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Modding Skyrim SE on Linux - A Headache Minimization Guide 1.3


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Modding Skyrim SE on Linux - A Headache Minimization Guide

This is an extremely detailed guide to modding Skyrim SE on Linux. The guide is 60 pages long with step-by-step instructions, commands, and pictures detailing the process to set up the modding environment for SSE on Linux from start to finish.

Modding Skyrim SE on Steam Deck

My guide is specifically for Linux PC users, but you still might find some help for Steam Deck. I don't have a Steam Deck to test or help with. Thankfully, omnipherous has written a series of guides for Steam Deck and Wabbajack users on Linux here: https://github.com/Omni-guides/Wabbajack-Modlist-Linux/wiki

In this guide you will learn:

  • how to install Steam's Proton and SSE for the MO2 Linux Installer
  • how to install and use Wine, Winetricks, Protontricks, Mod Organizer 2 on Linux for modding SSE
  • how to install two major Windows dependencies, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 and .Net 7, which are necessary for many mods and modding programs to run on Linux
  • how to install ENB on Linux
  • basic debugging help, Linux tips, and other various tips

Once you complete the guide:

  • You will be able to install and use almost any mod that has mesh replacers, texture replacers, BSAs, SKSE DLLs, ESP/ESPFE/ESL/ESM, scripts, audio, and more
  • You will be able to install and use almost any mod or modding program that requires Windows dependencies like DynDOLOD, TexGen, LOOT, CAO, xEdit, Bodyslide and Outfit Studio, Creation Kit, Nifskope, Wrye Bash, zEdit, and more
  • You will be able to use common programs used for modding Skyrim assets on Linux like Gimp, Blender with the Pynifly Blender Export, and more
  • You will hopefully be able to get ENB working, but ENB is a special scenario and might be difficult to set up depending on your situation

I originally had SSE on Linux with ENB and a mod list of over 3000+ mods on Linux Mint. Later, I had the same load order and more with ENB running on Ubuntu. While setting up my modding environment on Ubuntu, I took detailed notes in order to create this guide. All of the mods, tools, and programs listed in the guide I have used personally during my time modding and playing Skyrim SE. Currently, I have over 2000+ hours modding Skyrim SE specifically on Linux.

Modding Skyrim SE on Linux - A Headache Minimization Guide Contents

  • Permissions
  • Brief Background
  • About the Guide to Installing Skyrim SE on Linux
  • Modding on Steam Deck
  • Modding Other Bethesda Games
  • Assumptions of this Guide
  • Terminology to Know
  • Convenient Linux Locations to Remmeber
  • Program Versions Used in the Guide
  • Convenient Resource List and Linux Tips
  • Step 1: Install SSE on Steam
  • Step 2: Install Wine Stable
  • Step 3: Install Winetricks
  • Step 4: Install and Setup Protontricks
  • Step 5: Install Mod Organizer 2 Installer
  • Step 6: Install Common Windows Dependencies
  • Congratulations: Modding Environment Complete!
  • ENB Compatibility on Linux
  • Debugging: How to Make a Clean Prefix
  • Debugging: How to Uninstall Wine/Winetricks/Protontricks
  • Troubleshooting
  • Credits

If you need help while following the guide or have any questions, you can send me a message on here, message me on Nexus, or message me on Discord(dovahkiinbear164). (I'm not very active on here or Discord, so if you don't get a quick response from me, try messaging me on Nexus.) If I made any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided free and "as is" for use at your own risk; the creator cannot be held responsible/liable for anything that happens while using it. This product is not created by, nor associated with, Bethesda Game Studios, Bethesda Softworks, Zenimax Media, nor any of their affiliates.


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Having played Skyrim, (vanilla) on Linux previously, I've been keen to try modding.
I've had limited success, MO2 installed and running, some mods installed and working, but no joy with ENB, and other enhancements.
Primarily as the guides I've followed have been Windows centric.

Since discovering your guide, I've decided to start from scratch.
Looking forward to working through this, anticipating more successful and complete results.

I'll let you know how things turn out.


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Very cool! I hope your modding goes well. If you have any problems, feel free to ask questions. (I'm still getting used to this site, so my responses might be a bit slower!) ENB is the biggest pain to get working, but it can work on linux. Open Animation Replacer and Custom Skills Frameworks are causing issues for a lot of people on Linux, but somehow not everyone. I've been slowly trying to test things out to see what the deal is for those mods. If you plan on using those mods, save them for later because there are problems that need to be figured out. Other than that, most issues me and the Linux community on my Nexus page have been able to tackle and figure out how to fix or workaround!

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Amazing guide! I wish I found it earlier to save myself three days of messing around...

But there is one that that needs an update:
LinuxVersion dll has been removed! Instead You have this setting in enblocal.ini:


!!! Which in ENB presets DOES NOT EXISTS!!!

So be mindful when You are installing ones and don't forget to add it into the file, otherwise You may not make it work no matter the effort.

Plus on the side note: Before You start fiddling too much in settings, first try enabling ShaderCache in enblocal and load a save with UseEffect disabled, then re-enable it in game


(Big credits to Boris for actually looking into it despite having no intentions. Please stop harassing him for that on ENB forums D:)

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