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New Vegas freezes after speaking to Doc Mitchell

Renee G

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AFK seems more about Elder Scrolls games than Fallout, but I don't think this is a Fallout-specific issue I am having. 

Literally, after speaking to Doc Mitchell at the start of the game (on PC) the game freezes. And the mouse cursor POPS on screen, even though I'm using a controller, not a mouse. The issue persists if I switch from controller to mouse + keys. 

Here's a video. It cannot be seen in the vid, but like I said, the mouse cursor jumps onscreen just after speaking to Doc. 

Plenty of folks have issues once they get outside of Doc's house, a lot of folks have had the game freeze once they're out in the world. Usually this is due to video settings being too high, according to what I've read on Reddit and other sites. But as we can see, I'm not even able to get outside Doc Mitchell's house! This seems more a utility issue than a game issue. 

Any ideas?  


EDIT: forgot to mention that I'm new to playing NV on PC, not that it should matter. Got the game from GoG. No mods! No script extender, nothing. It's just the base game in that video. 

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Hi. :)

Looks like it is this issue:


Out of interest, as in the above linked video the character is fully equipped, to discount any inventory issues, would it make any difference in unequipping and emptying the inventory beforehand?

The Unofficial Patch might help in some way, engine fixes could also be worth a shot.

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For an unofficial patch, I'd recommend YUP. Despite some amount of straying from it's intended purpose, it remains the closest to its original intent of fixing bugs.

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Posted (edited)

SWEET thanks so much, Imstearn. That's exactly the issue! - I haven't tried disabling the firewall yet (at work now) but I have a feeling the problem lies outside of the game itself, and is something related to software or some utility of some such. So I have a feeling this is the solution.



Out of interest, as in the above linked video the character is fully equipped, to discount any inventory issues, would it make any difference in unequipping and emptying the inventory beforehand?


I'm not adding anything to inventory before speaking to Doc. As we can see, various DLC already add a bunch of stuff (too much IMO) and since this is a brand-new game on  a brand-new platform (for me) I wanted to start with as little as possible. 


Arthmoor: Cool, thanks for the link. I enjoy some of your mods, btw. Sutch is one of them. :) 




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