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  1. Ravvynfall

    Delirium - Overhaul Mod

    Howdy Howdy all! I just wanted to make sure this was getting better visibility... My mod Delirium, a massive fallout 4 overhaul and difficulty enhancement mod. adds an absolute ton of new features, ranging from unique uniques, a special framework built for dogmeat that grants him special attributes and abilities, new customizable ammo conversion weapon mods for ballistic weapons, and so much more! If you're interested, drop by:
  2. dAb


    Version 1.37


    The fastest and lightest Skyrim overhaul ever made Old-style roleplaying overhaul. Your game. My vision. Yash is a Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit word that means success, splendor, grandeur, magnificence, prominence, illustriousness, majesty, distinction, luxury, renown, eminence and fame. YASH is my personal attempt to make the game mechanics more interesting, by adding subtle but substantial gameplay elements in a strictly lore-friendly way. It's primarily aimed at hardcore roleplayers but due to its nature it should please just about everyone. The main goal is to start as a complete nobody, suffer greatly at first and feel a real sense of accomplishment when you level up and increase your skills. YASH is not necessarily harder than vanilla but its gameplay is way, way different. Note that YASH is supposed to be played at Adept difficulty level. YASH abides by three strict rules: Never, ever affect the player with something that will NOT affect the NPCs. Never. If your Khajiit character runs fast it's because ALL Khajiit in the game run fast. If your Redguard character is more skilled with one handed weapons it's because ALL Redguards are more skilled with one handed weapons. If your Bosmer character can deal more damage with bows and draw them fast it's because ALL Wood Elves are more skilled with bows. And so on. The essence of the mod is that you are NOT anything special compared to other people, save for your innate ability to shout. Don't disrupt the vanilla mechanics: improve them. YASH intentionally does NOT add new perks, new skills, new spells, new weapons, etc. Instead, it improves the existing game elements by making them more interesting and useful, sometimes essential to proceed. Focus on character skill over player skill. YASH is not aimed at button mashers but at players who carefully plan their characters. Last but not least, never let anyone think that he's playing with a mod on. The best mod is the one that doesn't feel it's a mod at all, but something so well integrated into the game that the player could think the game has always been like that since day one. This was the hardest goal but I did my best to accomplish it. Also, one fundamental rule here is that the mod should NOT need instructions at all. Everything is explained in-game thanks to non-intrusive messages that inform the player about what's going on, so you don't actually have to read this long description to play the mod, you can safely skip to the Installation section and learn to play the mod in-game [just do not miss the Very Important section]. I also have to add that YASH is intentionally NOT user configurable by any means, but I am willing to provide instructions to alter the mod to your likings using either the CK or xEdit. Before playing the game with YASH on you should enter the right state of mind. YASH is a LONG and HARD journey from zero to hero. You die because you're supposed to die. You survive when you're supposed to survive. They die when they're supposed to die. You start as a whelp, weak and lacking any skill whatsoever, and you're supposed to play as such. You MUST start a new character to run YASH. The mod does NOT work with existing characters and it should NOT be uninstalled from an existing character. They are now really unique, have different stats, traits and abilities and choosing a race actually affects the gameplay. To name a few, Altmers regenerate magicka more quickly, Orcs are best at smithing and Redguards swing one handed weapons faster. Note that as I stated above this does NOT affect the player alone. It affects the race, therefore ALL Khajiit regenerate stamina quickly, ALL Nords have a low magicka pool and regenerate it slowly, ALL Wood Elves have a low initial carry weight, etc. This obviously applies to followers as well. The list can go on and on, suffice it to say that every race has now all its stats and skills altered, all affecting the gameplay in one way or another. Long story short: ALL perks stats have been altered in a way or another, more perk ranks are available and some bonus perk ranks are available only to certain races. You can also "skip over" perks without being forced to pick perks you don't like just to reach the perk of your choice. Also, the first perk of each skill tree has a skill requirement. And since you are now able to pick more perk ranks, every 20 skill levels you gain a bonus perk point to spend as you wish. You're not the center of the world anymore. The world lives a life on its own and it does NOT depend on you anymore. More than 2,000 leveled lists have been edited with a collection of xEdit scripts I made myself to make it so that the more valuable items are rare and the less valuable items are spread all over the place. There is NO hand placed loot, everything is placed with a so refined formula that most leveled lists contain up to 100 automatically generated entries [most vanilla lists have 20]. Even I have no idea where the more valuable loot is. The same applies to creatures and NPC, the harder enemies are rare and the easier are more common. Long story short: there are others like you in the world who have improved their skills and can give you a very hard time in combat. No hand placed loot means that there are no hand placed items, but bosses will often carry powerful weapons and boss chests will often contain valuable loot: to encourage exploration most lists have been moved from merchants inventories to bosses chests. The chances to find different items are roughly as follows: Iron: 33 chances out of 100. Steel: 22 chances out of 100. Orcish: 17 chances out of 100. Dwarven: 12 chances out of 100. Elven: 8 chances out of 100. Glass: 5 chances out of 100. Ebony: 2 chances out of 100. Dragonbone: 0 chances, save for a few bosses. You want Dragon weapons and armors, you smith them yourself. The only exceptions to this rule are the weapons carried by the Keepers in the Soul Cairn. Daedric: 1 chance out of 100. Note that followers will still level up with you and there are a few specific NPC that do not have fixed stats across the whole gameplay: whereas altering their stats to make them static doesn't really have notable effects on the gameplay, those are left untouched. Even in the lucky event that you find an Ebony Battleaxe or a Glass Bow after one hour of play, you'll not be able to use it properly until you meet the skill requirements for that weapon. You'll be slow and clunky and won't deal a great amount of damage. Again, your skill will be almost meaningless, while your character skill will be essential. I can't stress this enough: this applies to everyone else as well. If you happen to stumble upon a low skilled bandit wielding a Glass Mace you'll notice that he will be slow, clunky and not very efficient with it. The same applies to shields, if you lack the required skill for a specific material you'll block much less damage then usual. Cuirasses and boots will slow you down. Helmets will slow your magicka regeneration, gauntlets will double the spell cost and halve the spell magnitude. Skills increases with armors and weapons you're not skilled with are reduced to one fifth. Also, you'll