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About This File

A maze. Not some simple, paltry labyrinth. A real maze.

WARNING: This maze is not like any maze thus far in Skyrim.  There are no clues, no sign posts, no guides.  You can get irretrievably lost in this maze.   If you are playing on survival mode, you may regret your choice. 

DO NOT Share the solution.  The solution is mine to share, not yours. 

This mod is a Work In Progress.  It is playable as it is, and works quite well.  I am attempting to turn this into a quest, so bear with me. 

Find the journal in the Hall of Attainment in the room with the wine vat.  Start your adventure from there. 

This mod was successfully tested on the Anniversary Edition version 1.6.1130.

This mod has been verified clean with Xedit 4.0.4.

If you wish to communicate with me about this mod, you may do so here, or you can find me on Discord at https://discord.gg/jW7m65uNW7

This mod has been uploaded to Bethesda net for Xbox (https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4326105).

This mod may be downloaded for use during gameplay only.  Any other use is prohibited.  This mod may NOT be shared, reuploaded or modified without my EXPRESS WRITTEN permission.

This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.


_Shalidor's Maze .png


Q: Why is Shalidor's Maze so hard.

A: It was deliberately built to be difficult and challenging.  

Lore wise, this maze was created by Shalidor, a genius and a extremely powerful mage. It is a very safe bet that each door is more magical portal than actual door; and thus, the doors and rooms do not connect linearly. It is also pretty much guaranteed that the left/right hand solving techniques used in labyrinths won't work in this maze.

Now, consider further.  Shalidor made every room identical to confuse and disorient anyone brave enough to enter his domain.  Your challenge, figure out how to make every room unique.

And for Talos' sake, make a map.


Edited by Scythe Bearer
Added the hints.

What's New in Version 1.0.1


Removed a unreferenced Master.  Also made the mod an ESL

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You should mention the Dawnguard Center Floor Fix as an additional requirement. 

I have downloaded your mod and had some trouble figuring out what the additional requirement was, but Wrye Bash gave me the answer. Also reviewed the mod in the CK to prevent me from creating the same type of maze as you did. My mod, "Shalidor's Legacy" will be totally different, although with some minor similarities. I will place a short description of my mod on Modding on the Spectrum soon.

Scythe Bearer

Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Altbert said:

You should mention the Dawnguard Center Floor Fix as an additional requirement. 

I have downloaded your mod and had some trouble figuring out what the additional requirement was, but Wrye Bash gave me the answer. Also reviewed the mod in the CK to prevent me from creating the same type of maze as you did. My mod, "Shalidor's Legacy" will be totally different, although with some minor similarities. I will place a short description of my mod on Modding on the Spectrum soon.

Thanks for the feedback. 

The mod does not require the Dawnguard Center Floor Tile Fix.  I forgot to remove unused masters. 

My maze is unique, thus far.  I have seen nothing even close to it in the ES universe.  It is build on a concept which has never been successfully implemented before. 


EDIT, I have removed the unreferenced master and made the mod a ESL. 


Edited by Scythe Bearer
rrryyg 23w11


I have some questions about this mod, is there a chance a fresh discord link could be uploaded?

Scythe Bearer

Posted (edited)

First, you can ask your question here.  You don't have to go to discord. 

Second, where did you encounter an issue with the discord link?  I will need that location to verify/fix the link.  In my best Emily Litella (Gilda Radner) voice "Never mind". 


Edited by Scythe Bearer


Holy cow.  Nice reward at the end.   Had to develop a scheme of room identification and then it took me a few hours (with 3 start-overs) but I sure knew it when I got to the exit.  Thank goodness I have Smart Harvest mod to pick all that stuff up.  Excellent work!

Scythe Bearer


2 hours ago, cmd673 said:

Holy cow.  Nice reward at the end.   Had to develop a scheme of room identification and then it took me a few hours (with 3 start-overs) but I sure knew it when I got to the exit.  Thank goodness I have Smart Harvest mod to pick all that stuff up.  Excellent work!

Thank you.  I hope you had as much fun solving the maze as I did making it.  I know I chortled and giggle and rubbed my hands with glee several times.  :D :evil:



I have a problem with the mod deleting itself.  Every time I restart Vortex, it reports that the mod is gone giving me a choice to continue or quit vortex.  So I continue and then reinstall the mod to get back to where I was.  Any ideas?

Scythe Bearer


Stop using Vortex, maybe?  :imp: 

Silliness aside, you need to take this up with Vortex support.  This is their issue to fix. 



Oh I thought it might be something easy like "Vortex does that when the mod name starts with an underscore".   I was hoping there was a way to rename the mod to try out that theory.  In Vortex, the mod shows up as "__Shalidors_Maze.7z" and not as aname such as "Shalidor's Maze".image.png.7c70a092f27129a113a7b32d58298c04.png



After restart:  image.png.172c5113253050e26547af897ee8995b.png

Scythe Bearer


Look; I don't mean to be rude here, but you are wasting both our time.  I don't know squat about Vortex, and I care even less.  You are having an issue with Vortex so take it up with Vortex Support and stop pestering me. 



No worries.  I figured something in the message and the way the title shows might trigger an idea for you about maybe a missing file or something in your mod package since only your mod behaves like this among the hundreds I have used.   I won't bring this up again.

Suggestions for enhancements to mod:

1) I now know the path through the maze.  If I replay the mod, I don't have to resolve it again.  If you could somehow randomize the path, that cheat goes away.

2) Maybe provide some means of marking the room like leaving can of spray paint in the room or near the trap door leading to the first room.  I used my own method which is very handy taking advantage of a feature of Skyrim to identify each room but I won't post that spoiler here.

Scythe Bearer


I thought about randomizing the solution, but the processing necessary to generate the maze got to be too much for most game PCs and wouldn't work on Xbox at all. 

To number two, that is a definite 'NO!'  Lore wise, Shalidor wasn't a fool, and he meant the maze to be a trap.  Shalidor wanted to catch interlopers unaware so the stupid or weak who intruded into his domain would die and have their remains turn to dust and ash. 



I figured a true randomizer would be a bit much to pull off.  My other idea for that was to have something like 10 different layouts, and you could randomly pick one of them upon entering.  Even if you knew all 10, which would take a lot of solving time, you would still need to figure out which one it was each time you played.



FYI: Folks over on the Vortex forums confirmed that Vortex does not like the double underscore at the start of the mod file name.  I removed the mod from Vortex, renamed the file to "Shalidors_Maze", and then re-installed with the new name.   I got a CTD when attempting to continue from my saved game, but the renamed mod works fine with a new game.  I suggest you take off the leading underscores from your mod file name to save future Vortex users from the same issue.

Scythe Bearer

Posted (edited)

I suggest they fix Vortex, in as much as it is their software which is the only mod manager which has issues with the name of either the mod or its packaging.  Furthermore; given that the filenames contained within the mod are perfectly acceptable within the rules for file naming for Windows and Unix, I submit that Vortex is indeed broken. 


Edited by Scythe Bearer


Sorry, I thought they might need to reproduce the issue.  I see that they did delete it.

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