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  1. Hello members of AFK mods. I come to you in a time of great need. Compelled by a great desire to play vanilla Skyrim (and mental illness) I have been trying to desperately make Skyrim SSE just like Oldrim. I want to remove Fishing, Rare Curio, Saints & Seducers, and Survival. I have nothing against these CC's they are great but I find them either to be super intrusive or unnecessary. Jokes aside, my goal is to get rid of the content completely and have it not show up on my "Installed Content" tab in the game's menu. I deleted all the cc-prefixed bsa & esm files for each creation, Skyrim.ccc, MarketplaceTextures.bsa, _ResourcePack.bsa, and _ResourcePack.esl. The content appears to be gone from the game but I have been read conflicting things about the necessity of having these creations otherwise it might break the game and I was wondering if there is something else I need to do to ensure that deleting these files doesn't break the game. I also want to these CC's to not show up on the "Installed Content" tab. How can I achieve that? I don't know anything about the game files so if someone has the answer to my questions I'd be really grateful if you share! Thank you for reading. :)
  2. Version 2.17


    These files contain a variety of clean saves for Skyrim. All saves were created only with the Skyrim and Update files and specified DLC. No quests/quest lines were completed except those named, the bare minimum of prerequisites, and Way of the Voice where applicable. Random encounter quests are in the journal but no progress towards their completion has been made. Klimmek may have had his quest completed because... why not. PM or Comment with requests. You will most likely be over-encumbered when you load these saves. I picked up just about everything of value (most non-crafting supplies were sold). No skill books have been read on any of these saves due to the Dragonborn DLC ability which grants two skill points from every skill book. All saves contain only level 1 characters and will be compatible with the showracemenu command. See Support section for How To. Clean saves will only work with Skyrim and are not compatible with any DLC's except for the texture packs. Dawn saves will only work with Dawnguard and are not compatible with vanilla or any other DLC's except for the texture packs. Total saves will only work with all DLCs installed and active and are not compatible with vanilla or only partial DLCs except for the texture packs. The texture packs are only compatible with a 64-bit OS. Starter Packs - Files are separated into a Vampire or non-Vampire starter pack. Vampires become infected at the "Unbound" save. Standing stone choices may vary depending on the active DLC's. Lycanthropy - These saves were made immediately after the Way of the Voice was completed and only involve the Companions up to your induction as a member of the Circle. Arvak - These saves get you to the most important point in the game... ARVAK! No more lost horses, dying horses (he's already dead), stupid horses, buying horses, ect. Files are separated into Vampire or non-Vampire selections. Vampires are aligned with the Volkihar, non-Vampires are aligned with the Dawnguard. Vampire saves have two extra checkpoint quests. Civil War - Civil War quest line complete for both Imperial and Stormcloak. Stormcloak saves done as a vampire/Vampire Lord as appropriate. These saves were made after Arvak is acquired for Dawnguard and All DLCs. Main Quest - Main quest line complete after Reunifying/Liberating Skyrim. Imperial Skyrim will be non-vampire and Stormcloak Skyrim will be vampire/Vampire Lord as appropriate. Dawnguard - Dawnguard quest line complete after defeating Alduin. All Paragon Crystals have been obtained but not all portals have been visited. Special - Currently only one save, eventually will be updated with the opposite faction choices. Requires all DLCs to be active. See spoiler for what has and has not been done. ImperialWerewolf - Inside the secret room of Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood. Shadowmere is standing outside. Your belongings are in the chest in front of you... all of them... it's a lot and it's heavy. Your destination directory should be something along the lines of - C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves or C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves List of Saves Requested Dragon Rising completed Completed for Vanilla, Dawnguard, and All DLCs. War storyline completed for both Stormcloak and Imperial Completed for All DLCs. Battle for Whiterun Completed for Stormcloak and Imperial for All DLCs. A completionist save with little to no dungeon crawling. See Support section for how to make your own! Support How to Change your Race/Appearance at Level 1 (See the Face Sculptor in Riften for past level 1 changes) First Open Console with the tilde (~) key. Type showracemenu and hit enter. Close the console by hitting the tilde key again. Change your race, name, and