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Open Cities Skyrim is a comprehensive project that aims to bring back at least part of the feel of Morrowind - specifically how most of the cities were a natural part of the world and you could just walk in without loading screens. The added immersion and realism goes a long way, probably a lot more than you might think. Ever wanted to ride your horse into the center of Riften? Well now you can. Need to get some help from the city guards to vanquish a foe? Run toward the gates and the guards will do their duty while you can seek safety within the walls. The town guards make for some very interesting interactions this way. This will also make running dragon battles that much more interesting since the flow of the battle won't be interrupted by the loading screen and all of the city guards can be involved at the same time. Downloads AFK Mods ModDB - PC + XB1 Open Cities Skyrim Bugtracker Installation Requirements Skyrim Special Edition 1.6.1130 or greater. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch 4.3.4 or greater. DO NOT extract the contents of the BSA file into your Data folder as loose files, or let your mod manager perform an equivalent function on the contents of the file. Doing so will cause things to load in the wrong order and break the game. Skyrim is intended to load a BSA alongside it's ESM/ESP file. Circumventing this causes issues which I will not provide support for. If you insist on going against this advice, you will receive no support for the problems you generate as a result of this. Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN Drop the archive into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. Installation - Manual Drop the Open Cities Skyrim.esp, Open Cities Skyrim.bsa, and Open Cities Skyrim - Textures.bsa files into your Data folder. Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Post Install Configuration Set the mod's load order using whatever management tool you feel most comfortable with. It may also be necessary to rebuild your Bashed Patch if you're using one. Once the game loads, you need to allow 24+ game hours to pass for AI to fully update in each city. You can configure three options in-game by using a book that's been placed inside the Temple of Kynareth. This book is free for you to take with you, and you can put it on a bookshel anywhere you want. It would be STRONGLY recommended that you do not destroy it in some way because the menu will be inaccessible without it. Option 1: Oblivion Gates. The menu will now allow you to toggle them on or off as desired, on the fly, with no external patches necessary. If you have any such patches, uninstall them. They'll crash the game now. Option 2: Gate Attendants. The gate attendants who open the city gates when you approach on horseback can be toggled on or off as desired. Yes, some people despised them enough to ask for this. Don't ask me why. Option 3: Outdoor Lighting System. You can toggle the state of the outdoor lighting system as desired. Nobody asked for this, but I figured what the heck. I was messing with MCM anyway so why not. These optional configuration elements will not be supported through any other mechanism. Uninstalling Open Cities Skyrim Due to the nature of Skyrim mods, especially those adding scripts, it is strongly discouraged to attempt uninstalling a mod from your active game. Any mod that is more than pure mesh or texture replacements has the possibility to leave behind permanent changes to your save that you may not want. This is not something modders can correct for. It is how the game was designed by Bethesda. No support will be provided for anyone who uninstalls this mod from an active game and continues on with that save. Load Order Open Cities Skyrim should be loaded as late as possible in order to preserve changes to navmeshes and other exterior city data. LOOT should be used for optimal placement. Built-in Compatibility Falskaar - Jalamar's AI markers will be moved into the proper places in Riften. Compatibility Patches Skyrim Sewers 4 - Available in the patch archive at the Open Cities Skyrim download sites (except Steam). Drinking Fountains of Skyrim - Available in the patch archive at the Open Cities Skyrim download sites (except Steam). Dawn of Skyrim Collection Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - Included in Shurah's installer. Compatibility Mods which strictly replace vanilla textures or the vanilla meshes are 100% compatible. Expanded Towns and Cities has been confirmed to be 100% compatible since it does not affect the 5 walled cities. Generally speaking, any mod which adds things to the closed cities will be incompatible. City mods that add some details to the open worldspace will be partially compatible. Alternate Start: Live Another Life - Fully compatible. No patches needed. The Last Defeat of the Dragon Cult - The mod hasn't been updated since March 2012. It's navmeshes are partially corrupted and must be repaired. More Dynamic Shadows & Striping Fix - Numerous dirty edits that cause some interiors to cease functioning. Mods which edit the following scripts will not be compatible unless patched: QF_DialogueWhiterunArgueScene_00037CC2 SF_MS11OpeningCrimeScene_000206AE SF_MS11SecondMurderCrimeScene_0002422C SF_DA10StartScene_00023C43 Known Issues The Civil War battles which take place in Whiterun, Solitude, and Windhelm will be fought within the closed city worldspaces. This had to be done due to complications that were not possible to overcome with the scripting involved in the war and how it relates to several other quests. Expect load door transitions when a city battle is underway. Troubleshooting Problems If you have a problem with an Open Cities mod and wish to report it, I'd appreciate as much information as possible, preferably in the form of a screenshot with console data showing if it's something that can be screened. The FormID of the affected object would help greatly to narrow down any problems that might result. Post this information along with your load order. Reports with less than detailed information may result in delays in getting it fixed, or result in being ignored entirely. It helps everyone to provide details. I am especially interested