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Found 9 results

  1. Arthmoor


    Version 1.0.2


    "This doesn't translate to Feldscar at all. It translates to Keld-Nar, a long abandoned village deep inside Skyrim to the north. Keld-Nar lies in between an ancient Nordic tomb, and a large black rock who's origins Keldon and I were never able to determine." - Raminus Polus, circa 3E 433. An age ago, during the Oblivion Crisis, a Nord village found itself on the brink of disaster at the hands of a pair of Dunmer mages. They were on a quest, no, a mission to find what they thought would lead them to salvation against the onslaught of the Daedra. Instead, they found Feldscar and eventually their plans were torn asunder by the Champion of Cyrodiil. But what of the village that Raminus Polus told the Champion about? Keld-Nar, the site of the actual prize the Dunmer sought? Raminus Polus and Keldon Swiftrunner had been there before, but what became of it since then? 30 years ago, refugees of the Great War set forth out of northern Cyrodiil in a desperate gamble that would answer this question once and for all. Where once ruins lay, a thriving village has sprung up in their place. Come in traveler, stay awhile, rest your weary legs and listen to an old man's tale. Keld-Nar is a village in Eastmarch, near the Dwemer ruin of Mzulft. It boasts an inn, a blacksmith, stables to park your horse at, and a decent sized local garrison of troops. Unlike many other populated areas, Keld-Nar welcomes Khajiit, owing to the history the ancestors of the current residents had with them in Feldscar those many decades ago. The village starts off held by Stormcloak Rebels and openly worships Talos, but will change hands to Imperial control if they win the Civil War. Where possible, Keld-Nar should also be included in any town based radiant quests and will be subject to dragon attacks. It may also be subject to random vampire strikes if you have Dawnguard. My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/arthmoor
  2. Arthmoor

    [RELz] Keld-Nar

    This doesn't translate to Feldscar at all. It translates to Keld-Nar, a long abandoned village deep inside Skyrim to the north. Keld-Nar lies in between an ancient Nordic tomb, and a large black rock who's origins Keldon and I were never able to determine. - Raminus Polus, circa 3E 433. An age ago, during the Oblivion Crisis, a Nord village found itself on the brink of disaster at the hands of a pair of Dunmer mages. They were on a quest, no, a mission to find what they thought would lead them to salvation against the onslaught of the Daedra. Instead, they found Feldscar and eventually their plans were torn asunder by the Champion of Cyrodiil. But what of the village that Raminus Polus told the Champion about? Keld-Nar, the site of the actual prize the Dunmer sought? Raminus Polus and Keldon Swiftrunner had been there before, but what became of it since then? 30 years ago, refugees of the Great War set forth out of northern Cyrodiil in a desperate gamble that would answer this question once and for all. Where once ruins lay, a thriving village has sprung up in their place. Come in traveler, stay awhile, rest your weary legs and listen to an old man's tale. Keld-Nar is a village in Eastmarch, near the Dwemer ruin of Mzulft. It boasts an inn, a blacksmith, stables to park your horse at, and a decent sized local garrison of troops. Unlike many other populated areas, Keld-Nar welcomes Khajiit, owing to the history the ancestors of the current residents had with them in Feldscar those many decades ago. The village starts off held by Stormcloak Rebels and openly worships Talos, but will change hands to Imperial control if they win the Civil War. Where possible, Keld-Nar should also be included in any town based radiant quests and will be subject to dragon attacks. It may also be subject to random vampire strikes if you have Dawnguard. Download Locations AFK Mods Installation Requirements Official Skyrim patch or greater. Official Dragonborn DLC. DO NOT extract the contents of the BSA file into your Data folder as loose files, or let your mod manager perform an equivalent function on the contents of the file. Doing so will cause things to load in the wrong order and break the game. Skyrim is intended to load a BSA alongside it's ESM/ESP file. Circumventing this causes issues which I will not provide support for. If you insist on going against this advice, you will receive no support for the problems you generate as a result of this. Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN Drop the archive into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. Installation - Manual Drop the Keld-Nar.esp and Keld-Nar.bsa files into your Data folder. Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Uninstalling Due to the nature of Skyrim mods, especially those adding scripts, it is strongly discouraged to attempt uninstalling a mod from your active game. Any mod that is more than pure mesh or texture replacements has the possibility to leave behind permanent changes to your save that you may not want. This is not something modders can correct for. It is how the game was designed by Bethesda. No support will be provided for anyone who uninstalls this mod from an active game and continues on with that save. To remove the mod: Delete the Keld-Nar.esp and Keld-Nar.bsa from your Data folder. Then reload your game as usual. Load Order LOOT should be used for optimal placement. Compatibility Arons Mecha Dragons places two mechanical dragons at Mzulft which are too close to the village and end up attacking it. Papyrus has been used to disable these two dragons without requiring a patch. Credits Hanaisse - Sign for The Horny Horker, road sign and shop sign assets, the Keld-Nar book, children's clothing textures, and the unique Dwemer child assets for Nedri. DanielCoffey - Better Book Mesh (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37113) Used for the Keld-Nar book. Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
  3. Version 1.0.1


