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Question on created mod


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Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I can answer this.

I made a basic mod that adds "Colovian Gear" as well as the chest that contains it. I can place the chest fine in Battlehorn Grotto via the CS with no issues, but the chest does not show when I play (after saving the mod of course), and then get an error message stating along the lines of "This area is not unique, duplicate made" when I load the mod back up in the CS.

I check the masters Oblivion and Battlehorn DLC every time I edit the mod, if that helps.

I have also tried to edit the contents of the chest that appears at the foot of the bed when all upgrades are complete, as well as the inventory the skeletal knight has that you can defeat that has the Dragonsword, but neither has the created items in their inventory and get a similar message to the aforementioned chest

Would anyone know what may be the issue?

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An esp cannot depend on an esp without further ado. If you want to add the esp of the DLC as a master, you need to "esmify" it first which you can do with Wrye Bash for example (right-click on the plugin and choose the "Esmify Self" option).

Edited by Selene310187
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The best solution is to install and use the Construction Set Extender. Using that you can use regular .esp files as masters without having to do any of the other ESMify things on it. It's far to easy to forget you did all that and end up in game wondering why things don't work.

Plus the CSE has all sorts of other niceties attached to it as well.

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Thank you both for the replies. I went the CSE route first and after figuring out how to actually load it, works perfectly and now my chest is visible :)

No more annoying "blah blah blah duplicate" message :D


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