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  1. Arthmoor

    Run For Your Lives

    Version 3.0


    A small mod that makes citizens in a village or city run indoors during a dragon or vampire attack. This was born out of frustration at seeing the citizens all trying to be a hero and rushing headlong to their doom attacking dragons and vampires. Instead, the citizens will run to safety like smart people should when faced with the horrors of giant flying fire breathing lizards (or bloodthirsty undead). NPCs who live in the attack location who own a home there will retreat to it. If the attack location has an inn, NPCs who don't live there will flee to the inn, along with any NPCs who live outdoors. If no inn is present the game picks a random interior from the surrounding area and those NPCs will flee there instead. This should work for any NPCs added by mods as well, up to a limit of 150 in the area. After that, they're on their own. The NPCs chosen are first come, first serve by the game engine. Guards, members of The Companions, Vigilants of Stendarr, and the player's followers/teammates will not run, they will stand and fight. Farm animals will not run either, because they're stupid. That includes your horse. Spawned dragons are detected via animation events, which should allow for completely reliable detection even if the dragon never lands on something. Hand placed dragons are detected when their combat state changes* as well as when they land on any available perch objects in the area. Vampires will be detected when the events that spawn them begin running. * [Only after they land on the ground] My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/arthmoor
  2. Arron Dominion

    Skyrim Bookstores

    Version 5.0.0


    Adds Book Stores to the major towns. Something I missed seeing from Oblivion and Morrowind was finding bookstores in the various towns. Each bookstore sells the Cheap and Common book set, so do not expect skill books or anything potentially borked, only for roleplay value. The owners are highly paranoid of thieves, so very few books are on display This mod also adds skill magazines similar to the ones you would see from Fallout. Hope you enjoy. What is added: -5 bookstores, one in each of the major towns -Skill magazine for each of the skills, duration 5 hours. Known bugs: None at this time Known incompatibilities: -Thievery Overhaul - Download the Shenk Overhaul version and use this instead of the normal version. Additional credit: Adventure Time Journyman of Ooo - skill magazines idea karrakaz - bug fixes and suggestions Shadow_Dragyn - Whiterun Owner name change suggestion Revision History: v5(current): -Fixed Markarth Book Store navigation errors and store behavior. -Added gold to each of the owners, now you can actually sell to them. -Fixed Solitude Book Store navigation errors and store behavior. v4: -Added skill magazines: Insights into The Best Defense - Heavy Armor The Potent Editions - Alchemy Daily Manipulation - Alteration Tips on Daedric Creations - Conjuration Snippets on Tricking The Eye - Illusion Poke-and-Prod Weekly - One-Handed Healer's Digest - Restoration The Daily Block - Block Shadows Hide You Chronicles - Sneak The Morning Berserker - Two-Handed Horse Salesman Pitch Daily - Barter (Speechcraft) Methods of Brute Magicka - Destruction Practice on Embedding Magicka - Enchanting Security Edge Daily - Lockpicking The Hunting Enthusiast - Marksman The Apprentice Journey - Smithing Smooth Moves Practice - Pickpocket Talking Weekly - Persuasion (Speechcraft) Swift Dodging Chronicles - Light Armor v3: - Interiors have Navmeshes - Stores will now lock - Solitude location is different, more believable - Whiterun owner's last name is now more realistic - Riften owner has a husband now - Solitude/Markarth owners have daughters now - Each interior was redone to look more like a bookstore v2: -Fixed face bugs v1: -The initial release Notes: If you want to make your own variation, you are free to do so. It would be nice to credit me in your variation if you use this as your base. Special Edition Note: This mod hasn't been ported over yet. I want to overhaul the mod before releasing it over on Special Edition.
  3. Arron Dominion

