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Version 4.1.8
Skyrim's courier is an industrious young lad who can be seen all over the province, yet doesn't seem to have anywhere to live and/or work. He seems able to find you at will, but what if you wanted to find HIM? Even if it would be a meaningless encounter, one should still expect a living breathing NPC that takes part in the world to have some place to work at and call home. No longer will the poor courier simply be dragged from his mystery cell and dropped in front of you to make his deliveries. Thus is born the Provincial Courier Service. This mod is a simple immersion/realism mod that provides a small shack outside of Whiterun along the main road, next to Honningbrew Meadery. What This Mod Does * Provides a home for Skyrim's default courier NPC who hands out letters for various quests. * Courier deliveries will now occur in person nearly anywhere in Skyrim. * Optional home delivery service will instead deliver messages to one vanilla or DLC house that you own. * Can also approach the courier at his office and receive mail deliveries there. Speak to the courier to set up your options. Until this is done, the courier will seek you out to deliver messages in person. Requires the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch to be installed first! -
Version 2.0.0
Skyrim's courier is an industrious young lad who can be seen all over the province, yet doesn't seem to have anywhere to live and/or work. He seems able to find you at will, but what if you wanted to find HIM? Even if it would be a meaningless encounter, one should still expect a living breathing NPC that takes part in the world to have some place to work at and call home. No longer will the poor courier simply be dragged from his mystery cell and dropped in front of you to make his deliveries. Thus is born the Provincial Courier Service. This mod is a simple immersion/realism mod that provides a small shack outside of Whiterun along the main road, next to Honningbrew Meadery. What This Mod Does * Provides a home for Skyrim's default courier NPC who hands out letters for various quests. * Courier deliveries will now occur in person nearly anywhere in Skyrim. * Optional home delivery service will instead deliver messages to one vanilla or DLC house that you own. * Optional on screen message to let you know a delivery has been made. * Can also approach the courier at his office and receive mail deliveries there. -
Skyrim's courier is an industrious young lad who can be seen all over the province, yet doesn't seem to have anywhere to live and/or work. He seems able to find you at will, but what if you wanted to find HIM? Even if it would be a meaningless encounter, one should still expect a living breathing NPC that takes part in the world to have some place to work at and call home. No longer will the poor courier simply be dragged from his mystery cell and dropped in front of you to make his deliveries. Thus is born the Provincial Courier Service. This mod is a simple immersion/realism mod that provides a small shack outside of Whiterun along the main road, next to Honningbrew Meadery. What This Mod Does Provides a home for Skyrim's default courier NPC who hands out letters for various quests. Courier deliveries will now occur in person nearly anywhere in Skyrim. Optional home delivery service will instead deliver messages to one vanilla or DLC house of your choosing. Can also approach the courier at his office and receive mail deliveries there. Speak to the courier to set up your options. Until this is done, the courier will seek you out to deliver messages in person. Download Locations AFK Mods - PC + XB1 Installation Requirements Skyrim Special Edition 1.6.1130 or greater. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch 4.3.2 or greater. DO NOT extract the contents of the BSA file into your Data folder as loose files, or let your mod manager perform an equivalent function on the contents of the file. Doing so will cause things to load in the wrong order and break the game. Skyrim is intended to load a BSA alongside it's ESM/ESP file. Circumventing this causes issues which I will not provide support for. If you insist on going against this advice, you will receive no support for the problems you generate as a result of this. Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN Drop the archive into your Skyrim Special Edition Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. Installation - Manual Drop the Provincial Courier Service.esp, Provincial Courier Service.bsa, and Provincial Courier Service - Textures.bsa files into your Data folder. Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Uninstalling Simply remove the Provincial Courier Service.esp, Provincial Courier Service.bsa, and Provincial Courier Service - Textures.bsa files from your Data folder. Changes have been designed to be fully reversible so the vanilla courier system will be restored to normal if the mod is removed. Load Order LOOT should be used for optimal placement. Best placed near other city modifications. Must load before Open Cities Skyrim if that is installed. Compatibility Mods altering the vanilla courier's base NPC record, his placed reference, or his AI packages will be incompatible. Mods altering the cell "WhiterunExterior15" ( 3, -4 ) will require compatibility patching. Any mod which alters the following scripts will be incompatible: WICourierScript.psc QF_WICourier_00039F82.psc Credits Hanaisse - Mailbox and scroll meshes provided for the various houses, as well as valuable playtesting to make sure it all works. Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
Skyrim's courier is an industrious young lad who can be seen all over the province, yet doesn't seem to have anywhere to live and/or work. He seems able to find you at will, but what if you wanted to find HIM? Even if it would be a meaningless encounter, one should still expect a living breathing NPC that takes part in the world to have some place to work at and call home. No longer will the poor courier simply be dragged from his mystery cell and dropped in front of you to make his deliveries. Thus is born the Provincial Courier Service. This mod is a simple immersion/realism mod that provides a small shack outside of Whiterun along the main road, next to Honningbrew Meadery. What This Mod Does Provides a home for Skyrim's default courier NPC who hands out letters for various quests. Courier deliveries will now occur in person nearly anywhere in Skyrim. Optional home delivery service will instead deliver messages to one vanilla or DLC house of your choosing. Optional on screen message to let you know a delivery has been made. Can also approach the courier at his office and receive mail deliveries there. Download Locations AFK Mods Installation Requirements Official Skyrim patch or greater. Requires Official Dawnguard DLC. Requires Official Hearthfire DLC. Requires Official Dragonborn DLC. Requires SKSE 1.7.3 or higher. Requires SkyUI 5.0 or higher. Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN Drop the archive into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. Installation - Manual Drop the Provincial Courier Service.esp and Provincial Courier Service.bsa files into your Data folder. Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you. Uninstalling Simply remove the Provincial Courier Service.esp and Provincial Courier Service.bsa files from your Data folder. Steam users must unsubscribe first. Changes have been designed to be fully reversible so the vanilla courier system will be restored to normal if the mod is removed. Load Order Best placed near other city modifications. Must load before Open Cities Skyrim if that is installed. LOOT should be used for optimal placement. Compatibility Mods altering the vanilla courier's base NPC record, his placed reference, or his AI packages will be incompatible. Any mods editing the navmeshes or landscape in cells 7,-5 and 6,-5 will need a compatibility patch. The navmesh edits are based on those fixed by the USKP. Any mod which alters the following scripts will be incompatible: WICourierScript.psc QF_WICourier_00039F82.psc Note that these two scripts are based on the versions available from USKP 2.0.0 but the USKP is not required as a master for this mod. Credits Hanaisse - Mailbox and scroll meshes provided for the various houses, as well as valuable playtesting to make sure it all works. Disclaimer This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.