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Reverting Changes Made by USKP


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I read on the change log that I can request a reinstatement of a change and that in some cases you might oblige. I've discovered my quest is broken because you removed all ref to -  LItemEnchRingAlchemy - and removed it from vendors lists.


My quest loosely copied the ring of pure mixture theme but with a levelled reward (level 1-10, 11-19, 20-27, 28-34, 35-40, 41-45, 46+) with a twist. Once the knowledge was known, you then had to wait for the ring(s) to appear in the jewelry vendors' items for sale - which sometimes took what seemed forever, but it's worked well for the past year or so (until I updated my USKP, unfortunately) I've been wondering what the heck was up with it the past 4 or 500 hours lol :-)


If you can't revert the change, for what ever reason, can you point me in the right direction (seeing as you're quite the whiz at modding) for me to be able to add it back in?



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According to the change log the last time LItemEnchRingAlchemy was touched was almost a year ago in v2.0.4 (2014-05-17).

This was a legit bug encompassing quite a few empty leveled lists and will doubtfully be reverted.


Could you not create your own new leveled list or move into the level list above it in the heirachy - LItemEnchRingAll ?

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Well, Hana, I must confess it's been that long since I bothered to update the USKP as my play-throughs were fine. Updating MO inspired me to get with it, as it were.  :innocent:


Yes, I have my own levelled list, used by ArmorJewelry, ClothingRing, JewelryExpensive, and VendorItemJewelry and I'd thrown it in the QAEnchantedArmorContainer. I was using

LItemEnchRingSkillMagic and hadn't considered LItemEnchRingAll. What are the ramifications of that using LItemEnchRingAll re: availability. Sorry, I'm nooby at this & I don't really want

the ring to be general levelled loot, that's all. Mind you, just getting it back into the game would be a pleasant start and something to work from. Thanks for your reply and, also, what a cool site.


I read for hours and learned quite a bit and also found another one of Arthmoor's mods I'd somehow overlooked (Ars Metallica) which is going into my next play-through, restartitis :banana:


Again, thank you for your reply.

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Well, so far so good. After multiple reloads outside of Solitude, eventually a Minor Ring of Alchemy showed up in Radiant Raiment's Shop. I just hope I don't find any rings while looting in due course. Then, hopefully, I'll remember how to put my little mod back together - it's been a while. Thank you so much, Hana, for your help :D

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