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[RELz] ESO Skyshards


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Long ago, during the second era in the time of the Planemeld, adventurers sought out whatever power they could gain to aid in their battle against Molag Bal. Among these items of power were Skyshards, presumably made available by the gods for those who were dedicated to exploring both the hidden and mundane corners of Tamriel. Not much is truly known about them, but in these trying times of dragons and civil war, the Skyshards have once again appeared for the Last Dragonborn to discover and augment his power.

ESO Skyshards places several shards throughout the province of Skyrim, including Dawnguard areas and Solstheim. Much like the ones from ESO itself, once you collect 3, you will earn 1 perk point to spend as you see fit. There are 6 in each section, for a total of 66 shards amounting to 22 extra perk points. That may seem like a lot, but by the time you've found them all you'll likely be pretty high level anyway so it balances out in the end. Sorry, beyond the 3 screenshots displayed for the mod, I will not reveal the locations of all of the shards. They do not have map markers either, and there are no plans to provide any. They are located in a mix of easy areas and hard areas so they should prove to be quite a challenge to locate.

This mod will go especially well with mods that expand the number of perks you can use as well as perk overhauls that expand the number of points required to obtain perks.

This mod requires external assets and is therefore not possible to port to PS4. Sorry.


AFK Mods
Bethesda.net - PC + XB1

Installation Requirements

Skyrim Special Edition 1.6.1130 or greater.
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch 4.3.2 or greater.

DO NOT extract the contents of the BSA file into your Data folder as loose files, or let your mod manager perform an equivalent function on the contents of the file. Doing so will cause things to load in the wrong order and break the game. Skyrim is intended to load a BSA alongside it's ESM/ESP file. Circumventing this causes issues which I will not provide support for. If you insist on going against this advice, you will receive no support for the problems you generate as a result of this.

Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN

Drop the archive into your Skyrim Special Edition Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual.
Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab.

Installation - Manual

Drop the Skyshards.esp, Skyshards.bsa, and Skyshards - Textures.bsa files into your Data folder.
Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you.


Due to the nature of Skyrim mods, especially those adding scripts, it is strongly discouraged to attempt uninstalling a mod from your active game. Any mod that is more than pure mesh or texture replacements has the possibility to leave behind permanent changes to your save that you may not want. This is not something modders can correct for. It is how the game was designed by Bethesda. No support will be provided for anyone who uninstalls this mod from an active game and continues on with that save.

To remove the mod: Delete the Skyshards.esp, Skyshards.bsa, and Skyshards - Textures.bsa files from your Data folder. Then reload your game as usual.

Load Order

LOOT should be used for optimal placement.


Rustic soul gem texture originally by Gamwich, prepped for MLP shader by MadCat221.
JayCrane: Static collision for the model since the Havok variety would not have worked.
WiZkiD and Rudy102: ENB-capable version of the Skyshard beacons.


This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.

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Right, so now we just have to search EVERYWHERE! :)


Good idea for a mod Arthmoor, another reason to check out the game in its entirety ( The Stones of Barenzia are still keeping me amused after all this time, I have not found even half of them .. aswell as studiously avoiding the mod that marks them all, though, it calls to me in my sleep :fear: )


Congratualtions on another fine mod with a simple idea.



Edit : Oh and please resist all calls for spoilers, stoically

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  • 3 weeks later...

Version 2.0.1

Fixed an exploit in the shard activation script that would let you get credit for more than one at a time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Version 2.0.2

Renamed the script to make SSE let go of the old copy that became broken when the exploit was plugged.
Upgraded the Skyshard textures to a higher resolution to fit the scaled up gem size. Thanks again to MadCat221 for these!

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  • 4 months later...

I've already found two and I wonder if they are going to be re-activated after let say three seasons or a year.

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Nope. Once you've used them they stay permanently deactivated just like in ESO.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Version 2.0.3

Skyshards that have not been discovered yet will now emit a humming sound. Due to limitations on how sound works in the game you may still need to be fairly close to one to hear it.
When touching a Skyshard, a new visual effect and sound will play. Gone is the uneventful thunderclap.
Selected outdoor Skyshards will now have a highly visible blue beacon over them. Since the beacon object ignores collision it will not be found on shards which are covered by something outside, and shards indoors will have no beacons on them. Beacons will not be visible from a distance, which conforms to their behavior in ESO.

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On 9/2/2017 at 2:51 AM, ejnomad07 said:

66 Shards and I can't find one. :facepalm:

Use my Skyrim Map Markers mod and you'll find one or two. :whistle:

On 5/7/2018 at 12:22 AM, Arthmoor said:

Version 2.0.3

Skyshards that have not been discovered yet will now emit a humming sound. Due to limitations on how sound works in the game you may still need to be fairly close to one to hear it.
When touching a Skyshard, a new visual effect and sound will play. Gone is the uneventful thunderclap.
Selected outdoor Skyshards will now have a highly visible blue beacon over them. Since the beacon object ignores collision it will not be found on shards which are covered by something outside, and shards indoors will have no beacons on them. Beacons will not be visible from a distance, which conforms to their behavior in ESO.

