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Alternate Start - Live Another Life 4.2.2

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About This File

Misery and despair have haunted you all your life. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, you've been arrested and thrown in the dungeons. Your trial was supposed to be weeks ago, only nobody has come for you. It's been so long since seeing daylight you no longer know what month it is anymore. The dungeon is cold, damp, and worse still, you're running out of food. At least you have that leak in the wall for water. It seems as though you've been forgotten, soon to rot away and die. The eight have forsaken you! Or... have they?

Live Another Life provides an alternative means to start the game for those who do not wish to go through the lengthy intro sequence at Helgen. You will be given the opportunity to choose your race and then choose a new life for your character to lead. A wide variety of choices will be available. What you choose will have a lasting impact, so choose carefully or the gods may forsake you again!

Additional support has also been provided to allow you to extend Live Another Life with your own starts.

Requires the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch to be installed first!

What's New in Version 4.2.2


The .esp and .bsa files have been changed to lowercase filenames. This is to help facilitate universal filename compatibility for Steam Deck and regular linux users whose file systems are case sensitive. Many of them make use of the in-game menu to download mods and Bethesda.net ALWAYS downloads in lowercase. For the benefit of people using linux or the Steam Deck, it would be greatly appreciated if any mods which currently use LAL as a file dependency change the case of that dependency in their master lists. (Bug #34096)
The Imperial Deserter in Red Water Den has a line referencing you being in Helgen that needs to be properly conditioned.
Teldryn Sero has a line about dragons that should not play until you've been to Helgen. (Bug #34031)

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does anyone have the 16640 version for skyrim  or where do i get it ? thanks

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1 hour ago, jaranslan7462 said:

does anyone have the 16640 version for skyrim  or where do i get it ? thanks

No one is going to give it to you on here, that's for sure. Besides, what exactly is stopping you from updating SSE to 1.6.1130 and then using the Best of Both Worlds downgrader on the Nexus to get a hybrid of 1.6.640 exe+dlls and 1.6.1130 esm, esl+bsas? That way, you can use non-SKSE mods for 1.6.1130 on SSE 1.6.640.

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As has been stated, you will not be able to get the older version of Alternate Start here, and since the older, outdated, and no longer supported version of Alternate Start has been removed from the sites where it was legally posted, any public sharing of it would be considered mod piracy.

As to downgrading, of course you are free to do as you wish, though be aware that with regard to downgrading and using current CC content, it is strongly NOT recommended.

As to using Best of Both Worlds which states that you can use current CC content with the old .exe, there is this
"anyone running the game with the current CC content and who has downgraded, is running the game in a broken state because the new content requires the updated executable."

"As to using the old EXE and the new content ... it's basically a broken game courting instability"

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On 12/13/2023 at 12:22 PM, mikey1979 said:

I am getting a CTD whenever I choose one of the options that that Lady Mara provides me. I just upgraded to the latest to the latest version of SEE (1130) and validated that all mods that I have which contain a DLL have also be updated. This validated because if I had a mod that contained an outdated DLL the game crashes on me soon after I see the Bethesda Logo. I am currently in the abandoned prison and have modified my characters appeareance to my liking. I have also allowed all of the mods that I have loaded to install/enable/update before attempting to go to the Statue of Lady Mara. No matter which option I choose from the list that Lady Mara provides...........I immediately CTD.

Any ideas on what could be causing this?

I figured out what the issue was several days ago and I am just now responding in hopes that this may help someone else in the future. My culprit mod(s) were ConsoleUtilSSE NG-76649-1-5-0-1702650471 and Dragonborn Voice Over-84329-1-1-1-1691780943 from Nexus. Both of these two mods required an update due to the latest and greatest release of SSE but were not displayed at start-up like the mods that required an official DLL update. Once the mod authors of these two mods updated their respective mods, my issues went away and I am a happy camper once again. Again my issue was not related to this mod..........

Edited by mikey1979
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Actually they can. 1.6.1130 is a free update, just like all the others before it.

"AE" is an additional content DLC that's purchased separately from the main game distribution. Anyone who tells you otherwise is giving you false information.

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Posted (edited)

I think (after a couple days of toiling because this is my first time modding PC Skyrim) that this mod currently conflicts with SSE Engine Fixes. I've been following Vlad's guides, and with some trial and error, it appears that when SSE Engine Fixes is running, LAL does not. No idea why, that's just what I've been able to find so far. The other bug fix mods appear to be working. It may potentially have something to do with Engine Fixes' .dll's, because I do not have an Intel processor and those files come from Intel. Not sure how that affects this mod, but I'm seeing colors from staring at this monitor all day, so that's all I've got. Probably just a skill issue on my part. *shrug*

Fixed by following Wolfpack49's instructions on the Engine Fixes Nexus page. Toml file requires new edits for 1.6.1130

Edited by viridian64
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Alright, so, I have an issue.