in verifiable conflicts, as I wish for Open Cities Skyrim to be as conflict-free as is humanly possible given the circumstances. If the situation requires a patch, I can only work something out if I know what to look for. The doors inside Warmaidens (in Whiterun) are missing, what have you done with them! The More Dynamic Shadows & Striping Fix mod makes a bunch of dirty edits in Warmaidens that will cause the doors to disappear. This mod has several other problem locations as well and it isn't recommended to be used in general until the author fixes the problem. Locations of AI Doors The AI doors are entry ways into the closed wordspaces should it become necessary. Not everything that is placed in a city by a mod is worth the time it takes to create a patch. Mods that drop items for a one-time pickup are a good example of this. It's much easier to just go through the door, get what you need, then exit the city as normal. Riften: East of the main city gate, next to the alley gate. Markarth: Enter the city gate, turn immediately to your right. The small rock in the grass patch next to the ivy. Whiterun #1: East side of the bridge into the city, right next to the brazier that is closest to the guard shack. Whiterun #2: North side of Jorvaskr, on the side of the path up to the Skyforge. Solitude #1: In the rock pile between the city gate and the executioner's platform. Solitude #2: In the rock pile across from the Bard's College, immediately to the south of the manhole cover. Windhelm: As you enter the city gate, turn immediately to the right, then immediately right again. It's in the bushes right next to the wall. Performance and FPS Open Cities Skyrim should not produce a significant change in your frame rates and performance. Due to the liberal use of occlusion planes in the mod, the game will not render anything on the opposite side of the city walls in any given location. So your viewing content will be limited to roughly what you'd see if you were in the closed city worldspaces. The closed city worldspace system was NOT devised by Bethesda to improve frame rates. It was devised to conserve system memory on the XBox 360 and PS3. You're playing on a PC. Or, at least legally speaking you ought to be anyway. Anyone who insists that this mod is a framerate destroyer is already experiencing other problems with their game. Do keep in mind, Skyrim is not one of those silly shooters that requires 60fps at all times in order to be playable. Dropping from 60 to 55 would go absolutely unnoticed. Even playing with 30-40 frames would go unnoticed to those folks who keep those dumb little indicators running while they play. If you're seeing a massive frame rate drop, point the finger somewhere else. This mod is absolutely not the cause of your problems. I know this may seem harsh, but this sort of disinformation was rampant with the Oblivion mod and wasn't true then either and I absolutely will not stand for this sort of disinformation being spread now either. Credits Throttlekitty - Help with the Riften city gate collision sizing. BassEX - Corrections made to the Markarth dam mesh. Hannaise - Oblivion Gates in Skyrim jonwd7 - Fixing the collision on 6 Whiterun wall pieces without normal collision height. pihwht@Nexus - For having the patience and dedication to dig deep into the civil war and ferret out problems causing it to fail in Solitude. Dwip - For numerous improved meshes at the various city gates. No more crappy fake collisions! nonoodles - Riften southeast gate mesh plus the animated dock gates. Nico coiN - Cut back version of the Whiterun drawbridge mesh as well as numerous other cleanups and fixes for the mod. Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
Version 1.1.12
Open Cities Reborn takes the concept of Open Cities and steps it up to the next level. The project redesigns each city covered by the original Open Cities in such a way that would make more sense strategically. The castles become a more central focus of each city's layout, with housing, commerce, and the cathedrals spread out around them in more distinct ways. When possible, concept art provided by Bethesda was followed as closely as space restrictions would allow. Where none was provided or where it was not practical to follow, creative license was used instead. City walls in several cities have been modified to suit the location. For example, Bruma now uses wooden palisades, Cheydinhal has lower brick walls that reflect Dunmer influence, and the city part of Bravil has no walls at all instead relying on their island nature. This has the added bonus that each city is now more visible as you approach. Rather than large imposing walls that block the entire view, you can see buildings on the other side along with most of the trees and bushes. To avoid any serious compatibility issues, and because lore calls for it to remain fortified, Kvatch is not touched in any way. The Imperial City will also remain in the layout it now has since strategically speaking, it's already built the way it should be. Although there is room in the concept art for some somewhat radical adjustments to be made. That may or may not come at a later time. To get the most out of these changes, it is highly recommended to download Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys. This is the evolution of Texian's Window Lighting System and is fully compatible with Open Cities Reborn. To go with that, and provide LOD for all the new goodies, I also recommend: Really AEVWD. Just be aware that there's a bit of a performance hit in activating all the extra LOD that Open Cities will provide that's directly proportional to the power of your PC, and how many other mods you have installed. -