    Nessie - The Tale of 350

    Version 2.0.0


    Short Description: Need a little more adventure in your life? Do you want to know about the story of a Nord named Kenny, and how he was heckled by an Argonian named Nessie? Look no further! This mod offers a short quest in which an Argonian asks for 350 gold, and the player was warned by a Nord named Kenny. After the conclusion of your adventure, you can hear the tale from a traveling bard. And it all starts in Whiterun. Detailed Description: This mod is a lore-friendly parody mod based off of South Park's Lochness Monster joke. Playing the role of the Lochness Monster is an Argonian named Nessie. Nessie has been bugging a Nord named Kenny for 350 gold at every turn. It is now the player's turn to be harrassed. You start out near the well in Whiterun. You encounter Nessie for the first time in Whiterun. Where you see Nessie next depends on what cities you go to 24hrs+ after the first meeting. Eventually, depending on your decisions, you will fight Nessie. This fight can occur Features: -A quest -Some humor! -Your choices drive the quest's direction -Balanced boss fight for all levels -350 Gold -A traveling bard to tell your tale, with a random chance for where he will show up Bard's Schedule: Monday - Markarth Karthwasten Old Hroldan Rorikstead Tuesday - Dragon Bridge Solitude Inn Solitude Bard’s College Morthal Wednesday - Dawnstar Winterhold Thursday - Nightgate Inn Windhelm (one of two taverns) Kynesgrove Friday - Riften Ivarstead Shor’s Stone Saturday - Falkreath Sunday - Whiterun (one of two taverns) Riverwood Installation Instructions: -Find your Data folder -Place the files within the zip into your Data folder. Changelog: V1: -The initial release V2: -Updated NPC face textures Known Bugs: None at this time Known Quirks: -When you are near the Whiterun well for the first time, I highly recommend not having auto-run enabled. You will keep running without the ability to stop. -The cities will fight Nessie with you if you are their allies. There is a probable chance of some citizens being killed by Nessie depending on your time of day -You will have the blinking animation when you are outside in Tamriel or Solstheim. -Nessie can be large, so think about that when you are fighting Nessie Starring: Alex Cain - Nessie's Voice PyroToaster - Kenny's Voice Herr Yuri - Wolfgar's Voice DarkVirus - Mannril's Voice Crimson Phoenix - Crulek's Voice Credits: Audacity Windows Movie Maker Bethesda - Skyrim and Creation Kit jacobmathiassen - Male crying and weeping - https://www.freesound.org/people/jacobmathiassen/sounds/25 4869/ Bard Song Instrument Recording - http://www.jsayles.com/familypages/earlymusic.htm Trailer Music - http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/cinematic/2 Special Thanks: Skinnytecboy - Support Epoch Sanctum - Support, and Resources Armstrong Security Solutions - Support, Resources, and Voice Work Herr Yuri, Crimson Phoenix, DarkVirus, PyroToaster, and Alex Cain - For the Voice Work Phantastic Networks - Support on Re-Release Very Special Thanks - For the encouragement, and support during this mod's production: VS
  4. Arron Dominion