either love or hate this one: you will often fail at casting spells until you reach the minimum skill requirement [this applies to NPC as well]. Weapons and armors requirements are as follows [they are based on the weight of the vanilla item, not on the power]: Iron: 1 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor. Steel: 20 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor. Orcish: 30 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor. Dwarven: 40 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor. Elven: 50 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Light Armor. Glass: 60 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Light Armor. Ebony: 70 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor. Dragonbone / Dragonscale: 80 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor / Light Armor. Daedric: 90 in either One Handed, Two Handed, Marksman, Block or Heavy Armor. Note that when dual wielding you have to be skilled in BOTH weapons. Skill governs everything you do. The damage you deal with a weapon, the chance to pick a lock or to pickpocket, the magnitude and duration of a spell, the power of an enchanted item, the chance of successfully extract ingredients from harvested plants. Everything. All spells scale to skill level, up to twice the magnitude and duration once you reach 100 in the school of the current spell. All weapons scale to skill level, up to twice the damage once you reach 100 in either one handed, two handed or marksman. When you equip a weapon its damage will instantly update accordingly to your skill. When I say EVERYTHING I mean it. You have to be skilled in Smithing if you want to temper weapons and armors. You have to be skilled in Enchanting if you want to enchant whatever you like with whatever spell you like. And so on. Do not underestimate the power of a good meal! Food and drinks now serve a purpose. Instead of creating a primary needs system I took a completely different approach: you're not forced to eat to stay alive but if you DO eat you'll gain good bonuses to Magicka, Health and Stamina that will last for a long while. Raw foods boost attributes a little, cooked meals boost them way more. So, you wake up in the morning, have a good breakfast and your attributes are boosted til lunch. You eat your lunch, mixing several foods to maximize your attributes and you're done until dinner. As a rule of thumb wine and meat based meals increase Health, alcoholics and fish based meals increase Magicka [hey they contain phosphorus after all!] and vegetables based meals increase Stamina. Gameplay-wise the system works by a simple association of ideas: you see meat, you think Health. You see fish, you think Magicka. You see an apple, you think Stamina. The game will warn you if you eat too much, so eat up and don't worry about being a glutton. However, you should eat in a considerate manner: if you eat too much too quickly there will be a chance for the current effect to be dispelled and you'll have to wait a bit to digest the food before eating again. To avoid the effect to be dispelled, as a rule of thumb you should wait for the eating sound to end before eating anything else. Plus, eating the same kind of food does not add any benefit: eating 10 apples is equal to eating only one. This is both to prevent players carrying around tons of apples and to encourage players to mix several food types. Obviously NPC can't eat, so to mimic this game mechanic and keep them well fed they all have, on average, all three attributes slightly increased. Think you can enter a cave, awake a snow bear and just run like hell? Think twice. Enemies will now follow you everywhere, in some cases if you make a Draugr angry enough he'll chase you to the death outside his barrow! Be more careful next time you want to loot a cave. Once you've played the mod a bit you'll realize why Bethesda didn't enable this feature since the beginning: you can easily wreak havok EVERYWHERE you go, by leading a pack of trolls right into a tavern or Draugr Deathlords into towns. You'll have to think twice before entering a dungeon because once you have entered there's no turning back! You either kill everything or you get out unnoticed, otherwise you risk having dungeon creatures running into the wilderness. Entering a dungeon is like throwing a grenade into a wasp nest. Make sure your characters have the proper preparation before doing so. Also, keep in mind that outrunning enemies into a dungeon and gaining the exit is completely useless: once you are out of there they'll instantly teleport beside you, no matter the distance you kept them at while you were inside [and that's the 2nd reason why Beth didn't enable OEZ since the beginning]. There are exceptions though, enemies may think you are not worth the hassle and just give up chasing you. As a rule of thumb if you don't want them to follow you make sure you're not in combat before gaining the exit [enter sneak mode to be sure]. Everything [and I mean everything] is altered in a way or another. All potions have been renamed with meaningful names so that you know their magnitudes with a blink of an eye -- the 6 magnitudes are now added as 6 different suffixes: Weak, Average, Strong, Great, Extreme and Ultimate. All items have been reweighted and all weapons damages and armor ratings have been altered to match their material inherent power [iron is weak, Dragonbone is REALLY strong etc]. Enemies are now smarter. They'll dodge and block your attacks more often, be more aggressive when you give them openings and know whether it's time to flee or time to continue fighting. More than 100 AI stats have been altered to improve the combat system. Not much to detail here and actually it's not the strongest part of the mod. The game AI is utterly idiotic no matter what, but altering the AI stats helped enough. Plus, once NPC health drops below 20% they'll be affected by a Demoralize spell that will cause them to flee. As a consequence, yielding is now a true yielding: if their health is low they won't continue fighting after recovering. Also, all enemies will search for you way longer after a sneak attack. All enemies have their weaknesses and resistances. I won't spoil anything here, you'll have to find out which weapons and spells work best by yourself using some logic. While nothing prevents you from using always the same weapon against all enemies, if you really want to survive you'll have to use the right weapon for the right enemy. This is where you have to plan your fights if you don't want to have a hard time exploring dungeons: do I have to enter a Dwemer ruin? Then I'll need <insert proper weapon here>. Do I have to enter that barrow swarming with Draugr? Then I'll need <insert proper weapon here>. Am I wandering aimlessly with the risk of stumbling upon a skilled mage? Then I'll need <insert proper protection here>. Oh, and this is where followers play an important role: if you really can't do without your favorite weapon, once you have determined what works best with a specific enemy you can equip them with that specific weapon and feel free to use whatever you wish for yourself. Be warned though: as any other NPCs, restrictions apply to followers as well, so you'll have to find the right equipment. Messages will warn you if your followers aren't skilled enough for the equipment of your choice. You have also a dialogue option to check their training at any moment [this applies to temporary quest followers as well, even though you can't trade items]. Details: All initial skills start from 0, save for race-specific skills. You read it right, you start as a complete nobody. Also, skill increases, and therefore leveling up, are 33% slower. An exception