any other settings like you would when normally starting a fresh game. Any saves where the character is still level 1 will be able to do this but bad things happen if done on saves if you are not level 1. ShowRaceMenu user WARNING Changing your race through this menu will RESET all your skills to the new race's default. If changing your race from the default Nord be sure to use Player.SetRace <race ID> console command to change it and DO NOT use the ShowRaceMenu to change it. The available races ID codes are actually very simple and you won't even have to look it up! You may use the ShowRaceMenu to alter your appearance before or after using the SetRace command with no adverse effects. If you use SetRace after, you will retain the facial features of the previous race/gender. There are actually whole web pages dedicated to making hybrids in Skyrim this way - especially in enabling male/female features on female/male models (Argonian males have all the cool colors/spikes SO LET'S STICK EM ON A GIRL!) If you are having trouble with this, see bugs section for solution. An example - Player.SetRace BretonRace You are now a Breton with all your skills unchanged and the proper racial bonuses. or if you are a vampire - Player.SetRace BretonRaceVampire There are two codes for setting your proper race - use the other one and unpleasantness will occur. How to reset entered/cleared cells (miscellaneous .bat file available) Do not be in the cell you wish to reset (recommend finding an interior cell to sit in) Using the console - type pcb (this purges the cell buffer in case you entered the cell) then enter resetinterior <Cell ID> where the Cell ID is either the Editor or Form ID (eg WhiterunUnderforge or 165A6 will both work) To set a location cleared find the Form ID and enter (only 165A6 will work) SetLocationCleared <Form ID> into the console. The miscellaneous .bat file if ran as is may crash Skyrim. It contains a list of all interiors including test cells, player homes, inns, guild halls, cells never accessible by the player, cells only visited once, ect. If it's an interior, it is in the file - all 728 of them. Cells are listed with their Editor ID alphabetically for the name of the location, eg. the cell TestTony has an Editor ID of AAADeleteWhenDoneTestJeremy so it is on line 615, instead of 1. I suggest using it as a reference to locate the cells you wish to reset. Modder Information To create a clean save you must have no loose script files and no .esp/.bsa files loaded (unless specific to your mod such as the Dragonborn DLC for a Solstheim mod). Textures are not saved in the game data but are loaded on demand and so will not effect creating a clean save. Loose script files (and possibly .bsa files in the main Data folder) should be contained in the Data>Scripts folder in the form of .pex files (not the Source folder - .psc files contained therein should not effect gameplay and are for reference by the Creation Kit and Modders). If you do not wish to delete your .pex files simply get them out of the way while you create your clean save - hide them in another folder, move them to another folder outside the Data folder, compress them, make it so that the game won't see them when it loads a save. To restore a corrupted/modified/removed Scripts folder simply verify the game files for the Creation Kit (listed in Steam under Tools). Bugs Serana has no "Follow me" option when she should. This is not from save game corruption but rather an oversight in the DLC's follower AI for Serana. It is fixed by entering setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel LockedIn_var False into the console and speaking to Serana again. There is a miscellaneous file that contains a .txt file for this if you so desire. This file also contains a .txt to reset Serana's desire (or lack thereof) to cure her vampirism. Extract the .txt files to your Skyrim folder (not your Saves folder like the Clean Saves or the Data folder like with other mods) To execute these fixes simply load the save game you desire that has Serana in it and enter bat Follow and/or bat Cure into the console. During the Stormcloak side of the Civil War quests when Galmar first speaks to you, you will not be able to respond as a Nord if you are a Nord who is also a vampire/Vampire Lord. Choosing the second option "Skyrim is home to more than just Nords." will advance the dialogue in the same direction as it would have had you been recognized as a Nord and been able to respond accordingly. Changing your race to Nord and back to a Nord vampire may work but has not been fully tested. It appears to work and does not seem to break any vampiric abilities, positive or negative. Stage 3 vampires/Vampire Lords will experience some health/magicka/stamina regeneration (25%) instead of none with Dawnguard installed. This was fixed for vanilla vampires in an official patch which Dawnguard reverted. Feed or wait a day to reduce your stage below 3 or increase it to stage 4. Also available on The Nexus and AFK Mods.
  3. Vain