    Nessie - The Tale of 350

    Version 3.0.0


    Short Description: Need a little more adventure in your life? Do you want to know about the story of a Nord named Kenny, and how he was heckled by an Argonian named Nessie? Look no further! This mod offers a short quest in which an Argonian asks for 350 gold, and the player was warned by a Nord named Kenny. After the conclusion of your adventure, you can hear the tale from a traveling bard. And it all starts in Whiterun. Detailed Description: This mod is a lore-friendly parody mod based off of South Park's Lochness Monster joke. Playing the role of the Lochness Monster is an Argonian named Nessie. Nessie has been bugging a Nord named Kenny for 350 gold at every turn. It is now the player's turn to be harrassed. You start out near the well in Whiterun. You encounter Nessie for the first time in Whiterun. Where you see Nessie next depends on what cities you go to 24hrs+ after the first meeting. Eventually, depending on your decisions, you will fight Nessie. This fight can occur Features: -A quest -Some humor! -Your choices drive the quest's direction -Balanced boss fight for all levels -350 Gold -A traveling bard to tell your tale, with a random chance for where he will show up Bard's Schedule: Monday - Markarth Karthwasten Old Hroldan Rorikstead Tuesday - Dragon Bridge Solitude Inn Solitude Bard’s College Morthal Wednesday - Dawnstar Winterhold Thursday - Nightgate Inn Windhelm (one of two taverns) Kynesgrove Friday - Riften Ivarstead Shor’s Stone Saturday - Falkreath Sunday - Whiterun (one of two taverns) Riverwood Installation Instructions: -Find your Data folder -Place the files within the zip into your Data folder. Changelog: V1: -The initial release V2: -Updated NPC face textures Known Bugs: None at this time Known Quirks: -When you are near the Whiterun well for the first time, I highly recommend not having auto-run enabled. You will keep running without the ability to stop. -The cities will fight Nessie with you if you are their allies. There is a probable chance of some citizens being killed by Nessie depending on your time of day -You will have the blinking animation when you are outside in Tamriel or Solstheim. -Nessie can be large, so think about that when you are fighting Nessie Starring: Alex Cain - Nessie's Voice PyroToaster - Kenny's Voice Herr Yuri - Wolfgar's Voice DarkVirus - Mannril's Voice Crimson Phoenix - Crulek's Voice Credits: Audacity Windows Movie Maker Bethesda - Skyrim and Creation Kit jacobmathiassen - Male crying and weeping - https://www.freesound.org/people/jacobmathiassen/sounds/25 4869/ Bard Song Instrument Recording - http://www.jsayles.com/familypages/earlymusic.htm Trailer Music - http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/cinematic/2 Special Thanks: Skinnytecboy - Support Epoch Sanctum - Support, and Resources Armstrong Security Solutions - Support, Resources, and Voice Work Herr Yuri, Crimson Phoenix, DarkVirus, PyroToaster, and Alex Cain - For the Voice Work Phantastic Networks - Support on Re-Release Very Special Thanks - For the encouragement, and support during this mod's production: VS
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Skyrim Pizza - Survival Mode Edition by Arron Dominion Non Survival Mode Mod Trailer Tasty Skyrim mod adds Riverwood Pizza shop with 80 different combos, Survival Mode compatible - PC Gamer Review Short Description: Pizza is not as modern as one might think. Chef Turtle has moved to Riverwood and opened up Riverwood Pizza. He has shared his secret with the Dragonborn through books, and there are 80 different combinations that can be baked. Requirements: Creation Club Survival Mode Long Description: Pizza does not exist anywhere. It is seen as modern, but Chef Turtle has moved to Riverwood and has opened up Riverwood Pizza. He bakes in the morning and opens up from Noon to 8 pm every day to sell Pizza. Who knows how Chef Turtle discovered pizza. While Chef Turtle only sells the variants that are popular in Riverwood, he has shared much more with the Dovahkiin with three texts that you can buy from Chef Turtle, the Soul Cairn, or a chef that has set up shop in The Retching Netch. There are a total of 80 different combinations that one can bake . All that is required is the knowledge, retrieving the proper ingredients, and find an Oven. And in this version each will help you in managing your hunger for the Creation Club Survival Mode content. Below are the types of Pizza that can be baked: Pizza - tomatos(x2), flour, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile Dragonborn Lovers Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Milk, Cheese Wedge (first type), Potato, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper meat Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Goat Meat Frontier Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Netch Jelly, 1 Boar Meat Ash Hopping Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Falmer Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Charrus Egg, 1 Nightshade, 1 Frost Salts Maormer Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Slaughterfish Egg, 1 River Betty, 1 Salmon, 1 Void Salts Garlic Bread Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Garlic, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Flin Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Flin, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Matze Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Matze, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Shein Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Shein, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Sujamma Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Sujamma, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Soul Husk Pizza - tomatos(x2), soul husk, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile Dragonborn Lovers Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Arcanely Resistance Soul Husk Pizza - tomatos(x2), soul husk, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile, chicken egg, nirnroot, bleeding crown Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Pizza - Butter, Flour, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Potato, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Potato Bread Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Potato Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Butter, Flour, Garlic, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Garlic Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Flin Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Flin, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Flin Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Flin Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Matze Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Matze, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Matze Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Matze Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Shein Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Shein, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Shein Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Shein Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Sujamma, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Sujamma Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Soul Husk Pizza - Butter, Soul Husk, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Soul Husk Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Soul Husk, Moon Sugar, Skooma Blood Pie Pizza - tomatos(x2), flour, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile, potion of blood Blood Pie Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Milk, Cheese Wedge (first type), Potato, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2), potion of blood This is for those that are wandering in the wilderness and require variety in their packed meals. Enjoy your pizza! Installation Instructions: -Find your Skyrim Special Edition folder -Find the Data folder -Place the contents of the zip within the Data folder -Launch Skyrim Special Editions and go to mods -Find ajd_pizzaandpizzeria_survival_sse_pc.esp -Enable the mod -Enjoy! Compatible With: -Immersive Citizens -Imps More Complex Needs -Wayshrines of Tamriel Known Compatibility Issues: -JK's Riverwood - Must be loaded before JK's Riverwood. Some of the assets from JK's Riverwood are in the same spot as Riverwood Pizza. It will be a little time before a JK's Riverwood version can be done. Changelog: v1 - Initial Release Credits: Bethesda - Creation Kit and Bethesda.net GJ Knutsen - Original mod concept Huntress - Assistance with GIMP and Pizza Sign Critique Meatstakk, FoxyC, Crimson Phoenix, DoomSgt, PyroToaster - Pizza Texture Critique Pizza Texture - https://pixabay.com/en/pizza-food-fast-tomato-dinner-1547254/ Sign Wood Texture - http://www.benkyoustudio.com/Textures/TexturesWood/ Special Thanks: Skinnytecboy Epoch Sanctum Armstrong Security Solutions Huntress VS
  6. Arron Dominion

