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Creation Store Updates Don't Work


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If you're having trouble with items in the Creation Store not downloading, or failing to update when there are updates, the current Steam beta appears to have offered one possible cause:


If you get this error on PC, close any programs which might be accessing your Data folder. Common issues with this could come from xEdit having a file open, Wrye Bash being open, Vortex, MO2, etc. When I got this error today while updating content, it was because I had a file open in xEdit, AND Wrye Bash was open with the files listed. Once I closed both of those out, the updates went through as expected.

Prior to the September Steam beta, this message did not appear and just left people in the dark about what was wrong.

If you're having issues with game updates on XBox, you'll need to report that to Bethesda as there should be nothing locking the folder to prevent this when you're doing updates.

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