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  1. Version 1.0.0


    This mod author resource removes the collision markers from the sides of the center floor tile dintrcenter01, making it usable when creating interiors. Mod Authors. To use this mod when creating an interior, include it as a master. You will also need to add "__Dawnguard Castle Center Floor Fix.bsa" to "sResourceArchiveList" (section Archive) in "CreationKitCustom.ini" to get access to the mesh when creating navmesh. When distributing your mod, tell your potential users that they will need this mod in their load order. Mod Users. Do not use this mod unless directed to by a mod author in conjunction with their mod. Using it otherwise will simply take up a bit of storage and a slot in your load order unnecessarily. When building your load order, make this the last Master file, or just before the Unofficial Patch. Please also be aware that the ESM file contains nothing more than a header. The ESM file exist only as a place to hook the repaired Mesh file into the game. This Mod has been cleaned with Xedit 4.0.3. This mod was successfully tested on the Anniversary Edition version 1.6.1130. This mod is available for Xbox: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4237069 This mod may be downloaded for use during gameplay only, or as a MASTER when creating a mod. Any other use is prohibited. This mod may NOT be shared, reuploaded or modified without my EXPRESS WRITTEN permission. This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
  2. Hello everyone, Very recently you've been very helpful to me fixing errors in my companion mod and thus making it portable to Skyrim Special Edition. Being eager to continue development on my mod, there's one very last issue about my companion's appearance I haven't been able to fix myself so far, but I'd very much like to eliminate it first before moving forward. Therefore, I thought that I might find some more help with my troubles here again. As it says in the title, this one is about some rather strange neckseam issue I'm having with my companion on both old Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition. I've already cut on this issue in my previous thread, though I thought it was reasonable to open a new one dedicated more to the point, since my initial issues in the last thread were entirely solved there already: Please understand I'm new to this site and I don't mean to spam or misuse this site's functions. Please take a look at the screenshots I've attached here, do you see this very slight seam? The first guess obviosuly is that the skin textures do not quite match, though I can assure that they do, and I've encountered this neckseam with several other skin mods installed on my companion. I was also told that this might be caused by normals on the body meshes being set to "yes" in NifSkope, so I went ahead and fixed that, with the same outcome. My best guess right now is that the warning the Creation Kit for Skyrim Special Edition threw might be related to this issue somehow, but if so I have absolutely no idea how to fix this. This is what it gave me when I loaded my plugin from old Skyrim and saved it for the very first time in Special Edition format: Maybe anyone would be willing to take a closer look at my mod, help identifying the problem and find a solution for it? My mod is attached to this post for both versions of Skyrim for you to get, there's also a third, "unfixed" version of it for old Skyrim from the time before I touched on the errors with my mod reported to me in this thread. Any help to wrap things up about her appearance by solving this issue would be greatly appreciated!
  3. I am not an English speaker. So I want you to forgive me for my English I read the definition of a bug,but I think that "Starting MS 06" is a bad change. Why are you changing start conditions?(I think that it is the following two. "Increaselevel" and "enough time to rest" is it right?) We were not able to start MS06(The Wolf Queen Awakened) in the past, when it was a level limit character.But now this problem is solved by official. Of course, I know that this quest is quite buggy. it will start soon. Immediately after The Man Who Cried Wolf. It would be strange but not a bug. Can you eliminate changing the start flag of the quest? As a result of making non-moving functions move, there may be cases where an immersive feeling is born. but I have not asked for new immersive feeling, to USLEEP
  4. Read: A quest is buged in Skyrim special edition called Destroying the dawnguard because Iran is essential, he can't be killed so completing the quest is impossible. You can't kill him even with cheat spells Please fix this Platform : Xbox one DlC: DawnGuard
  5. Enter_77