to the above is the FIRST ever skill increase. It will take you a LOT to, say, increase Block from 0 to 1. Then all of a sudden something will explode in your character's mind and he will go like HA, now THIS is how I'm supposed to block effectively. This is just a way for you, the player, to tell the game that yes, you REALLY want to increase this skill so that you don't increase a skill by mistake. You have two choices: you either work on your skill the hard way [by using it] or you get some training / read a skill book. Once the first ever skill increase is reached your skills will increase as usual [but almost half as slow compared to vanilla]. Non-MQ quest items can be either stored in containers or dropped to the ground and they also have weights. You can actually break quests if you lose them! The same applies to Dawnguard and Dragonborn non-MQ items. Running and attacking with melee weapons drains stamina. Draining all your stamina pool will NOT prevent you from running but it will prevent sprints and power attacks. Holding a drawn bow drains stamina as well. Note that if you're not skilled in the cuirass or boots you're wearing your stamina will drain much more quickly. All potions have effect over time. No more gulping health potions like crazy! Raw ingredients have effect over time as well and their magnitudes and durations are increased compared to vanilla. Carry weight is not stamina dependent anymore. Instead, you gain a bonus to your carrying capacity at each level, race-dependent, regardless of which attribute you choose to increase at level up. Note that if you don't level up when the game informs you that you've actually leveled up you WON'T get the carry weight bonus. That is, if you level up twice in a row because your skill points are already at the next level you'll only get ONE bonus because the bonus itself is applied only once when you close the skills menu. Therefore you'd better level up as soon as possible. Creatures venoms are more letal and last longer. This is also an advantage for you if you poison your weapons. Also, traps are more deadly. Dragons are scary. They spawn rarely but they are way stronger and their shouts are more powerful. You have no starting spells anymore, regardless of the race you pick. Skill books have their associated skill in their title, so that you can identify them with a blink of an eye. You also don't run the risk to improve the wrong skill, i.e. it's unlikely for a Bosmer character to learn Two-Handed. Light and heavy armor skills are slightly increased while running around if you wear a full set of armor [armor, boots, gloves, helmet]. Save for a few exceptions, merchants don't sell ingots, leather and animal parts anymore. You want pelts, go hunting. You want ore and ingots, go mining. Also, ingots, ore, leather and leather strips you used to find around the world are gone, save for those you may find inside containers. To balance the above out, you obtain much more ore from mine veins: iron veins have plenty of ore, ebony have much less [and now you know why Iron weapons are common]. To carry everything you have dug up back home you might want to bring with you strength potions or a follower. Merchants are harder and their inventories are location-based: Alvor in Riverwood isn't likely to sell enchanted stuff while Beirand in solitude has plenty. Save for a few exceptions they also do not sell lockpicks anymore, save for Khajiit caravans that have plenty. Also, merchants inventories now respawn every week [vanilla is 2 days]. You can't change cuirass and boots in combat unless you meet the required skill to do so. Changing helmet and gloves is fine though. If you don't have the required skill you'll find yourself naked in the middle of a fight and won't be able to wear neither cuirass nor boots until you're out of combat. Lockpicking is way harder and you can't pick locks no matter how good you're at it if your character lacks the required lockpicking skill. Does not mean that I'm preventing you from trying: the lockpicking interface will still show up, but a message will inform you that you won't be able to pick the lock no matter how hard you try. To balance out the few locks you can initially pick, leveling up lockpicking is slightly faster than in vanilla. You can bash locks open up to Expert difficulty, provided you have the required two handed skill -- lock bashing is restricted to barbarian-like characters. Practice dummies and targets can be used to improve One Handed, Two Handed, Archery and Destruction skills up to skill level 15. Movement speed and armor speed are material based. The heavier the weapon material, the slower the weapon. The heavier the armor material, the lower the movements speed. Almost all plants [pines, ferns, aspens, vine maples etc] are searchable for ingredients like critters and mushrooms [although the chance to actually find something is low]. You have also a small chance to find hidden treasures. All bonuses are altered in some way: health regeneration during combat is disabled; Rested, Well Rested and Lover's Comfort won't increase skills faster for 8 hours anymore, all attributes regenerate 5, 10 and 15% faster for 8 hours instead; enchanted items effects are soft capped: you get the benefit of an enchanted item only if the same current effect of another item is below 50 in magnitude; several Standing Stones are altered so that they don't increase skills rates anymore, they increase the skills effectiveness instead; scrolls are more powerful and costly; Gods blessings are more powerful and have a 1 gold symbolic cost powerful NPC variants are sometimes spawned amongst bandits: Spellswords, Berserkers, Ice / Fire / Frost mages, etc. Various tweaks: torch bashing is more effective several specific NPCs flagged as available followers are slightly more powerful all shouts are enhanced in regard to both recovery time and power both player and followers can cast two runes at once and have two summons at once timescale is set to 12, so that 1 hour in game = 5 minutes IRL, to accomodate the foods and drinks timed boosts you can chop wood 10 times in a row the spinning death animation is replaced by a ragdoll NPCs death animations are replaced by ragdolls common jobs will pay less, houses cost more, bounties are higher, spell books cost more, etc. giants are really gigantic mudcrabs are slightly larger city guards don't wear helmets anymore lockpicks have weight NPC use ammunitions - once they run out of ammo they go melee movements speed while swimming is halved [except for Argonians] death items from creatures are increased to more realistic amounts [2 Sabre Cat teeh, 6 Mudcrab legs, 2 Butterfly wings etc]. save for a few exceptions, animals do not drop gold and jewelry anymore a few creatures factions are altered to make them fight with each other brewed potions are prefixed by the § symbol trainers train 3 times for each level gameplay hints are added to loading screens and into the Help sections the chance to loot arrows from corpses is slightly decreased Bears are slower, Sabre Cats and Wolves are faster bears growls and ice spikes are less loud merchants sell torches horses have way more stamina so they can sprint for a longer time locations respawn every 15 in-game days [vanilla is 10] cleared locations respawn every 45 in-game days [vanilla is 30] the game is reloaded 3 seconds after you die [vanilla is 5] other minor tweaks here and there All the above in a ~3 Mb only compressed archive. YASH was born as a simple NPC deleveler. The goal was to prevent enemies to level up with the player, a feature that bugged me since the days of Oblivion when at a certain point you could stumble upon bandits with ridiculous high level equipment. The