    Skyrim Pizza

    Version 2.0.0


    Mod Trailer Short Description: Pizza is not as modern as one might think. Chef Turtle has moved to Riverwood and opened up Riverwood Pizza. He has shared his secret with the Dragonborn through books, and there are 80 different combinations that can be baked. Long Description: Pizza does not exist anywhere. It is seen as modern, but Chef Turtle has moved to Riverwood and has opened up Riverwood Pizza. He bakes in the morning, and opens up from Noon to 8 pm every day to sell Pizza. Who knows how Chef Turtle discovered pizza. While Chef Turtle only sells the variants that are popular in Riverwood, he has shared much more with the Dovahkiin with three texts that you can buy from Chef Turtle, the Soul Cairn, or a chef that has setup shop in The Retching Netch. There are a total of 80 different combinations that one can bake. All that is required is the knowledge, retrieving the proper ingredients, and find an Oven. Below are the types of Pizza that can be baked: Pizza - tomatos(x2), flour, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile Dragonborn Lovers Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Pizza - Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Milk, Cheese Wedge (first type), Potato, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Potato Bread Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper meat Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Goat Meat Frontier Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Netch Jelly, 1 Boar Meat Ash Hopping Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Chicken Egg, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Falmer Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Charrus Egg, 1 Nightshade, 1 Frost Salts Maormer Breakfast Pizza - Potato Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Slaughterfish Egg, 1 River Betty, 1 Salmon, 1 Void Salts Garlic Bread Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Garlic, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Garlic Bread Pizza - Garlic Bread Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Flin Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Flin, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Flin Crust Pizza - Flin Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Matze Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Matze, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Matze Crust Pizza - Matze Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Shein Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Shein, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Shein Crust Pizza - Shein Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Sujamma Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Cheese Wedge (first type), Sujamma, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2) Dragonborn Lovers Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Sujamma Crust Pizza - Sujamma Crust Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Soul Husk Pizza - tomatos(x2), soul husk, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile Dragonborn Lovers Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 beef, 1 goat meat, 1 pheasant, 1 rabbit, 1 venison High Elf Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Carrot, 1 Gourd, 1 Leek, 1 Juniper Berries Horkers Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Ale, 1 Cabbage, 1 Horker Meat, 1 Garlic, 1 Slaughterfish Egg Ratway Special Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Black Briar Mead, 1 Moon Sugar, 1 Skooma Three Cheese Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 other cheese wedge, 1 mammoth cheese bowl Ash Hopping Soul Husk Pizza - Soul Husk Pizza ingredients, 1 Ash Hopper Jelly, 1 Ash Hopper Meat Arcanely Resistance Soul Husk Pizza - tomatos(x2), soul husk, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile, chicken egg, nirnroot, bleeding crown Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Pizza - Butter, Flour, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Potato, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Potato Bread Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Potato Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Butter, Flour, Garlic, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Garlic Bread Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Garlic Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Flin Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Flin, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Flin Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Flin Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Matze Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Matze, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Matze Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Matze Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Shein Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Shein, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Shein Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Shein Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Butter, Flour, Sujamma, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Sujamma Crust Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Sujamma Crust Bread, Moon Sugar, Skooma Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Soul Husk Pizza - Butter, Soul Husk, Green Apple, Cheese Wedge (first type), JazBay, Juniper Berries, Salt Pile, Snowberry Khajiit Special Soul Husk Pizza - Fruity Sweet Tooth Special Soul Husk, Moon Sugar, Skooma Blood Pie Pizza - tomatos(x2), flour, cheese wedge (first type), salt pile, potion of blood Blood Pie Potato Bread Pizza - Butter, Milk, Cheese Wedge (first type), Potato, Salt Pile, Tomato (x2), potion of blood This is for those that are wandering in the wilderness and require variety in their packed meals. Enjoy your pizza! Installation Instructions: -Find your Skyrim Special Edition folder -Find the Data folder -Place the contents of the zip within the Data folder -Launch Skyrim Special Editions and go to mods -Find ajd_pizzaandpizzeria_sse_pc.esp -Enable the mod -Enjoy! Compatible With: -Immersive Citizens -Imps More Complex Needs -Wayshrines of Tamriel Known Compatibility Issues: -JK's Riverwood - Must be loaded before JK's Riverwood. Some of the assets from JK's Riverwood are in the same spot as Riverwood Pizza. It will be a little time before a JK's Riverwood version can be done. Changelog: v1 - Initial Release v2 - Fixed Riverwood Navmesh. Wayshrines of Tamriel is now compatible. Credits: Bethesda - Creation Kit and Bethesda.net GJ Knutsen - Original mod concept Huntress - Assistance with GIMP and Pizza Sign Critique Meatstakk, FoxyC, Crimson Phoenix, DoomSgt, PyroToaster - Pizza Texture Critique Pizza Texture - https://pixabay.com/en/pizza-food-fast-tomato-dinner-1547254/ Sign Wood Texture - http://www.benkyoustudio.com/Textures/TexturesWood/ Trailer Credits: PowerPoint Windows Movie Maker Microsoft - For their logo and trademarks "Double Violin Concerto 1st Movement – J.S. Bach" (freemusicpublicdomain.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Special Thanks: Skinnytecboy Epoch Sanctum Armstrong Security Solutions Huntress VS
  7. Arron Dominion