During the time of the Oblivion Crisis, it was said that Skyrim was hit especially hard by the Daedric invasion. Yet, a mere 200 years later there isn't a single sign of this event ever having happened anywhere. Such a monumental event in history would surely have left its mark, especially in the cities. When Martin Septim made the ultimate sacrifice to seal the barriers to Oblivion forever, this did not remove the structural components that would be left behind by suddenly having the dimensional gateway closed down without warning. While logic may suggest that the citizens of Skyrim would have done all they could to be rid of these menaces, I don't believe this would have been a top priority. Some might even have left them standing as a reminder of what almost was. This mod's purpose is simple and to the point. Each of the 5 major hold capitols has an Oblivion Gate either inside or near it. They are merely for decoration and will not be made functional in any way. They're simply there to add back the missing atmosphere that Bethesda left out. An homage to Oblivion (the game) if you will. As a complement to this mod, get Pabulum's excellent Oblivion Gates Remade which places several gates using the same resources all over Skyrim. Download Locations AFK Mods - PC + XB1 Installation Requirements Skyrim Special Edition 1.6.1130 or greater. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch 4.3.2 or greater. DO NOT extract the contents of the BSA file into your Data folder as loose files, or let your mod manager perform an equivalent function on the contents of the file. Doing so will cause things to load in the wrong order and break the game. Skyrim is intended to load a BSA alongside it's ESM/ESP file. Circumventing this causes issues which I will not provide support for. If you insist on going against this advice, you will receive no support for the problems you generate as a result of this. Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN Drop the archive into your Skyrim Special Edition Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. Installation - Manual Drop the Oblivion Gates in Cities.esp, Oblivion Gates in Cities.bsa, and Oblivion Gates in Cities - Textures.bsa files into your Data folder. Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Uninstalling Simply delete the Oblivion Gates in Cities.esp, Oblivion Gates in Cities.bsa, and Oblivion Gates in Cities - Textures.bsa files from your Data folder. This mod includes no scripts and edits no vanilla objects so it should leave behind little to no footprint. Load Order LOOT should be used for optimal placement. Compatibility The gates are in relatively out of the way spots in each city so there should be little chance for conflicts. No navmeshes have been edited, and there are no issues with NPCs getting stuck on them. Not compatible with Open Cities Skyrim. Using both mods will result in duplicated gates while in the closed cities during civil war battles. Credits Hannaise - Oblivion Gates in Skyrim Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
Version 2.0.4
During the time of the Oblivion Crisis, it was said that Skyrim was hit especially hard by the Daedric invasion. Yet, a mere 200 years later there isn't a single sign of this event ever having happened anywhere. Such a monumental event in history would surely have left its mark, especially in the cities. When Martin Septim made the ultimate sacrifice to seal the barriers to Oblivion forever, this did not remove the structural components that would be left behind by suddenly having the dimensional gateway closed down without warning. While logic may suggest that the citizens of Skyrim would have done all they could to be rid of these menaces, I don't believe this would have been a top priority. Some might even have left them standing as a reminder of what almost was. This mod's purpose is simple and to the point. Each of the 5 major hold capitols has an Oblivion Gate either inside or near it. They are merely for decoration and will not be made functional in any way. They're simply there to add back the missing atmosphere that Bethesda left out. An homage to Oblivion (the game) if you will. Requires the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch to be installed first! -
Version 3.1.16
Open Cities Skyrim is a comprehensive project that aims to bring back at least part of the feel of Morrowind - specifically how most of the cities were a natural part of the world and you could just walk in without loading screens. The added immersion and realism goes a long way, probably a lot more than you might think. Ever wanted to ride your horse into the center of Riften? Well now you can. Need to get some help from the city guards to vanquish a foe? Run toward the gates and the guards will do their duty while you can seek safety within the walls. The town guards make for some very interesting interactions this way. This will also make running dragon battles that much more interesting since the flow of the battle won't be interrupted by the loading screen and all of the city guards can be involved at the same time. Requires the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch to be installed first! -
Version 3.0
A small mod that makes citizens in a village or city run indoors during a dragon or vampire attack. This was born out of frustration at seeing the citizens all trying to be a hero and rushing headlong to their doom attacking dragons and vampires. Instead, the citizens will run to safety like smart people should when faced with the horrors of giant flying fire breathing lizards (or bloodthirsty undead). NPCs who live in the attack location who own a home there will retreat to it. If the attack location has an inn, NPCs who don't live there will flee to the inn, along with any NPCs who live outdoors. If no inn is present the game picks a random interior from the surrounding area and those NPCs will flee there instead. This should work for any NPCs added by mods as well, up to a limit of 150 in the area. After that, they're on their own. The NPCs chosen are first come, first serve by the game engine. Guards, members of The Companions, Vigilants of Stendarr, and the player's followers/teammates will not run, they will stand and fight. Farm animals will not run either, because they're stupid. That includes your horse. Spawned dragons are detected via animation events, which should allow for completely reliable detection even if the dragon never lands on something. Hand placed dragons are detected when their combat state changes* as well as when they land on any available perch objects in the area. Vampires will be detected when the events that spawn them begin running. * [Only after they land on the ground] My Patreon Page: -