same had to be applied to loot, but in no way easily finding Daedric weapons right off the start would have made any sense. So, simply setting everything to level 1 couldn't have worked. That's why I've developed a leveled lists system that makes the valuable loot rare and the cheap loot spread all over the place. But this raised a question: what if the player is lucky enough to find an Ebony weapon immediately? This would have made exploration meaningless because with such a weapon the player doesn't really need anything else. So, skills restrictions coming to the rescue: if your skill is low you won't deal a great damage with the uber weapon you found [this has been absurdly difficult to implement due to a number of utterly broken functions in the CK]. This gave me an idea: what if the player needs proper skills for everything else? The rest is history: in no time I found myself digging down in every single game mechanic, basically focusing on character skill over player skill. Next thing I know, I was altering the entire Skyrim world in one way or another. To this day, YASH is in constant evolution. PROS - easy installation. Works right out of the box without any work on your part - lightning fast. You shouldn't notice any performance drops - comes packed in a small sized archive allowing fast updates - technically very polished, no dirty records or Papyrus errors logged CONS - may cause severe addiction Q: This thing is frigging HARD! I'm dying a lot! How do I survive the first levels? A: There are a number of things you can do: - find training dummies and slash the heck out of them. You can improve One Handed, Two Handed, Archery and Destruction up to skill level 15 - find a trainer - hire a thug to help you - if you really want to follow the main quest right off the start, get Lydia with you and watch her beat the crap out of the bears on the way to High Hrothgar! She is good in One Handed and by watching her fight you'll get an idea on how skills really matter on the damage you deal. - Use traps! They now deal a great amount of damage to both you and your enemies, if you time your movements right you can kill almost all Draugr in Bleak Falls Barrow by attracting them to traps. - RUN! If you can't win a fight even though you're using everything at your disposal flee away and come back when you're stronger. Also, keep in mind that you don't actually need to kill everyone you stumble upon, you can actually rush through Bleak Falls Barrow without even fighting a single Draugr. Q: How am I supposed to do the Riverwood smithing tutorial with little to none initial smithing skills? A: You can't. Too bad the game hardcodes a minimum smithing skill requirement of 14 regardless of the item material, so Iron has actually a minimum skill requirement of 14 instead of 1. I have no solution to this. However, once the first skill level up is reached, you'll get to 14 in no time. Q: My spells keep failing, I can't pass the test to enter the College of Wintherhold! And I'm not the Dragonborn yet so I can't shout to pass the test. A: That's the whole point! Now the admission test actually makes sense. If your magic skill is low fortify it with potions or enchanted stuff, or come back when you actually deserve to enter the college! Q: Why ore veins never vanish? A: They do vanish. Just keep mining, they'll eventually deplete after a while. It all depends on which minerals you are mining: Iron veins require 150 hits, Gold 45, Ebony 36 etc. Q: How do I know if I'll be able to use a weapon I'm buying? A: Either read the in-game Help - Attacking section or equip a weapon before browsing a merchant inventory. That way you'll see what actual damage you'll deal with that weapon. Q: I have reached 20/40/60/80/100 in <insert skill here> and haven't got the bonus perk point! A: The game is paused in the UIs [inventory, Alchemy, bartering with merchants etc] and so is the OnStoryIncreaseSkill event that checks your skills. When you reach 20/40/60/80/100 in whatever skill close the UI to unpause the game and wait a few seconds to obtain the perk point. Skyrim Dawnguard DLC Hearthfire DLC Dragonborn DLC Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch -- see the included Readme for the required version SKSE 1.7.3 or superior Wrye Bash v300 or higher recommended to build a Bashed Patch if you use mods that alter items stats and leveled lists 7zip recommended Manual installation NOT supported. However, if you really want to do things manually, unpack everything in the Data folder and enable the ESPs of your likings in the game launcher. NMM installation Download, install, and enable the ESPs of your likings. Wrye Bash installation - RECOMMENDED Download, install, and enable the ESPs of your likings. Rebuilding the Bashed Patch with WB 307 is highly recommended when using other mods that alter the leveled lists. For the full YASH experience enable YASH.esp *AND* YASH_AllOptionals.esp For a customized experience enable YASH.esp plus one or more of the following: YASH_CombatAI.esp - this ESP alters the enemies combat AI and combat style. It can be used as a standalone mod. YASH_DroppableQuestItems.esp - with this ESP enabled all non-MQ quest items are droppable. Same applies to Dawnguard and Dragonborn MQ. It can be used as a standalone mod. YASH_FoodsAndDrinks.esp - with this ESP enabled foods and drinks will give timed boosts to magicka, health and stamina. It can NOT be used as a standalone mod. YASH_GuardsWithoutHelmets.esp - with this ESP enabled town guards won't wear any helmets. It can be used as a standalone mod. YASH_ItemsStats.esp - this ESP alters items, ingredients, weapons and armors stats and weights. Disabling this ESP will revert a lot of things to their vanilla state, thus unbalancing the gameplay a bit. The only reason why it's optional is for mods compatibility. It can be used as a standalone mod. YASH_OpenEncounterZones.esp - with this ESP enabled the enemies will cross the zones boundaries, chasing you outside dungeons, caves and town buildings. It can be used as a standalone mod. YASH_Perks.esp - with this ESP enabled all perks will be altered and race specific perk ranks will be added. Plus, all perks are skippable to reach the perk of choice. It can NOT be used as a standalone mod. YASH_PowerfulShouts.esp - with this ESP enabled all shouts are way more powerful [this applies to Dragons, Draugr and Miraak as well]. It can be used as a standalone mod. YASH_RenamedSkillBooks.esp - with this ESP enabled all skill books are renamed to match the teached skill. It can be used as a standalone mod. YASH_SmithingRecipes.esp - this ESP alters smithing recipes and adds skill requirements for tempering. It can be used as a standalone mod. YASH_UncommonPlants.esp - with this ESP enabled almost all plants are harvestable for ingredients, with a small chance to find hidden small treasures. It can NOT be used as a standalone mod. YASH_UnleveledEnemies.esp - with this ESP enabled all NPC are spawned at any player level but the hardest enemies are rare. It can NOT be used as a standalone mod unless you remove the YASH.esp master in xEdit. YASH_UnleveledLoot.esp - with this ESP enabled all items in the world are available at any player level but the valuable loot is rare. It can NOT be used as a standalone mod unless you remove the YASH.esp master in xEdit. - you shouldn't mix any of the above with YASH_AllOptionals.esp, either use YASH.esp + YASH_AllOptionals.esp OR YASH.esp and one ore more of the optional ESPs - any of the optional ESPs can be safely enabled and disabled at will during the same playthrough for testing purposes and to customize the mod to your likings - note that YASH is meant to be played with YASH.esp and YASH_AllOptionals.esp only - also, mixing YASH with other gameplay mods, hence producing mixed results, falls completely under your responsibility - rebuilding the Bashed Patch after the installation is recommended to merge whatever mod leveled lists and stats with YASH's Updating Uninstall the old version, install the new version. Simple as that. Just make sure you DON'T run the game in between. YASH was never made with compatibility in mind. Therefore, conflicts with mods that alter the same things are to be expected. The question here should not be "Is YASH compatible with mod X that alters the same thing?" but "Do I still need mod X that alters the same thing?" - No, you don't. Truth is, if you believe in what YASH does you really don't need much else. However, apparently the mod is compatible with just about anything you can name and can run on top of every mod out there. Lot of gameplays have been done in this regard and it looks like no one has ever found a game-breaking conflict with whatever mod. Worst thing that could happen, other mods may overwrite YASH's changes, but it's not strictly a sign that things won't work at all: they just won't work exactly as intended by YASH, meaning that overriding its mechanics with other mods is fine as long as you are aware that a benign override wil occur. Of course you should NOT install YASH alongside any other overhauls. You should also avoid mods that add custom races as I have no control on those, unless you don't really care to add YASH mechanics to those. Also, mods that alter vanilla races are not compatible unless you get your hands dirty and do a bit of work in xEdit to merge stats and abilities, or ask me to provide a compatibility patch. If you are unsure how another mod will work alongside YASH post a comment, I'll have a look and if necessary I'll provide a compatibility patch. Known 100% compatible mods All mods in this section survived strict and thorough testing and are known to work flawlessly with YASH: Alternate Start - Live Another Life ASIS Falskaar Frostfall Immersive Armors Immersive Creatures Immersive Weapons Run For Your Lives Wet And Cold When Vampires Attack Helgen Reborn Travellers of Skyrim Tested mods The following mods have been either tested by users request or out of curiosity. They have been tested with tools and to some extents in-game as well. Their presence in this section doesn't mean I personally recommend or oppose their use, either alone or alongside YASH. I'm neutral. Your call. Potential problems I found in these mods will not be reported here. Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded -- the tested 3.2.i version is compatible, no conflicts detected. Advanced Adversary Encounters -- the tested v1 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Install the compatibility patch if you want both mechanics merged together. Arrows and Bolts Tweaks -- the tested 4.3 version [all-in-one ESP] is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Better Horse Pain Sounds -- the tested v1 version is compatible, no conflicts detected. Better Vampires -- the tested 7.1 version requires a compatibility patch, see Files section. Combat Evolved -- the tested 2.4a version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Enchantment Reload fix -- the tested 1.2 version is compatible, no conflicts detected. Ethereal Elven Overhaul and its subsequent USLEEP Patch and DLC Patch -- the tested 1.1.1 version requires a compatibility patch, see Files section. Faster Get Up Stand Up Animation -- the tested 2.0 version is compatible, no conflicts detected. Fires Hurt -- the tested 1.09 version is compatible, no conflicts detected. Immersive Citizens -- the tested 0.3.1a version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Immersive Horses -- the tested 1.9 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Khajiit Merchants Buy Stolen Items -- the tested 1.0 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Less Charitable NPCs -- the tested 1.0 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Lower Sounding Thieves Guild Door -- the tested 1.0 version is compatible, no conflicts detected. Mine Foremen Sell Ore -- not tested, the current 1.2 version is reported as incompatible with USLEEP. No Poison Dialogues -- the tested 1.0 version is compatible, no conflicts detected. Moonlight Tales -- the tested 2.51 version is compatible, no conflicts detected. NPC Knockout Overhaul -- the tested 3.4 version is compatible, no conflicts detected. One With Nature -- the tested 2.1 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Pick Up Books - Simple -- the tested 1.0a SKSE version is compatible, no conflicts detected. Realistic Needs and Diseases -- the tested 1.0.1 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Religion - Prayer Meditation Worship -- the tested 2.0 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Royal Bloodline -- the tested 2.5 version is compatible, no conflicts detected. Skyrim unbound -- the tested 5.15 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators -- the tested 1.48 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Stealth Skills Rebalanced -- the tested 1.5 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Trade and Barter -- the tested 1.2 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Unlimited Woodwork and Mining -- the tested 1.2 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. Vendor Sale Delay Gone -- the tested 2.0 version is compatible, benign conflicts detected. THANKS TO Arthmoor B1gBadDaddy Hanaisse heilghast Il Ducey JustinOther Pseron Wyrd Rocket SilentSpike Terra Nova Verteiron Worm Zilav And everyone I may have forgot to mention.
  3. Tamriel Immersion Experience (T.I.E.) An overhaul catering to roleplayers. Now also including the Shivering Isles! Get ready for a jolt to the system. Although only vanilla (default) resources were used, T.I.E. is a tiny overhaul that carries major impact on the way Oblivion is played. The gameplay is much tougher on hack and slash players while favoring stealth gamers in general - although with the release of 1.26 onward, both Mages and Fighters can survive well in TIE too. How does TIE favor stealth gameplay? By having NPCs and creatures deal out far more damage, by raising sneak attack perks, and having real consequences for engaging in melee combat unprepared (for starters). High level loot and armor and weapons are also much rarer, far more TNRish NPCs now populate Cyrodiil (800 in this release), diseases are easier to catch, etc. You will also find most mid to high level shops (as well as many Imperial city homes) guarded by hired guards, so no more thieving to your heart's content and filling your loot bag. Now you have to actually WORK to be a good thief. You'll also come across secret entrances to all cities and castles. Some are underground, some require swimming, climbing, or jumping - or a combination of all three. You will see thieves making grabs for loot (and getting chased), deadly assassins, tomb raiders and morally ambiguous scavengers in wilderness areas as well as underneath the Imperial City sewer system - which is now interconnected via trapdoors, and grates. So have fun in the new Tamriel, but beware. More danger than you can conceive of lurks both on the surface and below. Only the prudent and vigilant will survive and thrive. Garrett would be proud. * TIE no longer caters exclusively to the stealth type gamer. Previous versions of TIE used to be tailor made for Thief types (RIP Looking Glass Studios), but Mages can now enjoy a greater thief-like environment blended in with the arcane. Fighters will also find their path in TIE - especially with the prolific use of shields and certain potions available from merchants and bartenders. * TIE