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Orc Hearthfires 2.0 (WIP)


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Time to see if I can still remember how to create installable mods. If the gods were smiling, you should be able to get the WIP version of Orc Hearthfires 2.0 at http://ghastley.org/TESMods//OrcHFMod.html

Use the right one of the bottom links on the download tab. There are LE and SE versions, so don't pick the other one!

And be kind to Yarob. She doesn't have a voice yet.

So far, the only other other mod I know it's compatible with is LAL, as I'm not waiting through a cart ride when I start yet another test character.


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Good to see you here and creating again, Ghastley!  I have a couple of your mods, and though I never used Orc Heartfires, I had downloaded it in the distant past - just in case I ever did decide to use it.  Welcome back!

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Since it appears I can edit my posts, I'll make this one a list of known issues, so they need not get repeated.

  • The statuette of Dibella has the Dynamic BSX flag set, so it can get knocked over.
  • The same for the dead deer, which lets it slide out of position.
  • The NAVCUT box for the Tanning rack is blocking activation (too tall).
  • The scene with Yarob removing her mask can fail if she's too far from her start position at the end of the fight.
  • Grash the forge-wife should be showing more muscle definition.
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  • 4 months later...

I have been playing with xVASynth for the Forsworn Hearthfires project, so Yarob may get a voice soon. I have tested a few lines using Lynda Carter’s Orc/Nord voice from Oblivion, because Mazoga, but the Female Orc from Skyrim is producing better results, so it’s still undecided which she gets.

Edit: There is a 2.1 available for SE only using FemaleOrc voice for Yarob. That is subject to change if the LC voice files turn out better.

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  • 5 months later...

Hey, when I am in Hervik's lair I can not find a key.  I am guessing it is suppose to be on that pedestal next to the chest but it is not there. unless, I am just missing something. 


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The key should have been given to the Draugr boss, but it looks like there's an Alias problem.

Originally it was on that pedestal, but my tests found that it was easily displaced by fireballs etc, so I moved it to the draugr, or tried to. Maybe I should just have put it that chest.

Fixing this will make it necessary to reload a save from before you came into Hervik's tomb, so I'd suggest you "player.additem BYOSTempleKey" in the console. That gives me more time to upload a fixed esp.

Are you using the LE or SE version? The 2.2 beta for SE is available now with this fixed (?).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am using SE. I tried the console command and it did not work, and I was going to try redownloading the mod, but the link isn't working now. 

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Link is corrected. It's 2.2, not 2.3 (yet).

Try "help hervik" to get the formid for the key and then add it  It looks like the console can't find a key by name.

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ok I got the key. Yarob is not attacking me which i think i saw is what is suppose to happen. 

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She should be aggressive at stage 30 of BYOSRecueYarobQuest which is set by a trigger box you walk through on the stairs up to her cell. There should be no reason that doesn't happen, but "sqv BYOSRecueYarobQuest" should tell you if it failed.  If you need to setStage to get it going, I'd appreciate the Papyrus log to figure out what went wrong for you.

The trigger self-disables once it has done its job, so there's a remote possibility that part worked, but the rest failed. If so, then walking back through it will do nothing, and so won't write anything to the log.

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  • 5 months later...

Hey Ghastley, I'm enjoying the mod so far. I have made a whole orc family with orc kids from Kidmer. I've got the stronghold mostly built, the wise woman's hut fully. I have leveled up a few times since and have not received a letter from Atub.  I'm able to locate and enter the Lair but not able to get the key. I can console the door open and have a fight with Yarob but afterward she reverts to "busy" regardless of where she was when knocked down, or she responds like a generic NPC. I can use AFT and make her a follower, which would be cool because she is pretty strong, but not to get the stronghold all set up. If I try to progress the quest with the commands they stages are not recognizable.  It's possible I got pooped on after the Steam update with Creations but I don't know. 

I am using your latest version, with AE with the Creations update. Got any ideas? Thanks for the help.

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Yarob can be slow to find her path to the point where she zaps the cursed mask and destroys it. She'd be "busy" until that happens. The Yarob in the tomb, and the one that turns up in the stronghold are two different NPC's, so making the Hervik's Lair instance a follower is not going to help. Another quest (non-journal) starts with dialog for Stronghold Yarob to do the recruitment, open the mine etc. "Help BYOS" should show you what quests there are, and then you can check their stages with SQV. If the right Yarob is not enabled, though, the aliases may fail to fill, and the quests won't start.