A small mod that makes citizens in a village or city run indoors during a dragon or vampire attack. This was born out of frustration at seeing the citizens all trying to be a hero and rushing headlong to their doom attacking dragons. Instead, the citizens will run to safety like smart people should when faced with the horrors of giant flying fire breathing lizards. NPCs who live in the attack location who own a home there will retreat to it. If the attack location has an inn, NPCs who don't live there will flee to the inn, along with any NPCs who live outdoors. If no inn is present the game picks a random interior from the surrounding area and those NPCs will flee there instead. This should work for any NPCs added by mods as well, up to a limit of 150 in the area. After that, they're on their own. The NPCs chosen are first come, first serve by the game engine. Guards, members of The Companions, Vigilants of Stendarr, and the player's followers/teammates will not run, they will stand and fight. Farm animals will not run either, because they're stupid. That includes your horse. Spawned dragons are detected via animation events, which should allow for completely reliable detection even if the dragon never lands on something. Hand placed dragons are detected when their combat state changes* as well as when they land on any available perch objects in the area. * [Only after they land on the ground] Downloads AFK Mods TES Alliance Installation Requirements Official Skyrim patch or greater. Debug & Status MCM requires SKSE 1.7.1 (or higher) and SkyUI 4.1 (or higher) in order to use them. These menus are not necessary for the mod to run if you don't have SKSE and SkyUI. Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN Drop the archive into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. Installation - Manual Drop the Run For Your Lives.esp and Run For Your Lives.bsa files into your Data folder. Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Uninstall Remove the two files from the Data folder. This mod has no continually updating scripts so the contamination of your save game will be minimal. Known Issues Detection of combat start events is inherently unreliable with dragons. Every effort has been made to ensure that when a dragon lands on the ground (yes, that has to happen before a combat detection can occur) that the quest to protect NPCs from dragons will run. The new system can only manage up to 5 dragons in a single area through alias tracking. They should cycle out as dragons are killed and the survivors trigger new registrations, but this cannot be guaranteed. Some NPCs may insist on entering combat with a dragon. Unfortunately Skyrim's AI system may not be entirely up to the task of making them follow the orders the mod is giving them. Efforts have been made to force NPCs to stop combat when the AI packs are running. Further efforts have been put in place to prevent bleedout NPCs who insist on being stupid from dying as a result. Please do not complain about NPCs who won't cooperate. I've done all I can here. A bad navmesh in an attack location can severely impact the ability of NPCs to clear the area. If you see any getting stuck and acting like they can't move, this is probably why. If the area is modified, you'll need to take this up with the author(s) of the mod(s) affecting the area. If the area is NOT modified (ie: totally vanilla) then please report such events so that I can pass them along to the USKP tracker to investigate. If an attack location has more than 150 NPCs to protect, only the first 150 will fill the quest aliases. After that, any leftovers are on their own and can still be killed! 150 NPC slots is enough to protect all of Solitude running Open Cities Skyrim with 60 slots left open. That ought to be more than enough. If it's not, there's nothing more I can do. Too many aliases in a quest leads to severe degradation in performance. I had to strike a balance somewhere. The alias fill casts a very wide net, do not be surprised if you see Khajiit from the caravans come in to seek shelter from an attack, the carriage drivers, or other NPCs who commonly live outside of a major city and have no assigned interior homes. Compatibility Tested and confirmed to work in all vanilla cities, towns, villages, and smaller settlements. Tested and confirmed to work with Raven Rock and the other smaller settlements on Solstheim. Tested and confirmed to work with all DLC added dragon types. Tested and confirmed to work with Open Cities Skyrim. Tested and confirmed to work with Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul. Should be fully compatible with all user made dragon related mods, so long as the attacking dragon has MGRitual05DragonScript attached. Mods which alter the following scripts will not be compatible without a patch: MGRitual05DragonScript DragonPerchScript Dragons Diversified requires a patch due to replacing MGRitual05DragonScript with its own. The patch can be acquired here: A Note About Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Several people have asked over the last few months if this mod is still needed if they are using ICAO. The answer to that question is YES. ICAO sets up its aliases at the moment it is installed into your game. If you later install more mods that add NPCs to population areas, like Interesting NPC, Inconsequential NPCs, Cutting Room Floor, or other similar mods, then ICAO will not protect those NPCs. The only way it's at all possible to account for doing so on a consistent basis is if the protection for the NPCs is triggered on demand at the time of the event. That is what Run For Your Lives does. If someone advises you to uninstall RFYL because you're using ICAO - don't listen to them. The advice is uninformed at best. Troubleshooting Problems In order to debug any problems that may occur with the mod, some information is REQUIRED - without it, there's nothing I can do. Comments reporting problems with the mod will be ignored unless this information is supplied. In order to make this slightly easier to gather, I've updated the package with a global debug toggle that will turn on the log messages on demand. You will obviously need to make sure your ini file has the following section: [Papyrus] bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation=1 