features ONLY vanilla content. That means no resources found outside the Construction Set made their way into here. Custom scripts are fine as long as they're small, but visually speaking, everything you see and witness inside TIE comes directly from the game. This of course has a direct effect on the download size. As it currently stands, with more than 800 added TNR NPCs, and with a file size of just 5 megabytes, T.I.E. is a far smaller download than most other overhauls out there (with the exception of Adventurers). Downloads AFK Mods TES Alliance Please note that if you are using a version of Better Cities from 5.4.1 onward, you need to be sure you're getting the file that's marked as compatible with that. If you're sticking to a version of Better Cities older than that, use the regular one. System Requirements Oblivion 1.2.0416. Shivering Isles with the latest official SI patch. Installation Unpack TIE.esp, copy to your Oblivion Data folder. Favor loading it early, or use BOSS to set the proper position. Activate and enjoy. That's it! Youtube Videos: https://www.youtube.c...h?v=-tBpt6Mlnac - Life of Crime https://www.youtube.c...h?v=0YprIxupGlE - Prison Breaks https://www.youtube.c...h?v=bdbEPwqP8ts - Oblivion Deer Hunting https://www.youtube.c...h?v=0wpJdC_h2Kw - Cyrodiilean Dragonback Spider https://www.youtube.c...h?v=d5_So8QYgQM - The TNR NPCs WARNING: This overhaul is NOT for the faint of heart! Until level ten or so, it has been reported to be much tougher and unforgiving than FCOM, OOO, MMM, and other Oblivion classics, after which they even out. Rather than focusing upon combat, TIE deceives the player into believing they are part of a peaceful gaming world - until all hell breaks loose in a split second and has them running for their lives. It is strongly recommended that players take every precaution available to them prior to heading out into the wilderness. There are reasons now to employ virtually all types of potions and resources in the game. You WILL need every tactic available to survive this challenge! ***At present, T.I.E. is not compatible with any of the other overhauls (OOO, MMM, Frans, FCOM, etc). No current plans exist to change this! *** *** TIE FEATURES: Over 800 NPCs: Assassins, thieves, pickpockets, bards, pilgrims, alchemists, hunters, adventurers, varied Imperial Forces, barbarians, nightblades, commoners, hired guards, priests and healers, scavengers, tomb raiders, bandits & wizards, fences, infamous villains, heroes - these are just some of the new and interesting types of characters you will encounter in TIE. Above all else, this feature is the single-most visual addition to the vanilla game. All custom made NPCs feature vanilla content and items for their clothing, behavior, items, and weaponry. Think of it as Morrowind Comes Alive - for Oblivion. Tamriel Travelers: CorePC contributed and slightly modified his amazing mod to be included within TIE. Some of the NPCs can be traded with. These really add life and interest to the roads in general. Spellmaking Altars within Chapels. In line with modified spells and potions suitable for thieving types, TIE now enables the player to create their own spells via altars - provided they're able to sneak in undetected... Rarer Lockpicks and repair hammers: Gear up before heading out. If you run out of picks, try pickpocketing, thieving, the fences, and if you want a real challenge, you can try to approach Bandit Thieves in nearby camps as they will sell some. Just make sure you don't unsheathe any weaponry around them. Most vendors still carry a hammer or two, so buy 'em up fast when you see them. Owned Crates and Barrels: No - not "Pwned". Owned. It used to really irk me to see how easy the player can loot barrels and crates in plain sight and never get arrested. Now all town and city barrels and crates have ownership. The exceptions are ones found in forts, ruins, caves, and various wilderness areas. Hunting Poisons: These mixtures help players ensure they get their game. Upon impact, deer and boar, sheep and a few other animals will fall down, get back up, and run away mortally wounded. If you're quick, you can get a second shot in and finish them off. Otherwise they'll run away and you'll have to track 'em down. If a second shot isn't put in to finish the kill, they'll usually run around two hundred yards or so and die. Tougher Sneaking and Pickpocketing: The Sneaking/pickpocketing system has been revamped somewhat and follows a certain logic. Most commoners are easier to sneak up and pickpocket than other thieves, warriors and such. Imperial Forces are definitely tough to catch off their guard so if you have a bounty on your head, tread lightly. Fences: There are several in the game, but getting to them safely can be tricky. First you have to find their location and what times they prefer to ply their trades, then you have to make sure Undercover Imperial Agents haven't set up ambushes to arrest you on sight. How do you find a Fence? The first clue is in one of the secret lairs - which in turn is accessible only by key (scour the dungeon tutorial to find this key - especially near the end in the sewers). Pickpockets: You'll be pleasantly surprised to see thieves and other lowlifes actually stealing and running from the law in-game. And here is the best thing: you get to keep what they've stolen. Of course, you'll have to be able to keep up with them first. Secret Entrances: Tired of waltzing through the front door to try to steal stuff? These entrances fix the problem in grand fashion. To find them, simply walk around the outskirts of every castle, town, and city in the game. Some are trapdoors, some are rope ladders thrown over palisade walls. You'll definitely need to be somewhat of an acrobat to reach some of them. Secret Lairs: No thief or assassin should be without some sort of home base. There are eight in total, ranging from lushly lit pads to worn out logs. No more set Training Levels: Frustrated by the game telling you you can't train past a certain level? Well that's gone. Now, as long as you have the cash, trainers will train you to the maximum of their abilities in whatever skills they have. Bounty and Infamy Payoff System: Morerunes is to thank for this cool feature. In vanilla Oblivion, one must be part of the Thieves Guild in order to have bounties and infamy cleared up. No more. Now, as long as you ride a horse, swim, or run, you can set forth to have your good name cleared - until the next heist that is. Diversified Imperial Forces: There you are in your favorite Inn, drinking some delicious mead served by the local Wench, and thinking you've safely outrun the local Watch. Think again...an officer might be right beside you. In TIE, thieves and assassins will have to watch not only for Imperial Guards, but also Bounty Hunters, Imperial Frogmen, Marksmen, and Battlemages. They can be anywhere, so be careful who you talk to... Tougher Prison Escapes: Perhaps you are used to simply picking a lock, retrieving your stolen goods, safely sneaking past a sleeping Guard, and making your way outside to the exit. Heh heh...dream on. Expect a real challenge now to even be able to breath fresh air again. Now one must avoid traps and decoys as well as tougher and smarter Guards. Escapes can be so difficult that you might find yourself thinking about giving up and returning to jail to serve your sentence. Sure beats getting a sharp broadhead up the [censored]. Non Leveled Loot, Items, Creatures, and NPCs: This means exactly what it says. No more leveled anything anywhere in the game. In your first ten minutes, you can find Daedric armor as well as a cool sword - just as you can wander for ages and not find anything of great value. This also