    Boethiah's Cloak

    Version 1.7


    What It Is Creates a wearable item that doesn't use any equipment slots that grants the visual effect of Boethiah's Ebony Armor that is awarded to the player upon completion of her Daedric quest. Vampires are immune to the sun while wearing her cloak and the visual effect is constant. Now with full Vampire Lord support! The original version now also has a spellbook included with the cloak. This teaches a castable version of the cloak but it does not have the same SPF rating as the cloak and vampires will still have their troubles with sunlight while using the castable spell. The effect lasts for about a minute of real time. A perfect exterior for your dark and brooding interior. What It Isn't Unlike the Daedric Artifact it does not include the silent movement or poison cloak damage effect. The Artifact is also only active while you are sneaking - this one is always on, baby. Where it Is At Boethiah's Sacellum, on the other side of the Pillar of Sacrifice is a cauldron. The cloak is lying at the bottom of the cauldron. Optional Files You may also choose to install the Silent version which retains the 100% muffle of the Daedric Artifact or the Sneaking version which reverts to only active while sneaking like the Daedric Artifact. And Vanilla Skyrim versions for those without Dawnguard. Manual Installation Choose which version of the mod you would like. Extract the .esp and .bsa (if present) to your Steam>steamapps>common>Skyrim>Data folder. If you change which version you want, simply repeat the first two steps and overwrite if/when prompted. Manual Uninstallation Remove the .esp and the .bsa Bugs Report possible Bugs via PM Future Development Complete a possibly radiant quest to send you to search for and restore the cloak - Development Thread Compatibility Dawnguard versions will not be compatible with any mods that modify these files - DLC1VampireChangeEffect DLC1RevertEffect Also available on The Nexus and Steam Workshop and TES Alliance
  4. Vain

    Alpha Werewolf

    Version 3.0


    What It Is Ever accept the gift of Lycanthropy from the Companions? Love running around as a wolf? Hate using the Wait function? Now you can be the ALPHA Werewolf! All other werewolves are just childish puppies in comparison to your glorious might! This mod enables you to leave Beast Form at will! It also continues the vanilla Werewolf damage progression to level 100 (up from 50). The Ring of Hircine will also grant you the Blessing of Hircine - a constant buff that allows unlimited transformations regardless if the ring is equipped or not! You must equip the Ring at least once to gain this ability. How it Works After you turn into a Werewolf, change back at any time by holding the F key (by default your Point of View key). Recommend only using after you have completed the Deadric quest for Hircine and obtaining his ring as a reward. This ring removes the cooldown on Beast Form allowing unlimited transformations to the still-wet-behind-the-ears pup. Optional Files Dawnguard version continues leveling not only the claw damage but the damage resistance to level 100 (up from 50). Manual Installation Extract the files to your Steam>steamapps>common>Skyrim>Data folder. Manual Uninstallation Remove the .esp and the .bsa file. Bugs Report possible bugs via PM or comment. Future Development Possible upgrade to damage/damage resistance/feed healing depending on popular opinion. Functionality for the removal of the Blessing of Hircine if Lycanthropy is cured. Compatibility and Requirements Will not be compatible with any mods that modify these files - PlayerWerewolfQuest DA05HircinesRing Requires the following programs to run - The Skyrim Script Extender Also available on Steam and The Nexus and TES Alliance
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