    Morthal's Ghastly Mine

    Version 1.0.0


    Mod Trailer Description: Ever want to own your own iron mine? Ghastly Mine near Morthal is under troublesome times. Upon entering the mine, you are attacked by bandits. You are compelled to discover what has happened to the mine. In the course of doing so, you are offered ownership of the mine. After purchasing ownership, you will be able to pick up iron ore and a small portion of the profits every Sundas between 8 AM - 6 PM. What is added: -Added Ghastly Mine near Morthal -Entering Ghastly Mine starts the quest to acquire mine -Once purchased, the player receives a portion of profits and iron ore Sundas between 8 AM and 6 PM, with the ability to make reoccurring or one time investments into their workers to improve profit gains. -If profits are missed, it will be lumped into the next Sundas, and accumulate until you do pick it up. -Female Argonian miner that is a potential marriage option -Guard patrolling the mine -3 other miners and a foreman -Each miner mines in a different location depending on the day -Voice acting on the original mine owner Changelog: V1: -Initial Release Credits: Sergey Cheremisinov - Don't Lie To Inner child - http://freemusicarchive.org/
  8. Arron Dominion

    Morthal's Ghastly Mine

    Version 1.6.0


    Ever want to own your own iron mine? Ghastly Mine near Morthal is under troublesome times. Upon entering the mine, you are attacked by bandits. You are compelled to discover what has happened to the mine. In the course of doing so, you are offered ownership of the mine. After purchasing ownership, you will be able to pick up iron ore and a small portion of the profits every Sundas between 8 AM - 6 PM. What is added: -Added Ghastly Mine near Morthal -Entering Ghastly Mine starts the quest to acquire mine -Once purchased, the player receives a portion of profits and iron ore Sundas between 8 AM and 6 PM, with the ability to make reoccurring or one-time investments into their workers to improve profit gains. -Female Argonian miner that is a potential marriage option -Guard patrolling the mine -3 other miners and a foreman -Each miner mines in a different location depending on the day -Voice acting on the original mine owner Known Quirks: -IF Dialogue does not work initially, save your game, load that save game, and try again. 1.7 patch broke custom dialogue. | Shouldn't be an issue though. Revision History: v 1.6: -Added 3 more guards. Each guard can be hired by the manager for 1500 gold each. This will not affect the profit equation. -Recompiled existing temporary scripts. v 1.5: -Compatible with the latest patch. v 1.4: -Changed quest initialization to reduce dialogue bug. -Introduced investments into the mine, for greater profits. Pick-axe investment is one time only, the others are repeatable. v 1.3: -Removed the case of the floating candle. -Profits accumulate over time if you miss days. v 1.2: -Fixed dialogue/logic for profit not working after acquiring the mine. v 1.1: -Added missing scripts not included in the original release
  9. Arron Dominion

