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About This File

A hunting and fishing village on an island in the Sea of Ghosts.

Nords have always been spoken of as hearty and tolerant of the cold, but Skyrim has few instances where this is demonstrated. Plus there is a lot of implication that many spend a lot of time at sea hunting horkers and fishing but no reflection of this exists anywhere except one hut in the Skaal Village. This mod aims to change that a bit by offering an entire settlement dedicated to the task of hunting horkers, fishing, and raising goats and cattle for meat. There's plenty of meat and fish available for the taking on the island and now someone is there doing just that!

I also wanted to do something with the Skaal Village tileset and figured this would be a good opportunity to make use of it and some of their clothing. No, these Nords are not an offshoot of the Skaal, but they do share architecture and some clothing in common.

Old school (and I mean old) may recognize the name of the mod as an old Commodore 64 game by Avalon Hill (circa 1983). This mod serves as a bit of an homage to the game that first got me hooked on RPGs and on the idea of modding them as well. The village's name isn't the only Easter Egg you'll find either :P

Features include:

* Custom inn layout using Skaal Village architecture.
* NPCs with complete schedules.
* Military control changes based on who controls Winterhold.
* All houses are radiant quest enabled, so you may get Companions missions and anything else that's properly configured to use NPC homes for quests.
* LOD has been generated for the area.

Requires the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch to be installed first!

My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/arthmoor

Want to get a taste of some real retro gaming? A PC remake of Telengard can be found here: http://buildingworlds.com/telengard/ Yes, I have played it, and it's a very faithful reproduction of the original experience.

What's New in Version 1.0.11


The .esp and .bsa files have been changed to lowercase filenames. This is to help facilitate universal filename compatibility for Steam Deck and regular linux users whose file systems are case sensitive. Many of them make use of the in-game menu to download mods and Bethesda.net ALWAYS downloads in lowercase. For the benefit of people using linux or the Steam Deck, it would be greatly appreciated if any mods which currently use PCS as a file dependency change the case of that dependency in their master lists. (Bug #34096)

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How does one get to Telengard, other than swimming?




There is a row boat near Winterhold to get to TGard.



The ship is east of the college, actually a bit off from everything... I had to look in Creation KIt to find it... :)
But I write for a different reason. I just found this page with all these nice so far unknown mods... Among them, maybe this one here is my favourite, but I only tried a few so far... I'm currently checking out how they fit into my setup...
To make it perfect I have an idea. How about changing the boat to a ferryman and integrate it to the ferry system (connections to Dawnstar, Windhelm and Telengard)? This way Winterhold would be better connected and the ferry could even act as a hub to different 'tourist' places like Saartal, Skytemple and Telengard/The Chill. I think, this ferry would make sense, is (probably) easy to do and would add something to the game that is really missing... and it would probably bring some tourists to the remote village... :)
...just an idea... :) Thanks a lot for all these mods... I go back to testing.. :)




On 11/1/2024 at 4:34 AM, LordBeef21 said:

How does one get to Telengard, other than swimming?

there's a boat on the coast of winterhold. iirc, it's past the college to th right, down the hill to the shore

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