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About This File

Skyrim's courier is an industrious young lad who can be seen all over the province, yet doesn't seem to have anywhere to live and/or work. He seems able to find you at will, but what if you wanted to find HIM? Even if it would be a meaningless encounter, one should still expect a living breathing NPC that takes part in the world to have some place to work at and call home. No longer will the poor courier simply be dragged from his mystery cell and dropped in front of you to make his deliveries. Thus is born the Provincial Courier Service.

This mod is a simple immersion/realism mod that provides a small shack outside of Whiterun along the main road, next to Honningbrew Meadery.

What This Mod Does

* Provides a home for Skyrim's default courier NPC who hands out letters for various quests.
* Courier deliveries will now occur in person nearly anywhere in Skyrim.
* Optional home delivery service will instead deliver messages to one vanilla or DLC house that you own.
* Can also approach the courier at his office and receive mail deliveries there.

Speak to the courier to set up your options. Until this is done, the courier will seek you out to deliver messages in person.

Requires the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch to be installed first!

What's New in Version 4.1.8


Update synced with USSEP 4.3.2.

The .esp and .bsa files have been changed to lowercase filenames. This is to help facilitate universal filename compatibility for Steam Deck and regular linux users whose file systems are case sensitive. Many of them make use of the in-game menu to download mods and Bethesda.net ALWAYS downloads in lowercase. For the benefit of people using linux or the Steam Deck, it would be greatly appreciated if any mods which currently use PCS as a file dependency change the case of that dependency in their master lists.

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Rev Elevenclaw


Any chance this is compatible with Lilly, courier re-placer? That would be so cool.



I thought about it and, obviously not...



Just wondering, in the opening post here it says it is version 4.1.1 but in the enclosed readme the version number 4.1.2 is stated. Also, the .esp is timestamped Dec 1, 2020... so really just wondering if this version is the most current one?  There was not a newer update of the .esp in 2021 (in August 2021 perhaps)? Many thanks and appreciate all you do, Arthmoor!



On 10/4/2021 at 1:12 PM, Tommy said:

Just wondering, in the opening post here it says it is version 4.1.1 but in the enclosed readme the version number 4.1.2 is stated. Also, the .esp is timestamped Dec 1, 2020... so really just wondering if this version is the most current one?  There was not a newer update of the .esp in 2021 (in August 2021 perhaps)? Many thanks and appreciate all you do, Arthmoor!

I'm pretty sure the version is 4.1.1. I'm thinking the readme file for a corrected version was used but the change hasn't been implemented yet. I compared the ESPs of the old Nexus version with this version and didn't see any differences in the startup method.



Will you allow me to publish polish translation on Nexus? It includes esp and voices.



Yes, that would be fine by me.



Thank you. It's here. Interesting how they will react, as formally I can't publish translation to non-nexus mod. All old translations to your mods are still active there, though.



I have a random question. The courier is following me around. Every town I go to, HE'S THERE. He stopping me with the normal "I've been looking for you. Got something to deliver...." Then cuts to the dialogue that plays when you walk by him in town. He never has anything for me. Just insists on stalking me. Is this a load order issue, do ya think?



Am I correct in assuming that the courier this mod houses is just the WICourierNPC (39F83) who gets put in the Courier holding cell normally, or do the other three couriers 1065EE/EF/F0 also hang out there? Is this mod extensible in any way to incorporate other couriers? I'm probably going to integrate it into my game either way, but how it approaches this is going to influence how I handle installing additional courier overhaul type content. 



Hi, can you explain something to me why the courirer's AI is disabled? Because he stands motionless in front of the post office building without doing anything!!!!



Hey, dear Arthmoor...
I installed the mod, the plugin is enabled, but I can't see the building. I know, it's supposed to be across the Bee factory - but there isn't any building there.
What's going on? Is this version for AE and that's why I don't see the building?



Did you changed the location? Is not on the crossroad (with these two bridges)? Maybe is exactly besides that Bee factory? I saw a building there but didn't checked.


Posted (edited)

41 minutes ago, lupus_hegemonia said:

Did you changed the location? Is not on the crossroad (with these two bridges)? Maybe is exactly besides that Bee factory? I saw a building there but didn't checked.

It's now by the signpost outside Whiterun, near the stables & the fast-travel cart.

Edited by Stonemoshed


Oh! It's across the stables????
Ouaou! I didn't see it (wasn't checking for it)...



I don't suppose you could make a patch for "Courier Shows Delivery". At the moment when you use both the courier just sits on the bench by his shop and you have to to interact with him to get any deliveries.

It is really convenient to be able to refuse a delivery, like the letter from Calcelmo, so you do not have it cluttering up your inventory.



Trying to find the answer but didnt see it anywhere, is this compatible with AE or SE only?



3 hours ago, cherrybombrr said:

Trying to find the answer but didnt see it anywhere, is this compatible with AE or SE only?

The mod is compatible with SSE 1.5.7 and SSE 1.6.353.



Is there any possibility that a patch for Capital Whiterun Expansion could be made? It looks like that modder has stepped away from creating patches and such. The courier building sits right where The Roadhouse building is for that mod. Was super bummed about it!

  • Like 1


8 hours ago, Jwingrider said:

Is there any possibility that a patch for Capital Whiterun Expansion could be made? It looks like that modder has stepped away from creating patches and such. The courier building sits right where The Roadhouse building is for that mod. Was super bummed about it!

I am certain that it’s possible for a patch to be made. Go for it!

Or did you mean to say “Can someone else spend the time and effort to make a patch for me so that I can use these two mods together without any effort?” :)

Sounds like the Roadhouse building sits right where the courier building is.  The building was already moved once for some other mods which place buildings outside of Whiterun.



Is this mod compatible with order my items mod? if it is, do the items get delivered to your house?



On 8/29/2021 at 12:58 PM, Rev Elevenclaw said:

Any chance this is compatible with Lilly, courier re-placer? That would be so cool.



I thought about it and, obviously not...

lily mod requires this mod...



Is there a patch for Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods? Loot is giving me a warning and I cannot find it anywhere.




7 hours ago, kilroy98 said:

Is there a patch for Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods? Loot is giving me a warning and I cannot find it anywhere.


Download Patches for Arthmoor's Town add-ons under optional files on the Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods download page.



I know the latest comment is from 2021, but I still use it and I have the black face bug on the courier how can I fix that?



On 7/26/2022 at 11:55 PM, Jwingrider said:

Is there any possibility that a patch for Capital Whiterun Expansion could be made? It looks like that modder has stepped away from creating patches and such. The courier building sits right where The Roadhouse building is for that mod. Was super bummed about it!


On 7/27/2022 at 8:56 AM, Galishai said:

I am certain that it’s possible for a patch to be made. Go for it!

Or did you mean to say “Can someone else spend the time and effort to make a patch for me so that I can use these two mods together without any effort?” :)

Sounds like the Roadhouse building sits right where the courier building is.  The building was already moved once for some other mods which place buildings outside of Whiterun.

The mod author for CWE has since made a patch that moves the Roadhouse slightly so it doesn't conflict with the courier building. The patch is available on the main CWE download page

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