applies to creatures. Oblivion realms can be filled with some real nasties or little scamp runts. It all depends. Deadlier Traps: Watch your step in caves and ruins. Your next step might trigger a tripwire, sending a three to four hundred pound spiked log into your chest - OUCH! Decreased Thieving Sounds: No more loud foot sneaking or opening doors or sacks. Now, just about every thief-like sound in the game has been lessened. Gas Arrows: These tools are designed to help you safely infiltrate and scout restricted areas. NPCs knocked out by the reservoir's potent gases will remain unconscious for roughly five minutes - just enough to let you make that important grab and get out. However, sometimes they can backfire and alert nearby NPCs, so use them wisely. Purchase them from Fences. Realistic Bandits: In vanilla Oblivion, leveling up in-game means becoming exposed to glass wearing Bandits and other baddies. Those days are history in TIE. Expect highly realistic and dangerous baddies to contend with - whether it's bandits, marauders, or conjurers. Spiders: Named Dragonbacks, they come in two varieties: Eastern Dragonbacks and Western Dragonbacks. A single bite or sting will either kill or severely wound you unless promptly treated. And chances are unless your hearing is very good, you won't even hear the little bastards sneak up on you. The only indication you'll have that you've been bitten is that you'll feel a slight and temporary blurring of vision. Both kinds of Dragonbacks create very valid reasons for carrying potions or spells. Dragonbacks are normally docile creatures, attacking only when provoked or when they sense danger is near. Unsheathing weaponry in their midst is a surefire way to rile them up. Realistic Wildlife: No mammoth sized bears or boars. Deer are much more fearful. Wolves usually flee on sight unless they're in packs. Mountain lions also usually flee on sight but will sometimes charge. Black bears usually flee but will sometimes attack. Packs of feral dogs now roam the wilderness. Rats are much smaller and faster and populate wilderness areas around farms and fields. You may also come across wild stallions that are bullish and try to do you in. High, snowy regions now harbor rams, while small groups of sheep can be seen roaming the wilds below. There are also rumors of two or three gigantic Ogre and Minotaur Collosus beasts nearly fifty feet tall roaming the most remote regions of Tamriel. They may carry large amounts of gear and loot when felled. Some sewers now also contain a smaller form of Dreugh. Again, all creatures have been fully unlocked at game start, which means that if you want to stay relatively safe, then stick to the roads. As the Imperial guardsmen are often heard saying, ' the wilderness just isn't safe anymore'. And the best part is, all of these creatures have more developed predator/prey type relationships: wolves will actively hunt deer and many other creatures. So will bear, boars, and mountain lions. Morrowind Ingredients: Remember Flin, Grief, and Matze? They're in here. Other nice ingredients and foods such as roobrush, marshmarrow, and even scrib jerky are in TIE as well. Better and more lethal Archery: This applies not only to your own equipment, but that of baddies as well. Beware bow equipped Wood Elf bandits... Fully interconnected Imperial City Underground: If you want a real adventure, try going underneath the Imperial City sewer system. There, you will encounter vampires, assassins, tomb raiders, scavengers, beggars, diseased rats and crabs, and much else. You may even survive long enough to catch fresh air again. Also, rumors exist of a mysterious visitor in the city's depths... Fiercer Combat: In previous versions of TIE, players often complained of combat being too difficult (it is). However, version 1.26 and up now has shields becoming far greater assets for would-be warriors and brawlers. In most instances, Shields have had their ratings boosted up by over 400% and their health by over 1000% for longer lasting battles. If you can time your strikes right and protect your vitals, shield equipped fighters should not feel overly handicapped in TIE. Another feature of combat in TIE is the chance of contracting various crippling diseases. And why not? After all, you are engaging dirty, roughed up individuals who have not washed in days or weeks. Deadlier Vampires: TIE's 'denizens of the night' are no longer affected by normal weaponry, so take very good care of that shiny silver sword. Better yet, bring two. And don't skimp out on health potions either... Fatigue and Health: In version 1.26 and beyond, all health and fatigue potions and spells and enchantments have been modified to be much more realistic and less forgiving. However, they also tend to be more powerful. The way they work now is that instead of gulping a health potion and instantly gaining back health, health levels come back slowly over time. The same goes for fatigue. So if you've taken a few bad hits and are running away from bandits and expect to have your stats boosted miraculously, you just may end up dead. Calculate your battles... Greater Underwater Argonians Population: See that funny looking head popping up occasionally in the waters of the misty swamp? Chances are it belongs to one of Black Marsh's citizens. New and Useful Literature: If you've just found a safe haven within a cave and have a few minutes to spare, you might want to give a few new books a read. There is "Tactics and Maneuvers: The Field Tactician's Handbook", various recon reports for every town and city, a Mythic Dawn NOC (Non-Official Cover) list, and more. The handbook, in particular, has many dozens of tips on how to best survive the dangerous Tamrielic landscape. Safer Roads: For those days when you just want to leave the quests alone and pick flowers and enjoy the great sunsets instead. Just don't step off the road... Rideable Bandit Steeds: They may be a little jittery and not have saddles, but these make perfect (if not temporary) escape companions for when you've successfully stolen from dangerous baddies and need a quick getaway. Just make sure no bandits wake up or the steeds will take off. More Restricted Areas: Duggedank worked his magic to give us increased risks in "going behind the counter" in stores, Inns, and in certain castle areas. Three warnings from the local Guards and you'll be either killed or arrested, so watch out... Lower Encumbrance: You're just getting out of jail, so your encumbrance will have taken a direct hit. No more carrying everything you find from the tutorial. Now you have to pick and choose your items carefully otherwise you'll be too weighed down. In-Game Time Goes by Less Quick: One minute of real time equals ten minutes in-game time instead of thirty minutes. This is great for thieving, since you no longer feel rushed in loot filled areas. Better Clutter: Now everything you pick up has value - including cups, forks, tongs. Yay - finally a reason to loot crates and barrels! Now, where was that fence located? Revamped weapons and armor system: What I played around with the most are the weights, damage points, and health. Also, all vendors only sell either iron or steel or fur and leather as well as some Elven. The fancier stuff has to be searched for in ruins, forts, caves, and elsewhere. Bring good adventurer's gear with you if you plan to hunt for it. Iron for instance, is nearly everywhere. It is dependable and very hard hitting though easily broken. It is also much heavier. Steel is both relatively light, slightly less hard hitting than iron, but much easier to maintain. Elven weaponry and armor is exquisitely light, very hard hitting, but also requires constant care and attention in order to keep