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[Starfield] SF Creation Kit Official Patch 1.14.78

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Starfield CK Update 1.14.78


Localization support has been added. You will now be able to enter your own localization strings for your Creations.
We have added several rig files (including the Rev-8) to assist with making new Creations content.

We are working to update our documentation with detailed instructions for how best to use these. But for now, feel free to try them out.

Bug Fixes

Addressed an issue with FaceFX LipGenerator related to spaces or special characters.


Since BGS has chosen to start issuing CK updates out of phase with regular game updates, it's time the CK got its own post. Not mentioned in the official changelog is that there are several new scripts for the Tracker's Alliance, along with several others for the TA that have also been edited since the last update. They appear to be pending bugfixes for the DLC in a future game update. Until the game updates it would not be recommended to unpack the .psc files from the ContentResources.zip file. They appear to rely on the existence of new properties and such which the current game version does not yet have.

  • Arthmoor pinned this topic
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Still not showing the correct Story Manager Quest Nodes (SMQN). All the CoraCoe dialogue Use Reports say it's in SQ_PlayerShipDialogue_CoraCoeNode node, but that's not in Actor Dialogue Event and doesn't come up by clicking on it. It doesn't show up in search, or by the text filter.

Instead, this turns out to be under Script Event, and that node is blocked with TrueGlobal == 0. Well, it's not a Script Event, so this was a massive mistake. Glad they recognized it, sad they didn't fix it.

In fact, quest COM_CoraCoe_RC_06 (Scene_RC_Lodge) isn't in the only other related quest node (COM_CoraConverationsQuestNode), because it only makes sense in a ship. There are others like 06 that should be on a ship. While 10 and 15 should only be in the Lodge.

As an aside, it would be nice to have them only happen every 8 hours or so. There is "Hours until reset", but I'm not able to easily test that it's working. Likewise for the chatty Andreja<>Sarah problem (https://afktrack.afkmods.com/index.php?a=issues&i=33640).

Anyway, this CK keeps warning about edited quests: DLC file 'unofficial starfield patch.esm' contains non-partial QUST 'Landmark_Opportunity' -- for all such quests. If it's supposed to be some kind of partial QUST (???), why didn't the CK make it or properly save it?

It's egregiously obvious that this isn't the CK actually used to build the game.... And SF1Edit is really needed.


Edited by DayDreamer
Script Event

This was a CK update, not a game update. You'll have to wait for a game update to get any SMQN fixes out of them.


I've reported the game problems in the tracker separately. I'm testing some fixes.

Here, I'm referring to the ability to correctly display the existing records that are in the Bethesda master files. I'm also referring to the warnings file about records that were generated from .esp and .esm that were made by this CK. They just don't make sense (to me).

Sorry that I didn't keep the two things separate in my post, It was more a stream of consciousness as I'd tried to understand.

I'd waited until the CK was available before buying the game. That initial CK couldn't display the SMQN for some master files at all! (Reported on another thread.) This current CK still has things it is not displaying properly. This current CK is itself making records that then have warnings.

The warning example given is from USFP. But I'm seeing the same warnings in my bug fixes.

Posted (edited)

Another thought (now downstairs on the gaming machine). Perhaps in these specific example cases, they changed the development process sometime later, but the CK itself hasn't been updated to match.

On the third hand, maybe they have their own CK, and this is a bowdlerized version for the modding masses.

During testing, I've noticed that removed SMQN records in my patch still seem to happen. While my added SMQN records also seem to happen....

Perhaps this is a game engine bug, too. The CK says there are "Quest Dialogue Conditions" on the Quest Data tab, so I'm assuming that those conditions are actually stored in the QUST records.

But maybe those aren't the real conditions anymore, because there are also "Node Conditions" on the Story Manager Event Node screen? Or maybe they are somehow additive? Those Node Conditions show up on the Quest Data tab (in purple). So the CK magically knows about them, but has no method to jump to their records? It would be really helpful for the CK to have a Quest Node list in the Quest Data tab.

It would be even better to have only empty SMQN records in the Story Manager tree. During loads, the game engine would see the QUST records, see the "Event", see the Quest Node link list, see the conditions, and dynamically add each quest into the SM tree. Then we could be sure that the game engine is doing what the CK is displaying.

Much easier for developers. They seem to have had trouble remembering to add things to the proper quest node, and failed to read the warnings file. Currently, there are rather a lot of such EditorWarnings:

  •  <foo> is in quest node <bar> under the wrong event type.
  • Quest <foo> has not been added to the story manager.
  • Quest node <bar> is orphaned.

It would also be better for modding. It may be that there's a serious problem with conflict resolution. What happens with multiple masters modifying the same Random Quest Node?

Of course, I'm assuming that because the Node Conditions show up in the Quest Data tab (in purple), there's an actual data element of some kind in the QUST record that links them. If only there were some documentation....

UPDATE: Also, I'm assuming that because any quest can in fact be under more than one SMQN and in more than one Event type, the data element is a list instead of a single link. Maybe that's another problem with the CK form display?

Edited by DayDreamer
list instead of a single link

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