    Hunting in Skyrim Website - For everything you need to know about the mod! Hunting in Skyrim adds a Hunting Guild to the game. It features quests, an all new animal skinning system, kill & stat tracking, new (optional) perks, new skills, new NPCs and locations, new weapons, new armour, challenges and much much more! Current Mod Version - 1.3.3 - Full Changelog ---------------------------------------------------- - Quick Breakdown of Current Features - Hunting Guild With 2 Locations 1 New NPC 10 Main Quests 7 Side Quests (6 radiant and repeatable) New Animal Skinning System Hunting Stat Tracking Trophy Crafting Guild Upgrades 2 New Skills (tracked in your Hunting Guild Log Book) New Skill System 10 New Perks (no perks version available) Increased Pelt/Hide Prices SKSE Features Animal Dens (new dungeons) In it's current state this mod adds a Hunting Guild to Skyrim. The player can complete quests and challenges, rising through the ranks and gaining renown for completing tasks. The initial Guild hub is based in the basement of the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun. Once the main Guild Hall is complete outside, the initial hub will become a Guild outpost. I have also introduced new perks to the game, centered around hunting. They give bonuses to both damage and protection against animals, and at later levels, all creatures including Dragons. The mod currently includes (as of version 1.3) 10 main quests, 7 side quests (6 of which are repeatable radiant quests), a new skinning and pelt crafting system, trophy crafting, guild upgrades, and many more features. The player is also given a Log Book which keeps track of all the animals you kill, skin, contracts completed, and abilities unlocked. Two new skills have been added to the game (separate from the normal skills menu) and are tracked in the Log Book. Your Hunting Skill increases as you hunt animals, and you also gain Huntsman Feats that go towards your overall Hunting Skill for obtaining notable achievements such as sneak kills on animals and killing hard animals with daggers. Your Skinning Skill is determined by how many carcasses you've skinned and improved, and governs how well you can improve your pelts. Skinning Skill also has a small influence on your Hunting Skill. The base value of hunting "loot" has been increased so that it's a much more viable source of income. I have tried to keep it balanced and the values not too high. ---------------------------------------------------- - Download Links - Normal Version Skyrim Nexus - http://skyrim.nexusm...com/mods/18866/ (1.3.3) Steam Workshop - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=151927819 (1.3.3) TES Alliance - http://tesalliance.o...ting-in-skyrim/ (1.3.3) AFK Mods - http://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/files/file/803-hunting-in-skyrim-a-hunting-guild/ (1.3.3) No Perks Version Also on Skyrim Nexus - http://skyrim.nexusm...com/mods/18866/ (1.3.3) Also on TES Alliance - http://tesalliance.o...ting-in-skyrim/ (1.3.3) Also on AFK Mods - http://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/files/file/803-hunting-in-skyrim-a-hunting-guild/ (1.3.3) Steam Workshop - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=95657304 (1.3.3) ---------------------------------------------------- Visit the new Hunting in Skyrim Website for all the information you need.
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