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About This File

"And Jesus asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." - Mark 5:9


Ever want to leave Skyrim behind and travel to the ole wild west? Throw on your cowboy hat, grab a bottle of whiskey and some jerky, and discover LEGION, a true, fully open-world, western town with a violent history.
An outlaw, by the name of "Junk" was said to have robbed the town bank in Junction. He ain't been heard from since. Find out what happened to him, and what has become of the dusty, ole town of LEGION.
There ain't no naked chicks, fluffy bunny rabbits, or vendors that are so happy you're there. I'm not gonna give spoilers here. Download it, play it, and keep yer britches on!
You will receive a Wanted Poster upon first installing this mod. Read it and keep it.
Collectible cards now being added. I will add them as I create them. In the end, there may be a quest to find 'em all.

*Please do not post spoilers in the comments section. Thank you.*

*READ the ReadMe file in the Data/Music/LegionMusic folder or you won't have any songs when operating the jukebox.

Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire are NOT needed and never will be.

None known.

Ray2NJ for just being plain ole awesome brother!
Arthmoor for this awesome site!
Bethesda for the base game, Creation Kit, and crappy engine
Cathedral Assets Optimizer
Wave Editor
All of you out there that take a moment to come back and say "Hey!"

You may NOT use any part from this mod for any purpose without written consent from myself (Junk @ JunksMods).
I am sharing this mod here exclusively at AFK Mods.
Do not upload this mod (or any of my mods for that matter) in part or in full to any other site. (That includes the Nexus that already stole my work.)
Remember, Jesus is watchin'! And so am I.......

Edited by JunksMods

What's New in Version 1.0.1


- Improved mesh and textures for RR tracks.
- Added the complete town of Lago.
- Made a minor adjustment to the shotgun ("Coach Hand") damage.
- Added collectible card "Lago".
- Gave all NPCs in Lago RefID.
- Improved mesh for porch with ramp to Lago Saloon.
- Created Lago NPC Mordecai (Lago Midget).
- Made Sarah Belding essential. (Lago Hotel Owner)
- Player joins Lago faction and gains rewards when certain actions completed.
- Added Lago barn door.
- Added handles and plates to Lago doors and adjusted their collision.
- Added two more custom versions of Lago doors.
- Adjusted Lago outlaw and bandit stats.
- Added more foliage to Lago landscape.
- Created Lago NPC Lutie Naylor (Barkeep).
- Added sleep packages for Sarah Belding, Lutie Naylor and Mordecai.
- Created Lago NPC Drunk.
- Created the Lago Barber and finished his shop.
- Added artwork to Lago.
- Changed out "LegionGrass01" & 02 with my new improved meshes.
- Added new bathtub with steam for Lago barbershop.
- Added fire, steam and cooking pot for woodstove upon Barber services purchase.
- Added crafting recipe for Ode Lilac and scattered ingredients about the town.
- Added operational water hand pumps at troughs.
- Created Lago NPC Sheriff Sam Shaw.
- Added horse to stables.
- Added clutter (crates, barrels, hay, tools, etc.).
- Final touch-ups to NavMesh.

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My Girl Dolly is back in the arms her Lov'n savior LOL. Lago didn't fair as well as sweet Dolly, her wanted posters just rubbed this old cowpoke the wrong way LOL



Lol gotta love a lil Dolly!

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