When loading the game (even with ONLY having USSEP and LAL active in Wrye Bash) and starting a new character, I still end up on the path to Helgen. I don't know exactly how to fix this (very green in the Skyrim modding scene), and any help is nice. Using latest GOG version.


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alternate start plugin not found. ??

AE 1.6.1130.0 and USSEP is installed.



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this has probably been suggested before but it would be amazing if there were specific voice lines for immersion added to race specific starts, like being the guard for a khajiit caravan and other khajiit actually refer to you as their guard, or even simply removing the mentions of "outlander" starting in orc strongholds. doesn't necessarily have to be voiced at this point i just think it'd be pretty cool to see other npcs refer to you as if you belong there.

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Posted (edited)

Does this version of the mod also support the GOG version of the game (game version 1.6.659)? And if so how do i get it working?



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GOG has been updated to 1170 now so there's no need for copies that aren't up to at least 1130 anymore.

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On 1/10/2024 at 3:55 AM, Ziplogcom said:

Alright, so, I have an issue.

When loading the game (even with ONLY having USSEP and LAL active in Wrye Bash) and starting a new character, I still end up on the path to Helgen. I don't know exactly how to fix this (very green in the Skyrim modding scene), and any help is nice. Using latest GOG version.


Same issue here

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If you're using Engine Fixes, in the EngineFixes.toml file:


Those 3 options need to be disabled as they do not work and will cause the game to disable ALL of your mods, not just LAL. This is STILL broken despite the 1170 update fixing achievement integrations for both Steam and GOG.

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Posted (edited)

It seems the most recent release introduces a small seam in one of the prison cells in the Abandoned Prison, where you start with the mod installed. If you choose the "I want to escape this cell..." option at the statue of Mara, unlock the locked gate, the prison cell with he seam is the second cell to your left as you exit the statue of Mara cell. (It's the cell with a skeleton and a chair.) I viewed the cell in the Creation Kit, loading only Alternate Start and its masters, and the seam is visible in the CK.

Edit: Actually, the seam is present even with only the game masters loaded, no mod files. Is this something new introduced in the official game updates that needs correcting in USSEP? I've been away from the Skyrim scene since before the last major update.

Edited by TwoArmedMan15
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I'm having senior moments.  Trying to start a new game and went through MO2's updating of all my mods.  When I loaded, I got the ubiquitous "wagon ride" instead of the cell with Mara.

I've been searching for several days on possible problems.  I applied a fix of disabling three items inside of SSEEnginefixes.toml.  I let Skyrim update my game.  

Here is what I believe are the relevant versions:

game = 1.6.1170

alternate start version = 4.2.1

SKSE = 2.2.6

BUT, whenever I attempt to start, I get the wagon ride plus most of my mods are disabled.  I've tried starting with only minimal mods enableed (all CC mods, Syrim, etc.)  But still no joy.

Can someone point me to what might help cure this problem?  Things worked fine before I did the upgrades mentioned above.

Thanks, dale


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You need to update SSE Engine Fixes to its current version for one. Once that's done things should be working properly again.

If not, then you have another SKSE DLL that hasn't been updated that you'll have to get rid of.

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Kudos to you.  It now works.  A problem was that I had asked MO2 to search for mods that needed to be updated.  Because of something it missed SSEEngineFixes.  I was using version 1.1, up grade to 1.2 -- and then MO2 claimed that it was older than 1.1.  ???

I did have a number of older SKSE dlls and got rid of all of them.

The only thing I wanted that is not available is an update to FISSSE for 1170, but I can live without that.

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I favored Skyrim Unbound for the longest time until I gave Alternate Start a lucky shot. Now I'm stuck with it because it's just so much more stable and straight forward. My only gripe is not being able to choose your location under my favorite of Mara's options, "I was attacked left for dead." (or something like that). I would keep reloading until I ended up next to the poor dead Khajiit n' cart next to the giant campfire. Other than that, this mod is loved by me.

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So, I know it's a separate mod created by someone else, but does anyone know if the New Beginnings Extension (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4939) is still compatible with the lates version of Alternate Start? I haven't modded or played Skyrim in over a year at this point and much has changed in that time and I'm relearning as I go.

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