I used the Courier and the letter from Atub to avoid dialogue initially, but that makes it vulnerable to anything breaking the courier. The built-in WICourier quest runs whenever there is anything to deliver in his "inbox" when the player changes location. If another mod eats the change location notification, and stops the Story Manager from starting the delivery quest, it never happens. Also, I didn't add dialogue to the courier, so it's possible you got the letter at the same time as another piece of mail, and didn't know it. Since reading the letter sets the next stage, the chain can break that way.

The part that worries me is the "stages are not recognizable" one. Can you give me a bit more to work with?

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I'll start with your question, I may have been confused. I was trying to progress freeformcaravansa or byosrescueyarobquest and I can't remember which I was trying to do at the time. I went back and was playing around with console commands sqs and sqv to see what was what, i was able to see that Yarob stalls out on either stage 50 or 60. After getting her to kneel she becomes busy, as you say, i found that restarting the fight could get the mask to disappear but she would then be busy in stage 60. Perhaps I would just need to let her figure it out after getting her to kneel the first time? She immediately gets up and eats a piece of bread, which is kind of funny considering she was just trying to kill you. 

Can you offer me some clarification on the differences between freeformcaravansa and byosrescueyarobquest? I am still a bit confused on how those play out. Resetting freeformcaravansa seemed to help me get to stage 50 in byosrescueyarobquest but I really don't know what I'm doing with all that. I'm still fairly new with console commands. On a older save where I was not playing around with things it seems freeformcaravansa has me completed stage 10, but byosrescueyarob is stopped. 

Also, my mod list is pretty slim with the unofficial patch, kidmer kids, ATF, RDO, the Parthanax Dilemma, and Elysium Estate. I don't think I've got anything else. 

Again, thank you for the response. It is awesome to be able to get some information directly from the creator.

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I had to look up FreeFormCaravansA to see how it could be connected. As a radiant quest, it can have any qualifying dungeon become a location alias, and presumably Hervik’s Lair fit its criteria. That would typically mean that Kharjo’s Moon amulet was placed in the chest there for you to pick up. I don’t think that would break anything in the other quest.

Console commands can break a quest completely, if you skip a stage that creates or enables something, for example. In general, you need to set each stage before the one you want to reach, as well. But in one of my other mods, there are alternate sequences of stages, and you can’t complete stages on two different sequences without it breaking, so the “rule” has exceptions. Byosrescueyarobquest is linear, so it should work there, unless it skips dialogue that has attached scripts doing anything vital. I usually avoid that, confining topic fragments to advancing the stage.

Yarob destroying the mask was a problem that held up the expansion from 1.0 for a long time. The nav mesh is messy there, and she has to reach the location where she does it. Fighting her could move her to somewhere off the main mesh, and she would be stuck. I thought I had the detached islands eliminated, but **** happens. She normally sits back on the throne after her mask-destroying package ends, and eating when you sit is Skyrim SOP. At that point, however, you should be able to have the conversation that makes her move to Greenspring Stronghold. That is done by disabling the Lair version of her when you leave, and enabling the Stronghold one. Using AFT to recruit her may prevent that. 




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In my older save I don't believe I have forced any stages to move. But, if I have built the stronghold structure, with the whole Wise Woman's hut, with a couple of level ups, is there anything else I would need to do to get the story moving? I checked my inventory and have not received the letter from Atub. Would it be fine to head to Hervick's Lair and go through the process? When I do I have to force open the door because the key isn't around, but I can at least get to the fight with Yarob. I have tried to keep her near the throne just in case she wants to go to destroy the mask. Got any idea on how long to wait?

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I started a run-through myself, as I couldn't find a save at the right point. Normally, when you get to level 9, which is the level where the giant appears at Largashbur, you're also getting your letter from the Jarl of Falkreath. That didn't happen, so I checked the state of BYOHHouseFalkreath, and it was at the expected stage 12, but the letter had not been created. So I suspected there was a problem with creating a letter that would affect my quest, too, but after getting Volendrung and leaving the location, a courier turned up with the one from my quest to tell me I had the land at Greenspring.