bWarnOnFillAliasFailure=1 bShowEventHandlingOutput=1 Enable the mod's debug log: In MCM Open the menu for the mod, select options, enable the "Script Debugging" option, and then close the menu. This menu will also tell you if the quest is running too. Without MCM Open the console with the ~ key and type: Set ARTHRFYLDebugGlobal to 1 The Log Files Your Payrus logs will begin tracking any and all activity generated by the system. While playing, if you run into a problem (folks running inside for no apparent reason etc) then I will need the following from that play session: 1. A copy of "C:/Users/<USERNAME>/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/Script/Papyrus.0.log" 2. A copy of "C:/Users/<USERNAME>/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/Script/Script/AliasDump/AliasDump.0.log" Archive these files and put them on something like DropBox, or paste the contents to, then provide a link to where I can get these. One thing - don't bother if you're one of those people who has altered your Papyrus memory settings. Any logs I see in which this has taken place will be dismissed. Altering those settings is bad for the game and leads to malfunctions in scripting that can cause all sorts of unwanted behavior. If you're not using default vanilla Papyrus memory settings, I don't want to hear from you. How to Make it Work With Your Mod For Town/Village/City Mods In order for the system in place to work with a mod added location, a few things need to be set up. 1. A location record (LCTN in TES5Edit) should be established with the keyword LocTypeHabitation. 2. This location requires a marker with its location reference type set to LocationCenterMarker. This only works outdoors, and is best placed as close to the geographic center of your area as possible. 3a. If your settlement has an inn, you can have that become usable by flagging the inn's location as LocTypeInn. It must be set as a child location of the location in step 1. 3b. If you do not have an inn, then you need at least one interior location with the LocTypeDwelling keyword set. It must be a child location of the location from step 1. 4. In the interior from step 3, a marker with its location reference type set to LocationCenterMarker must be placed. This is the target the AI packs will look for. 5. Place some dragon perches around on the tops of your buildings. These give them places to land which will increase the chances of a good detection. When all 4 steps are complete, nothing further needs to be done. When a dragon attacks your village, settlement, city, or whatever, the citizens will flee. Where they go depends on a few things: A. If they are already indoors, they will be made to stay there for the duration of the attack. B. If they are outside, have a home in the city that is marked as LocTypeDwelling, and their editor location is inside the home, they will go there. C. If the city has an inn, any non-residents and local NPCs whose editor locations are outdoors will go there. D. If none of the above are true, the game will select a random interior from your area matching the LocTypeDwelling keyword and the NPCs will flee there. For example, in Falkreath, the city has an inn. Any NPCs in the area who don't have a home flee there consistently. In a place like Darkwater Crossing, where there is no inn, the NPCs have two choices. Either the mine or the one house. More often than not, the game would choose the mine. An easy way to test the system is to use the console and type: set winextdragon to 0 This tells the dragon spawning system you're ready for one, and it should spawn shortly and move toward the area. Alternatively, you can hand spawn one with the console and test the results wherever you happen to be standing. Such a test may be skewed by the fact that the dragon will become immediately hostile and will be on the ground already, so detection would be automatic. This method cannot simulate an approach from outside the area unless you yourself spawn the dragon far enough away from a town. For Dragon Mods In order for your dragons to be recognized by the combat detection, it will be required that they have the script MGRitual05DragonScript attached. This is considered normal for all dragons in the official content so that they can be used to harvest heart scales from them for the College of Winterhold. There are no properties to set. The modified script uses GetFormFromFile() to populate the needed data. Even if your dragon is not appropriate to skin for the College quest, this script needs to be attached (ie: mechanical dragons) or they will be able to reek havoc on a population center without restriction. Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Nicrosoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
Open Cities Classic is a comprehensive project that aims to bring back at least part of the feel of Morrowind - specifically with how most of the cities were a natural part of the world and you could just walk in without loading screens. The added immersion and realism goes a long way, probably a lot more than you might think. Ever wanted to ride your horse into the center of Cheydinhal? Well now you can. Need to get some help from the city guards to vanquish a foe? Run toward the gates and the guards will do their duty while you can seek safety within the walls. The town guards make for some very interesting interactions this way. The only cities not covered by this project are Kvatch and the Imperial City's central districts. Kvatch has too much main quest material setup in very specific ways to mess with it, and the Imperial City is simply too large and unwieldy to properly open up. Highly recommended complimentary mod: Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - This is the evolution of Texian's Window Lighting System and is fully compatible with Open Cities. To go with that, and provide LOD for all the new goodies, I also recommend: Really AEVWD. Just be aware that there's a bit of a performance hit in activating all the extra LOD that Open Cities will provide that's directly proportional to the power of your PC, and how many other mods you have installed. My Patreon Page: Downloads AFK Mods TES Alliance Highly recommended complimentary mod: Animated Window Lighting System - This