    Expanded Greetings

    Version 1.1


    This mod will allow NPCs to recognize all of the player character's talents and make the skill-based dialogue greetings (such as "you're a sneaky looking sort" and "look at the muscles on you!") less redundant once the player has reached high levels. The reason these dialogue lines may have never been spoken depends on what order the playable character's skills increased throughout the game. Eventually, once most/all skills have been maxed, the dialogue gets "stuck" at the top of the dialogue tree. The only modifications are the conditions that regulate how an NPC greets the playable character. Not only does this expand talent-based greetings, but also recover the generic "hello" greetings that are lost as the character becomes more powerful and famous/infamous. Testing the Mod Make sure the playable character has at least two attributes that are 70+ or two skills that are 70+. Otherwise, effects will not be experienced until later. Go up to NPCs (Imperial City Market will have the most during the day). They will usually greet the player with a generic "hello" dialogue line but other times they will comment on the player's skills. Mirrors Assimilation Lab Dark Creations Mod DB Nexus Mods TES Alliance
  6. Sclerocephalus

    The critter thread

    Now working on the critter scripts and there are a couple of questions already. The script lets critters die when hit by a magic effect. Makes certainly sense for destruction spells, and it is understandable that they won't survive the magic turbulences associated with a conjuration, illusion or alteration attack, because they are tiny creatures. But what about a restoration spell ? If no one objects, I'll make them immune to "restoration attacks".
  7. This is by far the worst mesh I have been working on so far. I've run into a problem now with the wall meshes: the main wall mesh is duplicated in place, but it seems that they wanted them to display both: the two meshes have different vertex colours and one of them has an alpha property which makes it blend with the other. Though, both meshes have gaps (not always in the same places) and numerous issues with stretched and misaligned UV. In addition, their vertex colours still don't match the colour of a third wall section which forms part of yet another mesh (and the textures don't align either). I have prepared a few screenshots: (1) Mesh 1: This is less complete than mesh 2, as there are several wall sections entirely missing, e.g. below the roofs. In (A), note the gaps and the mismatch of colours with the wall on the lower left (that's a different mesh). In (B), note the UV issues, especially around the windows. Also note the error on the corner of the roof (not the only one, by the way): (A) http://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/gallery/image/1514-palace-of-the-kings-wall-mesh-1-a/ (B) http://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/gallery/image/1515-palace-of-the-kings-wall-mesh-1-b/ (2) Mesh2: This is the overlay with the alpha property. In (A), note another gap and that the colour still doesn't match that of the wall on the lower left. In (B) note the same issues as with mesh 1: (A) http://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/gallery/image/1516-palace-of-the-kings-wall-mesh-2-a/ (B) http://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/gallery/image/1517-palace-of-the-kings-wall-mesh-2-b/ Since I don't really fancy correcting two horribly defect meshes, I propose to delete mesh 1, remove the alpha property from mesh 2 and adjust the vertex colours so that they finally match. Any objections ?
  8. Almost forgot about this one, which I was working on about two weeks ago before I became aware of some glitches that required another "quick look" at the weapon rack scripts ... http://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/files/file/794-lvlpredatorscript-fix/ It is well known that the LvlPredatorScript constantly prints errors on the log, which all are revolving around the script's trials to modify the enable state of enable-parented references. Without going into details, this script basically does nothing else than enabling or disabling individual predators, based on immersion and balancing considerations. Enable parents should take precedence, because they handle the appearance of predator animals at certain quest locations and in areas where military camps may be installed. Thus, just removing them was not an option, but this would have implied to live with the script not working or to remove it altogether, but that wasn't a satisfactory solution either. To solve this dilemma, I have modified the script and "inverted" the enable marker links of all affected predators. That is, the link from the enable markers to the predators have been removed and instead links from the predators to the enable markers installed. For this purpose, two new keywords had to be created (USKPPredatorEnableParent and USKPPredatorInverseEnableParent). The script has been enabled to check the status of the marker, so it knows in which enable state the predator would have been if it was still linked to it. If the marker state indicates that the predator should be disabled, this will take precedence and only if that's not the case, it will continue the considerations it was conceived for. In other words, the script will now handle the job of the enable markers. This has been running in the background during most of the time I spent on testing the weapon rack scripts and appears to work properly now. The errors on the log are completely gone.
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