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Several Issues Using Open Cities - Lux & Terrain


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I was looking for a mod that kept the gates open, so I didn't have to wait for them to open, because I use 'Glorious Doors of Skyrim' and 'Get On With It - No more waiting for doors', does not work with Glorious Doors.

I tried version 3.1.10 on Nexus and 3.1.11 from here on AFK Mods.

I'm running SSE 1.6.640.0 and it's breaking several things for me,

I use LUX, and the interior lighting doesn't work correctly with Open Cities installed, and inside Whiterun on the walkway next to Warmaiden's the ground and terrain are all broken up too.

Here's a screen shot of Warmaiden's, notice how dark the interior is.


Here's how the interior looks with Open Cities, notice how bright it is now.


I don't understand why this mod is touching LUX lighting...

Here's how the Whiterun walkway just inside the gate looks for me.


Now with Open Cities installed the walk way is broken.


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First - Your thread title is grossly misleading and isn't very appreciated.

What you've got here is basically a failure in your load order. You have things loading where they shouldn't be. In general you need to make sure that OCS loads as late as is practical, and anything that would alter landscape or navmeshes in the 5 walled cities should load BEFORE it.

To start off, I'd make sure that LUX (all of its parts) loads before OCS. That way you'll restore the exterior land to its proper configuration, and the interiors will be set back the way they're supposed to be.

Then check to see if LUX has any patches you missed, because it may need them. Especially if you expect LUX to control the interior lighting and still keep the door edits on OCS intact.

Once you've done all that, make sure you use a save that's from before you installed all of this so that your NPCs don't get trapped in limbo below the broken terrain.

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I wasn't trying to mislead, or imply anything specific with my wording, to be honest I didn't really give the title much thought as I typed it, and if I really thought it was going to make someone feel bad, I would never do that.

I'm a Gaming Geek, I respect my fellow gamers and I certainly respect your work and all you do for Skyrim.

I'm an adult, trash talking is not something I do online towards others.

I know Nexus has changed over the years, but it's where I've started out and I've been modding in SSE for several years.

Some people there and on StepModifications know me, so the last thing I would ever do, is come here and start making things bad.

In all the years I've been around, I've never once caused anyone issues anywhere ever.

I'm big enough to apologize and say sorry you misunderstood me, and I should of done a better job with the wording, I certainly wasn't trying to down play anything or anyone.

Ok, hopefully all cool now. :)

There aren't any LUX patches that I am aware of, there are none listed on the LUX Nexus page. I also used a game save before installing Open Cities.

I just let LOOT do the sorting, here's how it looks. And I read the instructions on the Nexus page, where I first got the mod, and I assumed the Right Pane load order was late enough, that is also why I mentioned the title as I did, because I assumed this is loaded correctly.




P.S. I have to admit I just type some times without really thinking, that is all this was, I changed the title... :)


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  • mooit changed the title to Several Issues Using Open Cities - Lux & Terrain

From that load order, I see you're using Immersive Citizens but don't have the OCS patch for that installed. While I doubt it's responsible for there being a gap in the terrain, I'd install it and check just to be sure.

Otherwise that pic of the land gap also shows there are additional trees and such in the city which aren't normally there and the break in terrain appears to be an error in the actual city mesh because the drop off isn't a clean edge. Lux makes a lot of changes to a lot of meshes and it's entirely possible they've broken one of the ones used in Whiterun for this.

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I installed the patch for Immersive Citizens, and I'm using Blubbos Trees In Whiterun 2018 and I disabled it, still the same issue, LUX interiors the same too.

I'll go through MO2 bit by bit disabling mods, hopefully I can find the conflict. I do have several Mesh mods installed, like Assorted Mesh Fixes, I'll dig around.

I should of posted it before, here's my MO2 modlist to help out.


P.S. I went through all the mods in MO2 disabling a few at a time. I couldn't find any of them that were conflicting to cause these issues.



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There has to be something, because you're entirely missing the mesh with reference 00099f24. It just plain isn't there. That's the huge gap in Whiterun between the barrels and the gate.

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I assumed one of the mesh or terrain mods I have installed would be the issue.

I disabled every mod...

I have another idea, I'll disable everything and only keep USSEP and Open Cities enabled, only these two.

P.S. With only USSEP and Open Cities enabled, I still see the terrain broken up. So I wonder if it's the game save, I'll try loading a different save.

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It's a Game Save issue... hmm

I loaded a very early save and the terrain works outside, but there's a major difference between these saves, so I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Here's how it looks now with an earlier save.


With the earlier game saves, I run into another issue, the Drunken Huntsman and Warmaiden's the doors open a quarter of the way and that's all, I can't enter buildings.

My latest game saves where I left off on the game, none of these work, the terrain is still broken, and I need to start the game from these saves.

I'm not sure how to get around this and use Open Cities with my latest game saves...



P.S. I gave Open Cities Skyrim.esp low priority in MO2, it didn't help. Between the game saves and moving the load order, I've run out of ideas. :(

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