is the evolution of Texian's Window Lighting System and is fully compatible with Open Cities. To go with that, and provide LOD for all the new goodies, I also recommend: Really AEVWD. Just be aware that there's a bit of a performance hit in activating all the extra LOD that Open Cities will provide that's directly proportional to the power of your PC, and how many other mods you have installed. Open Cities: New Sheoth "Cat's out of the bag! Why do people put cats in bags? Cats hate bags." - Lord Sheogorath Continuing in the tradition, if it could be called that, of Open Cities, I bring you Open Cities: New Sheoth. The first, last, best, and worst, Open Cities mod for the Shivering Isles. Madness has never been so much fun! The twin cities of Bliss and Crucible have been transferred from their own individual worldspaces out into the SEWorld worldspace, which is SI's equivalent of being in the Tamriel worldspace. Though it may seem somewhat silly given the small size of both cities, the results are still pretty good. Everything blends in with the immediate surroundings of the cities so if you didn't know any better..... As with other Open Cities mods I feel this adds greater realism to the cities by not having to transition from one outdoor worldspace into another. It may seem silly but give it a shot. It really does enhance the gameplay by quite a bit. I would like to give a big thank you shout out to Sjors_Boomscors, without him this project would have died on the table a long time ago without every really having a chance. It was because of his help in getting some critical model work done that I was able to proceed even after he moved on to other things. The New Sheoth module obviously requires Shivering Isles. Installation Requirements Official Oblivion patch version 1.2.406. Shivering Isles patch required for the New Sheoth module. OBSE 0020 or higher. Bravil Blood & Mud is required if using the open version of that city. Bartholm 7.0+ is required to use the open cities version of that city. The Quick Install Ok, for those of you who want to just jump right in, Open Cities Classic is now packaged as a BAIN archive for easy setup. That was probably somewhat obvious though :smile: First: Make sure BAIN is set to allow OBSE plugins to be installed. You will need to be using Bash 291 or higher for this. Right click the "Package" column header, then find "Enable installation of OBSE plugins" and make sure it's checkmarked. 00 Core - All files here are required. This folder contains the necessary OBSE plugin file as well. 01 Blood & Mud Version - Use this if you wish to alter Bravil to fit in with the Blood & Mud version. This requires Ryan's Blood & Mud in order to work. 10 Outer Districts - If you want the Prison and Arcane University opened as well, install this folder's contents. 20 New Sheoth - If you have Shivering Isles, this will turn Bliss and Crucible into open cities. 30 Bartholm - If you have J.Sera's Bartholm 7.0+, you can elect to have the city opened with this. Activate the rest of the files and you're off and running. For those of you who want a bit more detail for installations, or prefer manually installing, read on: Installation - Upgrading from Open Cities Prior to Version 3.5 The following procedure is necessary in order to upgrade from a version of Open Cities Classic prior to 3.5: * If you bought the player home in Anvil Bay (from the bay expansion) clear out any items you don't want to lose. * Go to any location not within the city walls of a city affected by the mod, save, and exit the game. * Deactivate all of the patch files for OCC you may have installed. * Load the save you just made, wait a few seconds, save again in a new slot, then exit the game again. * Deactivate all of the Open Cities plugin files you are using now, including the resource ESM file. * Load the save you just made, wait a few seconds, save in another new slot, then exit the game. You may wish to wait 24 in-game hours to reset the AI first, but this is not strictly necessary. At this point you should be ready to proceed with either the BAIN install or a manual install of Open Cities Classic 3.5. If during upgrading the game will not load, rebuild your Bashed Patch as it may have pulled in records from one of the mod files. Once the main mod is settled, you need to upgrade any patches you are using for other mods. Installation - New or Existing Game, First Time User Main Components: * As a precaution, backup your saved games. You never know. * Unpack the files from the archive into a new folder. Don't just blindly dump into your Data folder. It won't work. * Just in case, if installing to an existing save, make sure you are not standing outdoors in a city. * Copy everything from the "00 Core" folder into your Data folder now. * Copy one of the ESPs from a 01 folder, but DO NOT USE BOTH. Optional Components: * If you want the IC Outer Districts, you need to copy everything from the "10 Outter Districts" folder into your Data folder now. * If you want New Sheoth, copy everything from the "20 New Sheoth" folder into your Data folder now. * If you want Bartholm to be open, copy the ESP file from the "30 Bartholm" folder into your Data folder now. Make sure you already have Bartholm 7.0 installed first. At this point you should be ready to activate the plugins. You should consult the load order section for tips, or just use BOSS to take care of that for you. * Install any needed compatibility patches. * Rebuild your Bashed Patch if you have one. It's possible it may need to pull records from the plugins you're using now. When you get done, it is highly recommended that you update your LOD using tes4lodgen if you are using RAEVWD. Once the game loads, you should allow 24 game hours to pass for AI to fully update in each city, though this is not strictly required. Uninstalling Open Cities Classic Oh, now why would you want to go and do a thing like that? :smile: But, since this isn't going to be for everyone, and you may decide you don't like what it does, the following procedure needs to be followed to remove the mod: * Load your game, and move to a location away from any of the cities. Don't use an interior attached to a city for this. Save and exit the game. * Deactivate any patches you