    A simple village expansion for Soljund's Sinkhole. Soljund's Sinkhole is another one of those places where it just seemed odd that more was not done. A mining operation that by all accounts would be thriving were it not for a draugr problem. An area that 3 people are effectively living in, with only two actually being housed, and one of whom is a marriage prospect for the player! Such cramped conditions cannot stand, and so this small expansion has been done to relieve the crowding problem. * Guard barracks for the guards to live in, with one extra patroller added due to the dangerous area. The jail is just for show, sorry * Perth can now share his house with you if you marry him. * All added houses are radiant quest enabled, so you may get Companions missions and anything else that's properly configured to use NPC homes for quests. * LOD has been generated for the area.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    They are hairy. They are cute. And best prepared for the cold, harsh climate of Skyrim. Gallery: external link to SeeYouInSkyrim.net Disclaimer This mod comes as is. Make a clean save before installing. Use a mod manager to install. Don’t put loose files in your data folder. You can’t uninstall it midgame. Use at your own risk. Tasheni’s Winterdogs with Companion Dooma This mod adds dogs to most of the farms in Skyrim. It replaces Meeko, Stump and Vigilance and adds a companion dog named Dooma. Find Dooma in Winterhold at the ruins. Sometimes she wanders off, so maybe you will have to search for her. If Meeko is not around his shack, find the spelltome inside the shack and summon him. Features: Meeko and Dooma will play together, if you allow them to do this. Talk to Dooma. They will wander off and chase each other in a large distance around the player. To stop it, talk to Meeko. They will start chasing each other again if player sits or leans somewhere outside. Meeko and Dooma will not participate in combat if you tell them they should not or if you sneak. Both dogs come with a summon spell, in case they get lost. You can tell them to wait or wait and guard, then they take care of predators. They wait forever, if you forget them. They have no animal count, so you can take other pets with you, if you like. Mod is not compatible with any other mod that affects Meeko. All other dog replacer will work, but you have to load them after this mod. I highly recommend to use a mod like Barking Dogs Cure or similar. Download from nexus. Credits: The dog model from Meeko and Dooma is originated by CD Project Red, converted by LorSakyamuni and rigged by Mihail Romanov. Very much thanks for your help and permissions. The remaining things are done by myself. Permisssions: Use any assets as you like under the following conditions: - Don't use in payed mods - Credit us properly - Don't upload this mod as a whole anywhere else
  5. 1-800-aesthetics


    my first post about something fashion related here, I have a question can I post translations?
  6. Version 0.2