There is logic in the Bethesda quest to not give the letter to the courier if you have a bounty, but the creation of the letter is unconditional, and that didn't happen. So now I'm looking for possible ways to prevent that. The first letter is the more complex case, as it has to take into account the possibility of the Jarl and Steward changing with the Civil War, so it can't be created until just before it is sent. The one from Yarob is easier, as she's essential, so it's just a case of giving it to the courier. It does need the player's name filled in, so it has to be created, but timing doesn't matter. All of which is making me wonder how it can work in one case and fail in another, during the same run-through.

Just to be sure my test is going to be valid: did you get the letter for the Stronghold, or did you have the same problem with that one? Did you get the Falkreath one?

None of this should stop me checking the process for advancing through the Hervik's Lair part, but it has interrupted my diagnosis.

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I did notice one thing that might be relevant. The conditions for the kicker quest that sends the letter from Atub now requires you to have built the double bed in the longhouse as well as the full hut. I added this so that the bed in the hut would be the Wise Woman's own, and not still in use by the player. I'm updating the documentation to match.
Now I have to level up again, to check that.

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I think you may have pointed to it. I have NOT gotten the double bed finished yet. 


I got the letter from Falkreath and for the making of the stronghold fine. It might just be the double bed thing. I made the kids' bed first.

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When I was digging through the scripts, a few design considerations came back to mind. The key to the throne room is created by the quest stage, and added to the draugr boss, so that a player not doing the quest doesn’t get any further. It would just behave like a regular dungeon, and you’d get the reward in the chest, and no more. That is the way it all acted for you, as the letter starts the chain. So hopefully it all will work once you made your bed, and tidied your room.

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Ha! Will do. Got the bed made and I got to level up again. I'll keep you posted. Thank you for your help. 

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Alright. Bed is made, leveled up. Got the letter, found the lair, which seemed to forward the quest. I got in there, beat all the guys, got the key, made it to the throne room, got Yarob to take a knee. She was off the throne platform to the right. She then was labeled "busy". She eventually made it up to the throne but for 5 minutes or so did not burn the mask. I tried to reengage the fight, the mask disappeared and she was generic NPC. I reloaded to a save outside the door and fought her a couple of times. The mask would disappear after the fight, not her destroy it, and she became NPC again. Reloaded a separate one, beat her once while she was off to the left. She walked right past the brazier and sat down and ate some bread. Nothing after then for a few minutes. She still had the mask on.

I'm stuck in stge 50, does not proceed past. Apparently, it is not registering that i found the lair.

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I’m still having issues with Bethesda quest BYOHHouseFalkreath not updating to stage 12 properly, and suspect that the stage updates in mine are the same problem. It looks like a stage can be set without the quest fragment running, which is not something I could fix. More experiments and reloading saves needed (mine, not yours, at this point).

Edit: I checked my logs, and that led me to delete a copy of BYOH_QF_BYOHHouseFalkreath_0100305E.pex (missing properties) that was present as a loose file. Reloading a save from before leveling to 9 got me the courier with the Jarl's letter. So my issue boils down to a corrupted pex file. And I have no idea where it came from. All the corresponding .psc files I can find are good, and have all the properties. USLEEP changes another stage in this one, but not the properties.

I don't see how that would account for your situation, unless you have any BYOSxxxx.pex files in your scripts folder from some earlier version. I don't believe anyone ever had those separate from the .bsa, so it's very unlikely. I might need Script Logs to sort this out, and that is off by default. bEnableLogging=1 in the [Papyrus] section of Skyrim.ini.


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  • 4 months later...

Recently started a new Orc play through using this mod and it is great! Love the house :). I am running into some issues with Yarob: the quest to save her does not register finding the cave and subsequent stages are not progressing in the journal. When I play through it anyway, when I get to Yarob she is not wearing a mask yet is still hostile. Beating her does not trigger anything other than the wounded behavior. She is not keen to join my stronghold it seems, I am going to assume this also means no mine for me :( the loss is sorely felt.

Also: the fish-barrel in the longhouse not safe storage. While playing on survival with Last Seed I was hoping to make use of it to preserve my Riften fishery fishes... alas...

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I’ll answer the easy part while I think about the rest. Any container marked with specific content, like “fish barrel” will be respawning. Plain “barrel” should be safe, and chests that you make always are. 

If you have saves from earlier in the quest, it would be helpful to know what stage you were at when things started going wrong. 

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