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  1. Version 4.2.1


    Just a simple hatch you can carry in your backpack; odd little thing... Requirements: SKSE SkyUI 5.1 All Official DLC ( Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn ) Known Conflicts: - DO NOT install TARDIS STL Reborn for reasons that may become obvious; or maybe not. - Mods that seriously alter the vanilla skill trees might disable SOME of this mod's features. Installation: Let LOOT decide if you don't want to bother, but the mod is very light, simple and doesn't really trouble anyone. Known Issues: When clearing the derbies with your pick-axe, do not fast mine it by attacking it with the axe. These are not mines but custom scripted objects that require normal activation to work properly. - Help, I didn't pickup my hatch when leaving, now I forgot where I placed it! Then do what I did until I learnt better, retrace your steps and don't be a dummy. - Hey, I cleaned my mod with a game cleaner and when I went into my Hatch I saw that rubbish I cleaned up. True, it returns if you clean your game or other similar things, but rest assured it pops away within seconds. Sure, I could have fixed it by making all that garbage persistent objects, but that would eat up game resources and I don't like doing that; so, I scripted out a solution. Anyway, it's rare and you would only notice it if you're quick to look when you enter the hatch, otherwise it's gone. - Hey, where are those secret rooms?? If I told you then it wouldn't be a secret now would it? - Hey, the hatch says it's stuck and it won't let me out!! Go back in that secret room you found and undo what you did. - Yo, this sucks, I see the hatch in my inventory and it doesn't do anything!! Check your power abilities; just make sure you keep the thing in your inventory. - Say, the quest says to use the sonic on the pylons but how do I do that? You know when you press the left mouse button the sonic zaps things? Try that... - Why don't you make the hatch a quest item so I will never accidentally loose it? Why, so you're awareness can go on a vacation? - How do I XXXX X XXXXXXXX so that I can XXX XXX XXXXX? Sorry for the redaction but spoilers. It's a simple mod, just play with it for a bit and you'll get it. - It say's Blacksmith's Hammer and my game only shows Hammers. They are interchangeable. - Help, I accidentally incinerated the Mystery Hatch using the POET and cant enter the TARDIS. Only a dummy incinerates things without looking. - I can't find the POET, where is it? If I told you what would be the fun of achievement? Read the tattered note found on the skeleton you sweep up. See articles tab for detailed instructions on using this mod ( contains spoilers ) ::: Contributors ::: - TheShatteredSteel For setting up the groundwork and bringing the TARDIS to Skyrim. - Ian Smith (AKA Doctorhr2) For TARDIS 1963 - 96 Exterior Models, various meshes and future models and sets. - TARDIS Builders For TARDIS plans, reference materials as well as a resource for TARDIS props and Doctor Who lore. - SparrowPrince Providing Assets for custom interior models, glow effects and other model texture tweaks. - Tony Farrell of TARDIS Builders for providing dims for assets. - Brian Rocz (and WitchBoy for permissions) For using some control models optimized and re-textured. - Misc Assets from Resources For Modder's, Modder's Resource and Modder's Resource Pack - Arie Manor Furniture resource by Arion50 - Pillars modders resource by Incaendo and Yughues - Upper Class Furniture Pack V2.0 by Monk_ide and Icecreamassassin - Elianora's Extra Resources by Elianora - Book binder mesh (Ported from Reborn v7.00) from Stroti's Printing Press Resource by Stroti and Tamira - Eolhin (Creator of TARDIS by Eolhin for Oblivion) for assets, input and layout ideas. - Project Modularity by DarkFox127 for scripts, meshes and his Youtube tutorial videos. - SkyUI Team For making the TARDIS menu systems possible. - Michael of GamerPoets for his educational videos on SKSE and other Skyrim essentials. - BBC For creating Doctor Who.
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