    Pneuma Manor

    Version 1.2.0


    A random thought came up, why not have a house within the Soul Cairn. This mod will add Pneuma Manor, currently the only player home within the Soul Cairn. Good friend Morven will sell you this home for a sizeable bounty of Soul Husks. There are three levels of this home, the main level, the cellar, and the upper level. Upon entering the upper level, you notice that you are not the only ones living in the house. Meet the Necronn family, consisting of a mother, a daughter, a son, and a dog. To find out why they are in the house and resemble most of the current Cairn residents, explore this upper level for any clues. The father, he left behind quite the legacy. Various books found near his desk will reveal the legacy he has left, and some for the worse. In the process of discovering the past, you will wake up the past. This past will eventually lead to new recipes, a new spell, a new enchantment, and several other followers or residents of Pneuma Manor. This house will serve you and your adventures in the Soul Cairn well, being the only calm place within the bleak landscape. What is Added: -Three story home in the Soul Cairn, purchased via Soul Husks -4 Mannequins, 2 Weapon Racks, 3 Weapon Display Plaques, 1 Weapon Display Case, 2 Bookshelves with 90 book capacity. -Alchemy table, Enchanter table, Forge, Tanning Rack, Workbench, Sharpening Wheel, Smelter -Storage in the cellar, Dresser, Safe, several Barrels near Mage Station. -Thane, Bard, Soul family (step-daughter, step-son, dog, wife?), Assassin follower -Soul Husk Extract recipe, Absorb health/soul trap spell, Absorb health/soul trap weapon enchantment, Absorb health/soul trap poison -5 Books, 5 journals for backstory -3 Quests for backstory and acquiring thane/bard/assassin, without direct quest markers. -Spells to transport to Pneuma Manor and to College of Winterhold Requires: DAWNGUARD Revision History: v1.2: -Added new quest to clear up lore conflicts -Added a new book and several supporting items for the new quest. -Corrected dog's voice. v1.1: -Added new book -Added two new spells, one for transport to Pneuma Manor, one for transport to College of Winterhold Known Quirks: -If you have dialogue issues, try saving-reloading in order to fix. This issue should not prop up, but might since there is (technically) custom dialogue included. -Ushugob does not have a voice for the Thane dialogue. Guess this is due to no Orcs as Thanes in Skyrim. Credits: -Tamriel Rebuilt – name generator -Artisanix – Paintings and Frames - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17423 Special thanks to Artisanix for making awesome paintings/frames resource. -Balok’s Tutorials – Creating Skyrim Oil Paintings - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k28k_6ChNks These were very helpful in teaching techniques for creating the paintings. Note: I am making a massive update for this mod, but it won't be released for some time. It will be including the other expansions, and I will be leaving this upload at version 1.2. The regular Skyrim version of the new update will be called Definitive Edition, and it will just be Pneuma Manor when I port it over to Special Edition.
  10. Arthmoor

    [RELz] Bring Out Your Dead

    Bring Out Your Dead is a simple yet immersive mod which expands on the number of graves given to the unique NPCs in areas of the game that don't currently have them. Solitude, Windhelm, Whiterun, Riften, and Markarth all have a Hall of the Dead that contains coffins and urns for various unique NPCs who live there. Their items are transferred to their assigned coffin when they die. The smaller cities of Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar, and Winterhold do not have these facilities, and neither do the other smaller villages and towns. NPCs living on farms outside the major hold capitols don't get buried in their Hall of the Dead either. This mod aims to correct this and provide for more uniform handling of everyone's dead. Falkreath and Morthal both have graveyards already and have been expanded slightly to hold more. Dawnstar and Winterhold now have their own Halls of the Dead just outside of town. The smaller villages all have space set aside for new graveyards. NPCs living on farms immediately outside the 5 major hold capitols will be given appropriate burial space in the Hall of the Dead for their city if they don't already have it. NPCs marked as essential will not be given a grave since they cannot be killed normally unless the game removes that flag as the result of a completed quest. Downloads AFK Mods TES Alliance Installation Requirements Official Skyrim patch or greater. Official Dawnguard DLC. Official Hearthfire DLC. Official Dragonborn DLC. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch 3.0.15 or greater. Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN Drop the archive into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. Installation - Manual Drop Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.esp and Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.bsa into your Data folder. Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Uninstalling Bring Out Your Dead Due to the nature of Skyrim mods, especially those adding scripts, it is strongly discouraged to attempt uninstalling a mod from your active game. Any mod that is more than pure mesh or texture replacements has the possibility to leave behind permanent changes to your save that you may not want. This is not something modders can correct for. It is how the game was designed by Bethesda. No support will be provided for anyone who uninstalls this mod from an active game and continues on with that save. To remove the mod: Delete the Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.esp and Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.bsa from your Data folder. Then reload your game as usual. Load Order This touches numerous NPCs, which can lead to conflicts. Since gravestones aren't in and of themselves terribly important, it's advised to load this mod early on and allow other mods which have other changes to make the ability to take effect. Compatibility Expanded Towns and Cities has been confirmed to be 100% compatible as of version 2.0. Potential conflict with any mod which is expanding the various cities and villages. If these conflicts are brought to my attention I can attempt to make adjustments for them within reason. Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
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