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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Tired of having to buy your Potions of Well Being from a single vendor way out in Raven Rock. No longer. With this mod, you can now craft your own. This mod adds Werewolf Hearts to the game to provide the necessary combination of effects to allow one to craft a Potion of Well Being. I will assume you are familiar with how crafting works. A Potion of Well Being has three effects. Restore Magicka, Restore Health and Restore Stamina. To make this potion you need two ingredients with all these effects, or three ingredients with the proper combination of effects. There are ingredients with Restore Magicka and Restore Stamina, and Restore Health and Restore Stamina. What is missing is an ingredient with Restore Health and Restore Magicka to complete the trifecta. Thus, Werewolf Hearts. Finding Werewolf hearts is simple. They exists in Werewolves. They also exist in the possession of Werewolf Hunters. Alchemist Vendors will sell them. How to make the potion? Well, you already know one ingredient. Use your Alchemy Skill to discover the other two. Or, you can occasionally find an Alchemist Vendor with the recipe for sale. Like all crafted potions, the effectiveness of the potion will increase with the strength of your Alchemy Skill, and the added strength of the enchantments on your gloves and rings and necklaces. Now, there is a caveat. Because of the way the Alchemy interface works, you will never create a "Potion of Well Being". Your potion will be named "Potion of" one of the effects in the Potion of Well Being. So use caution when selling your excess potions or stashing your potions in storage. You will need to look at the effects and not the name. This Mod has been cleaned with Xedit 4.0.3. This mod was successfully tested on the Anniversary Edition version 1.6.1130. This mod is available for Xbox: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4236689 This mod may be downloaded for use during gameplay only. Any other use is prohibited. This mod may NOT be shared, reuploaded or modified without my EXPRESS WRITTEN permission. This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
  2. Hello there, First of all, English is not my native language, so bare with me. I have recently discovered a game breaking bug related to Werewolves and Werebears (for players and NPCs), more specifically the Attack Events that the "WerewolfBeastRace" is using. I was testing some werewolf self-made perks and I have noticed that sometimes my werewolf was doing insane amounts of damage for no logical reason, so I decided to investigate further... Using the Damage Notify ( https://www.nexusmod...yrim/mods/36823 ) and Floating Damage ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87895 ) I have noticed that this bug comes in two shapes in two different occasions: 1. When moving in any direction and using a regular Left or Right claw attack (not dual, not power attack) and stopping from moving exactly at the same time when your claws hit your target, they will take the damage two times instead of only once (see screenshots). The attack sound will also play two times. Same for NPC werebears and I'm 100% sure that this applies for NPC werewolves, but I haven't tested it yet. 2. When sprinting and attacking using Left or Right claw attack, 80% of the time, you will deal the damage 2 or 3 times instead of only one time. Also, as above, the impact sound will play multiple times. I have also tested this with a newly installed Skyrim without any mods or .ini files modifications, so it has always been there. So after extensive tests I have narrowed the problem down to the next AttackEvents types: attackStartLeft, AttackStartLeftSide, AttackStartLeftSprinting, attackStartRight, AttackStartRightSide and AttackStartRightSprinting. The power attacks, regular left or right claw standing attacks and dual attacks of all kinds are not affected by this bug. I think if your claws strike at the same time you stop from moving, the game detects that your character is both standing still and moving at the same time so it uses two Attack Events instead of one. I have tried to fix it in Tes5Edit, but without any luck. If I will find a solution I will upload a fix on the Nexus, until then I would appreciate any help in solving this. SCREENSHOTS: Regular moving and stopping attack ss: https://ibb.co/hM9UCU Sprinting attack ss: https://ibb.co/dpnue9 Examples in Tes5Edit: https://ibb.co/fSjJ6p Even though DamageNotify says they are power attacks, in fact they are not flagged as power attacks and they do not consume any stamina therefore, they are regular attacks. Thank you,
  3. Vain

    Alpha Werewolf

    Version 3.0


    What It Is Ever accept the gift of Lycanthropy from the Companions? Love running around as a wolf? Hate using the Wait function? Now you can be the ALPHA Werewolf! All other werewolves are just childish puppies in comparison to your glorious might! This mod enables you to leave Beast Form at will! It also continues the vanilla Werewolf damage progression to level 100 (up from 50). The Ring of Hircine will also grant you the Blessing of Hircine - a constant buff that allows unlimited transformations regardless if the ring is equipped or not! You must equip the Ring at least once to gain this ability. How it Works After you turn into a Werewolf, change back at any time by holding the F key (by default your Point of View key). Recommend only using after you have completed the Deadric quest for Hircine and obtaining his ring as a reward. This ring removes the cooldown on Beast Form allowing unlimited transformations to the still-wet-behind-the-ears pup. Optional Files Dawnguard version continues leveling not only the claw damage but the damage resistance to level 100 (up from 50). Manual Installation Extract the files to your Steam>steamapps>common>Skyrim>Data folder. Manual Uninstallation Remove the .esp and the .bsa file. Bugs Report possible bugs via PM or comment. Future Development Possible upgrade to damage/damage resistance/feed healing depending on popular opinion. Functionality for the removal of the Blessing of Hircine if Lycanthropy is cured. Compatibility and Requirements Will not be compatible with any mods that modify these files - PlayerWerewolfQuest DA05HircinesRing Requires the following programs to run - The Skyrim Script Extender Also available on Steam and The Nexus and TES Alliance
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