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Settler bug that only occurs with Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch-4598-1-0-4b


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I'm experiencing a settler bug that only occurs when I enable Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch-4598-1-0-4b. This bug doesn't affect the group of settlers that come with Preston. It doesn't affect the settlers that come with a settlement like Tenpines Bluff or Oberland Station. It only affects the Settlers that arrive in response to the recruitment beacon. At the Red Rocket settlement I have 3 such settlers. When I break line of site with them for a bit (about the time it takes to run around the Red Rocket building) the settler will become a different settler. A male may be replaced with a female or a human with a ghoul. When I try to speak with them my character doesn't ask them to trade. It's more like when you run into a random settler out in the commonwealth. The new settler retains whatever job the original was assigned to.


This bug only occurs when I have the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch-4598-1-0-4b enabled. I have removed everything from the plugins.txt file except the DLCs and this mod and the bug occurs. When I disable Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch-4598-1-0-4b the bug goes away.

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You need to direct your reports here: https://community.bethesda.net/thread/53871


The issue you are reporting is neither caused by us, nor can it be fixed by us. That post has the details and Bethesda needs to step up on this one. Sorry, but gonna lock this as it doesn't serve a purpose for multiple threads to begin sprouting for this.

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