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SkyrimSE 2023-01-05 14-05-57-49.jpg


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This is gorgeous!  I currently have five Riverwood house mods in my game (nearly doubling the size of the town) but there's always room for one more. 

l'm one of those crazies who can't get enough house mods.  A couple of decades ago I added over sixty house mods to Balmora (literally every one I could find on the internet).  It was a slideshow on my 2001-era computer but I adored it anyway.  

I was not familiar with this mod.  So thanks for the heads-up!  :)

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One of my favorite things about this mod is the sandboxing of the children, I recently saw one I had missed before, a daughter feeding the chickens spreading the scratch to them. I have seen them go into Riverwood itself, very immersive.\

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