That's cool and I think you actually did the same thing as the devs used a sound for the Nirnroots in-game.  Maybe the devs also did that in Oblivion, I don't remember now as I haven't played Oblivion for a long a time.

Argh, I really like the thunderstorm sound and to me it is a *bang* similar to a Concorde sounded when it was in service in the 80's.

Anyway, thanks for the update mate. :horkercookie:

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It's actually a hum I hijacked from something in the Thieves Guild quest and raised the frequency on.

The sound for when you've actually touched a shard is from the Guardian Stones after you pick one.

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I've now added 3 additional addons for mods. One for Falskaar, one for Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, and one for Wyrmstooth.

For Wyrmstooth, you'll need to port a copy of that to SSE yourself in order to use that file. Nothing I or anyone else can do about that unless the author wants to put up a copy of that himself. Which doesn't seem likely. Please do not ask me for the copy I ported for my own use because I will not give it to you.

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  • 3 months later...

@Arthmoor Today when I played SSE (I am now on Solstheim) I got an idea of how many ESO Shards crystal one have discovered and activated.

Is it feasible to add a counter, into the "General Stats" section in the game menu when pressing Esc in-game, to show how many more crystals that needs to be activated before gaining a perk (0/3 or 1/3 or 2/3)?

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I'm sure it's possible but I don't know how feasible it is. Fortunately I did think ahead and the mod is keeping track quietly in the background :p

I guess I'll have to look into how to hack up a menu or something.

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I'd rather not make it reliant on SKSE so that the option would transfer to XB1 as well.

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I see.  Make sense.

I think a power spell for showning how many that's left to discover before gaining a perk is a better option. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Version 2.0.4

Moved a Skyshard that had its beacon sticking out beneath a rock.
A beacon on another Skyshard was not correctly linked to disable when the Skyshard was activated.
A Skyshard was being disabled instead of the aura linked to it.

Note: These fixes will not take effect on Skyshards that have already been activated.

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  • 1 month later...

The addon files for Bruma, Falskaar, and Wyrmstooth have been updated with the ESL flag so they will no longer take up traditional mod slots.

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  • 1 month later...

Version 2.0.5

One of the Skyshards was setup backward and was turning on its aura and glowing version when it should have been disabling instead.

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  • 7 months later...

Version 2.1

Skyshards are now tracked in a quest for each hold, indicating how many you currently have out of the 6 in each.

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  • 6 months later...

Version 2.2

6 more Skyshards have been added in Blackreach in honor of the Greymoor expansion for ESO. (No, it's not the same Blackreach region as in ESO, but hey)
The quests have been shifted to the Miscellaneous journal category.
Skyshard beacons have been cut down in size because they were often too tall and too easily given away. They should be more in line with the height of an ESO beacon now.

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/4/2020 at 4:06 AM, Arthmoor said:

Version 2.2

6 more Skyshards have been added in Blackreach in honor of the Greymoor expansion for ESO. (No, it's not the same Blackreach region as in ESO, but hey)
The quests have been shifted to the Miscellaneous journal category.
Skyshard beacons have been cut down in size because they were often too tall and too easily given away. They should be more in line with the height of an ESO beacon now.

Thanks for the update, Arthmoor. :horkercookie:

Although, I need to ask you.  I assume one extra perk is automatically added after discovering three skyshards, right.  Does that also applies for Blackreach?

If it does then I can report that I found four skyshards, two outdoors and two indoors, and still no extra perk added, unless it is intentional.

I don't remember now since I've running almost everywhere in Blackreach trying to find 30 crimson nirnroot and killing the dragon plus a lot of fighting when running into falmer, but I might got one extra perk added when I found the first skyshard.  However, for the other three no extra perk were added.

I even ran into a giant, a giant in the Blackreach. :blink:

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Version 2.2.1

Added an ENB-capable version of the Skyshard beacon.

Thanks to WiZkiD and Rudy102 for providing this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello.  In the wyrmstooth patch I am seeing this.


[07:31] WyrmstoothTombOfVulom "Tomb of Vulom" [CELL:062F1A7B]
[07:31]     CELL \ XCMO - Music Type -> [06B30638] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[07:31] WyrmstoothDimfrostBoilery "Dimfrost Boilery" [CELL:061B802C]
[07:31]     CELL \ XCMO - Music Type -> [06B30638] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[07:31] WyrmstoothGronndalGrove "Gronndal Grove" [CELL:06486526]
[07:31]     CELL \ XCMO - Music Type -> [06B30638] < Error: Could not be resolved >

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