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About This File

      Settlements Of Cyrodiil
                               Resource Pack

Before industrialization the main occupation of people, for ALL civilizations, has been agriculture.
Without a reliable source of food, no empire could fuel it's troops or civilian population for long.
Cyrodiil is vast, boasting 9 fortified cities and an immense population. Yet, where are the crops
to feed that population? Settlements of Cyrodiil is an attempt to answer that question.   


Settlements of Cyrodiil first began as an effort to rescue some very nice farm and village mods that
had gone to the wayside. Victims to un-patched conflicts, or simply abandoned by the original authors.
Over time, the project has evolved from those humble beginnings into a full scale series.

Settlements of Cyrodiil is a series of modular releases which all utilize the same resource pack. I felt
this was the best approach for implementing upgrades, and giving the mod users freedom of choice.
You don't have to use all of the plugins if you don't like one or more. 

The main focus revolves around farming settlements. There is quite a variety available, with plans 
to add more in the future.

**Note: This package and the mods built from it are undergoing updates at this time. They function
             perfectly as is. And will make a nice addition to your game. But I have plans for them and 
             new modules moving forward which require some restructuring. Look to see that soon.


1. A collection of folders containing meshes, sound files, and textures.

2. An ESM Master File containing all of the above which have been pre-assembled in the Oblivion
   Construction set.

This is NOT a mod in and of itself. It is a master resource package that numerous mods are built
off of. There are currently 7 released mods, and more in various stages of development which all
use the resources. All mods in the "Settlements of Cyrodiil" series require this pack to be installed.


Extract to your Oblivion Data folder using the mod manager of your choice. Manually installing is
discouraged as it can be difficult to remove everything later, should you choose to do so.

Released Mods

Regional Farms & Inns

The goal of this mod was to overhaul the existing Farms and Inns in the game. Giving each a
re-texture using regional vanilla materials. Producing a look which relates to the major city of
that region.


White Rose Farm

Formerly White Rose River Farm by Poolacemail. A farming settlement which suffered from
un-patched conflicts and was abandoned. Village has been relocated to north bank of the
White Rose River eliminating most conflicts. 


Wickmere Farm

Also originally by Poolacemail. Also suffered from un-patched conflicts with other mods.
A mid sized farming community located on the southeast corner of Lake Rumare. Has been
moved just enough to eliminate conflicts. Has received many improvements.


Clearwater Farms

One of my own creations. Located on the main road due east of Chorrol. Nothing over the top,
just a simple collection of farmsteads beside a clear woodland pond. You will find various crops,
an ironwood nut orchard, some livestock, and fish in the nearby pond. There is a vendor stand
where the farmers goods are sold to passerby.


Silverfish Falls

The fifth and final settlement from Poolacemail. Formerly Lakeview Village. This one used the
same real estate as Shezrie's Lakewood Village and UL Aspen Wood. It was relocated to the
waterfall pond at the head of Silverfish River valley. Hence the name. Features crops, livestock,
and fish in the pond. Services include a blacksmith with custom gear for sale, and an Inn.


Legion Outposts

A pair of Legion outposts and working farms which were originally created by Poolacemail.
The outposts have been relocated and given a new look. They are now merged into a single file.
New locations are a little more strategic, placing the outposts on the far southern banks of the
Niben River below Leyawiin. This location helps to guard entry to Cyodiil's southern borders.
NPCs patrol their respective outpost areas and work the fields. Some features include custom
armor, crops, and services for weary travelers.

Oranstad Township

Adds a farming village on the Gold Road road due East of Skingrad. Oranstad is a completed
version of the beta release by Spectic. Contains farming, livestock, a blacksmith shop, etc.
There are 22 NPCs with detailed daily schedules who socialize, work, buy and sell items, and
some are trainers as well. They raise a variety of crops and have cattle which produce milk.


Sita has provided a translation on the French mod site Confrerie Des Traducteurs.fr which can
be found here.

Alexxa has provided a translation on the Russion mod site TesAll.ru which can be found here.


Please see the included documents which contain a detailed list of credits. It's a bit much to post
everything here on the description page.


Legal Stuff

This package may be considered a modder resource if, and only if, you use it as a master file
requirement. There are many items which were donated for exclusive use. Which cost me lengthy
periods of time acquiring permission for. I cannot in good faith pass on permission to use them.

Please do not upload these files to other sites without my consent.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



Moving right along. The Hesu series has finally received a long awaited update. Now that's safely tucked away for a lil while, Settlements Of Cyrodiil is next on the list. Will be busy with RL through the Holiday season. But every moment I can spare will now be focused on working in the background to get this series updated.



Hi! Just to make sure, are both texture .7z files required, or is the Settlements of Cyrodiil Textures 2.7z the latest update? Thanks!



20 hours ago, Oberon_of_Sentinel said:

Hi! Just to make sure, are both texture .7z files required, or is the Settlements of Cyrodiil Textures 2.7z the latest update? Thanks!

Yes all resources in the download section are required. I only split them up because there was an issue with the site uploading files over a certain size. 


Posted (edited)

Hi mhahn! First off, I wanted to say fantastic mod series! I absolutely love the SOC mods.

That said, I seem to be experiencing the exact same bug laulajatar mentioned on the SOC Resources Pack nexus page in August of '21, regarding sections of water turning black in the Tamriel world space upon fast travel to any of the added settlements, when using the resource pack with any of the series plugins. I've tried editing the toilet mesh in nifskope as was discussed on the original post, rerunning lod, even different systems and I just can't seem to figure out how to truly fix it. It persists even when they're the only mods installed, without lod or a bashed patch. I was wondering if you knew of any way to solve this? 

Edited by dmettler182


Hi Mhahn, I hope you feel good and you have time to mod. If remember well the old nexus page of this mod. You had some SOC settlements in WIO. What about them? Also, SOC is my favourite mod among all your mod. 



Awesome work, thank you so much - I enjoy what your mods add to Oblivion. :woot:

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