installed for other mods first. Load your game, then save in a new slot and exit the game. * Remove the patch ESPs from your Data folder. * Deactivate the city plugins, and the ESM file. Load the save you just made and save again in another new slot. * Uninstall Open Cities Classic from the game, either manually or by using BAIN. Make sure the plugin files are gone once you do this. * Rebuild your Bashed Patch if you have one, as it is possible it may have pulled records from the plugins. * Regenerate your LOD so the proper visuals are restored. You will need to allow 24 game hours to pass for AI to recover. Credits Texian & Godhugh for the original groundwork on the Open Cities mods. A hell of a lot of work went into that and I've only built upon it. Sigurd Stormhand - Castleworks - Gates & Bridges. With minor alterations in the meshes for texture paths. Sjors Boomscors for providing optimized and corrected meshes for the Outer Districts module. Ryan for allowing me to produce an Open Cities extension for his Blood&Mud mod. J. Sera for allowing me to produce an Open Cities extension for Bartholm. Vorians and Ismelda for being cooperative on sharing compatibility tricks we can both use in each other's mods. Firespark for the flags flying over each city's castle. Open Cities users everywhere, for being patient enough to put up with my bumbling efforts to get things right. Maybe one day I finally will :smile: Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates. Troubleshooting Problems If you have a problem with an Open Cities mod and wish to report it, I'd appreciate as much information as possible, preferably in the form of a screenshot with console data showing if it's something that can be screened. The FormID of the affected object would help greatly to narrow down any problems that might result. Post this information along with your load order. Reports with less than detailed information may result in delays in getting it fixed, or result in being ignored entirely. It helps everyone to provide details. I am especially interested in verifiable conflicts, as I wish for Open Cities to be as conflict-free as is humanly possible given the circumstances. If the situation requires a patch, I can only work something out if I know what to look for. I have Knights of the Nine but I can't find the Prophet! He's there, just not where he should be. You need the patch for Knights of the Nine. I loaded the game while near a city gate and saw it vanish in front of me, what's wrong? Nothing. This is expected. With OCC 4.1 and higher, the OBSE plugin that comes with the mod will move the doors to the cities out of position each time the game is loaded. This was done to get around an engine bug which has plagued Open Cities for ages. Doors would get moved, then snap back if you reloaded without exiting to the desktop first. That should no longer happen, but as a consequence, if you saved within visual range of one of the vanilla city load doors, you will see it disappear very shortly after the game loads and the scripts have had a chance to kick in. Ok, but I tried to walk past where the door was and something invisible is blocking me now. This is also normal and expected, and unfortunately a side effect of the method being used to suppress the doors now. You'll need to leave the area and get far enough away for that gate to switch out to LOD view instead of close up, or enter a nearby interior and exit again. Then you'll be able to return and the obstruction will be gone. Cities are usually large enough that you should be able to use another gate instead if you REALLY don't want to leave the area. There is a second chapel superimposed on top of the first one in Anvil. Update the Unofficial Oblivion Patch to version 3.41 or above. The game crashes while doing character generation. Update "Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp" with the new version from the Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v16 or above. TIE NPCs are not visiting the cities Update to TIE 1.36 or higher. Tamriel Travelers NPCs don't visit the cities AI support in TT is pending an update from Corepc. In the meantime, the NPCs will be unavailable on the days they should be visiting the cities. They resume their normal schedules in the wilderness afterward. In "Big Business", Bauggi goes to Anvil and then vanishes He has an AI pack set to send him to Anvil, possibly just for the realism effect. He does nothing once there though, so fixing it isn't important. Just wait for him to come back out and return to your farm. Locations of AI Doors The AI doors are entry ways into the closed wordspaces should it become necessary. Not everything that is placed in a city by a mod is worth the time it takes to create a patch. Mods that drop items for a one-time pickup are a good example of this. It's much easier to just go through the door, get what you need, then exit the city as normal. Anvil: Along the city wall behind the abandoned house. Anvil Castle: In the garden that's in front of the guard barracks. Bravil: In the garden area immediately outside the castle in the NW corner. Bruma: A small snow rock in the castle courtyard area, along the wall south of the gateway arch. Cheydinhal: In the castle area between the well and the guard barracks tower, along the wall. Chorrol: On the back side of the castle, directly south of the guard tower. Leyawiin: Southeast corner of the castle area. Skingrad: Near the horse statue on the north side, between the red tree and the archery targets. SKingrad Castle Courtyard: Tucked against the wall immediately to the right as you come through the gate. New Sheoth - Bliss: Small rock cluster next to the entry to Sheogorath's Palace, right in front of the barrel. New Sheoth - Crucible: At the bottom of the stairs to the palace, on the ledge next to the sewer grate. Bartholm: Along the south city wall, directly behind Rufus' house. Arcane University: On the west side, along the wall, right across from the well. Prison District: Also on the west side, next to the wall, to the left of the practice target. Performance and FPS Rumors continue to persist about Open Cities being an FPS killer. In and of itself, Open Cities will not represent a significant hit to your gaming