in good condition. Silver is hard hitting and heavy, but very easy to maintain. Also quite a bit more valuable. Dwarven arms and armor are the workhorses of the lot; extremely tough and lethal, though they are as heavy as iron. Very easy to keep in top condition. Glass arms and armor is a bit weird. It technically falls under the light category, but have you ever lifted a large solid glass item? It's a beast to lift! But in TES, it is classified as light so I kept it light. Extremely lethal, but also difficult to keep in top condition. Very valuable if you find it though. Bring lots of hammers. Ebony is heavy, tough, and valuable. It is also rarely come across. If you see it in-game somewhere, stash it. Daedric, as usual, is the rarest, heaviest, and most precious stuff of the lot. Compatibility TIE works well with a great many mods. Since it uses strictly vanilla resources found only in Oblivion and Shivering Isles, it should fit in well with any mod. Using TIE with other overhauls such as Frans, OOO, MMM, etc. is possible but due to the nature of how they all modify leveled lists, the results will be mixed at best. Wrye Bash can generally resolve most of these through the proper use of tags. You will likely need to make use of TIE4Mods to integrate things better, but be aware that has not been updated in quite some time. A patch is available specifically to address inventory issues with some Frans NPCs who don't receive their illuminated staves, despite tag configuration. Better Cities and Open Cities are both compatible with all features of TIE right out of the box. No patches necessary so long as TIE is loaded before them. Care has been taken over time to avoid conflicts with the Unique Landscapes mods, at this time no known conflicts exist. No known conflicts with any quest mods exist, unless they alter the vanilla Daedric quests or the Thieves Guild "Independent Thievery" quest. Overlapping edits are synchronized with the UOP and USIP where necessary to preserve any bugfixes that would otherwise get wiped out. Credits TIE is originally created by Veritas_Secreto (aka "Nethawk") [stephanewuttunee@hotmail.com]. Versions 1.41 and onward are maintained by Arthmoor. First and foremost, I would like to thank all those involved in TIE's development. CorePC, for example, was instrumental in making sure TIE's new features worked out. He really helped iron out the bugs. CorePC is the one to thank for all the fantastic NPCs you see traveling Tamriel's roads - many of which are merchants that can help you achieve your goals. Without CorePC, this initial release of T.I.E. would probably not have come to pass as quickly or be as fleshed out. Arkenor allowed me to incorporate his excellent "Tutorial Terminator" mod into T.I.E., thereby eliminating the ubiquitous message panels popping up and telling us how to use a bow - or how to make a potion. His mod effectively removes those prompts - forever. Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
  4. Vain

    Alpha Werewolf

    Version 3.0


    What It Is Ever accept the gift of Lycanthropy from the Companions? Love running around as a wolf? Hate using the Wait function? Now you can be the ALPHA Werewolf! All other werewolves are just childish puppies in comparison to your glorious might! This mod enables you to leave Beast Form at will! It also continues the vanilla Werewolf damage progression to level 100 (up from 50). The Ring of Hircine will also grant you the Blessing of Hircine - a constant buff that allows unlimited transformations regardless if the ring is equipped or not! You must equip the Ring at least once to gain this ability. How it Works After you turn into a Werewolf, change back at any time by holding the F key (by default your Point of View key). Recommend only using after you have completed the Deadric quest for Hircine and obtaining his ring as a reward. This ring removes the cooldown on Beast Form allowing unlimited transformations to the still-wet-behind-the-ears pup. Optional Files Dawnguard version continues leveling not only the claw damage but the damage resistance to level 100 (up from 50). Manual Installation Extract the files to your Steam>steamapps>common>Skyrim>Data folder. Manual Uninstallation Remove the .esp and the .bsa file. Bugs Report possible bugs via PM or comment. Future Development Possible upgrade to damage/damage resistance/feed healing depending on popular opinion. Functionality for the removal of the Blessing of Hircine if Lycanthropy is cured. Compatibility and Requirements Will not be compatible with any mods that modify these files - PlayerWerewolfQuest DA05HircinesRing Requires the following programs to run - The Skyrim Script Extender Also available on Steam and The Nexus and TES Alliance
  5. Version 1.50


    An overhaul catering to roleplayers. Now also including the Shivering Isles! Get ready for a jolt to the system. Although only vanilla (default) resources were used, T.I.E. is a tiny overhaul that carries major impact on the way Oblivion is played. The gameplay is much tougher on hack and slash players while favoring stealth gamers in general - although with the release of 1.26 onwards, both Mages and Fighters can survive well in TIE too. How does TIE favor stealth gameplay? By having NPCs and creatures deal out far more damage, by raising sneak attack perks, and having real consequences for engaging in melee combat unprepared (for starters). High level loot and armor and weapons are also much rarer, far more TNRish NPCs now populate Cyrodiil (800 in this release), diseases are easier to catch, etc. You will also find most mid to high level shops (as well as many Imperial city homes) guarded by hired guards, so no more thieving to your heart's content and filling your loot bag. Now you have to actually WORK to be a good thief. You'll also come across secret entrances to all cities and castles. Some are underground, some require swimming, climbing, or jumping - or a combination of all three. You will see thieves making grabs for loot (and getting chased), deadly assassins, tomb raiders and morally ambiguous scavengers in wilderness areas as well as underneath the Imperial City sewer system - which is now interconnected via trapdoors, and grates. So have fun in the new Tamriel, but beware. More danger than you can conceive of lurks both on the surface and below. Only the prudent and vigilant will survive and thrive. Garrett would be proud. * TIE no longer caters exclusively to the stealth type gamer. Previous versions of TIE used to be tailor made for Thief types (RIP Looking Glass Studios), but Mages can now enjoy a greater thief-like environment blended in with the arcane. Fighters will also find their path in TIE - especially with the prolific use of shields and certain potions available from merchants and bartenders. * TIE features ONLY vanilla content. That means no resources found outside the Construction Set made their way into here. Custom scripts are fine as long as they're small, but visually speaking, everything you see and witness inside TIE comes directly from the game. This of course has a direct effect on the download size. As it currently stands, with more than 800 added TNR NPCs, and with a file size of just 5 megabytes, T.I.E. is a far smaller download than most other overhauls out there (with the exception of Adventurers). IMPORTANT: If you are using Better Cities 5.4.1 or higher, download "TIE For BC 541.7z". Version 5.4 and up of BC include the Blood & Mud mod and has a new wall configuration in Bruma as well. If you are sticking with a version of Better Cities which DOES NOT incorporate the Blood & Mud mod, download the file simply called "TIE.7z" instead.
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