    This is an attempt at a re-compiled Legendary Edition version of wSkeever's mod, High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix. While I believe this has been compiled correctly, I make no promises that it will work the way it is supposed to, as it was built for Skyrim Special Edition. My modding experience with Skyrim is limited, so troubleshooting will likely not happen. This mod should be compatible with anything that doesn't modify the following file: highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle.pex For anyone wondering if my backport of wSkeever's mod is allowed, here is a screenshot of their mod permissions: All files provided in this mod have been ported over from their Skyrim Special Edition counterpart. To avoid any permissions issues with wSkeever's mod, all permissions will be restricted on this mod. Please defer to wSkeever's mod permissions if you would like to use any assets from that mod in your mod. Original (Slightly Modified) Description Background High Gate Ruins is a Nordic Ruin featuring a puzzle where the player pulls 4 levers in sequence to light 4 braziers. Once the 4 braziers are lit, a trap door opens, allowing you to proceed further into the dungeon. However, when the location resets, the door is reset and closes, but the puzzle will not reset and remains in a solved state, preventing you from opening the door again. This bug is detailed on UESP: This bug locks you out of the latter half of the dungeon, preventing you from accessing the boss container and completing radiant quests which use High Gate Ruins as the location. Description This mod fixes this bug by doing the following: OnReset is implemented to reset the puzzle when the dungeon resets If you don't want to wait that long. I've also set the puzzle to reset when you pull any of the levers after the puzzle is solved, allowing you to solve it again. No esp. Minor edits to existing USSEP script Installation/Uninstallation Install at any time Uninstall at any time Implementation Details Script edited is highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle "KillSwitch" function edited to allow puzzle reset even after it is solved: Added OnReset Event to reset the puzzle when the dungeon resets: FAQ Credits wSkeever for High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix I've also created a forum for this topic if you want to give any feedback.
  7. This is an attempt at a re-compiled Legendary Edition version of wSkeever's mod, High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix. While I believe this has been compiled correctly, I make no promises that it will work the way it is supposed to, as it was built for Skyrim Special Edition. My modding experience with Skyrim is limited, so troubleshooting will likely not happen. This mod should be compatible with anything that doesn't modify the following file: highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle.pex For anyone wondering if my backport of wSkeever's mod is allowed, here is a screenshot of their mod permissions: All files provided in this mod have been ported over from their Skyrim Special Edition counterpart. To avoid any permissions issues with wSkeever's mod, all permissions will be restricted on this mod. Please defer to wSkeever's mod permissions if you would like to use any assets from that mod in your mod. Original (Slightly Modified) Description Background High Gate Ruins is a Nordic Ruin featuring a puzzle where the player pulls 4 levers in sequence to light 4 braziers. Once the 4 braziers are lit, a trap door opens, allowing you to proceed further into the dungeon. However, when the location resets, the door is reset and closes, but the puzzle will not reset and remains in a solved state, preventing you from opening the door again. This bug is detailed on UESP: This bug locks you out of the latter half of the dungeon, preventing you from accessing the boss container and completing radiant quests which use High Gate Ruins as the location. Description This mod fixes this bug by doing the following: OnReset is implemented to reset the puzzle when the dungeon resets If you don't want to wait that long. I've also set the puzzle to reset when you pull any of the levers after the puzzle is solved, allowing you to solve it again. No esp. Minor edits to existing USSEP script Installation/Uninstallation Install at any time Uninstall at any time Implementation Details Script edited is highGateRuinsLeverPuzzle "KillSwitch" function edited to allow puzzle reset even after it is solved: FAQ Credits wSkeever for High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix Download Link
  8. Update: After reports of issues with Dragon Souls not being absorbed and personal testing of this mod, it appears recompiling the script in the original Creation Kit does not work. Please use Fixed Dragon Stalking Fix (Re-Upload) instead, it should work with the original Skyrim since it is only a script: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54625
  9. Version 1.0.7


    A simple village expansion for Darkwater Crossing. If Darkwater Crossing ever seemed like too many people with nowhere to live were there, you're probably right. It's major enough for Tullius to know about it to set up an ambush for Ulfric, yet there's a single house there where two people live while everyone else sits around a campfire. Not anymore! Three new houses have been added to provide accomodations for the 4 NPCs who had no place to call home. * Sondas Drenim will offer to share his house if married to you. * Derkeethus will offer to share his house if married to you, assuming you haven't recruited him into the Blades. * All added houses are radiant quest enabled, so you may get Companions missions and anything else that's properly configured to use NPC homes for quests. * LOD has been generated for the area, including trees that account for the changes.
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