performance. If you are playing the stock game, with stock graphics, go run around near the Imperial City, then around Chorrol. Measure the performance you get. Add Open Cities, and perform the same test again. The Imperial City will remain unchanged, and your trip around Chorrol will see a minimal impact of 3-5 frames. In other words, if your system is low end, it'll still feel low end after installing Open Cities. If you have a midrange to high end system, installing Open Cities will not be a noticeable drain on your resources. The problem most people have is that they're not playing in a stock configuration. They load up a bunch of graphical enchancers ( guilty as charged! ) and a ton of graphically heavy mods, all at the same time. So suddenly trips around the Imperial City are a bit sluggish, and that trip around Chorrol is bogging things down. In the process of adding mods, they not only activated huge memory sinks like QTP3, but also activated a large set of LOD mods, FCOM, 18 quest mods, a lighting overhaul, a weather overhaul, and higher quality sound files. So when the game slows down, it takes all of two seconds of "OC is an FPS killer" and people believe it, because, by coincidence, removing it results in what they think is smoother play. However, removing any one of the other elements would have done the same. Bog the system down with enough stuff, it will buckle. There are tradeoffs to be had. I am aware of how this may sound, but in the grand scheme of things, Open Cities is not the FPS killer everyone says it is. Do yourself a favor and be objective enough to try it first and see for yourself before believing some random forum poster. The vast majority of the negative attention was from 2006. We're entering 2009. The mod has been trimmed and polished a lot since then. Systems have also evolved considerably at the same time. That said, there may be some additional load placed on your game if you install the new Outer Districts module. Sjors has provided me with some updated collision optimized meshes to use for the large walls and towers that enclose the two districts. Without them, there was significant lag while in the Arcane University and slight lag while in the Prison. After the optimized meshes were installed and tested, the lag is all but gone and it's about as smooth for me as it is to be in the closed versions of these districts. That does not mean however that your experience will be the same. These districts are made up of large high detail meshes. A low end machine struggling with the Imperial City in general is going to have trouble here as well. Midrange PCs may see some significant additional lag. Higher end PCs should notice little if any difference, but this will depend greatly on both your CPU and GPU. Visible images tax the GPU. Collision meshes tax the CPU due to the Havok physics involved. Be prepared for some tradeoffs. The Imperial City has always been and will likely continue to be a resource hog whether or not you fling them open to the world.
Bring Out Your Dead is a simple yet immersive mod which expands on the number of graves given to the unique NPCs in areas of the game that don't currently have them. Solitude, Windhelm, Whiterun, Riften, and Markarth all have a Hall of the Dead that contains coffins and urns for various unique NPCs who live there. Their items are transferred to their assigned coffin when they die. The smaller cities of Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar, and Winterhold do not have these facilities, and neither do the other smaller villages and towns. NPCs living on farms outside the major hold capitols don't get buried in their Hall of the Dead either. This mod aims to correct this and provide for more uniform handling of everyone's dead. Falkreath and Morthal both have graveyards already and have been expanded slightly to hold more. Dawnstar and Winterhold now have their own Halls of the Dead just outside of town. The smaller villages all have space set aside for new graveyards. NPCs living on farms immediately outside the 5 major hold capitols will be given appropriate burial space in the Hall of the Dead for their city if they don't already have it. NPCs marked as essential will not be given a grave since they cannot be killed normally unless the game removes that flag as the result of a completed quest. Downloads AFK Mods TES Alliance Installation Requirements Official Skyrim patch or greater. Official Dawnguard DLC. Official Hearthfire DLC. Official Dragonborn DLC. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch 3.0.15 or greater. Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN Drop the archive into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. Installation - Manual Drop Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.esp and Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.bsa into your Data folder. Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Uninstalling Bring Out Your Dead Due to the nature of Skyrim mods, especially those adding scripts, it is strongly discouraged to attempt uninstalling a mod from your active game. Any mod that is more than pure mesh or texture replacements has the possibility to leave behind permanent changes to your save that you may not want. This is not something modders can correct for. It is how the game was designed by Bethesda. No support will be provided for anyone who uninstalls this mod from an active game and continues on with that save. To remove the mod: Delete the Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.esp and Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.bsa from your Data folder. Then reload your game as usual. Load Order This touches numerous NPCs, which can lead to conflicts. Since gravestones aren't in and of themselves terribly important, it's advised to load this mod early on and allow other mods which have other changes to make the ability to take effect. Compatibility Expanded Towns and Cities has been confirmed to be 100% compatible as of version 2.0. Potential conflict with any mod which is expanding the various cities and villages. If these conflicts are brought to my attention I can attempt to make adjustments for them within reason. Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.